Unit 4

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final stage

(65 years or more) in which indiv approach the end of their employment years and enter retirement


1 day event - focuses on org culture and includes a review of handbook, payroll, benefits, etc nclude basic operational and employment details, begin before new employees are veen hires, provide sefl fulfilling prophecies and should be limited to one day

Can you list the various sources of data that could be used in evaluating training programs?

Archive data, questionnaires and surveys, performance tests, interviews, simulations, ratings, checklists, critical incidents - essay descriptions of the times when trainee did something good or bad, observations and performance appraisals.

Can you describe the copyright restrictions that protect training materials?

Copyright is the exclusive right or privileged of authors or proprietors to print or multiply copies of literary, artistic or intellectual creations when copyright is obtained in compliance with the copyright statute. Restrictions: • Copyright materials should not be used in training unless they have been properly purchased or unless written permission to use them has been obtained. • Allowed one copy for own use, but materials are not to be copied and placed in a training manual or handout unless it has been purchased or permission granted. • Copyrighted audio can be used by trainer but not show to a group of trainees unless the trainer has a license agreement. • Permission needed if using over 250 words from a book length work, journal or articles permission is required for more than 5% of entire work - permission is necessary for even one line of poetry or song. • Original tangible expressions are copyrighted from the moment they are created • Paraphrasing is a copyright infringement TRAINER CAN VIEW BUT CANNOT SHOW TO TRAINEES UNLESS TRAINER HAS A LICENSED AGREEMENT

Can you explain the types of criteria that can be used for evaluating training programs?

Determined by training objectives Reactions of participants: how well did trainees like the program? Answers can be obtained by designing a questionnaire. Learning new skills and competencies: to what extent did the trainees learn and retain the info presented in the training program? Can be measures by testing trainees Behavioral results: to what extent did the behavior of the trainees change as a result of the program? Measurable results: what final results were achieved from training - reduced, costs, reduced turnover, improved productivity, or greater flexibility? Application objectives - explain how the skills gained in training will be applied on the job. Impact objectives - how the application of the new skills by trainees will impact the organization. Utility analysis - how much did the training costs in both direct and indirect costs and what are the financial returns from it?

which training strategy should have the GREATEST influence on changing negative attitudes of a credit manager towards the sales force?

Have the manager play the part of the salesperson in a role play episode

maintenance stage

PROTECT THEMSLVES and secure positions within the org

action learning

Project Assignments and Committee Assignments - assigning trainees to real projects or committee assignments and having them learn while doing.


a weighted checklist consists of a list of behaviors that evaluators used to describe the perf of employees

effective coach should

act as a good model whom trainee can identify, set specific goals, provide timely feedback on performance and provide proper reinforcement and encouragement necessary for performance improvement

MBO - management by objectives

adopts a positive PROACTIVE way of managing rather than a reactive way

career lattice

advancing to higher levels within an org, occasional lateral move to different occupations or departments

independent contractor

after new profs have demonstrated their ability they are independent

prop role of per eval in employment exchange

all employees should expect to have their perf evaluated and this info should be used for pay increases and promotion decisions

proper role of performace evaluation in the employment exchange

all employees should expect to have their performance evaluated and this information should be used for pay increases and promotion decisions

solomon four group ***

all four groups given POST test, participants are randomly assigned to groups

dual ladder

an employee pursues both managerial career track and a technical career track

discrete scale

an eval use one of a specified number of categories

Stages of Career Development - Professional Careers Model:

apprenticeship, independent contributor, mentor and sponsor

unobtrusive data

archive data - evaporators analyze six months worth of performance data

paired comparison

asking eval to consider only two indiv at a time and to decide which of the two is better - then another pair of names is presented for another evaluation

BOS Behavior Observation Scales

asks rater to ONLY describe the frequency of behavior rather than quality of performance

major diff between behave anchored scale (BARS) and behave observ scale (BOS)

bos, the eval simply records the frequency of behavior without eval it


breaking training content into small unites that can be completed quickly

career pathing

career dev program that consists of developing a sequential series of jobs for new employee to follow


categorizing employees into three categories of high, medium, and low (outstanding vs poor) easiest, bias, difficulty in defining category

linear sequencing

concepts in computer based training can be organized according to a logical sequence wherein earlier concepts serve as building blocks for more complex learning

straight ranking

consists of asking evaluator to consider all members in a group and identify the best one who is ranked number one, second best and third best

simulations and business games

creating an artificial learning environment that approximates actual job conditions as much as possible. Used extensively for learning technical and motor skills.

when developing a graphic rating scale the BEST method for selecting the appropriate characteristics is - essay descriptions of the times when trainee did something good or bad, observations and performance appraisals

critical incidents method

coaching and counseling

critical training activities in all on the job training techniques - requires systematic feedback on performance, encouragement by the trainer and patient explanations of how to perform a job accurately. For these techs to work correctly, the relationship between trainer and trainee must be established. Effective coach must - act as a good model with whom the trainee can identify with, provide timely feedback on performance, provide proper reinforcement and encouragement necessary for performance improvement.

case study

data is collected after the training

post test/case study

data is collected after the training program

impact objecives

describe how application of the new skills by trainees will impact the organization

facilities planning

effectiveness of a training program is enhanced in the training environment is conducive to training methods and content

continuous scale

eval can choose any point between the two extremes for rating an indiv

sequencing effect/contrast error

eval of one indiv performance may be incluenced by the relative perfom eval of the preceeding indiv

graphic ranking scale

eval performance and personality - select characteristics and then scale them characteristics related to success

alternate ranking

evaluator given a list of individuals to be ranked and is asked to alternate identifying the very best employee and the very poorest among those listed


exclusive right or privilege of authors or proprietor to print or otherwise multiply, distribute or sell copies f their literary, artistic, or intellectual creations need permission if using over 250 words - dont neeed if part of public domain - exceed 70 years

application objectives

explain how skills gained in training program will be applied by trainees on the job

Stages of Career Development - Working Careers Model:

exploration, establishment, maintenance and final

four processes for an effective performance review

feedback should be continuous and timely, discussion should give specific feedback - clear and specific goals, outcomes of review should be acknowledged and documented by both employee and manager, face to face convo at least once a year

card stacking method

forcing supervisors to classify employees along a normal distribution

central tendency affect

giving average ratings so supervisors avoid sticking their necks out

ANI American National Standards publishes set of guidelines explaining how perf management should be implemented

goal setting, performance review, perf improvement plan

trainer evaluating effectiveness of one week training on communication using a pretest post test comparison, an international incident occured bc of communication breakdown. the confounding event would create a competing experimental literature as


one danger of assessing effectiveness of a training program by observing the behavior of employees is that behavior changes might be due to ____ rather than a result of the training program**

history - historical events that transpire between the pretest and the post test

utility analysis

how much training costs in both direct and indirect and what were the financial returns from it


how we did the trainees like the program

critical incident

identifying most important dimensions of the job

most important training and development

independent study

exploration stage

indiv completing school, solidifying career choices and searching for first employment - finding and SECURE IDEAL JOB

pre test post test control group

internal referencing strategy; two groups involved - experimental and control groups

cooperative education

internship and school


involved in making strategic decisions that guide the org and shape its direction


involved in training and directing the work of others

performance management

involves all hr functions associated with evaluating and rewarding employee performance

critical incidents

known as one of the best methods to identify the dimensions of a job - BEST - used in perf management


large amounts of factual info to large number of people at the same time

job rotation and cross training

learning techs that are usually reserved for managerial and technical occupations. Cross training involves giving trainees a series of job assignments in various parts of the org for a specific period of time, such as a few days or months. Cross training is an excellent method for preparing high potential specialists for future executive responsibilities.

MOST effective training technique for communicating large amounts of factual information when the learner is motivated to retrieve it -LEAST number of principles of learning


strategies to enhance employability

magaing ones identity, expanding ones personal capital through training and networking, and particpating in volintary or marginally paid work

employablity trainig

making oneself employable in the future with multiple firms in spite of dynamic economic forces and evolving job demands

personal branding

managing ones career

results criteria for eval a supervisory training program

measures of turnover, productivity improvement, and grievances in each supervisor's department

internal referencing strategy

method that uses a combo of relevant and irrelevant questions to evaluate how well training increased learning is improves usefulness of pretest post test design

independent study

most IMPORTANT form of training and development - reading books, special courses through local university and attending professional meetings. More convenient and inexpensive as a result of university professors who have created internet based courses containing lectures and other course materials.

job instruction training

most popular method for blue and white collar employees- before the actual learning occurs, job instruction training requires a careful analysis of the job to be performed, an assessment of what the trainee knows about the job and the training schedule. Begins with an intro explanation of the purpose of the job and step by step demo by the trainer of the job ops. After demonstrated by trainer, the trainee is given a chance to do it alone.


negative influence


new employees who recently completed their professional training and must now learn how to work under direction trainee learning carpentry or plumbing who works alongside a skilled crafts worker

zero sum problem

number of above average ratings have to be balanced out by an equal number of below average ratings

advantages of on job training

o No special space or equipment required o Practical since employees produce and earn while they learn o Immediate transfer of training o Employees practice what they are expected to do after training ends o Allows trainees to associate with their future coworkers and to observe and model the behavior of these coworkers. • Employees work station is the best location for teaching an employee how to perform a specific task, especially when the equipment and materials needed for training cannot be moved • Maximizes the transfer of training • Presenting in conference room is convenient • Disadvantage: numerous distractions and ongoing job pressures, employees can usually only be trained one person at a time.

Can you explain the characteristics of a successful orientation training program?

o Working hours, including bfast and lunch hours o Location of facilities, new employees' office, rest rooms and eating places o Special words and phrases used by work group o Paydays and how person will be paid o Health and safety considerations such as safe operating procedures, fire escapes, exits, first aid supplies and location of nursing station o Information on whom to contact in case of probs or difficulties o Info on parking, bus stops and car pooling o Info about communication devices, such as cell phones, email, internet and social media • Begins before new employees are hired, during the recruiting process recruiters should effectively sell the organization to applicants. Most effective when spread out over several days. Guidelines for developing an effective training program: • Begin with most relevant info • Provide sponsors or mentors to help new employees learn what is expected of them • Gradually introduce new employees to members of the work group • Space orientation training over a period of time rather than concentrating it in one long session • Provide oral and written information - specific info should be written and oral should be more general info

time series

occur in natural setting; quasi experimental design


ongoing, long term relationship, promotes better understanding of culture, mission and goals

not a valid criticism of the lecture method of training

only a small amount of info can be transmitted

hawthorne effect

participants act diff when studied - behavioral changes employees work faster because being watched

solomon four group ***

participants are randomly assigned to groups BEST research design for evaluating a training program

role playing

participants assume specific characteristics and act out a particular situation or problem. Role reversal - play the role of people with whom they typically conflict. Freeze framing - pausing a role play episode and asking participants and possibly observers to critique what is happening.

performance management involves what three processes

performance reviews, performance improvement plans and goal setting

forced distribution

placing quotas on the number of individuals who can be put in each category

halo effect

positive influencre

MBO - management by objectives

proactive rather than reactive develop clear objectives formulation of indi obj designed to achieve overall org obj systematic measurement and review of performance taking corrective action when needed to achieve planned obj goal setting, delegation, feedback reviews and evaluation

trainee involvement and immediate feedback are prominent in which training method?

programmed instruction

case studies

promote trainees discovery of underlying principles - most cases do not have a single correct solution

ANSI guidelines - American National Standards INstitute

publishes a set of guidelines explaining how perf management should be implemented - goal setting, perf review and perf improve plan

rated ranking procedure is a combo of

ranking and (graphic) rating scale

asynchrous learning networks

rapid computer based interactivity with other participants

criteria for evaluating training

reactions (simple but not most effective) , learning, behavior and results

if evaluates distribute surveys at end of training program, which evaluation are they using ***

reactions - how they felt about the training

four criteria for evaluating training programs

reactions, learning, behavior, results

recency effect

recent events tend to have an unusually strong influence on performance evaluation


refers to the process of having a new worker work alongside and under the direction of a skilled technician. Range from 1 - 6 years, most are 4 years. Apprentices receive structures on the job training and job related education. Each year is normally worth 2,000 hours on the job training and recommended minimum of 144 hours of related classroom instruction. The effectiveness of the apprenticeship largely depends on the ability of the skilled tech to supervise the learning process.

eval compare the companys absenteeism and turnover rates from before and after training program which criteria are they using? ***

results - final results

most effective method for creating attitude change

role playing

BARS - Behavioral Ranking Scales

scales more accurately by specified behaviors, less biased than rating scales, characteristics more carefully selected, inspire agreement among evals - reliable and less goal clarity, goal acceptance and goal commitment

interns and assistant

similar to apprenticeship, however assist and interns typically refer to occupations that require higher formal level of education that that required by skilled trades. Internships are part of a cooperative education - students employed by a business org and work just the same as other full time employees - also perform under the direction of faculty member from the school or college where they are students. Interns must be paid at least min wage rate unless the internship is structures in a way that qualifies as unpaid.

vestibule training

similar to on the job except that it occurs in a separate training area equipped like the actual production area. Emphasis on learning as opposed to emphasis on production in job instruction training.

business games in which decisions are analyzed by computer are illustrations of which training technique?**

simulation allows participants to examine long term consequences of their decisisions

leniency strictness effect

some evaluators give more favorable ratings to each employee, while others tend to evaluate performance levels much more unfavorably

ranking methods

straight ranking, alternate ranking and paired comparison


strive to CREATE PERMANENT position within their chosen occupation - company is also trying to assess long term potential of employee at this point.

3 kinds of plateaus

structural - reach end of promotion opps content - person mastered job and becomes bored with it life - person lacks meaning and purpose in life


to order a group of employees from highest to lowest along some dimension usually overall perf LEAST subject to problems of central tendency and leniency strictness more tied to performance


to what extent did the bahior f the trainees change as a result of the program?


to what extent did the trainees learn and retain information presented in the training

programmed group exercise/experiental group

trainees working together in a discussion group to solve a specific problem

diff between training and education

training (narrow range of responses) refers to acquisition of specific skills or knowledge and education provides general knowledge that can be applied in many diff stages (broadens range of responses) SKILLS

corporate univeristies

training and dev by creating corp university where employees can either attend classes on campus or through e learning online.

programmed instruction

training method presents info in small segments one frame at a time and requires the learner to make some type of response to show that each segment has been learned

inter rater reliabilty

two evaluators observing the same behavior may disagree and give different ratings

pretest post test control group

two groups involved - experimental and control groups

dual career ladders

upward mobility for those people without removing them from their technical specialty - tech specialists who want to advance careers but do not want to move into management

accident rate

way to measure the ratio or rate accidents in the workplace

career ladders

well defined career paths


what final results were achieved from training reduced costs, reduced turnover, improved productivity, etc.

career plateau

when prrobablitliy of moving up an org ladder is very low

transfer of training

when trainees can apply the knowledge and skills learned on the job


work related experiences of everyone, regardless whether it is paid or un paid, in one org or many orgs

advantages of off the job training

• Allows execs to get away from job pressures and work in a climate • Provide resource materials • Challenge execs to increase their development and motivate them to improve • Forces trainees to leave work stations and focus on training content • Training involves complex learning and is best presented away from work • New environments facilitate creative thinking

Can you list the stages of career development?

• Career - sequence of work related experiences individuals acquire during the span of their work lives • Career ladders 0 well defined career paths • Career lattice - advancing to higher levels within an org, but accompanied by occasional lateral moves to different occupations or departments • Career plateau- prob of a person moving up the org ladder is very low - structural, content an dlife o Structural - when people reach the end of their promotion opps - have to leave org to find new opps o Content - when person mastered a job becomes bored with daily activities o Life - when a person lacks meaning and purpose in life and is often described as midlife crisis To enhance one's employability: Manage identity, self training and networking and voluntary marginally paid work

Can you describe, compare and contrast the various performance evaluation procedures?

• Classification - easiest and most unreliable and biased unless carefully developed and monitored - major problem is difficulty of defining each category. • Ranking - order a group of employees from highest to lowest - straight ranking, alternate and paired. Alternate is list of individuals' very best and very worst employee. Paired comparison - consist of asking an evaluator to consider only two indiv at one time and to decide which of the two is better. Paired of names on separate cards and ask evaluator to circle the best employee. • Graphic rating scales - most frequently used - appear in numerous forms and are used to evaluate both performance related and personality related characteristics. • Forced choice - consists of a number of statements arranged in pairs and the evaluator must check one statement that is most descriptive of the performance of the person or for negative, the statement that is least descriptive. • Checklists • Narrative appraisal methods - essays blank sheet of paper managers fill out • Critical incidents - best technique - descriptions by qualified observers of behaviors that are especially effective or ineffective

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