Unit 3: Formatting Paragraphs & Editing Text

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Applying text styles

A style is a predefined combination of font style, color, and size. Use this option to preview, manage, and customize the various style text options.

Hard return

To create a hard return, hold down the shift key and hit enter. This will move your cursor to the next line without using the word wrap feature at the end of the line.


Use this icon to add or remove borders from your selection.

Align Left

Use this icon to align your text to the left margin. Commonly used for body text, using left alignment makes the document easier to read.

Align Right

Use this icon to align your text to the right margin. Right aligning is commonly use for page numbers or text in the header or footer of your document.


Use this icon to change the color behind the selected text, paragraph, or table cell.

Spelling & Grammar

Use this icon to check for spelling and grammar issues in your document.

Line and Paragraph Spacing

Use this icon to choose how much space appears between lines of text or between paragraphs.


Use this icon to create a bulleted list.


Use this icon to distribute your text evenly between the left and right margin. Justified text gives your document clean, crisp edges so it looks more polished.


Use this icon to find alternate words or synonyms to say what you mean.


Use this icon to find text or other content within the document.


Use this icon to horizontally center your text on the page. Center aligning text is often used with titles and cover pages.

Word Count

Use this icon to keep track of the number of words, characters, paragraphs, and lines in your document.

Spacing Between Paragraphs

Use this icon to launch the paragraph group dialog box. This option allows you to choose how much space appears before and after paragraphs.

Decrease indent

Use this icon to move your paragraph closer to the margin.

Increase indent

Use this icon to move your paragraph farther away from the margin.


Use this icon to search for text you would like to change, and replace it with something else.


Use this icon to show/hide paragraph marks and other hidden formatting symbols.

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