Unit 4 HS Book notes

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Stanley Sue

-barrier to the participation of Asian-Americans in psych relative to the invisibility of the profession -UCLA got his masters and PhD --gaining exposure to research and teaching processes involved in the reduction of cognitive dissonance -interest in ethnic research on socialization, culture, cultural bias, and effective intervention and prevention efforts with respect to ethnically diverse populations -professor at UCLA of psych and psychiatry and director of asian american studies program

Asian-American Contributions to Psych

-barriers: --overcome the use of the term Asian-American(applied to widely diverse and growing population) -different national origins have different histories of immigration and acculturation


-described as a system of social and or ethical philosophy built on ancient foundation of polytheistic and animistic religious beliefs -founded by zhou dynasty master kung who was later named confucius -JUN-ZI --individual moral perfection -view the goal of moral and ethical behavior in everyday life -remained at the very heart of chinese culture until the communist revolution when suffered public disfavor

Hispanic American Contributions

-distinct groups whose culture, language, and geography have Latin roots -Latinos as the nations largest minority group --representation is limited

The I Ching

-or book of changes -most important book in the world -known as book of oracle meaning used as tool for making predictions about future events and to guide decision making -concept is idea of change

Native Americans and American Psych

-research indicates significant underutilization of mental health services by this population --causes are mental health services are not available -access to education remains a significant barrier

Konstantin Kornilov

-tried to integrate contents of introspective psych and behaviorism tending to overcome the one-sidedness of each of these approaches -actively promoting dialectic synthesis(represented principle that the new appears and develops as the negation of the old --reactology describes the study of human responses ---reaction of a human as a biosocial entity which includes objective and subjective components -led the fight for the reconstruction of the psychology on basis of Marxism

Cultural Revolution

-under leadership of Mao who enforced repressive policies to eradicate social stratification based on class or economic standing creating utopia no one owned anything -ended after mao died

The Chinese Medical Model

-understanding of psychopathology -dualistic and complementary elements or forces in nature - maintaining balance

Richard M Suinn

-worked with Stanley sue -first AA to be elected president of APA -masters and PhD in clinical psych at stanford -primary interest is sports psych -team psychologist in the Olympics --first one -conducted research on use of mental imagery to enhance performance and use of visualization techniques

philosophical Roots of Chinese psych

human science model, more philosophical, humanistic and nomothetic

Francis Cecil Sumner

-"Father of Black American Psychologists" -first interest in becoming a writer -graduated from clark with BA in english -mentor G Stanley Hall -graduate student and instructor of psychology and German -graduate studies at clark when US entered ww1 --led to different perspective on war which led to controversy -completed a study titled Psychoanalysis of Freud and Adler - was drafted to the military -first african american to receive a PhD --went on to teach -primary areas of interest were psychological topics dealing with race and religion

Ivan Michailovich Sechenov

-MD degree -publish article --reflexes of the brain --caused an immediate sensation within Russian scientific community --demonstrated that the soul was far from being an entity independent of the body and was in fact a function of the central nervous system -his work was the earliest instance of the materialist perspective -developed an argument around REFLEX ARC --basic mode of sensory-motor activity --3 parts: stimulation from the external environment via sensory receptors, transmission of neural impulses to spinal cord, neural signals outward again to muscles leading to activity

major principles of Russian history

-Turmoil balanced by control -mutual interdependence of economic and social systems -persistence of hierarchical relationships despite the utopian goal of equality of persons

Criticisms to third-force psychologies

-What is humanistic psych? --Wertheimer called attention to contradictions and problems associated with the term humanistic, implications that behavioral or psychoanalytic traditions are not humane or humanistic -Views of science --rigorous scientific approach is novel and recent, may not tell the whole story but deserves a chance, among other approaches, to see what it can accomplish -attitude toward basic scientific studies --history of science provides ample evidence for the value of basic studies and the importance of pursuing knowledge for its own sake, many studies in the history of science would have failed the test of relevance, yet provided the foundations for later breakthrough studies -Antireductionisitic position --argue that science cannot neglect part processes, it is very nature of science to begin with simple elements, must be approached with due emphasis on all working parts -Free will --impede progress by blinding psychologists to real but subtle causes, free will runs the risk of offering glib accounts of complex events and thus of interfering with scientific analysis

The Post-Soviet Period (1991-Present)

-after stalins death many different leaders came to power -Gorbachev assumed leadership and began to radically restructure soviet socialism through his united policies of GLASNOST or openness and PERESTROIKA or restructuring --his policies put in place the seeds ultimately leading to the diminishing of the soviet union -Russia suffered from economic, political, and social strife -1991 communist party was officially banned and the soviet union dissolved as a unified political entity

The self-actualizing person (maslow)

-attended Max Wertheimer's social research -Maslow's interest was role of values in human experience as well as studying the importance of studying healthy individuals -another mentor was Ruth Benedict -observed Wertheimer and benedicts personalities --after this believed 15 positive or favorable characteristics could be identified in self-actualizing people --good specimens have a mature, unhostile sense of humor together with a quality of detachment and a fierce need for privacy and autonomy resulting in deep interpersonal relations with only a few friends -need to identify with all humanity, strong ethical sense and belief in democratic values that foster resistance to the stifling effects of enculturation and obedience

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

-began studies during period of Russian intellectual history -interest in natural sciences -in charge of physiological lab to medical clinic -won Nobel prize for his research on digestive processes -CONDITIONED REFLEX: discovery during work on digestive processes -struggles with tight governmental control under the czarist regime -protested against Stalin -criticism of soviet government


-behind all material things and behind all change or action in the world lies one fundamental and universal principle: TAO or THE WAY -permits one to transcend contradictions and multiplicity

Humanistic School

-believe that human beings also need the art of knowing how not to think about themselves -wisdom in challenging the models and metaphors associated with other systems of thought -criticisms with behaviorism and psychoanalysis --concepts are overextended --lost sight of primary subject of interest-- human beings -criticism with psychoanalysis --distorted view of human beings ---no difference between normal human beings and emotionally disturbed

Maslow Motivation

-best-known contribution -emphasize single or exclusive determinants of behavior -Biological needs (hunger, thirst, and sleep that all creatures must meet to survive, appetite is based on a great many influences, most of which are unconscious) -Safety needs (physiological needs are gratified then emerges a new set of needs such as safety needs) -Psychological needs (love, affection, and belonging, failure to gratify these needs results in human adjustment problems - Esteem needs(need for feelings of worth, competence, recognition for achievement, and adequacy, failure to satisfy these needs diminishes personality) -self-actualization( self-fulfillment accomplishing our own potential, achievements or aesthetic activities, or cognitive activities, delayed until other needs are met, top of needs, self-transcendence: individual to examine worldview and its limitations in relation to more comprehensive multicultural perspectives) (D-love (deficiency ) more selfish) (B-love (being) less selfish)

Foreign Imports

-brought western scientific psych -CAL YUANPEI: foreign-educated Chinese scholars and very influential --first psych lab in china -vulnerability to the threat of western science and technology

Norman B Anderson

-described himself as having come from a family of psychologists and ministers -discussed similarities he perceived between psych and ministry -professor at Harvard -Director of the office of behavioral and social sciences research and national institutes of health -completed masters and doctoral studies in clinical psych -research interests have long dwelled upon the intersection of health and behavior and of health race -conducted studies on the role of stress in the development of hypertension in African Americans

Soviet Repression and reactology

-deviations from Marxism were seen by the ruling communist party as hostile acts against the state -professors who chose to not follow strict Marxist principles began in universities -direct order of Lenin, the program of forced deportation of outstanding scientists and philosophers

Other characteristics of Maslow's psychology

-discipline to understand meta-level awareness --refers to a capacity for meaningful self-appraisal that fosters growth in the direction of meaningful and realistic personal goals -advocated a positive psych (eupsychia: the well-being of psyche) -impact on the business community --emergence of management ideas -educational circles -women's movement -broader American culture

The Soviet Period (1917-1991)

-discontent abounded (1905) throughout all classes within Russia including the peasant and worker class, the military and educated professionals, ethnic and religious minorities -Russian involvement in WW1 (1914) brought the political situation in Russia quickly to a head as a result of Russian military defeats, famine, and inept government -rioting and worker's strikes occurred -SOVIET OR WORKERS and SOLDIERS COUNCIL: controlled all troops, communications, and transportation -1917 and 1921 (between) marred by civil war, famine, and the general destruction of industry -social and political chaos characterized the time period and country struggles to find some ideology or social program that would reestablish some sense of order -soviet citizens must play an active role in the creation of socialist society --advocated by Lenin and Stalin is known as dialectical Marxism -soviet union under Stalin's regime became increasingly repressive and closed to outside political influence

Martha Bernal

-earned doctoral degree in clinical psychology -first Latina to receive a PhD in psych -contributions: treatment of children with behavioral problems, the advancement of a multicultural psych -use of learning theory and methods to the treatment and assessment of children behavior problems -helped psych advance toward more multicultural perspective -called attention that psych was lacking representation of ethnic minority practitioners and to low numbers of minority graduate students and faculty members -implemented a number of strategies designed to increase the presence of minority students

Impact of Communism

-emerged as communist nation -similar to development of russian psych -developing theory guided by marxist -research focused in perception, memory, and cognitive development of children

Intellectual traditions of humanistic psych

-encountered in the works of scholars who emphasized the importance of inner experience, the freedom of human beings to transcend their environmental circumstances, and the intentionality and activity of mind

Viktor Frankl (paradoxical intention)

-expression refers to doing the very opposite of what we would like most to do -Frankl continued... capacity for the defiant or even heroic stance lies dormant in all people -worked on meaning orientation by helping his clients search for alternative perspectives -Logotherapy is designed to help clients explore the range of possible meanings relevant to their situation --be effective in many contexts including the treatment of nursing home residents -his methods can provide foundations for autoethnography, a form of self-study that examines an individuals experiences -his system embodies many tenets of existential and third-force psychology

Pre-Revolutionary Psychology (1860-1917)

-first Russian universities in Moscow and st petersburg --psychology was also beginning to develop as a field of study separate from philosophy -came from different academic background: philosophy and medicine --important features including the tendency toward methodological pluralism, ideological tolerance, and strong interest in and ties to the work of their European counterparts -Russian scholars translating the work of leading western psychologists into Russian -active interplay between Russian and Western scholars -1879 considered to be the date of birth of psychology around the globe as an independent science due to wundt -magazines on psych were published -psych societies were assembled --Moscow Psychological Society -First Russian psychological journal(problems of philosophy and Psychology) -difference emerged between western and russian psych (philosophy and psych)

Abraham Maslow

-first graduate student of harry harlow --conducted research on primate dominance and sexuality -best known books: --motivation and personality --toward a psychology of being --religion, values, and peak experience -formulate a holistic system of psych. sensitive to unique features of human experience -designed system of problem-centered rather than means-centered -goal was to create a perspective that was holistic rather than atomistic, dynamic than static, dynamic rather than causal, purposive rather than simple-mechanical -emphasized a global phenomenon: blushing, laughter, and sense of self esteem

The formal emergence of humanistic psychologies

-following WW11 number of psychologists advocated a broader methodology and expansion of topics along with a focus on healthy human beings rather than animals or poorly adjusted human beings -journal of humanistic psych --formal support structure for a new orientation as did the American humanistic psych -provided graduate courses and degrees with an emphasis on the humanistic orientation -this school flourished with support from institutes, correspondence courses, and seminars

Dalmas A Taylor

-founded Minority Fellowship Program at APA -served in the army -BS degree in chemistry -attended Howard earned masters in psych --first began his research in the area of race and social injustice -assuring departments of psych should respond to the problem of under representation of ethnic minorities with discipline --created a summit of ethnic minority psychologists -published 6 books along with a number of journal articles and book chapters

The Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA)

-founded in 1972 -group of Asian-American psychologists and mental health professionals --very few members are available to help navigate the profession -goal is to advance understanding and knowledge within psych and mental issues, increase opportunities, peer collaborations -need for cultural competence including research, training, and service

Carl Rodgers (1902-1987)

-founder of new approach to therapy called nondirective, then client-centered and finally person-centered therapy -influenced psychotherapy, education, and personality theory -served as APA president -best-known books: --client-centered therapy --on becoming a person -contributions: --assault on the mystery and secrecy of psychotherapy --objective techniques of experimental psych --recorded psychotherapy sessions --assessed improvement by employing tests before and after therapy and by comparing his clients to control groups -concerned about the negative effect of labeling --skipped diagnosis and processed to the business of listening to clients -PHENOMENAL FIELD: the entire range of experiences that constitute a person's life -IDEAL SELF: tensions between the self as one would like it to be -UNCONDITIONAL POSITIVE REGARD: belief in the intrinsic worth of the child -believed if proper relationship between client and therapist the client would gain insight and freedom, which would produce growth -extended to education(student-centered) and politics(leaders to listen and respond carefully to needs of public)

humanistic viewpoint

-gained momentum in 1960s --when behaviorism and psychoanalysis were dominant forces then had rapid growth --Described as the THIRD FORCE: stood in contrast with these 2 schools, emphasized the capacity for free will -THIRD FORCE PSYCHOLOGY: represented a broader epistemology adapted to the unique subject matter of interest -argued that suffering, wisdom, growth, joy, meaning, authenticity, dignity, and peak experience -find ways to come to terms with human life, affectively, cognitively, and volitionally, and to recognize the variability and uniqueness of individual people

challenges and opportunities

-growing number of school counseling centers -extremely high rates of depression and suicide a


-humanistic ancestry is rooted in philosophers who devoted themselves to an understanding of the emotional, social, and intellectual issues of life -EXISTENTIALISM: the focus is on the individual and on the capacity of the individual to exercise freedom to rise above environmental and social constraints

William James (humanistic psych)

-importance to intellectual background --stream of experience played an important role in his philosophical vision --ceases to be empirical when it strays too far from experience as nothing but the product of a more fundamental process -methodological pluralist, open about what counts as the subject matter of psych -application of psych: daily life, problems of education, world of work, and the problems of people suffering emotional distress

Psych in china

-influenced by philosophical heritage which is different from roots of western -comes from: Confucianism, Taoism, and communism -western influnce came from jesult missionaries -chinese medical model affected development of psych -became a communist nation -experienced a cultural revolution -after death of Mao Zedong adopted a policy of economic reform embracing a market economy

East meets West: Early European Influence

-jesults introduced chinese to euclidean geometry, world map, telescope, the clock, and the gun --also brought exposure to psych ---idea of memory is a function to the brain -chinese brought idea of gunpowder

Chinese Economic Reform

-leader deng abandoned communist principles in favor of market economy -thousand of undergraduates enrolled in psych -accepting individual counseling -further development in health psych -well-trained psychologists -lost practitioners -educational standards in psych

Viktor Frankl (1905-1997)

-logotherapy -system of thought that embodies a clear expression of third-force psychology -received an MD and PhD -served as a prof -greatest mentor Adler -founded his own school based on logotherapy -Adolf Hitler threatened his life and career --was imprisoned in a concentration camp and family --four different camps contributed to his perspective on psych --book: man searching for meaning(describes his concentration camp experience) -Human need for meaningful existence is a core concept to his system -many human problems have their origin in the failure to find a meaning or purpose in life -NOOGENIC NEUROSES: refer to neuroses resulting from existential distress and the failure to find a sense of personal worth (include anxieties that are physical and also metaphysical and spiritual) --logotherapy treats this (seeks to assess individuals in discovering the logos of existence) ---logos refers to a reason or a controlling principle ---seeks a balanced solution to human concerns in the moment -people could find meaning in their suffering, those who find meaning were more likely to survive the unspeakable trauma

Humanistic psych (Nicholas Cusa)

-mathematician, theologian, and philosopher -remembered for his doctrine LEARNED IGNORANCE: discipline of clearly knowing how not to talk of God --how this is helpful, illustrated in the compulsive behavior of a person with psychological disorder. Was a way to appease the anger of God

overview of third-force psychologies: major positions and criticisms (agreements)

-members of the third-force movement share profound disagreements, but there are numerous points of agreement --Pluralistic methodology (focus on problems, employ methods that are not in the scientific tradition --Opposition to reductionism ( emphasize the uniqueness of human beings and argue against the adequacy of models and analogies --Emphasis on experiences( richness and variety, omits or reduces anything that is experienced is not an empirical psych, embrace mental realm) --Contextualism (give attention to natural context, may produce effects that cannot be replicated in everyday world, emphasize testing findings in natural context) --Free will (face value, do not deny important and limiting biological and social constraints, tied to attitude or meaning orientation) --Basic human nature( believe people are growth-oriented and , in healthy circumstances, display goodness and altruism --Emphasis on relevance (seek a problem-oriented discipline rooted in ecological validity, studies connected to real problems or at least having the promise of being connected to real problems.

Current Demographics in American Psych: Challenge for the Future

-minority groups continue to be underrepresented in psych -professional psychologists will have to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse population -programs have begun to devote increasing attention to multicultural training issues -need to engage in deep self-reflection -gain richer understanding of the history of minority participation in psych

Vladimir Bekhterev

-one of the pre-revolutionary Russian psychologists who managed to survive -strong parallels between him and Pavlov -earned his doctorate -interested in neurological problems -appointed prof -organized neurological hospital -published BASES FOR TEACHING ABOUT FUNCTIONING OF THE BRAIN: respected encyclopedia of neuroscience -method for the study of human behavior through his investigation of reflexes -studied the localization of functions in the cortex via the observation of animal subjects -conflict between him and Pavlov -opened the Psychoneurological Institute which was first major center for comprehensive study

Psychological testing

-phenomenal memory and had developed system of memorization -ideas from Aristotle and Aquinas

Factors in the experience of African Americans in Psych

-played a pivotal role in revealing the fallacy and harmfulness of such theories and practices, thereby enhancing the profession as well as society -was limited, only 4 black colleges in US offered undergraduate programs in psych compared to white colleges -Clark university accepted and encouraged enrollment of black students seeking degrees -faced more severe financial barriers than white peers and fewer financial support -32 earned doctoral degrees in psych -black colleges were often then only option for employment -examined view on race after WW11 -APA engaged in deeper examination on its own policies and practices

Carolyn Attneave

-primary interest was in family therapy and she emerged as one of the fields leading figures -graduate of stanford -developed interest in General Systems Theory --goal unify explanations and descriptions of social, biological, and mechanical actions and reactions that were developed from multidisciplinary perspectives -best remembered for her groundbreaking work in network intervention -wide variety of behaviors in 4 classifications --physical systems --emotional/cognitive systems --social systems --systems of values

The Association of Black Psychologists

-protest with APA of failure to adequately address black issues -led to the formation of the association in 1968 with 200 members -presented APA with agenda for change


-psych as a global science played a pivotal role in helping pick apart relative importance of cultural and environmental influences

Kenneth B. Clark

-received BS degree at Howard and MS one year later --met his wife Mamie there who is also his colleague and collaborator -received Ph D at Columbia -employment teaching in NY -Best known for unmasking the harmful effects of segregation --supreme court cited his work in the decision of Brown vs board of education (separate but equal) -research on the relationship between prejudice and personality development --supported by doll studies (4 dolls to African American children, two black and two white, conclusion children indicated preference for the white doll, segregation caused these children to accept as normal the fact of inferior social status -served as first African American to hold office of president of the APA


-refers to a philosophical movement and to a way of studying or method of approaching a subject -phenomenon means appearance but refers more specifically to that which is given in an experience

Positive psychology

-reflects third-force thinking about our life journey -scientific study of ordinary human strengths and virtues while urging psychologists to adopt a more open and appreciative perspective regarding human potential, motives, and capacities -rating thoughts and emotions such as confidence -positive individual traits (courage, honesty, and persistence) -positive institutions ( healthy families and work environments)

Lev Vygotsky

-relationship between reflexes and consciousness -reflexes provided the foundation for behavior -consciousness must be examined as a structure of cognitive functions such as thinking, feeling, and volition -interaction between the lower mental functions such as elementary perception, memory, and attention, and those higher mental functions such as thought that are uniquely human -findings showed that meaning of a word changes during the course of a childs development and plays a different role in both how the world appears to reflect reality and how the word mediates mental activity at various stages of development

Pre-Revolutionary Period (1860-1917)

-segregation of Russia from Europe was rooted in religious differences --Russia was not included in the Christian fraternity of the West with its center in Rome and instead practiced a faith they termed orthodoxy -Russia's entry into the cliquish European community engendered different attitudes among Europes constituent countries -retained social and political features -status as autocratic monarchy and openly practiced serfdom and increase in liberalism -Europe's growth in intellectualism and size of its middle class -college campuses protested against the military draft and social prescriptions

Revolution: The Development of Soviet Psych (1917-1991)

-social and political events led to dramatic changes in the practice of psych in the newly created soviet union -impact upon higher education --new constitutions regulating universities -Two separate branches of Russian science --pre-revolutionary scholars and academics --eager to raise a new generation of intellectuals committed to communist ideology

Dialectical Materialism, Pedology, and Psychotechnics

-soviet psychologists were focused on eliminating idealism with the result that mechanistic materialism -DIALECTICAL MATERIALISM: --Marxian interpretation of reality that views matter as the sole subject of change and all change as the product of a constant conflict between opposites, arising from the internal contradictions inherent in all events, ideas, and movements -soviet psych became a repressed science --deprived of work, arrested, and physically humiliated -first victims of the direct government repression the leader of Marxist psych Kornilov -PEDOLOGY: special subdiscipline of scientific psych in Russia --focused on wide variety of psychological phenomena related to child development

Alexander Luria

-student and colleague of Vygotsky -interested in psychoanalysis and acceptance of soviet psych -research concerned affective reflexes that an individual would be unaware of or would intentionally strive to hide --previously studied by Jung -worked on a study in Asia with Vygotsky --found that enriched environments enhanced the above psychological processes while barren and monotonous environment degraded such processes

Georgy Ivanovich Chelpanov

-tragic victim of the soviet initiative to construct a purely Marxist psych -parallels with Wundt -concept of psych as an independent discipline connected with but not absorbed by philosophy or physiology -plan to create a scientific-educational institution reflecting interests in the preparation of future generations of professional psych --founded Moscow institute of psych -criticized Pavlov and Bekhterev -deviation from Marxist materialism negatively impacted his career

Other criticisms about the third-force psychologies

-wertheimer: therapeutic procedures are suspect in terms of effecting real change -childs: neglecting the hard work of systematic observation so essential in scientific work -smith: this orientation that are affiliated with various countercultures and spiritual-mystical groups -rychlak: does justice to the richness and complexity of human experience and behavior

Psych in China as an experimental science

xinlingxue: combination translates back into English study of spirit -xinlixue: knowledge of the heart

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