Unit 3 Test

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Why did Congress believe it was important for military commanders in the occupied South to supervise new state constitutional conventions?

. Congress wanted to ensure that new constitutions guaranteed black suffrage.

The Republican-dominated U.S. Congress took advantage of southerners' absence to institute which of the following reforms during the Civil War?

A neomercantilist program of government assisted economic development

The ideas expressed in the painting above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in U.S. history?

A sense of unique national mission and a superior cultural identity.

What role did trade and industrial development play in the adoption of the gold standard by the U.S. government in 1873?

Adopting the gold standard opened the country to foreign investment.

Which of the following statements characterizes the role played by African Americans in the Civil War?

African Americans served in segregated regiments and fought courageously

How did Abraham Lincoln view secession?

As an illegal act that constituted an insurrection against the Union

Southern whites responded to the end of slavery by enacting

Black Codes.

Why did the discovery of gold in California affect the national debate on slavery?

California sought statehood as a free state in 1850, which would have blocked slavery in the West.

Which of the following pairs identified with the Radical Republicans?

Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens

Which of the following became critical community institutions for African Americans throughout the South during Reconstruction?


Which of the following statements describes the Freedmen's Bureau, which originated in 1865?

Created by Congress, it helped ex-slaves adjust to freedom and secure their basic civil rights.

During the 1850s, proslavery American expansionists attempted to acquire which of the following regions?


What was the major cause of death for soldiers serving in the Civil War?


What position did Frederick Douglass assume on the issue of women's voting rights during Reconstruction?

Douglass asked women to allow black male suffrage to take priority.

Why was the South unable to convince England to provide it with more support during the Civil war?

England needed Union wheat more than the South's cotton.

What was the primary reason Republican governments across the South fell one by one to Democrats in the mid-1870s?

Ex-Confederate politicians, using terrorism, silenced the black and Republican vote.

Which of the following was the critical issue facing political parties in the late 1840s?

Expansion of slavery

Why did President Lincoln decide to suspend habeas corpus during the Civil War?

He believed it would stop disloyal activities, such as protests against the draft.

Why did Abraham Lincoln reject General Winfield Scott's plan for the war early in 1861?

He found it to be not aggressive enough.

Why did radical abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison criticize the free-soil movement bitterly in the late 1840s?

He found its emphasis on freehold farming racist and insufficiently radical.

Why did President James K. Polk retreat from his demand for "fifty-four forty or fight"?

He had begun a war with Mexico and wanted to avoid a simultaneous one with Britain.

Why did Robert E. Lee invade Maryland in August and September 1862?

He hoped that a victory over Union forces would humiliate Lincoln's government.

Why did the Republican Party nominate Abraham Lincoln for the presidency in 1860?

His egalitarian image would attract votes among farmers and workers.

Which of the following statements describes Radical Reconstruction?

It aimed to reform the South and increase federal power.

Why was Maryland a strategic location that Abraham Lincoln was determined to keep in the Union?

It covered the nation's capital on three sides.

What statement describes the actual change in status of slaves in January 1863 as a result of the Emancipation Proclamation?

It freed only slaves in states still in rebellion and did not change the status of a single slave.

What statement characterizes the federal government during the Civil War?

It grew in power and centralized authority.

Which of the following statements describes the historical significance of Harriet Beecher Stowe's 1852 novel Uncle Tom's Cabin?

It sparked an unprecedented discussion about race and slavery in the United States and abroad.

Which of the following describes Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan, which he announced in December 1863?

It specified that a state could return to the Union when 10 percent of its voters took an oath of loyalty to the Union.

Why did the free-soil concept achieve significant popular support?

It stressed protection of white economic opportunity.

Which steps did the federal government take in order to wage total war?

It supported the construction of railroads.

What explains the popularity of the Ghost Dance movement in the 1880s?

Its promise of Indian resurrection

What feature of the Lakota Sioux society protected it from the epidemics that decimated other Native American groups in the nineteenth century?

Its small groups and nomadic lifestyle

Which of the following events took place in Kansas during the summer of 1856?

John Brown and his followers murdered and mutilated five proslavery settlers at Pottawatomie.

The creation of the Republican Party, the Pottawatomie massacre, and the negation of the Missouri Compromise were all consequences of the

Kansas-Nebraska Act.

By the 1830s, which of the following was the dominant Indian tribe on the central and northern Plains?


In the aftermath of Lincoln's election to the presidency in 1860, southerners feared that following?

Lincoln would break his promise and interfere with slavery where it existed.

Which of the following was one of the reasons that the United States encouraged Chinese immigration after the Civil War?

Many Chinese were useful railroad workers and farm laborers in the West

Why was the enlistment of African Americans in the Union army and their deployment in battle delayed until 1863?

Most Union generals doubted that they would make good soldiers.

What group of northerners was most likely to support the war effort?

Native-born Republicans

Which Indian tribe was pursued 1,100 miles and forced to surrender just south of the Canadian border in 1877?

Nez Perce

Which of the following policies was implemented as part of the Compromise of 1850?

Passage of a new Fugitive Slave Act

The Black Codes instituted by southern state governments created under Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction plan aimed to achieve what goal?

Place African Americans in a situation as close to slavery as possible

Why did so many Confederate soldiers flee their units by 1865?

Poor white soldiers resented fighting for the benefit of wealthy slave owners.

What did the Wilmot Proviso, introduced in Congress in 1846, propose to do?

Prohibit slavery in any territory the United States acquired from Mexico

Which of the following statements characterizes the congressional impeachment of Andrew Johnson?

Radical Republicans failed to remove Johnson from office, but they damaged his power and authority.

Which of the following statements describes the movement toward emancipation within the Republican Party in 1862?

Radical Republicans in Congress pushed moderates toward embracing their agenda of total abolition.

Ex-Confederates who sought to return political and economic control of the South to white southerners after the Civil War were known as


In 1867, the United States bought Alaska from


Which of the following was Elizabeth Cady Stanton's response to the denial of women's suffrage while freedmen and immigrant men were being enfranchised?

She made a racist attack on the uneducated black men who could vote while educated white women could not.

Which of the following was the dominant northern Plains Indian tribe?


African American colleges and universities, like Fisk, Tougaloo, and the Hampton Institute, which formed during Reconstruction, first focused on training freedmen for what purpose?


Which of the following statements describes the American Party, or Know-Nothings, that emerged in the North in the 1850s?

The American Party originated in anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic societies of the 1840s.

According to the Constitution, which branch of government is responsible for readmitting states that have seceded from the Union?

The Constitution does not address this question.

Which of the following statements describes the election of 1876?

The Democratic candidate won the popular vote, but Republican officials in three southern states certified Republican victories, sending two sets of electoral votes to Congress.

After losing reelection to the House of Representatives and withdrawing from politics, opposition to what event led Abraham Lincoln to return to politics?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

Opposition to what action led some Democrats to join the Republican Party when it formed in the mid-1850s?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

In the Dred Scott decision, Chief Justice Taney ruled that which of the following was unconstitutional?

The Missouri Compromise

Which statement best describes the constitutional revolution associated with Reconstruction?

The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments laid the foundation for the civil rights movement of the twentieth century.

What did nineteenth-century American expansionists mean by the term Manifest Destiny?

The citizens of the United States had a God-given right to conquer the land to the Pacific Ocean.

The 1857 Dred Scott decision had which of the following consequences?

The decision persuaded many Republicans that the Supreme Court and President Buchanan were part of the "slave power" conspiracy.

Why did whites living in the West in the early 1860s undertake vigilante action against Native Americans on their own rather than relying on the federal government?

The government was preoccupied with the Civil War.

Why was the election of 1876 significant?

The outcome was determined by an electoral commission established by Congress.

What connection did John L. O'Sullivan's term "manifest destiny" have to American expansion of the mid-nineteenth century?

The phrase embodied the dreams of American expansionists.

Which of the following statements describes the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

The treaty purchased more than one-third of Mexico's territory for a mere $15 million.

Why did President Johnson veto the Freedmen's Bureau law and Civil Rights Act in 1866?

These two pieces of legislation posed too great a challenge to his deeply racist views.

Why were the odds stacked against freedmen who became sharecroppers?

They could not escape debt.

What service, in addition to religious services, did churches provide African Americans after the Civil War?

They served as social centers.

Why did Sioux and Cheyenne Indians sign on with Buffalo Bill's entertainment group?

They sought to escape the harsh conditions on reservations.

Secession came earliest in which states?

Those with the highest concentration of slaves

What was the purpose of Indian boarding schools in the late nineteenth century?

To assimilate Native American children more easily into white culture

Why did Congress pass the Enforcement Laws in 1870?

To try to stop violence perpetrated by the Ku Klux Klan and similar groups

What was the goal of the Ku Klux Klan under the leadership of former Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest in 1866?

To use any means to damage the Republican government of Tennessee

Which pair of battles marked the turning point in the Civil War?

Vicksburg and Gettysburg

Popular sovereignty solved which of the following issues temporarily?

Whether Congress had the authority to legislate slavery in the territories

Abraham Lincoln belonged to which political party during his four terms in the Illinois state legislature?


Which Reconstruction-era politician created the blueprint for American economic expansion and later imperialism?

William Seward

What Union general invaded the South, took and destroyed Atlanta, and carried out a scorched-earth policy in a march to the sea?

William Sherman

In 1872, which of the following was established by Congress as the first national park?


The popular 1844 phrase "Fifty-four forty or fight!" served as

a push for American control of the entire Oregon territory.

The Civil Rights Act of 1866

asserted that all former slaves would receive equal protection under the law.

Americans who lined up behind the free-soil cause in the late 1840s

declared that slavery threatened American republicanism by undermining family farms.

On July 4, 1861, in a statement to a special session of Congress, President Lincoln

declared that the war was a noble crusade that would determine the fate of democracy throughout the world.

Ratified in 1870, the Fifteenth Amendment

forbade states from denying any citizen the right to vote on the grounds of race, color, or previous condition as a slave.

During the early years of the Civil War, the term contraband came into use to describe

freedom-seeking slaves who fled from Confederate masters to Union armies.

The Confederacy financed the Civil War primarily by

issuing paper currency that was not backed by gold or silver.

The Enrollment Act of 1863

led to riots in New York City.

In the Reconstruction South, the Ku Klux Klan was

often indistinguishable from the Democratic Party.

The Civil War has been described as the first total war in modern times. A total war is defined as

one in which all the resources, including civilians, are mobilized for war.

The creation of Yellowstone National Park in 1872 was an early important step toward a public commitment to


Approved by Congress in January 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment

prohibited slavery throughout the United States.

The Republican state Reconstruction governments in the South made significant and long-lasting achievements in

public education.

The Emancipation Proclamation stated that

slaves in the rebel states would be freed.

Some southerners used the term scalawags to describe

southerners who supported the process of Reconstruction

The 1845 annexation of Texas provoked

the Mexican War.

Reconstruction ended in 1877 because

the North lost interest in the cause.

The two excerpts quoted above would be most useful to historians analyzing

the heated controversy generated by the acquisition of new territory in the West.

Many African American sharecroppers became trapped in a vicious cycle of debt after the Civil War mainly because

they could not pay the high prices and interest that whites charged as the price of cotton declined in the 1870s.

Expecting freedom from slavery near the end of the Civil War, most African Americans were eager to

vote and secure land for economic independence.

In an 1858 senate campaign speech, Abraham Lincoln

warned that the nation could not endure as "a house divided against itself," that is, half slave and half free.

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