Unit 2 Progress Check can eat my noodles

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10. Which of the following sentences first expresses the main claim of the passage?

Sentence 6

1. the first sentence the passage the author refers to "antisocial gamers" primarily to

acknowledge belief that likely 1o be held by some of her audience

the fourth paragraph, the author includes a quotation by Einstein primarily to

appeal to the authority of a figure whom her audience likely to respect

In the third sentence of the fourth paragraph, the author mentions the number of swimmers treated by the Spanish Red Cross primarily to

argue that jellyfish along the Costa Brava are more toxic than those in the Philippines

The first paragraph is organized to heighten interest in the subject by

first suggesting political causes of an infrastructure failure, then revealing jellyfish a surprising agent of this event

The writer wants to clarify the point made in the first part of sentence (reproduced below). First, goats are not indigenous to the region; the area began to be advertised as a vacation destination in the early twentieth century. Which the follówing versions the underlined text best accomplishes this goal?

hunters introduced goats the olympics the 1920s

Throughout the passage, the author advances her main point by employing which of the following methods?

Recounting multiple incidents that demonstrate the threat represented by jellyfish

The writer wants to begin the passage by emphasizing the exciting and strange nature the events discussed the first paragraph. in September 2018, an amazing spectacle took place in the skies above Olympic National Park: blindfolded, sedated mountain goats hovered the air suspended in harnesses from a helicopter, Which of the following versions of underlined text best accomplishes this goal?

(as it is now)

The writer considering deleting the underlined text in sentence 14 (reproduced below). Salt human sweat goat magnet; worse still, some thoughtless and itresponsible people feed the goats directly. Should the writer keep or delete the underlined text?

Delete because distracts from the writer's purpose of emphasizing humarn safety concerns by using language that focuses blame human visitors the park. (guessed)

Which the following summarizes the author's thesis in the passage?

Expanding populations of jellyfish are causing increasing problems in many parts of the world.

The writer wants to add a sentence at the end of the first paragraph express the thesis of the passage in more detail. Which of the following choices best accomplishes this goal?

It will ultimately benefit the well-being of the goats, the safety of human visitors, and the park's ecosystem

In sentence 19 (reproduced below), the writer is considering deleting underlined phrase. Resettled in the remote parts of the park, where salt licks plentiful and hikers scarce, the goats will likely regain their natural wariness of people. Should the writer keep or delete the underlined phrase?

Keep it, because creates an emotionally resonant image of an environment in which the goats would be happy.

The writer wants add sentence after sentence 12 provide needed background information for readers who may not be familiar with mountain goats. Which of the following choices best accomplishes this goal?

Mountain goats find salt irresistible. (i guessed)

Which of the following best summarizes the author's thesis?

Video gaming helps develop collaborative problem-solving skills that can be useful in the real world.

The writer wants to conclude the passage by reiterating the main claim. Which of following sentences best accomplishes this goal?

With the Mountain Goat Management Plan, visitors to Olympic National Park should once again able hike safely. (guessed)

In the last sentence of the fifth paragraph, the author refers to "wikis and forums in order to

illustrate a point about the ease collaboration enabled by Internet

In the 1980s, a brief attempt relocate the goats was met with public outcry Which of the following versions of the underlined portion of sentence 11 best accomplishes goal?

resulted in noticeable improvements in the park's environment

Taken as whole, the reasoning and evidence in the passage primarily defend claim regarding

theory explaining the appeal of video gaming

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