Unit 3: AP Classroom

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Which of the following religions is appropriately matched with its region of origin? A) Islam..Egypt B) Judaism..Spain C) Hinduism..China D) Buddhism..India E) Christianity..Germany


Swahili in East Africa and English in global commerce are examples of A) pidgin languages B) lingua franca C) standard language D) creole language E) official language


The world's three major monotheistic religions originated in which of the following regions? A) East Asia B) Southwest Asia C) Eastern Europe D) Western Europe E) Africa


In which of the following countries has the diffusion of Christianity met the most resistance? A) China B) Brazil C) Italy D) Mexico E) South Africa


Sometimes a diffusion process encounters barriers that slow or stop the spread of an innovation. Which of the following is an example of such a barrier? A) A lack of infrastructure to support a new technology B) A change in the price of energy C) A jump from contagious to hierarchical diffusion D) A transition from stimulus to contagious diffusion E) A new form of media to broadcast information


The Gullah language is spoken in African-American communities of the costal southeastern United States particularly in South Carolina, Georgia, and northeastern Florida. It is a combination of Elizabethan English and African Dialects. One can describe Gullah as a A) creolized language B) lingua franca C) Sino-Tibetan dialect D) language family E) linguistic branch of the Niger-Congo family


The alignment of ancient Chinese cities toward the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) best illustrates the importance of which of the following factors in the shaping of these early cities? A) Belief systems B) Topography C) Economics D) Gender E) Technology


The sign shown in the image includes an Internet address for the county government. Explain how the sign illustrates the cultural tensions between traditional languages and English. A) The Internet spreads the use of English as a global lingua franca, but the Internet is also a place where traditional languages can be communicated and thrive. B) English is used for business and commerce on the Internet, while traditional languages such as Gaelic can only be heard in poems and music recordings but not written on the Internet. C) The Internet is produced only in English; as a result, many traditional languages disappear due to the dominance of English-language communication. D) Many countries ban the use of English-language Internet sites in an effort to resist the forces of globalization and protect their traditional languages. E) English is being used less outside of the United Kingdom. Speaking a traditional language as a first language has become the norm in former British colonies.


The spread of specialty coffee shops across the United States in the 1990s is an example of A) hierarchical diffusion B) contagious diffusion C) stimulus diffusion D) periodic movement E) relocation diffusion


Toponyms in southern California reflect which of the following? A) Cultural heritage of the settlers B) Importance of time-space convergence C) Growing influence of globalization D) Significance of location theory E) Role of popular culture in American society


Which of the following best explains how Christianity became the dominant religion in the Philippines? A) Christianity was brought to the Philippines through relocation diffusion when the Spanish colonized the Philippines in the sixteenth century. B) Christianity entered the Philippines through the ministry of representatives from the Russian Orthodox church. C) A secondary hearth for Christianity arose in the Philippines in the twelfth century, and since that time Christianity has remained the dominant religion in the Philippines. D) Christianity entered the Philippines through contagious diffusion because of its proximity to Indonesia. E) Export-oriented logging companies from Japan brought Christianity to the Philippines during the twentieth century.


Which of the following best explains how immigration affects the cultural landscape of religion? A) Immigrants often retain their religion during the process of acculturation, contributing to religious diversity within the cultural landscape of the receiving country. B) Immigrant communities fuse their own religion with the dominant religion in the receiving country to create a syncretic religion. C) Ethnic religions do not diffuse past their hearth, so immigrants must adopt a new religion when relocating to a new country. D) Immigrants bring their religion with them when they relocate, and their religion quickly spreads to the overwhelming majority of citizens in the receiving country. E) Immigrants' original religions disappear as immigrants fully assimilate into their new culture and adopt the dominant religion of the area.


Which of the following best explains the Internet's homogenizing effect on global language patterns? A) The English language is widely used on the Internet. B) Social media applications commonly support dozens of different languages. C) Many governments censor citizens' Internet access. D) An increasing number of Internet users communicate exclusively through emojis. E) The Internet accelerates communication so that people from different cultures can interact quickly and easily.


Which of the following statements best explains why English is the most widely spoken language in North America? A) The English language initially diffused to North America through the process of relocation diffusion. A number of colonies were established and settled by people from Great Britain. B) The English language diffused throughout North America through the process of hierarchical diffusion. The language was initially spoken in cities and was gradually adopted by people living in rural areas. C) The English language diffused to North America through the process of contagious diffusion. Christian missionaries were responsible for the spread of the language among the indigenous population. D) The English language was established as the official language of all of the British colonies in North America. Over time, it diffused throughout the population from the colonial leadership to the population. E) The English language became a widely spoken language in North America in the twentieth century. This primarily occurred as a way of unifying the immigrant populations in both the United States and Canada.


If four languages have similar words for numbers and the names of fish, but different names for a certain disease, what might be concluded about the time at which the disease first diffused? A) The disease spread among a population that later divided and evolved into four different languages. B) The population divided and evolved into the four different languages, and then the disease spread. C) The disease spread to two different populations that later divided into two different languages. D) The disease and language spread to four different regions at the same time at the same rate. E) There can be no conclusions drawn about the initial diffusion of the disease based on language.


A pilgrim to Varanasi (Benares) in India is most likely to be a A) Christian B) Jew C) Hindu D) Buddhist E) Muslim


An ethnic neighborhood is best described as which of the following? A) An involuntary community where people with similar values reside B) A rural community where people with similar backgrounds are required to live C) A voluntary urban community where people of similar origin reside D) An area in the inner city where certain groups are forced to live E) A city neighborhood that is undergoing population change due to immigration.


How does the map illustrate global diffusion of the French language from its cultural hearth in Paris? A) The map shows how French-language movies, music, and literature dominate global entertainment media. B) The map shows how France was an ancient-culture hearth from which the French language spread through expansion diffusion. C) The map shows how in many areas of the former French empire the language persists despite the independence of former colonies. D) The map shows how French civil servants established schools in many parts of the French colonial empire. E) The map shows how people's love of French food has facilitated the spread of the French language to many parts of the world.


MOSQUE, MOROCCO (left) MOSQUE, CHINA (right) Based on the two images, which of the following statements best explains the geographic process that took place as Islam diffused from its hearth? A) Islam is confined to the Middle East because it is an ethnic religion that appeals to only one group of people in one region. B) The diffusion of Islam has resulted in a cultural landscape in China that has been radically altered to reflect Islamic architecture. C) Islam diffused hierarchically to the west through conquest and to the east through relocation via missionaries along trade routes. D) The diffusion of Islam has had a minimal impact on regions to the west and east of its hearth in the Middle East. E) The universalizing nature of Islam has allowed it to become worldwide in scope and the dominant religion in North America and Europe.


The term "cultural diffusion" refers to the A) modification of Earth's surface by human actions B) integration of behavioral traits within a group C) spread of an idea or innovation from its source D) relationship between human cultures and their physical environment E) assimilation of a minority culture into the host society


Which of the following best defines Carl Sauer's concept of cultural landscape A) It is the way people landscape their yards in different parts of the world. B) It is the way houses of worship are built. C) It is the outcome of interactions between humans and their natural environment. D)It is a shared set of meanings and symbolic practices. E) It is the human adaptation to Earth's physical environment.


Which of the following is not a characteristic of Hinduism? A) It uses human and animal images in its sacred spaces B) Pilgrims bathe in holy Rivers C) Religious functions most likely take place at home within the family D) It is a universalizing religion E) Sacred places are established by tradition


Which of the following originated in South Asia and subsequently spread throughout much of Southeast and East Asia? A) Hinduism B) Christianity C) Buddhism D) Sikhism E) Confucianism


The photograph shows a road sign in the Republic of Ireland. Which of the following best describes the sign's significance within the cultural landscape? A) The sign indicates that County Cork is a linguistic region of the Republic of Ireland. B) The sign delineates an international political border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. C) The sign promotes the use of a single language in the region. D) The sign promotes the use of traditional language among citizens of the Republic of Ireland. E) The sign represents a uniform cultural identity within the region.


Which of the following is a term used in the study of place names? A) Isonyms B) Phenomyns C) Acronyms D) Toponyms E) Loconyms


Which of the following language-location pairs best exemplifies the process of relocation diffusion of language in the twentieth century? A) English in India B) Mandarin in China C) French in Canada D) Hmong in the United States E) Russian in Brazil


The Indo-European Language family includes the major languages of Europe and those dominate in all of the following EXCEPT A) Russia B) Northern India C) Iran D) Eastern and Southern Australia E) Central Asia


Which of the following best explains how the English language diffused to the location shown in the image? (Image of English/Gaelic sign) A) This location is the heart of the English language, and English is the area's traditional language. B) English was the standard language of the Catholic Church and diffused to this location through religious practices. C) English was voluntarily adopted in this location as a useful lingua franca. D) English came to this location recently via imported popular culture such as movies and music. E) The English language was imposed on this location through a process of economic and political domination.


Which of the following correctly lists the four major ancient culture hearths? A) Central Asia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Mesopotamia B) Asia, India, Nile Valley, southern Europe C) Egypt, Mekong Valley, Middle East, Western Africa D) Ethiopia, Ghana, Machu Picchu, Mongolia E) Indus Valley, Mesopotamia, Nile Valley, North China


Which of the following correctly sequences the continuum from language family to dialect? A) Afro-Asiatic, Semitic, Arabic, Berber B) Sino-Tibetan, Sinitic, Mandarin, Chinese C) Indo-European, Indo-Iranian, Hindi, Bengali D) Indo-European, Baltic-Slavic, Russian, Ukrainian E) Indo-European, Germanic, English, Midland-Northern


Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies the concept of hierarchical diffusion? A) The practice of selling pizza by the slice in America, whereas pizzas in Italy were traditionally sold as whole pies B) The addition of hands-free driving features to cars manufactured by companies headquartered throughout the world C) The migration of asylum seekers from Syria to Europe D) The increasing popularity of Korean pop music around the world because of social media E) The increasing sales of clothing brands endorsed by professional athletes to customers in Europe


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