Unit 3

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How many cotyledons does a eudicot have?


Approximately how many years ago did angiosperms evolve?

200 million

How do simple and compound fruits differ?

Compound fruits are derived from more than one ovary.

A plumule, cotyledon, radicle, and hypocotyl are structures associated with which type of seed?


What are the two major groups of flowering plants?

Eudicots and monocots

Which of the following statements is true about eudicots and monocots?

Eudicots have two cotyledons; monocots have one cotyledon.

True or false: Coal naturally forms quickly under the right conditions.


Which cell produces sperm in a flowering plant?


Which choice describes the function of the suspensor?

It pushes the embryo into the endosperm.

Which of the following might you find in an anther?

Microspore Pollen

Which of the following undergoes meiosis to produce four haploid microspores, each of which undergoes mitosis to produce pollen grains?

Microspore mother cell

The relationship between fungal hyphae and roots creates structures known as what?


Which of the following are functions performed by flowers?

Producing fruits to enclose seeds Producing spores Protecting gametophyte

What does the root cap provide for the root apical meristem?


Which of these is a function of guard cells?

Regulation of gas exchange

How do plants respond to a decrease in environmental temperature?

Root apical growth will stop. Shoot apical growth will decrease.

Which is considered the sink of sugar in plants?


Which type of plant growth would increase the diameter of the plant's stem?


What were scientists trying to confirm by supplying 14C-labeled carbon dioxide to leaves?

That phloem transports organic nutrients.

Woody plants differ from herbaceous plants in which way?

Woody plants have both primary and secondary tissues.

Which type of vascular tissue contains vessel elements?


A pollen grain has

a generative cell and a tube cell inside.

A root system prevents the plant from blowing away in a storm because it supports and_____________ the plant in the ground.


The group of plants that have seeds develop from an ovule inside of an ovary are called___________ , which means loosely "covered seed."


The woody stem of a plant includes three sections:

bark wood pith

The cork cambium develops

beneath the epidermis.

Cork is produced by a group of tissue called cork


The stigma, style, and ovary collectively are known as the



celery stalks

Pines, spruces, cypresses, cedars, bristlecones, redwoods, hemlocks, and firs are all types of


The___________ are cone-bearing gymnosperm plants that include many evergreen trees.


____________supply much of the wood used to construct buildings and to manufacture paper.


The thick cuticles and recessed stomata of pine leaves help them to

conserve water

Select the components of bark.

cork cambium cork phloem

Vascular tissue in plant roots is found in the region called the vascular


The sporophyte generation is

dominant in ferns.

A time period during which no seed growth occurs, even if conditions are favorable, is called


True or false: Another term for a fern is a frond.


True or false: Because flowering plants produce both microspores and megaspores, they are referred to as being homosporous.


True or false: The stamen's primary purpose is to enclose the ovule and become fruit.


True or false: Unlike a simple leaf, a compound leaf has more than one axillary bud.


When an ovary matures, it develops into a(n)


A(n)___________ is the final product of a flower and is used to disperse____________

fruit seeds

The haploid generation of the plant life cycle is called a(n)


When environmental conditions are right, seeds____________ ; which means they begin to grow and a seedling appears.


Which of the following are the four groups of living gymnosperms?

gnetophytes conifers cycads ginkgoes

Rhizomes are

horizontal underground stems.

A group of freshwater green algae known as charophytes are the most closely related to__________ plants.


A group of freshwater green algae known as charophytes are the most closely related to

land plants

Evergreen trees do not lose their _________ all at once every year.


Plants absorb water through their root system and transpiration causes them to lose it through their


Which of the following is considered the source of sugar in plants?


All tissue types in a plant arise from _________ tissue.


A plant is able to grow its entire life as a result of


Anthers produce


In plants gametes are produced by __________cell divisions.


Gametes in plants are produced by

mitotic cell divisions.

A plant with one cotyledon is a/an


___________is a liquid that some flowering plants produce and pollinators gather for nutrients.


in plant stems, _________ are the regions where leaves attach, while _________ are the regions between them.

nodes internodes

A herbaceous stem is


Flowering plants are characterized as monocots or eudicots based upon which feature?

number of cotyledons

The layer that rests on top of the sepals is called the


The_________ of a flower are collectively called the corolla.


Select the four whorls of a complete flower.

petals carpels stamens sepals

The _________of a monocot root is surrounded by xylem and phloem.


Select all of these that are major regions of a woody stem.

pith wood bark

The multicellular sporophyte

produces spores

What is the purpose of the flower sepal?

protect the flower bud before it blooms

Select the types of primary meristems produced by the apical meristem.

protoderm procambium ground

The primary purpose of the carpel and its subunits is to

receive pollen and enclose the ovule.

Root-like hairs that project into the soil are called


A horizontal underground stem that can be sent out by a plant as a runner is called a


An underground horizontal stem is called a


In lycophytes, an underground horizontal stem that sends up upright aerial stems is called a(n)


An underground horizontal stem is called a


A mutually beneficial mycorrhizal association occurs between a plant_______ and a _________

root fungi

Wood is made up of

secondary xylem.

There are two different types of leaves: _________leaves have a single blade, while_________ leaves are divided into many leaflets.

simple compound

The generative cell in flowering plants produce


A haploid reproductive cell that develops into a new organism without needing to fuse with another reproductive cell is a(n)


In ferns the dominant generation is the


The portion of the carpel beneath the stigma is called the


The stigma of a carpel sits on top of the


The____________ connects the stigma to the ovary in angiosperm flowers.


Which of the following function in vegetative propagation?

suckers eye of a potato stolon

What are the functions of a plant's root system?

supports plant anchors plant absorbs nutrients absorbs water

The _________pushes the embryo deep into the endosperm tissue.


Which parts of the neem tree are medically useful to dogs in the form of flea protection?

the bark and roots

Which of these characteristics help pines conserve water?

thick cuticles recessed stomata

The growth of a tissue in an artificial liquid or solid culture medium is called

tissue culture

Xylem contains

vessel elements.

Which of the following is considered the source of sugar in plants?


Rank the following plant groups in order of most to least living species.

1. angiosperms 2. ferns 3. gymnosperms 4. ginkgoes


A vascular tissue in plants that transports glucose


A vascular tissue in plants that transports water and nutrients

In ground tissue, which cell type is the least specialized?


Which type of cells, which function in food storage, make up the cortex of eudicot roots?


Which flower structure serves to attract pollinating animals?


What are the two main parts of a leaf

Blade; petiole

What makes a root adventitious?

It develops from the shoot system.

The terminal buds of a plant contain which structure?

Shoot apical meristem

Where are nodes (places of leaf attachment) and internodes found on a plant?


This part of the leaf allows gas exchange and water loss to occur when it is open.


When much of a fruit develops from the receptacle, it is called a(n)

accessory fruit

The receptacle, rather than the ovary, forms the bulk of an apple; therefore, apples are known as

accessory fruits.

A prop root is a type of

adventitious root that support the plant by anchoring it at the soil line.

A type of root found in some plants develops from the shoot system. This type of root is called


The neem tree, which is found in India and Pakistan, has uses in which of the following?

agriculture health

The________ are the flowering plants.


Which group contains the most species of living plants?


Which of the following are the major groups of seed plants around today?

angiosperms gymnosperms

The flowering plants produce seeds enclosed within an ovary. These type of plants are known as


The part of the stamen that sits on top of the filament and houses the pollen is the


The primary purpose of the_____________ is to produce pollen.


Which floral structure must be removed to prevent self-pollination, which can be used in a cross pollination experiment?


the stamen is composed of two parts: the sac-like _______ and the ______, which supports it

anther filament

Vascular, ground, and epidermal are types of primary meristems produced by the ________ meristem.


The tomato shown in panel a. is classified as a fruit called a(n) __________ and the strawberry in panel b. is classified as a fruit called a(n) _________ fruit

berry aggregate

A leaf is composed of two main parts; the ________ is the main wide portion, while the petiole attaches the leaf to its stem.


Layers of cells surrounding vascular tissues of a leaf are called _______ sheaths.


Collectively, the sepals of a flower are referred to as the


Stigmas, styles, and ovaries are associated with


The characteristic that determines which generation in plants is dominant is the generation that

carries out the majority of photosynthesis.

Which of the following are conifers?

cedars firs redwoods hemlocks junipers

Select the fleshy fruits.

cherries peaches

Water moves through the xylem with the help of__________ , the tendency of water molecules to cling together, and___________ , the ability of water to cling to other molecules nearby.

cohesion adhesion

The type of ground tissue cell types in plants that provide flexible support to immature regions of the plant is referred to as _________tissue.


What type of cells make up most of the periderm?

cork cells

Periderm is composed of

cork cells.

Collectively, the petals of a flower are called the


The seed leaf of a plant embryo that provides it with nutrients is called the



creates a water column because of hydrogen bonding between water molecules

Growth of plant tissue in an artificial solid or fluid medium is called tissue


Which of the following must happen first in the process of a cross-pollination experiment?

cut away anthers from a plant's flower

The immense coal deposits of present day have their origins in

dead organic materials from ancient times.

Plants that lose their leaves each year are called


Spores are haploid reproductive cells produced by the__________ generation.


Hooks and spines on seeds are a means of seed


A time period when no growth occurs in plants even if conditions are favorable is referred to as


In flowering plants, double fertilization produces a zygote and a nutrient storing structure called a(n)


Which of the following contains nutrients in a seed?


Rank the following tissues found in the zone of maturation of a root in order from the outside to the inside.

epidermis cortex endodermis vascular tissue

Which of the listed tissues are found in the zone of maturation of a root?

epidermis endodermis vascular tissue cortex

Transpiration is the__________ of water from a leaf.


Plants that bear leaves the entire year are known as


The pericarp of a fruit has three distinct layers. The_______ forms the fruit's skin, while the __________creates the fleshy tissue within. Finally, the ____________ serves as a boundary between pericarp and seed.

exocarp mesocarp endocarp

Select mircohabitats where mosses live.

fences stone walls shady cracks in exposed rocks

Fiddleheads are structures found on


Monocots often have a large root network composed of many very small roots. This arrangement is called a ________root system.


The network of roots found in many monocots is referred to as a

fibrous root system.

The anther produces pollen and sits at the top of a(n)


The part of the stamen that supports the anther is called the


Peaches and cherries are examples of_________ fruits.


Fruits that have hard endocarps which protect the seeds as they pass through the digestive tract of an animal are called

fleshy fruits


fleshy part of apple

The point at which the___________ attaches to a stalk is called a receptacle.


Select characteristics of eudicots from the list.

flower parts in fours or fives or multiples of fours and fives taproot system woody of herbaceous vascular bundles in a ring

Monocots and eudicots are the two classes of ___________plants, also called angiosperms.


Select the correct facts and characteristics about angiosperms from the list below.

flowers are the reproductive structures of this group this group is known as the flowering plants this group has the largest number of plant representatives there are two classes - monocots and eudicots in this group

The method of asexual reproduction found in mosses is called


Charophytes are

freshwater green algae.

The leaves of ferns are called


The haploid generation of the plant life cycle that produces haploid cells is called the


A group of gymnosperms with only one living species are the


Sclerenchyma, parenchyma, and collenchyma are tissues found in plants called _________tissues.


The spring and summer wood formed in one year creates the ________ ring of a woody plant.


Because their ovules are not completely enclosed by diploid tissue, ___________ovules are called "naked".


Conifers, gnetophytes, cycads, and ginkgoes are the four living representatives of


Plants that bear cones and have ovules that are not completely enclosed by diploid tissue are known as


There are nearly 600 cone bearing plants, which are known as


The root ______found in plants are the most important structure for increasing the absorptive capacity and surface area of the plant roots.


The neem tree, which is found in India and Pakistan, has uses in which of the following?

health agriculture


hemp fibers

Flowering plants have two different sizes of spores, therefore flowering plants are referred to as being


Seed plants that produce two different types of spores are referred to as


Stomata are structures found on

leaves that allow gas exchange with the air.

Megaphylls are large

leaves that increase the area for photosynthesis.

Pollen grains are produced by the

male gametophyte.

Large leaves that increase the surface area for photosynthesis are called


The sporophyte generation produces spores by the process of


A microspore mother cell undergoes________ to produce four haploid microspores. Each haploid microspore nucleus divides_________ by and results in two cells enclosed within a pollen grain.

meiosis mitosis

The flowering plant group which is characterized by having only one embryonic seed leaf are the


Since they are small and have a selective advantage over larger plants, stone walls, fences, and cracks in exposed rocks are ideal microhabitats for


The ginkgos are represented by ______ living species.


Nectar is produced by glands in the region of the____________ of a flower and is used by pollinators.


The part of the carpel that is below the style and contains ovules is called the


In the diagram of a flower part, A is the__________ and B is the__________

ovule stigma

Which of the following are the main requirements for germination?

oxygen warmth water

Which of the following are uses of conifer trees?

paper production construction

The plant root cortex is composed of loosely-packed ________cells.


The terms exocarp, mesocarp, and endocarp are layers that are associated with the


In eudicots, where do lateral branch roots originate?


Just inside the endodermis layer is the ________, a layer of actively dividing cells from which lateral branch roots arise.


When 14C-labeled carbon dioxide is supplied to leaves, scientists can confirm that_________ transports organic nutrients.


In a monocot root the pith is surrounded by bundles of

phloem xylem

Two types of vascular tissue aid in transport in plants. The _________ conducts organic products downwards to the roots, and the _________ transports water and minerals upwards to the leaves.

phloem xylem

Two types of vascular tissue aid in transport in plants. The ___________ conducts organic products downwards to the roots, and ______________transports water and minerals upwards to the leaves.

phloem xylem

In plants, the dominant generation carries out the majority of


Which pigment is responsible for detecting the photoperiod of a plant?


The numerous strands of cytoplasm extending from one sieve-tube member to another, through the sieve plate, are referred to as


A __________grain consists of a tube cell and a generative cell.


A(n)_________ tube forms after a pollen grain germinates and sperm travel through it to the female gametophyte.


The stigma of a flower sits on top of the style and is the place that ____________lands.


Conifers produce two types of cones. They are________ cones and _____________cones.

pollen seed

Microstrobili of conifers produce windblown ____________ and the megastrobili produce windblown _____________

pollen seeds

What structure develops from a microspore and into a male gametophyte?

pollen grain

Tube cells and generative cells are associated with

pollen grains.

Pollination is the transfer of __________from the anther to the stigma of a flower.


__________ growth occurs in all plants whereas___________ growth only occurs in conifers and woody eudicots, and increases the girth of the plant.

primary secondary

The primary purpose of the stamen is to

produce pollen.

The flower stalk expands slightly at the tip into a(n) __________which bears the other flower parts.


The flower stalk expands slightly at the tip into a(n)______________ , which bears the other flower parts.


A flower is a plant organ that functions in


Germination begins when a

seed begins to grow.

Cotyledons are

seed leaves that provide nourishment to plant embryos.

Gymnosperms and angiosperms are both considered to be

seed plants

The four major parts of a flower are the stamens, carpel, petals, and


These structures protect a flower bud before it opens. They are called


Floral structures that protect the flower bud are called


The calyx is a term used to refer to all of the__________ of a flower.


The diploid generation in plants that is called the ______ generation.


The multicellular stage in the plant life cycle that produces haploid spores is the


An annual ring is composed of ______ wood and ________wood.

spring summer

Anthers and their supporting filaments compose the


In angiosperms, the includes the_________ pollen producing anther and the slender filament.


The top portion of the carpel is called the


The________________ is the specific site of pollen reception in angiosperms.


A(n) ________ is a small opening between two guard cells on plant leaves.


Plasmodesmata refers to

strands of cytoplasm extending from one sieve-tube member to another, through the sieve plate.

Select the examples of asexual reproduction.

strawberry plants using stolons irises growing from the nodes of rhizomes planting portions of a sweet potato root


strengthens the water column, preventing it from slipping downward

Many eudicots contain a large primary root called the


The type of primary root that is found in eudicots is referred to as a


The _______bud contains the shoot tip protected by bud scales.


What is the primary purpose of petals (corolla) in flowers?

to attract a particular pollinator

The evaporation of water from leaf cells is


Vascular tissue in plants is directly associated with


Vascular tissue

transports water and nutrients through the plant.

In seed plants, the pollen___________ is necessary to deliver sperm to the egg.


In seed plants, the pollen____________ is necessary to deliver sperm to the egg.


The cell that produces a pollen tube is called a ______cell.


Pollen grains are composed of two cells. The _________cell is much larger, while the_________ cell divides to produce two sperm.

tube generative

Seed plants are heterosporus, which means they have___________ size(s) of spore(s).


The only difference between self and cross-pollination is that cross-pollination occurs between

two plants of the same species.

Select characteristics of monocots from the list.

usually herbaceous flower parts in threes or multiples of threes scattered bundles in stem fibrous root system

The type of tissue that transports water and nutrients through a plant is called__________ tissue.


The region of vascular tissues of a plant root are referred to collectively as the

vascular cylinder

Bundle sheaths are layers of cells that surround

vascular tissue.

Roots, stems, and leaves are the _________organs of plants.


What is lost from leaf cells when stomata are open?


Cuticle minimizes the loss of

water from plants.

Secondary xylem builds up each year and forms the rings that are found in the_________ of a tree trunk.


The vascular tissue in plants that transports water and minerals up from the roots is called the


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