UNIT 4 ART Appreciation

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Which two cultures are referenced when using the word classical?

Ancient Greece Ancient Rome

What animals were characterized in Sumerian art?

Bull's head Man-bull Lion-headed Eagle

The Early Renaissance in Italy produced a well-known sculptor named Donatello. What is one of the works he created?


The most famous work of Neolithic architecture is _____________ which is located in Europe


Which 20th-century artist was inspired by Cycladic art?

Alberto Giacometti

For what purpose was the Colosseum planned under Emperor Vespasian?

As an amphitheater for public entertainment and gladiatorial competitions

Why did Italy emerge as the home of the Renaissance?

Banking had developed due to power city-states which engaged in extensive trade. An important part of the arts was the Church which was centered around Italy. The Middle Ages brought chaos to many areas. Italy economy was one of the first to recover.

The Renaissance artist ______ created works, such as Primavera, from stories about Greek and Roman gods and goddesses.


Michelangelo controlled the huge ceiling vault by creating illusionistic architecture. Through which means did he accomplish this?

By painting the lintels, cornices, pedestals and supporting sculptural figures to look like stone By creating a large grid by separating the surface into discreet zones

In northern Europe, artists continued to work in the Gothic style until which century?

Early 16th century

The Romans are best known for which two areas of artistic development?

Engineering Architecture

Due to the Protestant Reformation, what subjects became popular in painting?

Everyday world Landscape

True or false: The age of Aegean art and culture followed the collapse of the Egyptian civilization.


Who were the first to speculate on the nature and purpose of art?

Greek Philosophers

What role did women play in this society?

Harvested Grain Raised the children

Referred to as the "Renaissance man," someone who could do anything, which artist produced the masterpiece The Last Supper?


What main purposes did the Limbourgs' illuminated prayer book known as Les Très Riches Heures serve?

Lives of nobility and peasantry Daily devotion

An artistic trend reflected in a fondness for elaborate or obscure subject matter in which critics described as a negative reaction against the balance and order used in the Renaissance is


Named for the Italian word meaning "style" or "stylishness" _______ painters practiced an art of grace and sophistication.

Mannerism or Mannerist

Matthias Grunewald's depiction of the Crucifixion is in keeping with the Northern common tradition of showing extreme agony, which is shown through what means?

Mary Magdalene is weeping. Christ's hands are reaching outward in an effort to relieve the pain. Christ's feet are bent inward as if to relieve the pressure of the hanging body.

It is suggested that Sargon, the ruler of the Akkadians is depicted in this sculpture. How does the face appear?


Prior to the time known as Western art, what period began around 9,000 B.C.E. and continued over 4,000 years?

Old Stone Age or Paleolithic Period evolved to the New Stone Age or Neolithic Period.

What architectural characteristics did abbot Suger employ at Saint-Denis that came define Gothic style?

Pointed arches Stained glass windows Ribbed vaults

During the Renaissance, in order to promote the family, along with the safety of their lineage, ________ were used


People of the Byzantine world believed that icons possessed divine power and could be used for what purpose?

Pray directly to the person depicted

Albrecht Durer had many accomplishments, including which of these items?

Published his philosophy of art by writing Treatise on Measurement Published his philosophy of art by writing Four Books on Human Proportions

What are the images of the emperor Justinian and the empress Theodora that appear in San Vitale meant to convey?

Reinforce the presence of the distant rulers

Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa are employs ______ technique to create a smoky and gentle hazy atmosphere with softened contours.


This musical instrument found in a queen's burial was a featured what characteristics?

Shell Gold bull's head Lapis lazuli Limestone

Look at this image. This work showing Constantine and his court features ______ figures.


Why did Protestants view religious images with hostility?

The images encouraged idol worship.

The magnificent rose windows at Chartres Cathedral are made of tiny pieces of glass in gemlike colors that are meant to evoke which of the following?

The splendor of heaven

How does Tintoretto's painting The Last Supper draw the focus of the viewer to Christ?

There is a dramatic diagonal line created by the table which leads the viewers eyes toward Christ, who stands near the center.

How was the importance of the Akkadian king shown in this work?

There is a hierarchy of scale. He was larger.

Which style of architecture was created when the French abbot Suger remodeled his church with the goal of having the church reach heavenward and the interior be filled with light?


True or false: As a result of Donatello's method of draping the nude figure, the piece of art appeared naturalistic and might move if the sculpture moved.


True or false: The periods of Gothic art and Renaissance art overlap.


In the year ____ the Roman Emperor Constantine issued an edict of tolerance for all religions.


When are the rock paintings of the Tassili n'Ajjer region of Algeria estimated to be created?

5000 B.C.E. and 2000B.C.E.

What are the characteristics of the Cycladic statuette of a woman in terms of elements and style?

Abstract Simplified Geometric

Appearances of sculptures changed during the Renaissance beginning with Donatello, a first generation Renaissance artist. Gothic sculptors carved exactly what they saw from the model's face, clothing and limbs. Donatello thought that the nude body must be considered first in order to provide a framework for the piece. What did this process involve?

Carving a body in clay and draping clay-soaked linen over it, arranging the folds as the fabric dried

Which sites contain Paleolithic art?

Chauvet Cave Lascaux Cave Willendorf

The later Byzantine convention of portraying Christ as Pantokrator was meant to remind viewers of which of the following?

Christ's majesty and his awe-inspiring divinity

What is one reason that Christians were persecuted in the Roman Empire?

Christians would not worship the gods and goddesses that were recognized by the state religion.

As a way of indicating their importance, royalty, such as Constantine and Theodora, would commission works to be put in ______.


Which characteristics does NOT define Mannerist style?

Classical and mathematical with restrained emotion

What is the principle message of Egyptian art?


What was Duccio primarily concerned with while working on Christ Entering Jerusalem, which is a detail of Maestà Altar?

Creating a believable space in an outdoor setting

What are some of the characteristics that define the Neolithic Period?

Cultivation of fruits and grains New types of stone tools Domestication of animals

Why is The Last Supper by Tintoretto considered an excellent example of Counter-Reformation artwork?

It conforms to the teachings of the Church.

What was the cause of the Northern Renaissance?

It developed from the growing fascination with the details of the visible world.

Why is the Creation of Adam of the Sistine Chapel noteworthy?

It hinted at, rather than showed, the consummation.

What is significant about the subject matter of Sandro Botticelli's Primavera?

It illustrates a renewed interest in Greek and Roman mythology.

How did the new style of art created during the Amarna period differ from earlier Egyptian art?

It was relaxed and naturalistic.

What is the scene depicting Christ's followers mourning his death known as?


Because most Greek bronze sculptures have been melted down, how were scholars able to learn about Greek sculpture?

Studying Roman marble copies

Because the ________ did not have stone, they built the Zuggurat out of sun dried clay.


What were the three major ancient Aegean cultures?

The Mycenaeans The Cycladics The Minoans

How did the Gothic-style carved figures that decorate Chartres Cathedral differ from their earlier counterparts?

The bodies are more rounded and less column-like.

During the Renaissance, what response did works of art with Classical Greek and Roman subject matter receive?

They were especially popular and were commissioned for both secular and religious spaces.

What is the name of this sculptural group that once adorned the Parthenon?

Three Goddesses

Constantine, a Christian, had several churches, including St. Paul's Outside the Walls, built at specific locations around the Roman Empire for what reason?

To convert Romans to Christianity

True or false: The Classical period encompasses both ancient Greeks and Romans.


True or false: The Romans made marble copies of Greek bronze statues.


As represented in the fresco The Lamentation, Giotto became known for pioneering which technique?

Use of Space

Which characteristics would NOT be classified as a trait of Northern painting from the Renaissance period?

Use of linear perspective

What is a krater?

Vessel used for wine

True or false: The Renaissance was a single unified period in European art. It started in Italy and then spread rapidly spread over the Alps where Northern artists followed suit in exploring their classical past.


The details in Northern Renaissance paintings show the ability of the painters to render the natural world and emphasize that Northern paintings are about ______.


What does the term renaissance mean?


In ancient Greece, sculpture, painting and architecture were described as "things requiring a special body of knowledge or skill to make," or _________


What type of columns were used on the Parthenon?


Constantinople was formerly known by what name?


To accurately portray the human body, what did some artists do to study human form?

Dissected cadavers

What themes are commonly seen in Renaissance art?

Detailed depictions of the physical world Idealized and proportioned human figures Interest in ancient Greek and Roman subject matter

The Medici circle appreciated Botticelli's unusual linear style and shallow modeling. What was the Medici circle, and why were they important?

Due to this group's reconciliation, a new philosophy arose called Neo-Platonism, after the Greek philosopher Plato. It was a group of humanist scholars and artists who met to discuss Classical culture and its relationship to Christianity.

What technique did Michelangelo use to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?


During which period of Greek history did Rome become prominent?


This stele of King Naram-Sin with his idealized anatomy, shows him dressed in god-like regalia and striding confidently over the defeated soldiers in order to show what characteristic?

His strength His political power

In the context of Byzantine art, a(n) ______ is an image that represents a sacred person.


Which Upper Paleolithic Period paintings were believed to be the oldest paintings in Europe until the discovery of other paintings in 1996?

Lascaux cave paintings

In The Last Supper, what technique did Leonardo use to organize the realistic figures and show deep space?

One-point linear perspective

When a fire destroyed the Chartres Cathedral in 1194, the rebuilt cathedral featured a larger ______ and ______, as shown in this floor plan, compared to those at Sainte-Foy.

choir; ambulatory

What characteristics in Bronzino's Allegory, made it difficult for scholars to understand the allegory taking place?

There were too many figures in the artwork doing different things that were unusual, as in a man grabbing his head and a girl holding a sponge. There was a forbidden undertone in the painting. Venus and Cupid were mother and son, yet the interactions suggested a different relationship.

The Paleolithic paintings in the France's Chauvet cave, discovered in 1994, have interested scholars as the paintings are almost all of animals. Which descriptions capture the interest?

They are believed to go back even farther in time. They are meaningful, but the meaning is uncertain.

Which are common architectural features of Christian churches?

Apses Naves Clerestories

In what ways did portraits portray women's fertility in continuing their families' lineage?

Arms were folded. Flowers were placed near the abdomen.

In what ways does Tintoretto use the effect of light to aide in visually telling the story of The Last Supper?

Light tells us the relative saintliness of the figures. Christ has the largest bright halo with the lesser apostles emitting a lesser glow. Judas emits no light of understanding. The illusionary angels above have a soft reflective light illuminating from the opening of heavens.

This work of Old St. Peter's serves as a good example of how a ______ was employed, which contained windows to let in additional light.


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