Unit 5 APWH

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"Nobody has one exclusive sphere of activity but each can become accomplished in any branch he wishes, society regulates the general production and thus makes it possible for me to do one thing today and another tomorrow, to hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, raise cattle in the evening, [and] criticize after dinner." Karl Marx, German philosopher, describing his view of life in a communist society, 1846 Marx's statement in the passage above is best understood in the context of which of the following responses to the development and spread of global capitalism in the nineteenth century?

A movement to articulate an alternative vision of society

"The Jiaqing emperor asked the governor Sun Yuting: 'Is Britain wealthy and powerful?' Sun Yuting responded, 'Britain is larger than other European countries and is, therefore, powerful. But its power comes from its wealth, which is derived from China. This country is allowed to trade at the port of Canton. It exchanges its goods for our tea. It then resells the tea to Europe and to its colonies in the West, thus becoming wealthy and powerful. Yet, tea is as important to the West as rhubarb is to Russia. If we put an embargo on tea exports, Britain will fall into poverty and its people into sickness. How powerful, then, could Britain possibly be compared to China?'" Sun Yuting, governor of the southern Chinese province of Guangdong, autobiographical account of his conversation with the Jiaqing emperor of the Qing dynasty, early nineteenth century Question Which of the following best characterizes the econ

Although their overall wealth declined, they continued to produce finished goods.

"Americans today . . . who live within the Spanish system occupy a position in society no better than that of serfs destined for labor, or at best they have no more status than that of mere consumers. Yet even this status is surrounded with galling restrictions, such as being forbidden to grow European crops, or to store products which are royal monopolies, or to establish factories of a type the Peninsula itself does not possess. To this add the exclusive trading privileges, even in articles of prime necessity, and the barriers between American provinces, designed to prevent all exchange of trade, traffic, and understanding." Simón Bolívar, Jamaica Letter, 1815 The quotation above best supports which of the following conclusions about the author's motives for resistance to Spanish colonial rule in Latin America?

Bolívar rejected Spanish mercantilist policies that restricted free trade in Latin America.

"The Kamaishi iron deposit consists of several clusters of oxidized iron ore on volcanic rock. It is quite different from the clayed iron ores layered upon coal beds that are commonly found in Britain. The quality of the Kamaishi ore can be categorized as magnetic iron ore of the highest rank. It contains 70% iron, while clayed ore contains only 20-30%. Therefore, in order to produce high quality iron, it was necessary for the government to build a charcoal blast furnace and to order a furnace from Britain. As British engineers were informed that the Kamaishi deposit was rich and the surrounding woods were abundant, they designed a huge charcoal furnace. However, the operation was interrupted within only ninety days. Recently I had a chance to investigate the situation at Kamaishi. After the investigation, I found that despite the claim that Kamaishi is a rich deposit, first of all, the real estimation of the exp

Both countries industrialized, with the state playing an important role in the process.

"Italy has 108 inhabitants per square kilometer. In proportion to its territory, only three countries in Europe surpass Italy in population density: Belgium, the Netherlands, and Great Britain. Every year, 100,000 farmers and agricultural laborers emigrate from Italy. Italy witnesses its place in the family of civilized nations growing smaller and smaller as it looks on with fear for its political and economic future. In fact, during the last eighty years the English-speaking population throughout the world has risen from 22 to 90 million; the Russian-speaking population from 50 to 70; and so forth, down to the Spanish population who were 18 million and are now 39. On the other hand, the Italian-speaking population has only increased from 20 to 31 million. At first, our emigrants were spreading Italy's language in foreign countries, but since then, their sons and grandsons ended up forgetting the language of thei

Competition among European states for global power and influence

Which of the following was a major reason for the decline in India's share of the global manufacture of cotton textiles by the end of the nineteenth century?

Competition from industrially produced British textiles

Which of the following statements is true of Latin American independence movements in the nineteenth century?

Creole elites led most revolts against colonial rule.

Which of the following was the primary Ottoman response to the processes depicted in Map 2 ?

Efforts to reform the government despite considerable internal opposition

In contrast to initial industrialization, the second Industrial Revolution in the last half of the nineteenth century was particularly associated with the mass production of which of the following?

Electricity, steel, and chemicals

"[Nineteenth-century] Indian liberal ideas, I argue, were foundational to all forms of Indian nationalism and the country's modern politics. Yet Indian liberalism was both wider in scope, and more specific in its remedies, than what is commonly called nationalism. To put it in its most positive light, Indian liberalism represented a broad range of thought and practice directed to the pursuit of political and social liberty. Its common features were a desire to re-empower India's people with personal freedom in the face of a despotic government of foreigners, entrenched traditional authority, and supposedly corrupt domestic or religious practices. Indian liberals sought representation in government service, on grand juries and, later, on elective bodies. They demanded a free press, freedom of assembly and public comment. Liberals broadly accepted the principle of individual property rights, subject to various de

Emerging women's suffrage and feminist movements

In the nineteenth century, the spread of which of the following most strongly contributed to a sharp decline in the slave trade?

Enlightenment ideas challenging traditional notions of individual and natural rights

"The Muslims are not the greatest traders in Asia, though they are dispersed in almost every part of it. In Ottoman Turkey, the Christians and Jews carry on the main foreign trade, and in Persia the Armenian Christians and Indians. As to the Persians, they trade with their own countrymen, one province with another, and most of them trade with the Indians. The Armenian Christians manage alone the whole European trade [with Persia]. The abundance of the Persian silk that is exported is very well known. The Dutch import it into Europe via the Indian Ocean to the value of near six hundred thousand livres* yearly. All the Europeans who trade in Ottoman Turkey import nothing more valuable than the Persian silks, which they buy from the Armenians. The Russians import it as well. Persia exports to the Indies [an] abundance of tobacco, all sorts of fruit, marmalade, wines, horses, ceramics, feathers, and Turkish leather of

European industrialization

INFORMATION ON PROFITS AND RISKS OF VARIOUS INVESTMENT TYPES, PROVIDED BY ENGLISH COMMERCIAL BANKS AND OTHER PRIVATE LENDERS TO PROSPECTIVE INVESTORS, 1750 TO 1800 Source: Adapted from Jessica Hanser, "From Cross-Cultural Credit to Colonial Debt: British Expansion in Madras and Canton, 1750-1800," American Historical Review 124:1 (2019). Question Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the data in the table?

Financial practices facilitated deeper global economic integration.

THE BLACK COUNTRY, ANONYMOUS ENGRAVING DEPICTING THE ENGLISH TOWN OF OLDBURY, CIRCA 1850 Question The image best illustrates which factor that contributed to Great Britain's increasing prominence as a global power in the nineteenth century?

Great Britain's location on the Atlantic Ocean and its many waterways enabled it to import and export goods.

Which of the following factors contributed most to the increase of world population in the period 1750 to 1900 C.E.?

Improvements in agricultural productivity and food distribution

Japan's industrialization during the Meiji period and the Soviet Union's industrialization during the 1920s and 1930s had which of the following characteristics in common?

Industrialization in both countries was achieved largely through state direction rather than through private initiative.

"1. Long live the revolutionary Khmer Rouge, utterly wise and clear-sighted and ever glorious! 2. Long live the correct and extremely clear-sighted Communist Party of Cambodia! 3. Down with American imperialists and their supporters! 4. Report everything to the Khmer Rouge! 5. Secretly observe the slightest deeds and gestures of everyone around you! 6. The Khmer Rouge has as many eyes as a pineapple. 7. The Khmer Rouge is the mother and father of all young children, as well as all adolescent boys and girls. 8. Hands off the people's property! Not a single grain of rice, a single chili pepper, a single needle! 9. Better to arrest ten innocent people by mistake than free a single guilty person. 10. He who protests is an enemy; he who opposes is a corpse." Slogans of the Khmer Rouge, the governing communist party of Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. The party ordered the forcible relocation of all urban populations onto

It claimed that the means of production ought to be collectivized.

What are the ideals of The Enlightenment?

Modernization, liberty, natural rights.

In the nineteenth century, women's use of bound feet (China), white face paint (Japan), and corsets (western Europe) are examples of which of the following?

Practices that inhibit female activities

Which of the following distinguishes the Meiji period from earlier periods in Japanese history?

Reform and industrialization

Which of the following best supports the argument that the last three decades of the nineteenth century were a turning point in world history?

Significant increases in demand for fossil fuels for industrial uses

"Eight hours' daily labour is enough for any human being, and under proper arrangements sufficient to afford an ample supply of food, raiment and shelter, or the necessaries and comforts of life, and for the remainder of his time, every person is entitled to education, recreation and sleep." Robert Owen, British factory owner and reformer, 1833 The excerpt above emphasizes which of the following solutions to the exploitation of industrial laborers?

Sufficient wages for factory workers to live full, comfortable lives

"The [Qing] government sponsored a number of projects designed to bolster the navy. The idea was to adopt Western technology but not the values and philosophies that produced it—China would learn from the West, equal it, and then surpass it." Haiwang Yuan, editor, historian, This is China: The First 5,000 Years, 2010 The philosophy behind the late-nineteenth-century Chinese policy mentioned above was part of which of the following?

The Chinese government's attempt to reform the economy through self-strengthening

"In the past, at the end of the Han, Tang, Yuan, and Ming dynasties, bands of rebels were innumerable, all because of foolish rulers and misgovernment, so that none of these rebellions could be stamped out. But today [the emperor] is deeply concerned and examines his character in order to reform himself, worships Heaven, and is sympathetic to the people. He has not increased the land tax, nor has he conscripted soldiers from households. . . . It does not require any great wisdom to see that sooner or later the [Taiping] bandits will all be destroyed." Zeng Guofan, Qing dynasty Chinese official, proclamation against the Taiping rebels, 1854 Question Zeng Guofan's analysis of the situation in China in 1854 was likely influenced by which of the following?

The Confucian notion of the dynastic cycle

Which of the following European developments is most closely associated with the revolution in Haiti?

The French Revolution

"On Monday news reached us that the French* had printed a proclamation in Arabic and had sent it around to be read in public, calling upon Egyptians to obey them. A copy of that document came into my possession and I will quote it here: 'In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. On behalf of the French Republic which is based upon the foundations of liberty and equality, General Bonaparte addresses all Egyptian people: O ye Egyptians, some may tell you that we have come here to abolish your religion, but that is a lie. The real purpose of our campaign is to restore your rights from your oppressors—the Mamluk** rulers of Egypt. Know that all people are equal and that only differences in the degree of reason, virtue, or knowledge may be used to elevate one person above another. But what reason, virtue, or knowledge do the Mamluks have that gives them the right to claim the most fertile land, the most

The French did not wish to change the religion of the people of Egypt.

JAPANESE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1890-1975 Question Which of the following most directly contributed to the overall trend in the percentages of industrial production and heavy industry as shown in the table for the period 1890-1938 ?

The Meiji reforms

"With the powerful help of the Catholic Church and the religious orders, the Portuguese were able to impose their language and culture on a considerable portion of Brazil [by 1700]. Even the [colonial] elite had no educational opportunities in Brazil beyond . . . secondary school. Their only alternative was to leave Brazil for Coimbra University [in Portugal], where one hundred of the sons of the colonial Brazilian elite studied law or medicine during the colonial period. Even Coimbra was a very narrow window onto the intellectual revolution that was transforming the rest of Europe. The luckiest of the lucky young colonialists took a diversion to France, which by the early eighteenth century was caught up in the ferment of the Enlightenment. By the late 1700s, the . . . Portuguese influence began to lift, as the colonial elite began to produce its own literature. To this emerging literary tradition was added the be

The abolition of slavery

Which of the following contributed the most to the growth of the movement to abolish slavery in the Atlantic world?

The adaptation of Enlightenment ideas challenging established social hierarchies

"I think we should continue to emphasize the history and culture of the West, while encompassing the rest, because the West has in fact made the world we know. Anyone who wants to participate in the world community in the coming century had better know how and why the West has defined, and will continue to define, world civilization. Why do I say that? Because everybody wants what we have: science and technology, prosperity, and democracy—that is, our philosophy, our economics, our politics. It is the simple truth that science and technology emerge out of Western philosophy, not out of the philosophy of India, China, or the African nations. Since it is a fact that people everywhere aspire to the material advantages that flow, uniquely I think, from the modes of social organization that the West has devised—its economics, its science and technology, and also its politics and philosophy—I think it is time to st

The adoption of European Enlightenment political and scientific principles worldwide

"Liberty and justice consist of restoring all that belongs to others; thus, the only limits on the exercise of the natural rights of woman are perpetual male tyranny; these limits are to be reformed by the laws of nature and reason." Olympe de Gouges, French feminist, Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen, 1791 The passage above is an example of which of the following processes occurring in the eighteenth century?

The application of Enlightenment ideas

Which of the following best supports the view of some world historians that the eighteenth century marked a major turning point in world history?

The beginning of the Industrial Revolution in England

Some world historians have argued that the growth of European influence in the period 1450—1750 was due in large part to non-European inventions. The history of which of the following technological developments best supports this contention?

The compass

PERCENTAGES OF WORKERS EMPLOYED IN TEXTILE FACTORIES IN ENGLAND BY AGE AND GENDER, 1835-1867 The data were compiled by British government inspectors who reported their findings to the British Parliament. Question The labor patterns shown in the table are most directly relevant in understanding which broader process in nineteenth-century Europe?

The development of new class identities

"I have longed to make the acquaintance of a 'modern girl,' that proud, independent girl who has all my sympathy! I do not belong to the Indian world, but to that of my sisters who are struggling forward in the distant West. If the laws of my land permitted it, I would be like the new woman in Europe; but age-long traditions that cannot be broken hold us back. Someday those traditions will loosen and let us go, but it may be three, four generations after us. Oh, you do not know what it is to love this young, new age with heart and soul, and yet to be bound hand and foot, chained by all the laws, customs, and conventions of one's land. All our institutions are directly opposed to the progress for which I so long for the sake of our people. Day and night I wonder by what means our ancient traditions could be overcome. But it was not the voices alone which reached me from that distant, bright, new-born Europe, w

The early feminist movement

"Without a revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement. The role of vanguard fighter can be fulfilled only by a party that is guided by the most advanced theory. We have said that there could not have been Social-Democratic consciousness among the workers. It could only be brought to them from without. The history of all countries shows that the working class, exclusively by its own effort, is able to develop only trade union consciousness, i.e., the conviction that it is necessary to combine in unions, fight the employers, and strive to compel the government to pass necessary labor legislation. The theory of socialism, however, grew out of the philosophic, historical, and economic theories elaborated by educated representatives of the propertied classes, the intellectuals. Our worst sin with regard to organization is that by our amateurishness we have lowered the prestige of revolutionaries in Russ

The formulation of alternative visions of society in response to the spread of global capitalism

The development of the factory system most directly explains which of the following characteristics of the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?

The greater degree of labor specialization

ENERGY USE BY HUMAN SOCIETIES IN THOUSANDS OF CALORIES PER DAY, AVERAGE PER PERSON, BASED ON ESTIMATED GLOBAL POPULATION Which of the following best explains the change in energy consumption in the time period from 1000 to 1850 C.E.?

The increasing mechanization of labor as a result of industrialization

"I read with interest the recent article in your newspaper entitled 'Should a Woman Demand All the Rights of a Man?' In my view, to answer that question correctly, we first need to examine the roles of men and women in civilization—especially modern civilization—because what may have been true in ancient times no longer applies in our present situation. Modern civilization has moved beyond the condition of the past because, in the past, society was characterized by roughness and reliance on physical power, where victory went to him who was the strongest or the best able to endure hardship, or to him who perpetrated the most atrocities, such as killing people, etc., —in other words, to him who was farthest from women's gentle nature and compassionate heart. By contrast, the basis of our modern civilization is good upbringing and the refinement of morals, through the development of literary knowledge, cou

The spread of intellectual and political debates informed by Enlightenment ideas

APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF SHIPPING VESSELS AND PERCENTAGE OF WORLD TRADE BY REGION, CIRCA 1874-1880 Question Which of the following best describes an accurate comparison of the relationship between sailing vessels and steamships in the late nineteenth century that is supported by the data in the table?

The total number of sailing vessels in all regions still greatly surpassed the total number of steamships in all regions.

Spirits of Moctezuma, Cuauhtémoc and other Aztec heroes, as once you celebrated that feast before being slaughtered by the treacherous sword of the Spanish conquistadors, so now celebrate this happy moment in which your sons have united to avenge the crimes and outrages committed against you, and to free themselves from the claws of [Spanish] tyranny and fanaticism. To the 12th of August 1521—the day that the chains of our serfdom were fastened—there now succeeds the 14th of September 1813—when these chains are broken forever." José María Morelos, Mexican Revolutionary, speech, 1813 Judging from the excerpt above, which of the following was the main purpose of Morelos' speech?

To offer a vision of Mexican history that could be used as a basis for nation building

During the nineteenth century, Asian and African rulers usually desired transfer of which of the following western technologies most?


"The essence of education, our traditional national aim, is to promote benevolence, justice, loyalty, filial piety, and knowledge and skill. But recently, people have been going to extremes by embracing a foreign civilization whose only values are fact-gathering and technical-skill. These values bring harm to our customary ways. We try to incorporate the best features of foreigners in order to achieve the lofty goals that the Meiji emperor desires. We have tried to abandon the undesirable practices of the past and learn from the outside world. But these policies have had a serious defect. They have reduced benevolence, justice, loyalty, and filial piety to secondary goals. If we indiscriminately imitate foreign ways, our people will forget the great principles governing the relations between ruler and subject and the relations between father and son." Motoday Nagazane, adviser to the Meiji emperor, treatise writt

Western states forcing Japan to open itself to trade

The Australian catalog page of 1929 shown above shows women primarily as

consumers in a world economy

All of the following contributed to the rise of industrialization in western Europe and North America during the nineteenth century EXCEPT

increased rights for laborers

"In the past, at the end of the Han, Tang, Yuan, and Ming dynasties, bands of rebels were innumerable, all because of foolish rulers and misgovernment, so that none of these rebellions could be stamped out. But today [the emperor] is deeply concerned and examines his character in order to reform himself, worships Heaven, and is sympathetic to the people. He has not increased the land tax, nor has he conscripted soldiers from households. . . . It does not require any great wisdom to see that sooner or later the [Taiping] bandits will all be destroyed." Zeng Guofan, Qing dynasty Chinese official, proclamation against the Taiping rebels, 1854 Question In the passage above, Zeng Guofan's purpose in listing the policies of the current Qing emperor is most likely to

mobilize popular support by showing that the Taiping rebellion does not represent a legitimate challenge to Qing rule

In the nineteenth century, the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires were two examples of

multinational empires

Rebellious ethnic minorities in the Russian, Ottoman, and Austro-Hungarian Empires during the late nineteenth century were motivated primarily by


Source 1 "It cannot be denied that when the French nation proclaimed these sacred words, 'Men are born and remain free and equal in rights,' it did not break the chains of humankind. It is we who must put these words into action. The wealthy plantation owners of Saint-Domingue [Haiti], therefore, have everything to fear from the influence of our revolution on the current actions of their slaves. These principles overturn the system on which rests their fortunes. No one should be surprised, therefore, that these plantation owners have become the most ardent enemies of these principles. Yet the moment has arrived to change the social system of the colonies, to reintegrate it into humankind. It is in this greater action that the salvation of all parties, justice, and glory will be found. The free men of color demand justice, and they should be granted the same rights of citizenship as other Frenchmen. The colonist

only those born within the territory of the nation and those who shared a common historical origin should be included as citizens within the nation

The United States Bill of Rights and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen reflect a shared concern for

protection of private property

"Although I am a common woman, I have been the head of a family for some time, and I have fulfilled the various duties required as head of a family. Therefore, I automatically assumed that the government gave all heads of families equal rights regardless of sex. However, I recently found that this is not the case. I was told that I have no right to vote even for the local ward [neighborhood] assembly where I live because I am a woman. I was also told that for the same reason I am unable to sign or co-sign legal documents, although I have my registered legal seal. Thus there is a world of difference between male and female heads of families in terms of rights. But rights and duties should coexist together. It should logically be the case that if the head of family has the right to vote, she has an obligation to pay tax; but if there is no vote, there should be no tax obligation. However, I have to pay tax even thoug

societal norms that assigned women lower status than the status of men

Most world historians would agree that the key to European predominance in the world economy during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was

the Industrial Revolution

Slavery and serfdom were abolished in the 1860s in

the United States and Russia

"We often see articles in our [Brazilian] newspapers trying to convince the reader that slavery among us is a very mild and pleasant condition for the slave—so often, in fact, that one may almost begin to believe that, if slaves were asked, they would prefer slavery to freedom. This only proves that newspaper articles are not written by slaves. . . . The legal position of slaves in Brazil can be summed up in these words: the Constitution does not apply to them. Our [1824] Constitution is full of lofty ideas [such as]: 'No citizen can be forced to do anything except as required by law;' 'The law shall apply equally to every person;' 'Whipping, torture, and all other cruel punishments are abolished,' etc. Yet, in this ostensibly free nation . . . we must have, on a daily basis, judges, police, and, if need be, the army and navy employed to force enslaved men, women, and children to work night and day wi

the government of Brazil had adopted Enlightenment political principles

"By the end of the nineteenth century, Germany had advanced beyond Britain in terms of economic output. The prime reason for this development was that Germany developed newer industries, while Britain continued to stress textile production. Formerly an agricultural country, the German Empire has come to be regarded as one of the leading industrial nations of the world and, in the chemical industries, Germany has for some time occupied a leading place. One of the most successful chemical and pharmaceutical firms in Germany is the Bayer company. Bayer employs 3,500 people alone at its plant in Leverkusen,* and the factory is so gigantic that all of these people are barely noticed when a visitor tours it. The laboratories are arranged very much in the same manner as the university laboratories in Britain. Each workstation receives a supply of electricity, compressed air, steam, and hot and cold water. The research che

use steam-powered machines for large-scale economic production

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