Unit 3: The Head

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what vein drains into the superficial head, scalp?

external jugular vein

What artery supplies the anterior face and muscles facial expression?

facial artery

Gustatory information from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue is carried to the gustatory cortex of the cerebrum via what cranial nerve?

facial nerve

what vein drains into the anterior face and nasal region?

facial vein

What dural reflection is located between the right and left hemispheres of the cerebellum?

falx cerbelli

What dural reflection is located within the median longitudinal fissure?

falx cerebri

The superior aspect of each nasal bone articulates with the:


What bones of the skull articulates with the zygomatic bone?

frontal, maxillary, temporal, sphenoid

The surface of the brain contains ridges, called _______________.


Does the following description describe the thalamus or hypothalamus: Connected to the pituitary gland via the infundibulum


Does the following description describe the thalamus or hypothalamus: Controls the autonomic nervous system


Does the following description describe the thalamus or hypothalamus: Produces hormones


Does the following description describe the thalamus or hypothalamus: controls endocrine system


Does the following description describe the thalamus or hypothalamus: involved in memory and emotion as a part of the limbic system


What arteries supplies the brain (circle of willis)?

internal carotid artery and vertebral artery

what vein drains into the brain, facial vein?

internal jugular vein

The _____________ separates the frontal and temporal lobe

lateral sulcus

Which muscles act on the upper lip or corner of the mouth?

levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, levator anguli oris, zygomaticus major, depressor anguli oris

What artery supplies the tongue?

lingual artery (your tongue helps speak linguistics)

The _____ prevents extreme movements of the tongue. However if it is too restrictive, the individual may have difficulty speaking.

lingual frenulum

What bone does the sphenoid not articulate with?


What artery supplies the cheek, tooth, and muscles of mastication?

maxillary artery

what vein drains into the maxillary region?

maxillary vein

The infrahyoid muscles are found in the ________ triangle.


What artery supplies the posterior scalp?

occipital artery

What triangle, on the posterolateral neck, contains lymph nodes that can become enlarged due to a viral infection such as mononucleosis?

occipital triangle

You were surprised how easy this assignment has been and raised your eyebrows. Which muscle did you contract?


Projections on the dorsum of the tongue, some of which house taste buds are the:


The lambdoid suture is the boundary between which bones?

parietal and occipital

Which salivary gland is the largest?


What layer of the meninges follows the contours of the sulci and gyri?

pia mater

What layer of the meninges supports large cerebral blood vessels on the surface of the brain?

pia mater

What artery supplies the lateral and posterior scalp, behind the ear?

posterior auricular artery

Which muscles of the neck also contribute to elevation of the ribs?

scalenes (Fish breathe out of their gills, fish have scales, ribs are by lungs)

The _________ separates the right and left lateral ventricles from each other.

septum pellucidum

You broke your nose running into a wall. The cribriform plate has been damaged. What sense may be affected due to this injury?


What is the muscle that is a primary rotator of the head and divides the anterior and posterior triangles of the neck?


Which muscle causes contralateral rotation of the head?


Which muscle has an attachment to the temporal bone?


The space surrounding the brain within the meninges that contains CSF is called the:

subarachnoid space

What is located between the arachnoid mater and pia mater?

subarachnoid space

The contents of the submandibular triangle include the _____________.

submandibular gland

The grooves between the ridges on the brain are called ____________.


What artery supplies the lateral and superior scalp?

superficial temporal artery

What artery supplies the thyroid gland?

superior thyroid artery

what vein drains into the temporal region of the skull?

temporal vein

What dural reflection is located inferior to the occipital lobes, between the cerebrum and cerebellum?

tentorium cerebelli

Does the following description describe the thalamus or hypothalamus: Functions to relay info between the cerebral cortex and the brainstem or spinal cord


Does the following description describe the thalamus or hypothalamus: contains nuclei involved in both sensory and motor pathways


Where are the arachnoid trabeculae (web-like threads) located?

the subarachnoid space

What muscle runs between the larynx (thyroid cartilage) and hyoid bone?

thyrohyoid muscle

What are the functions of CSF?

- maintain environment around the brain - transport hormones, nutrients, chemicals, and wastes - provides buoyancy for the brain

Which muscles cause ipsilateral rotation of the head?

- semispinalis capitis - longissimus capitis - splenius capitis

The anterior triangle can be subdivided into ___ triangles.


Which of the following is true regarding the hemispheres of the brain? A. Artistic and musical skills are typically associated with the right side of the brain. B. The Sylvain fissure separates the right and left hemispheres. C. Analytical reasoning skills are typically associated with the right side of the brain. D. Visuospatial skills are typically associated with the left side of the brain. E. Language is typically processed by the right side of the brain.

A. Artistic and musical skills are typically associated with the right side of the brain.

Which of the following statements is false: A. The ethmoid contains a network of air cells, which produce mucous secretions that flush the surfaces of the nasal cavities. B. The ethmoid contains greater and lesser wings, which contribute to the sides of the skull. C. The ethmoid contains a prominent bony ridge, called the crista galli, to which is attached the falx cerebri, a covering layer of the brain. D. The ethmoid contains a perpendicular plate, which forms the superior part of the nasal septum. E. The ethmoid contains the cribriform plate, which is perforated by foramina.

B. The ethmoid contains greater and lesser wings, which contribute to the sides of the skull.

The facial nerve (CN VII) innervates all muscles of facial expression except: A. mentalis B. levator palpebrae superioris C. nasalis D. corrugator supercilii E. buccinator

B. levator palpebrae superioris

Which of the following actions would a muscle inferior to the lips cause? A. raising the lateral corner of the mouth B. elevation of the superior eyelid C. depressing lower lip D. deressing the nasal cartilage

C. depressing lower lip

Which of the following nerves does not transmit any taste information to the brain? A. vagus nerve B. glossopharyngeal nerve C. facial nerve D. hypoglossal nerve

D. hypoglossal nerve

All of the following help the CSF move around the brain and spinal cord except: A. movement of the vertebral column. B. movement of cilia on the ependymal cells. C. pressure from the constant production of CSF. D. peristaltic waves from myoepithelial cells in the meninges.

D. peristaltic waves from myoepithelial cells in the meninges

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the blood-brain barrier (BBB)? A. Endothelial transport across the BBB is highly selective. B. The endothelial cells of the BBB contain small numbers of pinocytotic vesicles. C. Lipid-soluble compounds can freely diffuse across the endothelial cell membranes. D. The endothelial cells of the BBB are extensively interconnected with tight junctions. E. All of these are characteristics of the BBB.

E. All of these are characteristics of the BBB.

True or False: The cerebral cortex includes gray matter nuclei deep in the brain


True or False: The cerebral cortex is responsible for unconscious visceral functions such as breathing and heart rate


True or false: CSF is produced in the lateral ventricle


True or false: the sternothyroid muscle directly attaches to the hyoid bone.


What are the parts of the basal ganglia?

Globus pallidus, putamen, caudate

What are the functions of the basal ganglia?

Help to plan and modulate movements, help control how arms and legs are coordinated when we walk, and are involved in reward processing and motivation

Starting with the lateral ventricles and ending with dural venous sinuses, what is the flow of CSF through and around the brain?

Lateral ventricles Intervertebral foramen Third ventricle Cerebral aqueduct Fourth ventricle Median/lateral apertures Subarachnoid space Arachnoid granulations Dural venous sinuses

What cortical area executes responses to sensory info?

Motor areas

What cortical area integrates sensory info along with memories and emotion and makes a plan for how to respond?

Multimodal areas

What bones articulate with the hyoid?

No bones articulate with the hyoid

The ___________ separates the parietal and occipital lobes.

Parieto-occipital sulcus

What is the thin, innermost layer of the meninges?

Pia mater

What cortical area processes incoming sensory info?

Sensory areas

Which suture marks the boundary between the temporal bone and the parietal bones of each side fo the skull?


Does the following description describe the thalamus or hypothalamus: Forms the walls of the third ventricle


True or False: The cerebral cortex can be broken down into separate regions based on its cytoarchitecture


True or False: The cerebral cortex is folded extensively in order to increase its surface area


True or False: The cerebral cortex is responsible for higher level thinking functions and processes


True or False: The cerebral cortex is the thin layer of gray matter on the surface of the cerebrum


True or false: CSF is constantly being produced.


True or false: CSF is produced by the choroid plexus


True or false: CSF production involves ependymal cells and highly-permeable capillaries


True or false: the digastric muscle directly attaches to the hyoid bone.


True or false: the geniohyoid muscle directly attaches to the hyoid bone.


True or false: the subarachnoid space contains blood vessels.


True or false: the thyrohyoid muscle directly attaches to the hyoid bone.


The frontal bone, the ethmoid, and the lesser wings of the sphenoid form the:

anterior cranial fossa

What is the middle layer of the meninges?

arachnoid mater

What layer of the meninges contains a filamentous mesh called trabeculae?

arachnoid mater

What layer of the meninges contains granulations that allow CSF to return to the bloodstream?

arachnoid mater

The __________ separates the frontal lobe and parietal lobe.

central sulcus

What helps compensate and adjust movements when the movement plan doesn't match the actual movement occurring?


What part of the brain is involved in coordinating higher cognitive functions and emotions?


What part of the brain is involved in coordinating motor responses by comparing info from the cerebrum with sensory feeback?


If you were taking your pulse on your neck, which vessel would you palpate (touch/feel) in the carotid triangle?

common carotid artery

What is the outer layer of the meninges?

dura mater

What is the thickest layer of the meninges?

dura mater

What layer of the meninges contains the venous sinuses?

dura mater

What layer of the meninges has a periosteal layer and a meningeal layer?

dura mater

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