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Which of the following is a potential ramification of a spinal cord injury above the C5 region?

1. Loss of the ability to move the upper limb 2. Loss of the ability to move the lower limb 3. Inability to breath on one's own

What are the three general classes of neurons that correspond to the three major aspects of nervous system function?

1. Motor neurons that send signals predominantly to muscle and gland cells. 2. Ependymal cells that produce cerebral spinal fluid

Which hormone stimulates glucocorticoid secretion?


When you view objects close to the eye, the eye makes an adjustment called


Action potentials arriving at the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes of the heart cause (BLANK) to be released.


The neurotransmitter associated with autonomic ganglia is?


The primary neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction is?


the primary neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction is?


If acetylcholinesterase became mutated and nonfunctional, what would be the immediate result?

Acetylcholine would build up in the synaptic cleft

Acetylcholine is broken down into acetic acid and choline by the enzyme


Absolute refractory period causes?

Action potential propagation to occur in one direction

At resting potential, which of the following statements about the voltage-gated sodium ion (Na+) channels is true?

Activation gates are closed and inactivation gates are open

GnRH travels down the (BLANK) arriving at the anterior pituitary.

Adenohyphyseal portal system

The cells of the (BLANK) (also known as the anterior pituitary) bind GnRH and are stimulated to release gonadotropins into the systemic bloodstream.


The hypothalamo-hypophseal portal system connects with the hypothalamus to the?


The second messenger cAMP is synthesized by the enzyme?

Adenylyl cyclase

The effect of norepinephrine binding to (BLANK) receptors stimulate cardiac muscle cells


Some (BLANK) neurons are specialized to detect stimuli, whereas (BLANK) neurons send signals to the effectors of the nervous system

Afferent; efferent

A mixed nerve consists of both (BLANK) and (BLANK)

Afferent; efferent fibers

In order to maintain the electrochemical gradients for sodium and potassium, ATPase pumps move these ions (BLANK) their respective gradients


The role of insulin is to?

Allow cells to take in glucose

An example of (BLANK) would be sitting in a chair and having someone spin you in a circle.

Angular acceleration

If the divisions create opposite effects on the same target organ, it's called (BLANK) innervation.


Many upper neurons synapse with lower motor neurons in the ___________

Anterior horn

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone targets the __________.

Anterior pituitary

TRH targets the (BLANK) and stimulates it to secrete thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).

Anterior pituitary gland

CSF then flows down the cerebral _____ to the fourth ventricle


Cerebrospinal fluid fills the space between the?

Arachnoid mater and pia mater

Some will (BLANK) the chain and synapse in ganglia at other levels

Ascend or descend

Which structure allows upper respiratory infections to spread from the throat to the tympanic cavity?

Auditory (Eustachian) tube

Stimuli produced by sound waves reach the brain following which pathway?

Auditory canal>tympanic membrane>ossicles>oval window>cochlear duct>spiral organ> fibers of cochlear nerves

If the (BLANK) is not stimulated to threshold, a nerve impulse cannot be generated along the axon

Axon hillock

The sympathetic fibers to a blood vessel have a (BLANK) sympathetic tone.


Epinephrine binds to (BLANK) of liver cells

Beta- adrenergic receptors on the cell membrane

Why is myelin important?

-It speeds up signal conduction in the nerve fiber. -It is formed to assist in the regeneration of damaged fibers. -It insulates the nerve fiber.

What are the first-order neurons in the visual pathway?

Bipolar cells

Thermoreceptors in the body detect a decrease in (BLANK)

Body temperature

Dual innervation describes a scenario in which a target organ has innervation from (BLANK) division(s) of the ANS.


If a drug was developed that interfered with the proper functioning of the microtubules found within the axons of neurons, how would you expect this to impact axonal transport processes?

Both anterograde and retrograde transport processes would cease

Which organ does not have nociceptors?


Composed of three parts, the ____________ is an older region which provides basic life support functions including roles in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.


Nonfluent aphasia, due to a lesion in the __________, results in slow speech, difficulty in choosing words, or use of words that only approximate the correct word.

Broca area

At the synaptic knob, voltage-gated ______________ channels open, thereby stimulating the synaptic vesicles to release their neurotransmitters by exocytosis.


Substances that cause facilitation of a neuron

Cause the neuron to fire that may not under the same circumstances in the absence of the facilitator

The neurotransmitter in the neuromuscular junction?

Causes ligand gated sodium channels in the muscle fiber to increase their permeability to sodium, which depolarizes the postsynaptic membrane

What does an action potential do?

Causes the inside of the neuron cell to become positively charged in reference to the outside

The sympathetic chain of ganglia is found at the (BLANK) levels of the spinal cord

Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal

These fibers link the paravertebral ganglia into a (BLANK) and serve at the cervical, sacral, and coccygeal levels.


Changes in cerebrospinal fluid pH are detected by __________.


The opening of (BLANK) gates produces an (BLANK)

Chloride; IPSP

The enzyme choline acetyltransferase catalyzes the reaction between acetyl-CoA and choline resulting in the formation of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. This enzyme is produced within the cell body of neurons, but the synthesis of acetylcholine occurs within the axon terminals. Which statement best describes the axonal transport mechanism associated with this process?

Choline acetyltransferase is transported in the retrograde direction

(BLANK) plexus in the fourth ventricle adds more CSF


Blood, a component of the (BLANK) acts as the medium of hormone transportation throughout the body.

Circulatory system

Which of the following structures houses the spiral organ?


The spiral organ is housed with which of the following structures?

Cochlear duct

Which cells are responsible for photopic (day) vision as well as trichromatic (color) vision?


Enzymes remove a large middle segment called the (BLANK)

Connecting peptide

This tone keeps the vessels in a state of partial (BLANK), called vasomotor tone


In the patellar tendon reflex arc, the patellar ligament is stretched, which stretches the quadriceps femoris muscle of the thigh, this reflex will cause the quadriceps femoris to (BLANK) and the hamstrings to?

Contract; relax

If there is a drop in blood pressure, the sympathetic neurons fire, increasing smooth muscle (BLANK) in the vessel.


A reflex in which the sensory input and motor output are on opposite sides of the spinal cord is called?


Arriving on the (BLANK) side of the thalamus, action potentials are transferred to third order neurons


If the divisions have complementary effects on the target organ or system, it's called (BLANK) innervation.


Also known as the (BLANK) division, the parasympathetic nervous system has fibers exiting the CNS at the medulla oblongata.


Demyelinating diseases cause a (BLANK) in the conduction of velocity of action potentials


This parasympathetic neurotransmitter causes a (BLANK) in heart rate and contractility


Which of the following is a function of ADH?

Decrease urine volume output and cause blood vessel constriction

Since the parasympathetic division causes the heart rate to (BLANK) and the sympathetic division causes the heart rate to (BLANK), this is an example of antagonistic innervation.

Decrease; increase

The diameter of the vessel (BLANK), which(BLANK) the pressure inside the vessel.

Decreases; increases

Sodium ions will flow down their concentration gradient when a sodium ion channel is open. This causes a __________ of the neuron's plasma membrane.


In a neuron, the opening sodium gates typically leads to?

Depolarization of the plasma membrane

An action potential generates local currents that tend to (BLANK) the membrane immediately adjacent to the action potential?


A spinal cord injury at a specific level can cause loss of sensation in the (BLANK) for that level


In the case of (BLANK), phospholipase removes the phosphate-containing group from the head of a membrane phospholipid, leaving DAG, which remains embedded in the plasma membrane.


In the neuromuscular junction, acetylcholine?

Diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to acetylcholine receptors on the postsynaptic muscle fiber.

The (BLANK) is influenced by enteric hormones, which regulate gastrointestinal secretion and motility.

Digestive system

A drop in firing (BLANK) a vessel by allowing the muscle to relax.


When the signal peptide is removed, the chain folds back on itself and forms three (BLANK) bridges.


Individuals with type 1 diabetes?

Do not produce insulin

Individuals with type 2 diabetes?

Do not respond to insulin

Sensory impulses travel through the (BLANK) root while motor impulses travel through the (BLANK) root

Dorsal; ventral

From superficial to deep, the meninges occur in which order?

Dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater

At arachnoid villi, CSF is reabsorbed into venous blood of (BLANK) venous sinuses


Which of the following structures does not contain CSF?

Dural sinus

The concept of (BLANK) can be exemplified by any acceleration, or change in velocity.

Dynamic equilibrium

What is the crista ampullaris associated with?

Dynamic equilibrium in angular acceleration

if we are using the patellar ligament as the example, the quadriceps muscles are the _____


The afferent neuron synapses with the (BLANK) in the integrating center

Efferent neuron

The output energy of all receptors is a type of (BLANK) energy


The diffusional movement of sodium and potassium across the membrane is driven at all times by the _________.

Electrochemical gradient

An eye with which of the following conditions does not need a corrective lens to focus the image?


Some will end in the ganglion that they(BLANK) and synapse immediately with a postganglionic neuron.


The digestive tract of the nervous system of its own called the (BLANK) nervous system


A typical reflex contains a sensory neuron attached directly to an effector


Acetylcholine is actively transported from the pre-synaptic membrane to the post-synaptic membrane


Acetylcholine is actively transported from the synaptic membrane to the postsynaptic membrane


Acetylcholine is broken down into acetic and cholinesterase by choline


Action potential can travel in both directions of the axon


An action potential introduced at the neuromuscular junction is propagated along the sarcoplasmic reticulum


Divergent sensory pathways explain the phenomenon of referred pain.


Epinephrine causes the liver to uptake glucose from the bloodstream during the fight-or-fight response


Epinephrine has to cross the cell membrane to bind to its receptor in the cytoplasm.


In a myelinated fiber, only the initial segment in the trigger zone has a voltage-regulated channels


In response to an action potential entering the neuron, calcium ions diffuse the sarcolemma into the sarcoplasm


Light falling on the retina is absorbed by rhodopsin and photopsin in the pigment epithelium.


Most preganglionic fibers synapse with postganglionic fibers in the dorsal root ganglia.


Nerve cells have the same three fundamental physiological properties as muscle cells do: excitability, conductivity, secretion


Receptors that bind the neurotransmitter at the postsynaptic cell membrane are voltage-gated


Sensory receptors sense only stimuli external to the body, such as light, sound waves, olfaction, and touch


Somatic reflexes are responses of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles


Steroid-hormones are water-soluble


Structures in the midbrain control homeostasis and relay sensory signals to specific regions of the cerebral cortex.


The Schwann cell's plasma membrane spirals repeatedly around the unmyelinated fiber as it does in a myelin sheath


The cerebellum is the largest part of the brain.


The middle ear has four bones


The second messenger cAMP is made from ADP


The sodium-potassium pump uses bulk transport to move the sodium and potassium ions


The voltage-gated potassium channels close before the membrane potential is brought back to its resting level


Type 1 diabetes in obese patients can be treated with metformin


Type 2 diabetics are initially treated with injection of insulin


When a neuron is stimulated, Na+ gates open and allow Na+ to exit the cell


receptors that bind the neurotransmitter at the post-synaptic cell membrane are voltage-gated


The reflex that results in one quickly removing one's hand from a hot stove is the ____ reflex

Flexor (withdrawal)

The surge of LH initiates the rupture of the (BLANK) and subsequent ovulation of the oocyte.


Pain, heat, and cold are detected by __________.

Free nerve endings

Planning, motivation, and social judgment are functions of the brain associated with which part of the cerebrum?

Frontal lobe

The (BLANK) provides critical function in motivation, logical reasoning, expression of emotion, and social attitudes

Frontal lobe

In both cases, a hormone binds to its receptor, activating a (BLANK), which migrates to a phospholipase molecule and activates it.

G protein

The binding of epinephrine to its receptor activates an?

G protein

The binding of epinephrine to its receptor activates ________ which in turn activates ________.

G protein; adenylyl cyclase

The first neuron emerges from the CNS and synapses with a second neuron in a (BLANK) outside the CNS.


What are the only retinal cells that produce action potentials?

Ganglion cells

Which of the following are effectors?


Many hours after a meal, alpha (α) cells in the pancreatic islets secrete _________, which _________ blood glucose.

Glucagon; raises

The enzyme phosphorylase catalyzes the conversion of ___________ into ___________.

Glycogen; glucose-6 phosphate

A malfunctioning visceral reflex can be the cause of a (BLANK), which can result in disorder and/or disease

Homeostasis imbalance

The steroid-hormone receptor complex binds to?

Hormone response elements in DNA

These action potentials travel down the length of the axons of the (BLANK) tract to their destination at the posterior pituitary gland.


With a larger duration of activation than sodium channels, the potassium channels allow for a greater movement of potassium to the ECF causing a short period of


Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSPs) are associated with which of the following?

Hyperpolarization of the cell membrane

Which of the following is not a characteristic of diabetes mellitus?


At the conclusion of the female uterine cycle, circulating levels of estrogen and progesterone levels are low which feeds back to the (BLANK) promoting secretion of GnRH.


Dehydration is detected by osmoreceptors in the __________.


Osmolarity-detecting cells located in the nuclei of the (BLANK) are stimulated by an increasing blood solute concentration.


The (BLANK) is considered the autonomic control center of the body due to its regulation of hormone secretion, thermoregulation, food and water intake, and circadian rhythms


The (BLANK) responds by secreting thryotropin releasing hormone (TRH).


Resting membrane potential is created as a result of a greater net flow of positive charges from the?

ICF to the ECF

Where are unmyelinated nerve fibers surrounded by Schwann cells?

In the PNS

Action potential occurs?

In the unmyelinated region of an axon

After eating a meal, blood sugar levels?


An (BLANK) in firing rate constricts a vessel by increasing smooth muscle contraction.


A local potential in a neuron may be created by opening potassium ion channels. Potassium ions are cations and higher in concentration inside the cell versus outside. This local potential would cause which of the following effects?

Inhibition of an action potential

The frontal lobes also include the primary (BLANK) which controls voluntary motor functions

Motor cortex

In type 2 Diabetes, blood sugar levels remain high after a meal because?

Muscle does not respond to insulin by taking in glucose from the blood

Hypertrophy and atrophy of the (BLANK) is regulated in large part by the amount of circulating testosterone and growth hormone.

Muscular system

The difference between white and grey matter is the presence of?


Preganglionic fibers of the autonomic efferent pathway are ____ and secrete ____.

Myelinated; Acetylcholine

During depolarization, which of the following statements about voltage-gated ion channels is true?

Na+ gates open before K+ gates

Target organs most often regulate the pituitary gland via

Negative feedback inhibition

Target organs regulate the pituitary through feedback loops. Most often, this takes the form of

Negative feedback inhibition

The outermost layer of the brain in humans referred to as the (BLANK) due to its recent evolutionary history


The nuclei of the hypothalamus, as part of the (BLANK), are critical to the overall development, maintenance, and functioning of the body's tissues.

Nervous system

The hypothalamus controls the posterior pituitary by way of?

Neuroendocrine reflexes

Which of the following functions would most likely be controlled by the representational hemisphere of the cerebrum?

Painting a picture

Hormones display (BLANK) effects when one hormone enhances the target organ's response to a second hormone that is secreted later


The enzyme alpha-kinase adds (BLANK) to proteins


What is the correct order of cells in the retina from back to front?

Photoreceptor, bipolar, ganglion

The (BLANK) can be found as part of the epithalamus, near the superior colliculi of the midbrain

Pineal gland

The remainder is now insulin, composed of two (BLANK) totaling 51 amino acids, connected to each other by two of the three disulfide bridges.

Polypeptide chains

Which of the following structures appears as a large bulge just rostral to the medulla?


Which of the following branches of spinal nerve has the neurosomas of only sensory neurons?

Posterior (dorsal) root

Action potentials traveling in the posterior root reach the synapse with second order neurons located in the (BLANK) of the spinal cord

Posterior horn

Antiduiretic hormone (ADH) is released by the?

Posterior pituitary

The (BLANK) gland releases antidiuretic hormone (ADH) into the bloodstream.

Posterior pituitary

Arriving at target cells, _____ nerve fibers release acetylcholine or norepinephrine into the synaptic cleft.


The second neurons are called (BLANK) and are unmyelinated.


Though potassium (+1) and sodium (+1) both leak through the membrane at rest, there is a greater diffusional flow of ____________ at rest.


Through the activated channels, _____ now flows outwards causing the membrane to repolarize back towards RMP.


An inhibitory postsynaptic potential results from the opening of?

Potassium and/or chloride channels

The difference in charge across a non-firing neuron's cell membrane, which is caused by the ions inside the cell versus the ions outside the cell, is called?

Resting membrane potential

The alert system of the body named according to the tracts that provide communication of lower brain with higher brain regions is the ?

Reticular activating system

Suppose that a new virus is discovered that specifically infects motor neurons. Assume that this virus enters neurons in conjunction with choline molecules. Once inside the cell, the virus enters the nucleus and replicates. Which direction describes the axonal transport route taken by this virus?

Retrograde transport

Insulin, released after a meal is eaten by a person who does not have diabetes, will cause blood sugar levels to?

Return to about normal

As the membrane potential is _____, the voltage-regulated sodium channels begin closing which in turn reduces the sodium movement to the ICF.

Rise toward zero

The (BLANK) contains vertically arranged maculae that would provide feedback of body movement in the vertical plane


An action potential causes calcium ions to diffuse from the (BLANK) into the (BLANK)

Sarcoplasmic reticulum; sarcoplasm

Glaucoma is a state of elevated pressure within the eye that occurs when the __________ is obstructed so the aqueous humor is not reabsorbed as fast as it is secreted.

Scleral venous sinus

Each of the (BLANK) is specially positioned to detect angular acceleration in one of the three planes

Semicircular canals

When you spin while sitting in a swivel chair with your eyes closed, you can sense this movement by means of your __________.

Semicircular ducts

A structure composed of nervous tissue along with other tissues that enhance its response to a certain type of stimulus is called a?

Sense organ

The impulse arrives relatively quickly at the heart, as parasympathetic postganglionic fibers are (BLANK) compared to sympathetic postganglionic fibers.


The autonomic nervous system controls all of the following except the?

Skeletal muscle in the rectus abdominis

Calcitriol, parathyroid hormone, and calcitonin are just three of the many hormones that influence the regulation of the (BLANK).

Skeletal system

The electrical and chemical gradients for (BLANK) are both high during resting membrane potential which results in a very high electrochemical gradient towards the inside of the cell


the resting membrane potential is restored and maintained by?

Sodium-potassium pumps

The (BLANK) exhibit receipt and association of general body sensations

parietal lobes

Most communication between the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system takes place via (BLANK) that enter and exit the spinal cord

Spinal nerves

Second order neurons ascend the spinal cord in the

Spinothalamic tract

Fibers existing the sympathetic chain ganglia, take one of three routes: the spinal nerve route, the sympathetic nerve route, and the (BLANK) nerve route


The last route has fibers passing through the chain without synapsing and continuing as (BLANK) nerves.


The foot plate is part of which structure?


When someone is standing still, the kinocilia of the macula sacculi are bending inferiorly and thus conveying information regarding one's (BLANK)

Static equilibrium

The mode of action of steroid hormones involves __________.

Stimulation of mRNA transcription

A reflex hammer striking the tendon is the _____ that triggers the _____

Stimulus; receptor

The hot stove is the ____________ that triggers the ____________ .

Stimulus; receptor

the reflex that results in quick contraction of the same muscle stimulated is called the _____ reflex


CSF fills the (BLANK) space and bathes external surfaces of the brain and spinal cord


Action potentials are then generated in the (BLANK) at the inferior edge of the hypothalamus.

Supraoptic nucleus

Many blood vessels only have innervation from the (BLANK) division of the ANS.


Action potentials travel along the preganglionic nerve fiber and enter the?

Sympathetic chain ganglion

The (BLANK) division of the ANS increases alertness. The (BLANK) division has a calming effect on the body

Sympathetic; parasympathetic

What happens as a result of ion flow at a presynaptic terminal?

Synaptic vesicles migrate to the plasma membrane and release acetylcholine

Which of the following does not contribute to the cessation of the signal in a synaptic transmission?

Synaptic vesicles secrete neurotransmitter by exocytosis

An action potential enters a muscle by?

T tubules

TSH targets the thyroid gland, which secretes (BLANK)

T3 and T4

Which of the following statements about thyroid hormones is true?

T3 and T4 both enter the target cells

a feather is rubbed over a section of skin on the palm of the hand, eliciting an action potential that was generated from neurons associated with

Tactile corpuscles

The second neuron's axons extend to the (BLANK) from the ganglion

Target cell

Circulating throughout the body, ADH arrives at the (BLANK) of the kidneys.

Target cells

What is the primary olfactory cortex located?

Temporal lobe

Olfaction and hearing are processed in the _________

Temporal lobes

The thyroid gland secretes large amounts of (BLANK) and (BLANK)

Tetraiodothyronine; small amounts of trilothyronine

The majority of all afferent pathways pass through and synapse with neurons of the __________.


What is (are) the fundamental physiological properties that enable nerve cells to communicate with other cells?

The ability to respond to environmental changes, the ability to produce electrical signals that are quickly conducted to other cells at distant locations, and ability to secrete a chemical that will stimulate the next cell when an electrical signal reaches the end of the nerve fiber

Cross bridges form between?

The actin filaments and myosin heads

Glucagon increases blood glucose concentration and insulin decreases it. This is an example of?

The antagonistic effect

Which of the following is a true statement about the brain barrier system?

The blood-CSF barrier blocks CSF from leaking into the bloodstream

Which of the following statements about resting membrane potential is true?

The exterior of the cell has a net positive charge and the interior has a net negative charge

When you travel in an elevator, what senses when the elevator is moving?

The hair cells of the otolithic membrane of the macula sacculi

Hyperpolarization, or afterpotential occurs because?

The increased potassium ion permeability lasts slightly longer than the time required to bring the membrane potential back to its resting level

While both systems maintain homeostasis, how does the nervous system differ from the endocrine system?

The nervous system releases neurotransmitters between cells, while the endocrine system releases hormones into the blood

You can smell the fragrance of your deodorant when you just put it on, but after a little while the smell fades. What explains this phenomenon?

The phasic nature of olfaction

What statement is incorrect regarding how the nervous system coordinates homeostasis in the body?

The spinal cord and brain process information without regard to past experiences, and determine what response, if any, is appropriate to the circumstances

What statement is not true regarding how the nervous system coordinates homeostasis in the body

The spinal cord and brain process information without regard to past experiences, and determine what response, if any, is appropriate to the circumstances

What structures do the calcium ions bind to when muscle contraction is initiated?

The troponin molecule

What is true regarding the divisions of the nervous system?

The visceral motor neuron (autonomic nervous system) carries signals to glands, skeletal muscle, and smooth muscle

The resting membrane potential is negative due to which of the following?

There are more negatively charged particles of the inside of the membrane than on the outside

The resting membrane potential is negative due to which of the following?

There are more negatively charged particles on the inside of the membrane than on the outside

If demyelination occurs, why don't action potentials occur at regions of the axon that were previously myelinated?

These regions lack the appropriate concentration of voltage-gated sodium ions

Which of the following is true of interneurons?

They are contained entirely within the CNS and carry signals from one neuron to another.

All of the following are typical characteristics of neurotransmitters except?

They are released into the bloodstream before reaching the postsynaptic cell

Which of the following is true regarding endocrine glands?

They release their secretions into the blood

Also known as the (BLANK) division, the sympathetic nervous system exits the CNS via the spinal nerves from T1-L2


Synaptic preganglionic fibers can follow (BLANK) different routes after entering the sympathetic chain.


The (BLANK) secretes several hormones that stimulate the development of lymphatic organs and regulates development and activity of T cells (White blood cells)


Negative feedback inhibition occurs when?

Thyroid hormone (TH) targets the anterior pituitary

Which of the following sensory functions involves neurons in the posterior root ganglion?


An action potential at the (BLANK) zone causes sodium to diffuse into the cell


All of the following are filamentous proteins EXCEPT?


A ganglion is a swelling along a nerve containing the cell bodies of peripheral neurons


ADH helps to conserve water during dehydration.


ADH travels to its target cells via the bloodstream.


After the passage of the action potential, the sodium-potassium pump reestablishes the resting membrane potential.


All autonomic output originates in the central nervous system.


An action potential causes depolarization of the T tubule membrane


Epinephrine is said to have a glucose-sparing effect


Hormones are chemical messengers that are transported by the bloodstream and stimulate physiological responses in cells of another tissue or organ


If the post-synaptic membrane potential reaches threshold level, an action potential will be produced.


If the postsynaptic membrane potential reaches threshold level, an action potential will be produced.


In the PNS, unmyelinated fibers are enveloped in Schwann cells


Norepinephrine is a monoamine


Once threshold is reached on the postsynaptic membrane, an action potential is generated and propagated over the muscle cell membrane


Reflexes have four important properties: they require stimulation, they are quick, they are involuntary, and they are stereotyped.


Short wavelengths, from high pitched sounds, cause displacement of the basilar membrane near the oval window


Steroid hormones travel in the blood attached to protein carriers


T-tubules are invaginations of the sarcolemma of a muscle cell.


The Wernicke area recognizes spoken and written language


The area between the pre-synaptic nerve cell and the post-synaptic muscle cell is termed the synaptic cleft


The area between the presynaptic nerve cell and the postsynaptic muscle cell is termed the synaptic cleft.


The conversion of ATP into cAMP is catalyzed by the enzyme adenylyl cyclase


The hypothalamus secretes eight hormones, six to regulate the anterior pituitary and two that are stored in the posterior pituitary


The sodium-potassium pump is involved in establishing the resting membrane potential


The spinal cord serves four principle functions: conduction, neural integration, locomotion and reflexes.


The thyroxine-hormone receptor complex increases the level of transcription of specific genes.


Threshold is the minimum current required for the cell membrane to generate an action potential.


Thyroxine is brought to target cells via a-protein carrier


Unipolar neurons have only a single process leading away from the neurosoma


In autonomic motor pathways, the nerve signal must travel along (BLANK) neurons to reach a target cell.


Indicate the summative effect that brings the initial segment closest to threshold?

Two EPSPs in proximity to each other

During hearing, which of the following is the first to vibrate?

Tympanic membrane

Which of the following is an increase in the number of receptors making a target cell more sensitive to a hormone?


Regulation of water excretion and electrolyte concentrations associated with the (BLANK) are controlled by the endocrine system.

Urinary system

Action potentials travel down the preganglionic nerve fibers of the (BLANK), towards the effector organs.

Vagus nerve

To regulate blood pressure, the nerve fibers maintain a baseline degree of vessel constriction called (BLANK) tone.


When body temperature increases, thermoreceptors are stimulated and send nerve signals to CNS. The CNS sends motor signals to sweat glands, which attempt to reduce body temperature. This is an example of a (BLANK) reflex


The (BLANK) division carries signals to the smooth muscle in the large intestine

Visceral motor

An action potential arriving at the presynaptic terminal causes what to occur?

Voltage-gated calcium ion channels to open, and calcium ions diffuse into the cell

An action potential arriving at the presynaptic terminal causes?

Voltage-gated calcium ion channels to open, and calcium ions to diffuse into the cell

When membrane potentials approaching +35 mV, the (BLANK) channels become fully activated

Voltage-regulated potassium

When can a damaged peripheral nerve fiber regenerate?

When its soma is intact and at least some neurilemma remains

Which of the following statements of thyroxine is true?

1. It is water-insoluble 2. It is lipophilic

Which of the following are examples of the kind of information obtained from sensory receptors?

1. Bitter 2. Duration of an instrumental note

Growth hormone (GH) effects?

1. Bone 2. cartilage 3. Muscle

Which of the following is a function of growth hormone?

1. GH promotes tissue growth 2. GH stimulates milk secretion by the mammary glands

What information does the brain use to determine the intensity of a stimulus?

1. How rapidly the sensory neurons fire 2. How long the stimulus lasts 3. Which receptive fields are stimulated

Which of the following cause a postsynaptic transmission to stop?

1. Inhibition of monoamine oxidase 2. Decrease of acetychloinerase

Which of the following is/are functions of the enteric nervous system?

1. It innervates the sweat glands of the abdominal wall 2. it decreases urine production

What is the correct statements how on how cells regulate their sensitivity to circulating hormones?

1. Receptors chemically change their ligands 2. Receptors do not exhibit enzyme-like specificity and saturation

Which of the following statements describes a way that reflexes differ from other motor actions?

1. Reflexes can occur even if the spinal cord has been severed 2. Reflexes involve efferent nerve fibers

Which of the following is true regarding photoreceptors?

1. Rods are associated with photopic vision 2. Cones are associated with color vision 3. There are more cones than rods

Which of the following statements is true regarding olfaction?

1. Smell is a chemical sense 2. Odorant molecules dissolve in mucus before stimulating a receptor 3. Humans can only distinguish up to 200 odors 4. When olfactory receptors are stimulated a receptor potential is created

Which of the following statements is true regarding gustation?

1. Taste is a chemical sense 2. Humans are more sensitive to taste than smell

Which of the following structures is/are associated with the sympathetic nervous system?

1. The adrenal cortex 2. The pineal gland 3. The vagus nerve

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the adrenal glands relationship with the autonomic nervous system?

1. The adrenal cortex is an extension of the parasympathetic nervous system 2. The adrenal glands are strictly nerve tissue 3. The parasympathetic division stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete glucocorticoids

Identify the ways in which the anterior pituitary differs from the posterior pituitary

1. The anterior pituitary is also known as adenohypophysis 2. The posterior pituitary secretes gonadotropins 3. The anterior pituitary is stimulated by the hypothalamus via hormones that travel through the hypophyseal portal system 4. Oxytocin is secreted by the anterior pituitary

What is the accurate statement (S) about how communication by the nervous system and endocrine systems differ

1. The nervous system adapts relatively slow and may respond for days to weeks 2. The endocrine system reacts more slowly to stimuli, often taking seconds to days 3. The endocrine system stops quickly when stimulus stops

The endocrine system is compromised of (BLANK) the secrete hormones

1.Glands 2.Tissues 3.Cells

Which of the following is true regarding unmyelinated nerve fibers in the PNS?

A Schwann cell folds its plasma membrane around several fibers

When cells cannot absorb glucose, they must get their energy someplace else, and in turn they metabolize fat and protein. In time, this leads to __________.

A condition called ketoacidosis, causing deep, gasping breathing

Conduction of a nerve impulse would be the fastest in which of the following?

A large diameter myelinated fiber

What is a sensation?

A subjective awareness of the stimulus

Nerve fibers from all regions of the retina converge on the __________ and exit the eye by way of the optic nerve.

Optic disc

Which of the following is a component of the visceral reflex?


Which of the following is the last step in the sequence of events happening when cyclic AMP acts as a second messenger?

Enzymes are activated or deactivated by the action of protein kinases

Which of the following enters a target cell's nucleus and acts directly on the genes?


The growing follicle increases its production of (BLANK) and(BLANK) which inhibits the adenohypophysis.

Estrogen; inhibin

What property of neurons allows them to respond to changes in the environment?


The effect of autonomic fibers on target cells is (BLANK). The effect of somatic fibers on target cells is (BLANK)

Excitatory or inhibitory; always excitatory

In the case of (BLANK), the phosphate-containing group removed is IP₃.

Inositol triphosphate

The deepest of the cerebral lobes, the (BLANK) is also the smallest and least understood


The treatment for type 1 diabetes always includes?


Which of the following is a steroid hormone?


The afferent neuron synapses with an (BLANK), which then synapses with the efferent neuron


Which of the following is/are a component of all spinal reflex arcs?


Which portion of a reflex arc is most likely to be located entirely within the central nervous system?


When voltage-gated sodium channels are open, sodium flows _____________ the neuron making the inside of the cell more _______________.

Into; positive

Which of the following is best describes the role of Ca2+ in muscle contraction?

It binds to troponin, moving tropomyosin, so that myosin heads can bind to actin

Which of the following is not a feature of the sympathetic division of the ANS?

It has long preganglionic fibers

Which of the following is true regarding cortisol?

It promotes breakdown of fat and protein

Which of the following is true regarding the autonomic nervous system?

Its denervation would cause hypersensitivity

Antidiuretic hormone targets the?


Arriving at the ovaries, FSH stimulates the development of the follicle while, (BLANK) stimulates the surrounding thecal cells.


the anterior pituitary is (BLANK) the posterior pituitary has (BLANK) the connection to the hypothalamus

Larger than; no neuronal

CSF is secreted into each (BLANK) ventricle by choroid plexus and flows into the third ventricle where more is added


An unmyelinated fiber has a voltage gated ion gates along its entire?


Acetylcholine has which effect on the postsynaptic neuron?

Ligand gated sodium ion channels open and sodium diffuses in it

Graded potentials result from the opening of a?

Ligand-gated channels

The (BLANK) represents the area of emotional control and includes the amygdala, hippocampus, cingulate gyrus, and the fornix

Limbic system

An example of (BLANK) would include sitting in a wheeled chair and having someone push you from behind.

Linear acceleration

A myelin sheath is composed primarily of?


Most hormones are taken up and degraded by the (BLANK) and (BLANK)

Liver; Kidney

The (BLANK) are stimulated during linear acceleration in the transverse plane.

Macula utriculi

Changes in blood pressure are detected by __________ in certain arteries.


CSF then flows out two lateral apertures and one _____ aperture


In addition to cAMP, diglyceride and inositol triphosphate are common second (BLANK)


The rate of hormone removal is called the __________, and the length of time required to clear 50% of the hormone from the blood is the __________.

Metabolic clearance rate; half-life

Acting mostly as a communication relay center due to the many fiber tracts through the area, the ________ includes the cerebral peduncles, colliculi, and nuclei of cranial nerves III and IV.


Depolarization occurs because?

More Na+ diffuse into the cell than K+ diffuse out of it

Assume in a laboratory you were able to isolate a neuron and remove the Acetylcholine receptors from the postsynaptic membrane. The substance _________________ would no longer cause facilitation of this neuron.


In Type 1 Diabetes, blood sugar levels remain high after a meal because?

No insulin is released

Housing the visual centers, the ____ receive input from the optic radiation

Occipital lobes

What is the only sense in which signals can reach the cerebral cortex without passing first through the thalamus?


What do pheromones stimulate?

Olfactory cells

Thus, the sympathetic division alone exerts (BLANK) effects on the vessel.


Repolarization occurs because?

Potassium ions continue to diffuse out of the cell after the inactivation gates of the voltage-gated sodium ion channels begin to close.

One of the last areas of the brain to mature fully is the ____________ which controls logic, judgment, and expression of emotion.

Prefrontal cortex

The first neurons are called (BLANK), and are myelinated.


Which of the following structures releases neurotransmitters molecules in a paravertebral ganglion?

Preganglionic sympathetic fibers

Third-order neurons arrive in the (BlANK) cortex, where conscious comprehension occurs

Primary somatosensory

The transfer of electrical signals between first and second order neurons occurs?

Prior to decussation

The ruptured follicle is then transformed into the corpus luteum which produces (BLANK) through the remainder of the cycle.


If the cerebrum was no longer able to communicate with the midbrain, what type of tract would you suspect has been damaged?


The infundibulum is a ?

Projection of the hypothalamus from which the pituitary gland hangs

Steroid hormones bind to (BLANK) of the target cell

Protein receptors in the cytoplasm or nucleus

Cellular activity is stimulated, which generates heat, (BLANK) body temperature.


Due to an increase in (BLANK) of water from the kidneys' nephrons, blood volume is maintained.


Graded membrane potentials are produced within the (BLANK) segment of a neuron


The initial effect of stimulus on a sensory receptor is a local electrical charge specifically called?

Receptor potential

If the elbow extensors are inhibited to allow response, these muscles are the?

Reciprocal Inhibition

The antagonists will be inhibited. This is an example of ____.?

Reciprocals inhibition

(BLANK) the time between signals sent from the same presynaptic terminal increases the strength of the graded potential this is an example of (BLANK) summation

Reducing; temporal

Conversely, if there is an increase in blood pressure, a drop in sympathetic firing frequency will (BLANK) the smooth muscles and (BLANK) the lumen, decreasing pressure.

Relax; dilate

Gonadotropins directly regulate the activity of the (BLANK) by controlling the levels of circulating androgens and estrogens.

Reproductive system

During times of acute stress, epinephrine and norepinephrine will directly increase the pulmonary airlflow of the (BLANK) in order to ensure adequate metabolic support of tissues.

Respiratory system

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