Unit 13 Review

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(feelings) such as dependency or mingled love and anger, that you experienced in earlier relationships with family members or other important people, the analyst may suggest

psychodynamic therapy

(techniques) don't talk much about id, ego, and superego. Instead, they try to help people understand their current symptoms

systematic desensitization

A type of exposure therapy that associates a pleasant relaxed state with gradually increasing anxiety-triggering stimuli. *Commonly used to treat phobias.

aversive conditioning

Connor is constantly chewing tobacco. To reduce his appetite for this product, a behavior therapist would most likely use

psychoanalysis creator

Freud believed the techniques and interpretations of those release previously repressed feelings, allowing the patient to gain self-insight

cognitive-behavior therapy

In one study, people were taught to attribute their compulsive urges to abnormal brain functioning. Instead of giving in to an urge, they participated in an alternative activity that engaged other parts of the brain. This strategy for dealing with their difficulty best illustrates

behavior therapy ex.


albert ellis

Person who created REBT.

cognitive therapy ex.

Peter is depressed because he thinks his teacher's study suggestions means he's going to fail her curse. Peter would profit the most from


Ron is a 22-year-old mechanic who suffers from claustrophobia. The most effective way to treat Ron's problem would involve________therapy

token economy

When people display appropriate behavior, such as getting out of bed, washing, dressing, eating, talking coherently, cleaning up their rooms or playing cooperatively, they recieve an award like a plastic coin as a positive reinforcer

rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT)

a confrontational cognitive therapy, developed by Albert Ellis, that vigorously challenges people's illogical, self-defeating attitudes and assumptions

which of the following procedures has typically resulted in patients becoming permanently lethargic

a lobotomy

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

a more controversial brain manipulation occurs through this shock treatment


a psychosurgical procedure once used to calm uncontrollably emotional or violent patients. The procedure cut the nerves connecting the frontal lobes to the emotion-controlling centers of the inner brain


a trained therapist uses psychological techniques to assist someone seeking to overcome difficulties or achieve personal growth

cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

a widely practiced integrative therapy, aims not only to alter the way people think (cognitive therapy), but also to alter the way they act (behavior therapy)


about 50% of untreated people also are better off than the average untreated person.

what three characteristics do therapists have to exhibit

acceptance, genuineness and empathy(AGE)


an ability to cope with stress and recover from adversity

what does schizophrenia use to block dopamine



antipsychotic drugs have proved helpful in the treatment of

cognitive therapies

assume that our thinking colors our feelings

family therapy

assumes that no person is an island


caring about everyone

which therapeutic approach relies most heavily on patients' discovering their own ways of effectively dealing with their difficulties

client-centered therapy

tend to overestimate the effectiveness of their psychotherapy

clients often stay in touch with their psychotherapists only if satisfied with the treatment they received. This helps us understand why therapists

evidence-based practice

clinical decision making that integrates the best available research with clinical expertise and patient characteristics and preferences

which therapeutic specialists are most likely to have received a Ph.D. degree in psychology?

clinical psychologists

Which form of psychotherapy is especially effective in coping with depression and reducing suicide risk?

cognitive therapy

Joseph Wolpe and Plaud

created both systematic desensitization and exposure therapy

antipsychotic drugs

dampen responsiveness to irrelevant stimuli

antianxiety drugs

depress central nervous system activity

ex of disorder that are best treated by cognitive therapy


group therapy

does not provide the same degree of therapist involvement with each client

what needs to be used when testing a new drug to make sure it is actually effective and people are not just getting results due to the placebo effect

double-blind procedure

the placebo effects

double-blind studies enable researchers to assess the extent to which drug therapy outcomes are attributable to

active listening

echoing, restating, and seeking clarification of what the person expresses and acknowledging the expressed feelings

adelle's feelings of unhappiness, low self-esteem and hopelessness have become so extreme that she has attempted suicide. which of the following treatments is likely to give provide her with the quickest relief from her misery?

electroconvulsive therapy

exposure therapy

expose people to what they normally avoid or escape (behaviors that get reinforced by reduced anxiety)

client-centered therapy

focuses on the person's conscious self-perceptions

carl rogers

founder of client-centered therapy

what happens during psychosurgery

frontal lobe is divided from limbic system

exposure therapy ex.

gradually get used to spiders that an end result could be you being comfortable with even one on you

what are the 3 benefits of all forms of therapy

hope for demoralized people, a new perspective, an empathic, trusting, caring relationship

bad effects of antidepressant drugs

hypertension(high blood pressure), dizziness, dry mouth, weight gain

therapeutic alliance

is a key aspect of effective therapy

repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)

is performed on wide-awake patients over several weeks

what is the name of the salt that is a mood stabilizer



may illuminate the underlying wishes, feelings and conflicts you are avoiding, if offered at the right moment


mental blocks hint that anxiety lurks and you are defending against sensitive material

side effects of lobotomy

no emotion, no creativity, be lethargic, still minorly moody

virtual reality exposure therapy

offers an efficient middle ground; wearing a head-mounted display unit that projects a three-dimensional virtual world, you would view a lifelike series of scenes that would be tailored to your particular fear and shift as you turned.

biomedical therapy

offers medication or other biological treatments


pairs the triggering stimulus (in this case, the enclosed space of the elevator) with a new response(relaxation) that is incompatible with fear

unconditional positive regard

people may accept even their worst traits and feel valued and whole

Beck's cognitive therapy

persuading depressed patients to reverse their catastrophizing beliefs about themselves and their futures is most characteristic of

systematic desensitization ex.

public speaking; maybe starting by talking in front of a smaller group and gradually increasing the amount of people

which of the following is most likely to contribute to inflated perceptions of the effectiveness of psychotherapy

regression toward the mean

clinician's perception on meta-analysis

regression toward the mean *they experiment with randomized clinical trials

What does SSRI stand for?

selective-serotonin-reuptake inhibitors


selective-serotonin-reuptake-inhibitors are frequently prescribed for the treatment of

side effect of ECT

short-term memory loss

antianxiety drugs

should not be used in combination with alcohol


study of drug effects on mind and behavior

resistance ex.



surgery that removes or destroys brain tissue

humanistic therapies

talking immediate responsibility for feelings and actions

stress inoculation training

teaching people to restructure their thinking in stressful situations


teaching people to stop blaming themselves for failures and negative circumstances beyond their control is of most direct concern to________therapists.

aversive conditioning

the goal is substituting a negative (aversive) response for a positive response to a harmful stimulus (such as alcohol)

insight therapies

the psychodynamic and humanistic therapies are often referred to these

behavior therapy

therapy that applies learning principles to the elimination of unwanted behaviors

stress inoculation training ex.

think positively and confident

family therapist

to help Mr. Eberstadt overcome his addiction to alcohol, his therapist first attempted to discover whether the substance dependency was somehow a related to conflicts with his spouse. The therapist's concern is most likely to be a characteristic of a

aversive conditioning ex.

to treat nail biting, one can paint the fingernails with a nasty-tasting nail polish

aversive conditioning and exposure therapy

two counterconditioning techniques for replacing unwanted responses include

free association

unconscious thoughts; first, you relax, perhaps by lying on a couch. You say whatever to the psychoanalyst(out of vision) and notice yourself editing your thoughts as you speak

eclectic approach

using a blend of psychotherapies


virtual reality exposure therapy is most likely effective in the treatment of


was the first of the psychological therapies

antidepressant drugs

were named for their ability to lift people up from a state of depression, and this was their main use until recently; the label is a bit of a misnomer now that these drugs are increasingly being used to successfully treat anxiety disorders, OCD and PTSD

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