Unit 3: Hinduism

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Which path of Hinduism, according to the textbook, is the path most like Christianity and why?

The way of devotion because this way commits to one god and they devote their lives to that one god they follow

Hinduism's view on the beginning of the universe:

There are endless cycles of beginning and ending. There are multiple creation stories

Who is the founder of Hinduism?

Aryans from the Central Asia

What was the Mahabharata about?

An epic narrative of the Kurukshetra War and the fates of the Kaurava and the Pandava princes

How many Vedas are there?


What is the best way to represent Hindu thought about god?

God is one of the many gods a Hindu can follow

Who is the key person in the Ramayana and of which god is he an avatar or incarnation?

Rama is the key person An incarnation of the God Vishnu

What is the word for worship in Hinduism?

Puja- minimal recitations to elaborate ceremonies

List the two main gods that Hindus worshipped during the Vedic period.

1.Agni- god of fire 2.Indra- god of storms

List three principal gods ("the Hindu Trinity" in Hinduism)

1.Brahma- creator of the universe: four heads 2.Vishnu- the preserver: blue color, conch shell, discus staff 3.Shiva- destroyer of the world whenever it has become so corrupt that it needs to be replaced with a new one (Trident-Lord of beasts, dance, lingam (phallic representation)

What is the caste system? Discuss the roles of the different groups in the system, including the untouchables.

1.Brahmins- Priests- traditionally assigned to studying and teaching the Vedas, and performing vital rituals 2.Kshatriyas- Warriors, rulers- assigned to protect and govern people. Includes politicans, princes, military, and police officers 3.Vaishyas- Merchants, landowners- take care of business 4.Shudras- Workers- assigned to serve those in the three castes above 5.Outcasts- 15% of india's population- people who have no status and cannot participate fully in their religion

Name the four common periods or geological layers of Hinduism.

1.First Layer: Indus Civilization 2.Second Layer: Verdic Period 3.Third Layer: Wisdom- Philosophical 4.Fourth Layer: Devotional Hinduism

List the two sets of sacred texts in Hinduism.

1.Heard (Shruti) a.Vedas- 4 sacrificial and ritual works b.Brahmans- Instructions for priests c.Sutras- Instructions for all people d.Laws of Manu- Instructions for all people e.Upanishads- Philosophical meditations 2.Received (Smrti) a.Mahabharata- epic war between tribes

List the four cycles of Hinduism:

1.Kali (currently in) 2.Satya 3.Treta 4.Dvapara

List and discuss the main paths or yogas to God?

1.Karma (path to action)- ritual action 2.Bhakti (path of devotion)- a personal devotion to a manifestation of deity 3.Jnana (path of knowledge)- philosophical Hinduism A- the quest for knowledge to help others B- the quest to know the ultimate truths of existence

Explain at least two creation stories in Hinduism and the Hindus response to the multiple creation accounts:

1.Purusha- The Cosmic person: In a beginning the universe was full of water with egg with 4 elements- wind, fire, water, sky. The middle of the egg was Vishnu who took the form of Brahma. 2.The universe was a soul that desired a mate. It became as big as a man and woman embracing and then separated. From their the woman became a cow and the man become a bull, then a horse and donkey- down to the ants

In which language were the Vedas composed? And, who was its author or compiler?

1.Sanskrit 2. The Brahmins

What are the dominant and foundational scripture of Hinduism?

1.Shruti- oldest Scriptures 2.Smrti- written by humans

How many Upanishads are there?

200+ although they generally use 180 main ones

Why did the Hindus turned to the Brahman, the Divine Essence, in each person, during the period of the Wisdom or Philosophical tradition?

Because Brahman and I are one- (Levels: Consciousness is Brahman. I am Brahman. You are Brahman. The self and Brahman are one.)

What is the fourth Hindu layer, Devotional Hinduism, about? What is the Hindus view on devotion to Krishna, Jesus, Allah or a planet?

Choosing a god you want to worship and being devoted to it without leaving the comforts of this life. This is the most popular level today

Explain: Hindus and Christians differ in their understanding of life as journey.

Christians do not believe that life is an endless cycle of death and rebirth because Christ conquered death.

What is Pure Awareness or Supreme Reality in Hindu thought?

It is Brahma and the soul of the Universe

Which god is emphasized in the Bhagavad Gita? And which warrior does the god guide?

Lord Krishna counsels/guides Arjuna

What was the name of Rama's wife?

Sita known by many epithets 1.Wife of Rama---Ramā

Explain the meaning and origin of the name Hindu and Hinduism

The name Hindu was given to the country, the people, their culture. (Original name in India was Bharata). Means right, responsibility, law, religion, norm, religious practice

Why do Hindus practice ahimsa, noninjury?

They believe that all like in sacred- in thought, word, and deed

Why do some Hindus worship Jesus as a god?

They believe that no religion teaches the only way to salvation above all others, but that all genuine paths are facets of God's light, deserving tolerance and understanding

Explain the following statement: "Hindus believe in Karma, the law of cause and effect by which each individual creates his own destiny by his thoughts, words and deed."

They believe that with your thoughts, words, and deeds you can obtain good or bad karma and that will determine your life in the next one, your destiny will be determined by which karma you have more of at the end of your life.

Discuss the four major denominations of schools of thought in Hinduism.

Vaishnavism Shaivism Shaktism Smartism

Discuss the content of the Upanishads.

Were written by the philosophers and contain stories between teachers and their pupils as well as mystical interpretations or reflections on the Vedas.

What is meant by Sanatana Dharma?

eternal Dharma- another name for the religion?

What is Moksa?

the release from the cycle of rebirth impelled by the law of karma.

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