Unit 4

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The Oak

"All his leaves Fall'n at length, Look, he stands Trunk and bough, Naked strength."

Meeting At Night

"And a voice less loud, thro' its joys and fears, Than the two hearts beating each to each!"

I Like To See It Lap The Miles

"And neigh like Boanerges- Then-punctual as a Star Stop-docile and omnipotent At its own stable door-"


"Camphor, turpentine, and tea, The balsam of a Christmas tree, These are whiffs of gramarye... A ship smells best of all to me!

A Lonely Pine Is Standing

"He dreams-dreams of a palm tree That far in the Eastern land, Languishes, lonely and drooping, Upon the burning sand."

The Story-Teller

"He talked, and as he talked Wallpaper came alive; Suddenly ghosts walked, and four doors were five;"

It Sifts From Leaden Sieves

"It makes an Even Face Of Mountain, and of Plain- Unbroken Forehead from the East Unto the East again-"

The Deserted House

"Life and thought have gone away Side by side, Leaving door and windows wide; Careless tenants they!"


"Live thy life / Young and old,/ Like yon oak," is an example of what kind of comparison?

Heinrich Heine

Author of "A Lonely Pine Is Standing"

Emily Dickinson

Author of "I Like To See It Lap The Miles" and "It Sifts From Leaden Sieves"

Christopher Morley

Author of "Smells"

William Butler Yeats

Author of "The Folly Of Being Comforted"

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Author of "The Oak" and "The Deserted House"

Robert Frost

Author of "The Road Not Taken"


Century in which Tennyson lived


Country from which Yeats was from

Emily Dickinson's

Except for seven poems, whose poetry was not published until after her death?


From what country was Morley?


How did Platero die?


In "Smells," what does the author believe to be the best smell?

a life's changing seasons

In "The Oak," to what does Browning compare the oak?

a person

In the poem "The Deserted House,' the house is a metaphor for what?


The century in which Dickinson lived

overstatement or hyperbole

The line "Calendars ran backward" is an example of what literary term?


To say that a pine tree "sleeps" and "dreams" is an example of what kind of comparison?


What country was Dickinson from?


What is Platero?


What is the "it'" in "I Like To See It Lap The Miles?"


What is the "it'" in "It Sifts from Leaden Sieves?"


What is the theme of "A Lonely Pine Is Standing?"

Idylls of the King

What is the title of Tennyson's series of poems based on King Arthur's legends?

In Memoriam

What is the title of the great elegy Tennyson wrote after the death of his friend?

the storyteller

Who is it that "makes the wallpaper come alive?"

Robert Browning

Who wrote "Meeting At Night?"


a comparison in which human qualities are given to an inanimate object or an animal


addressing an inanimate object as if it were alive or addressing an absent person as if he were present

overstatement or hyperbole

exaggeration to emphasize a point


expressed comparison of unlike things in which the words like, as, resembles, or similar to are used


implied comparison in which one thing is described in terms of another

figurative languages

includes various types of comparisons (similes, metaphors, personification, apostrophes) as well as language used on more than one level


literal meaning


literary time period in which Tennyson wrote


something that has meaning in itself but also represents something beyond itself


suggested meaning or association


use of words which appeal to our senses

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