Unit 2 Test

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Define impaired control.

1. Uses more substance, or for longer, than intended. 2. Tries unsuccessfully to regulate substance use. 3. Spends much time gaining, using, or recovering from substance use. 4. Craves the substance.

Define Social Impairment.

5. Use disrupts obligations at work, school, or home. 6. Continued use despite social problems. 7. Use causes reduced social, recreational, and work activities

Define Risky Use

8. Continues use despite hazards. 9. Continues use despite worsening physical or psychological problems. Define Drug Action 10. Experiences tolerance (needing more substance for the desired effect). 11. Experiences withdrawal when attempting to end use.

Which of the following is true of alcohol

Alcohol is a depressant because it calms neural activity and slows body functions

nembutal, seconal, and amytal, drugs prescribed to reduce insomnia are


Sodium pentothal has sometimes been called a "truth serum" because it relaxes people and enables them to more freely disclose personally embarrassing experiences. It most likely that sodium pentothal is a


Cocaine causes what adverse effects?

Cardiovascular stress, suspiciousness, depressive crash

After 4 years of working nights, Raymond now works days. His present difficulty in getting to sleep at night is most likely due to a disruption of his normal

Circadian rhythm

Alcohol is what type of psychoactive drug?


Alcohol causes what adverse effects?

Depression, memory loss, organ damage, impaired reactions

Define the depressants

Drugs like alcohol, barbiturates (tranquilizers), and opiates

Marijuana causes what pleasurable effects?

Enhanced sensation, relief of pain, distortion of time, relaxation

What are the stages of experience during a hallucination?

Geometric forms (lattice/ cobweb/ spiral) More meaningful images ( tunnel or funnel, others may be replays of past emotional experiences) Peak: feel separated from body and dreamlike scenes so real they become panic stricken and harm themselves

An altered state of consciousness in which people experience fantastic images and often feel separated from their bodies is most closely associated with the use of


What is marijuana?

Hemp cultivated for fibers. The leave of the flowers or the plant is marijuana. It contains THC((delta - 9-tetrahydrocannabinol)

Soon after taking a psychoactive drug, Leslie's breathing slowed, her pupils constricted, and her feelings of anxiety were replaced by a feeling of euphoria. Leslie most likely experienced the effects of


Marijuana causes what adverse effects?

Impaired learning and memory, increased risk of psychological disorders, lung damage from smoke

Alcohol causes what pleasurable effects?

Initial high followed by relaxation and disinhibition

When alcohol and barbiturates like sleeping pills are combined, the effects is?

Lethal because it has a total depressive effect on body functions

Near death experience is reported by patients revived from cardiac arrest, temporal lobe seizures, sailors and explorers. What do they experience?

Many describe visions of tunnels bright lights or beings of light, a replay of old memories, and out - of -body sensations.

Marijuana is what type of psychoactive drug?

Mild Hallucinogen

Classify marijuana.

Mild hallucinogen bc it amplifies sensitivity to colors, sounds, tastes, and smells; Stimulant like alcohol because it relaxes, disinhibits, and produces a euphoric high

Slow Wave Sleep (Deep sleep) appears to play in important role in

Physical growth

Alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and a wide variety of other chemical agents that alter perceptions and moods are called

Pyschoactive drugs

Sleep apnea is a disorder involving

Repeatedly stopping breathing during sleep

Cocaine causes what pleasurable effects?

Rush of euphoria, confidence, energy

Mr. Rogers occasionally stops breathing while sleeping. He wakes up to snort air for a few seconds before falling back to sleep. Mrs. Rogers complains her husband snores. Clearly, Mr. Rogers suffers from

Sleep apnea

Cocaine is what type of psychoactive drug?


How does marijuana and alcohol differ?

The body eliminates alcohol within hours. THC and its by - products linger in the body for a week or more. Regular users experience less abrupt withdrawal and may achieve a high with smaller amounts of the drug than would be needed by occasional users. This is contrary to the usual path of tolerance, in which repeat users need to take larger doses to feel the same effect.

What is the similarity in the function of the psychoactive drugs?

They inhibit, stimulate, or mimic neurotransmitters in the brain synapse.

Define drug tolerance.

With continued use of alcohol and some other drugs (marijuana is an exception), the user's brain chemistry adapts to offset the drug effect. To experience the same effect, the user requires larger and larger doses

What are the side effects of the above?

agitations and hallucinations

What are psychoactive drugs?

chemicals that change perceptions and moods

What are the effect of barbiturates?

depress nervous system activity, induce sleep and reduce anxiety

What are the three types of psychoactive drugs?

depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens

What is the effect of hallucinogens overall?

distort perceptions and evoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input also called psychedelics, meaning "mind- manifesting".

According to Freud, people dream in order to

give expression to personally threatening drives and wishes

How are alcohol and marijuana similar?

impair the motor coordination, perceptual skills, and reaction time necessary for safely operating an automobile or other machine

This sensations are similar to what term?

near-death experience (an altered state of consciousness)

What are the physical effects of stimulants?

pupils dilate, heart and breathing rates increase, blood-sugar levels cause a drop in appetite and energy and self-confidence rises

Medical marijuana is used for what?

relieve pain and nausea of patients with aids, glaucoma and cancer

Given that oxygen deprivation and other insults to the brain are known to produce hallucinations, it is difficult to resist wondering whether a brain under _______ manufactures the near - death experience.


What are the function of depressants?

to calm neural activity and slow body functions

What are barbiturates?


What do all psychoactive drugs share?

trigger negative aftereffects that offset their immediate positive effects and grow stronger with repetition. Negative aftereffects grow stronger and it takes larger and larger doses to produce the desired high (tolerance), causing the aftereffects to worsen in the drug's absence (withdrawal). Creates a need to switch off the withdrawal symptoms by taking more of the drug (which may lead to addiction).

25-2 Identify the depressants, and describe their effects.

• Depressants, such as alcohol, barbiturates, and the opiates (which include narcotics), dampen neural activity and slow body functions. • Alcohol tends to disinhibit, increasing the likelihood that we will act on our impulses, whether harmful or helpful.It also impairs judgment, disrupts memory processes by suppressing REM sleep, and reduces self-awareness and self-control. • User expectations strongly influence alcohol's behavioral effects.

25-4 Identify the hallucinogens, and describe their effects.

• Hallucinogens—such as LSD and marijuana—distort perceptions and evoke hallucinations—sensory images in the absence of sensory input. The user's mood and expectations influence the effects of LSD, but common experiences are hallucinations and emotions varying from euphoria to panic. • Marijuana's main ingredient, THC, may trigger feelings of disinhibition, euphoria, relaxation, relief from pain, and intense sensitivity to sensory stimuli. It may also increase feelings of depression or anxiety, impair motor coordination and reaction time, disrupt memory formation, and damage lung tissue (because of the inhaled smoke).

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