Unit 5 - The Research & Writing Processes

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order the following steps in the writing of a draft for a writing project, with 1 being the first step and 4, the last step drafting and evaluating a thesis statement


put the steps of writing a persuasive text in the correct order

1. the writer introduces the topic in a question in the title 2. the writer defines the issue 3. the writer succinctly states different opinions on the topic 4. the writer explains the opposing view 5. the writer explains his opinion 6. the writer supports his opinion with facts and details 7. the writer offers an idea how to solve the problem 8. the writer appeals to the readers to help solve the problem

order the following steps in the writing of a draft for a writing project, with 1 being the first step and 4, the last step drafting an introduction


order the following steps in the writing of a draft for a writing project, with 1 being the first step and 4, the last step drafting a body using strategies that adequately develop a writing project that has coherence


order the following steps in the writing of a draft for a writing project, with 1 being the first step and 4, the last step drafting a conclusion that leaves a memorable impression



a beginner; tyro


a contrasting or opposing argument


a mental view based upon an assessment of one's ideas in relationship to each other


a natural inclination or tendency

check all the elements that should be contained in the conclusion paragraph of an analytical paper

a summary of the main supporting points a challenge to readers to continue thinking about the ideas you a rewording of the thesis

an author's use of irony, ambiguity, and paradox results in a text that may be considered to be open to ___________

a wider range of interpretation

if you find out from an analytical essay of a literary text that an author's constant use of obscure statements or __________________ serve no purpose, you may decide not to buy a copy of the play


check all the elements that should be contained in the body paragraphs of an analytical paper

an analysis of the quotations specific examples as evidence

a title, an introductory paragraph, a body, and a concluding paragraph are the four main components of a(n)

analytical essay

one way to choose a genre is

ask yourself questions and go from there

the elements of argumentative persuasive text are a particular opinion or ___________, a subject that is slightly controversial and an outcome that makes sense


an author's _________________ information gives clues to his tone and opinions and might in some cases, be the underlying reason for contradictory information in text


an analytical essay's ________________ should contain specific examples used as evidence and an examination of how quotations, passages, descriptions, and comparisons support the thesis statement


an essayist wants to conclude his essay with something that ____________ his readers to think more about the essay's


match the correct term with its definition disguising an opinion as a reason

circular reasoning

a rewording, an addition, or a(n) __________ of the thesis statement may be present in an essay's concluding paragraph


when you compose a thesis statement, you need to make sure that it is __________ in its intent


a method of concluding a writing project that will wow your readers is to write a memorable _________


match the following a memorable ending on a writing project


place the correct term in the following blanks a method of concluding a writing project that will wow your readers is to write a memorable ______________


ensuring __________ in a writing project may be accomplished by employing synonyms of key words, the repetition of key words, the restating of ideas with fewer words, the use of pronouns and the inclusion of transitional words and phrases


an important component of a good literary text that should be mentioned in an analytical essay is a(n) ___________ plot


an overabundance of intricacies or ________________ in a text might be a reason for readers to abstain from reading it


intricacies in a text that are termed ___________ may make the text more interesting to readers


a challenge to readers urging them to continue thinking about the ideas presented in your analytical essay; a rewording, an addition to, or a clarification of the thesis statement plus a summary of the essay's main supporting ideas are all elements of an analytical essay's ________________


if an expository/literary text jumps back and forth between centuries without clear transitions, the text could be said to be __________


select the correct term for the given definition confusing; perplexing


select the correct term for the given definition. confusing, perplexing




direct references and transitional words and phrases are ___________ that make an argumentative persuasive text achieve cohesiveness


when choosing emotional language for argumentative persuasive text, it is advisable to pick words with strong ____________


place the correct term in the following blanks once a writer asks a question that helps hum develop an idea for a thesis statement, he should include in it the purpose and the ____________, depending upon the writing type


rather than just presenting one side of a story, an author might present two sides, thus utilizing the stylistic device of _____________


select the correct term for the given definition a stylistic device in which two sides are presented


if a quotation included in an analytical essay said, "Author Devon Jones grew up in poverty but inherited millions upon turning 21," the reader might expect _____________ information in Jones's text


a contrasting or opposing viewpoint or perspective is called a(n) ____________


place the correct term in the following blanks a contrasting or opposing argument is called a _______________


a good way to anticipate audience response is to consult with a partner or group about possible _____________


place the correct term in the following blanks a quotation in argumentative persuasive text that is not famous needs to be ______________


before writing a thesis statement, it is a good idea to engage in ____________ thinking


to produce a clear thesis statement, a writer should engage in _________ thinking


the thesis statement for an argumentative persuasive text must contain both a topic and

debatable opinion

including ___________ or explanations in argumentative persuasive text helps ensure the text's ______________

definitions understandability

the incorporating of ___________ or explanations in argumentative persuasive text will increase the text's ____________

definitions understandability

one way to ensure that the thesis statement of argumentative persuasive text is clear is to make sure that the ____________ or wording is precise


the wording or __________ in the thesis statement of argumentative persuasive text helps ensure that the thesis statement is clear


when you pay careful attention to the wording of a thesis statement for argumentative persuasive text, you are paying attention to its __________


the inclusion of repetitions, synonyms of, or references to words or phrases employed earlier in argumentative persuasive texts are called

direct references

match the correct term with its definition offering only two choices

either-or reasoning

an appeal in argumentative persuasive text that addresses feelings is a(n) ______________ appeal


appeals in argumentative persuasive text that attempt to get a response from readers due to their feelings is a(n) _________ appeal


if you write in an argumentative persuasive text, "If you love your family, you will spend every moment you can with them," you have made a(n) ___________ appeal


a(n) ___________ appeal compels a reader of argumentative persuasive text to make a decision about a moral issue


an appeal that wants readers who are reading argumentative persuasive text to make moral decision based upon fair play is a(n) ________________ appeal


specific examples are used as __________ in the body of an analytical essay


answer true or false a good analytical essay should include a list of and no analysis of ambiguities, nuances, and complexities in text


answer true or false a potential source online contains the opinions of one Frieda Benson about nuclear disarmament. Benson's biography reveals that she did not finish high school, has never held a job for more than two months and hates Russians and Chinese. You should consider Benson's opinions as a good source for argumentative text favoring nuclear disarmament


answer true or false all a thesis statement in an argumentative persuasive text needs is a topic and an undebatable opinion


answer true or false an aesthetic effect of contradiction is an uninspiring text


answer true or false the use of overly emotional language is advisable when you are creating argumentative text


answer true or false when you are writing argumentative persuasive text, you have no control over the outcome


answer true or false when you make appeals in argumentative persuasive text, you should use language that is straightforward, imprecise, and uninteresting


answer true or false you should consider the information that is provided by an organization whose purpose is unclear, has only been in existence six months and is funded by a radical political group as excellent


match the correct term with its definition using a quote to back up evidence in one field from an expert in another field

false authority

providing a quote from an expert in virology (the study of viruses) on an argumentative persuasive text whose subject matter is astronomy (the study of planets and stars) is termed

false authority

choosing the correct _________ before commencing a writing project involves the process of critical thinking


place the correct term in the following blanks choosing the correct __________ before commencing a writing project involves the process of critical thinking


identify the following with the correct term ______________ sunburst diagram

graphic organizer

match the following visual elements that create a conclusive approach

graphic organizers

match the correct term with its definition an observation that lacks sufficient evidence or ignores exceptions

hasty generalization

searching for appropriate topics on the internet has the disadvantage of

having disjointed information (broken links, etc.)

if the organizing structure of an argumentative persuasive text classified the presented evidence into categories, then the organizing structure was based upon a(n)


if the topic sentences of an argumentative persuasive text discussed aspects of the thesis statement's allegory, you could say that your organizing structure was based upon a(n) _____________


if you organize an argumentative persuasive text whose subject is about the reasons for the Civil War and you list a fact about slavery first and a fact about tariffs imposed on imported goods, you could say that your organizing structure was based upon the facts' level of ____________________


the introductory paragraph should embody a minimum amount of background


when composing argumentative persuasive text, you are not responsible for crediting general ______________, and facts from standard _____________ works

information reference


inhibits the growth of bacteria

place the correct term in the following blanks sometimes sources of the __________ require the payment of money for access


select the correct term for the given definition a source whose disadvantage is too much information


sometimes sources on the __________ require the payment of money for access




the _______________ paragraph of an analytical essay should have a minimum amount of background information, the thesis statement, the author's name, the piece's title, a general account of the piece, and a statement that attracts readers


many students who panic at the thought of writing an essay can be comforted by the fact that writing is a(n) __________ skill


place the correct term in the corresponding blank many students who panic at the thought of writing an essay can be comforted by the fact that writing is a(n) _____________ skill


students always need to remember that writing is a(n) _________ skill


you base the organization of argumentative persuasive text on time, ________, place, and _____________

level of importance idea

many sources for background reading are available at your local and school ____________


place the correct term in the following blanks visual elements of a writing project that create a conclusive approach are graphic organizers and ____________


the preferable ___________ for a thesis statement is as the last sentence of the introduction


an appeal in argumentative persuasive text that entreats readers to utilize critical thinking is a(n) __________ appeal


an appeal in argumentative persuasive text that requests readers to perform critical thinking is a(n) __________ appeal


in argumentative persuasive text a(n) _____________ appeal is one that asks readers to engage in critical thinking



may be relied on; dependable in achievement, accuracy, honesty, etc

in an argumentative persuasive text, you need to include a ___________ of ____________ opinions

minimum two

___________ means confused; mixed up


if a writer writes, "Bakers are thieving rascals," in an argumentative text, he is using ____________


match the correct term with its definition labeling a group of people


a thesis statement should not be so ______________ so that it cannot be easily disproved


if you read the sentence "The preponderance of birds on the runways of DFW Airport means that the train schedule will be off kilter" in an argumentative persuasive text, you are seeing an example of __________

non sequiter

match the correct term with its definition listing an unreasonable effect of a cause

non sequitur

select the correct term for the given definition a subtle different in meaning


if you read an analytical essay of an expository text on exciting new research on the swine flu and learn that the author skillfully employs a multitude of ______________, or subtle differences in meaning, expression or response, in his writing, you might be more inclined to purchase the journal the text is contained in


subtle differences in meaning are called _____________ and may render a text more sophisticated


in addition to including the author's opinion, a well-written argumentative persuasive text includes __________ views


when you write argumentative persuasive text, you must not only give readers your opinion on a subject matter but you must also provide ______________ views


in analytical essays for both expository and literary texts, the essayist should pay attention to whether the author _________ the text


whether an author _____________ his writing should be analyzed in an analytical essay


match the following contains a beginning, a middle and an end


one way to organize a writing project is to create a(n) ______________ that contains a(n) _______________, a(n) ________________, and a(n) ____________

outline beginning middle end

if an analytical essay on expository text mentions that the test has too much _____________, then the essayist might be saying that the author is stating his opinion too strongly


if an author of a literary text discusses how it seems strange that a noble character can sometimes slip into acting in a completely petty manor towards his family members, he may be using the rhetorical device of __________


opening text to a wider range of interpretation is Select all that apply

paradox ambiguity irony

a method of anticipating the response an audience might have to an argumentative persuasive text that you have written would be to confer with a(n) _________ or __________ about possible counterarguments

partner group

to learn how to write requires __________ and practice


place the correct term in the following blanks an opinion formed after an assessment of ideas in relationship to each other is called ___________________


a thesis statement gives readers your _______________ or _______________ on a subject matter in argumentative persuasive text

perspective opinion


pertaining to a sense of beautiful or to the science of aesthetics

if topic sentences in an argumentative persuasive text discussed the effects of different towns upon a character's development, you could say that your organizing structure was based upon ______________


a source that contains information that is firsthand is termed a(n) ___________ source


for an argumentative persuasive text, both __________________ and ________________ sources need to be valid and reliable

primary secondary

select the correct term for the given definition checking a writing project's spelling


select the correct term for the given definition a natural inclination or tendency


once a writer asks a question that helps him develop an idea for a thesis statement, he should include in it the ______________ and the ______________ , depending upon the writing type

purpose contents

if you are creating an analytical essay, you should answer any anticipated ________ readers might have


while you are composing an analytical essay, it is a good idea to answer and address ___________


included in the body of an analytical essay on literary text might be ________ from other literary critics, biographers or the author's personal comments or letters


you should always credit _________, unless they are famous; unique or little-known _________; and original ___________, opinions, or conclusions

quotations facts theories

by anticipating the response of your audience to your argumentative persuasive text, you can ensure that you provide ____________ and ____________ that will answer any questions and squash any doubts

reasons evidence

place the correct term in the following blanks you are not responsible for crediting facts from standard ____________ and general information


direct ___________ that include __________ or like words, or repetitions or allusions to words or phrases in argumentative persuasive text will increase the text's cohesiveness

references synonyms

when you _________ a counterargument, you try to prove it to be false or erroneous


when you prove a counterargument to be wrong, you _________ it


place the correct term in the following blanks when searching for sources for argumentative persuasive text, you find the web site of an organization that has been in existence for 100 years and whose members are experts in the field; you would believe that it is a ____________ source


place the correct term in the following blanks the repeating of certain words or phrases to increase argumentative persuasive text's cohesiveness is termed ____________


besides appeals, three other methods of convincing readers to agree with you in argumentative persuasive text are _____________, ___________, and appropriate _________________

repetition rhythm language

if an argumentative persuasive text has similar vowel and consonant sounds and a variation in sentence lengths, it has a(n) ____________ that makes it more memorable and consequently, more influential


according to an analytical essay, if a book is filled with ____________, a reader might find the book too cynical



sound; just; well-founded; producing the desired result; effective

when a text possesses a small nicety of character or meaning, it is said to have ______________


check all the elements that should be contained in the introductory paragraph of an analytical paper

the thesis statement the author's name the tile of the piece either underline or italicized a statement with interesting language that attracts the reader's attention perhaps a general account of the piece

in an analytical essay of expository text, it is important for the essayist to determine whether the author's writing skills enabled her to adhere to the __________; create engaging, interesting text; and ___________ the text

theme organize

in an analytical essay of literary text, it is important for the essayist to determine whether the author's writing skills enabled her to render the __________ omnipresent; create coherent, absorbing plot; and organize the ___________; and have intricate, fascinating ______________

theme text characterization

if a(n) ____________ statement is too limited in scope, one fact could disprove it


the four steps in developing a draft are drafting and evaluating a(n) ___________, drafting a(n) ______________, drafting a(n) ____________, and composing a(n) ______________

thesis statement introduction body conclusion

if you arranged the facts in the body of an argumentative persuasive text according to the year in which they occurred, you could say that your organizing structure was based upon _____________


if you wrote an argumentative persuasive essay whose thesis statement read "Steel manufacturing in the U.S. has dwindled due to foreign competition" and you showed how year by year China placed an increasing number of orders for steel with other countries, you used __________, or chronological, order for your structure


an analytical essay should contain four main components

title, introductory paragraph, body, concluding paragraph


to prove to be false or erroneous, as an opinion or charge


to seek something by respectful request

select the correct term for the given definition the subject of a writing


a word or phrase that impels the reader smoothly along in an argumentative persuasive text is a(n) __________ word or expression


the readability of argumentative persuasive text is made smoother by _________ words or phrases


by including _________ phrases that smoothly connect ideas in your argumentative persuasive text, you increase how ____________, or well integrated the text is

transitional cohesive

answer true or false a writer can include a memorable clincher in a conclusion


answer true or false an aesthetic effect of paradox, ambiguity, and irony is a wider range of interpretation


answer true or false firsthand information is obtained from primary sources, whereas information obtained from primary sources are from secondary sources


answer true or false readers' questions and contradictory information in text should be anticipated and responded to in an analytical essay of the text


answer true or false subtlety may result in more detailed text


answer true or false the inclusion of ambiguities, nuances, and complexities can be an advantage or a disadvantage in text


answer true or false the usage of sarcasm, hyperbole, and overstatement may create an air of cynicism


answer true or false transitional phrases smooth the path of readers reading argumentative persuasive text


answer true or false when making an emotional appeal as an author, you should employ words with strong connotations


answer true or false when you are considering which sources to use for an argumentative persuasive text, you should utilize common sense


answer true or false when you write argumentative persuasive text, you are trying to get the readers to agree with your opinion that is declared in the thesis statement


answer true or false you must include at least two perspectives in argumentative persuasive text, your view and at least one opposing view


by presenting at least two different perspectives in an argumentative persuasive text and perhaps even mentioning the merit of an opposing point, an author gains the _________ of his readers


in an argumentative persuasive text, you might note the quality of a counterargument to gain credibility and the ___________ of readers


the inclusion and explanation of opposing views increases the readers' ______________ of the author


select the correct term fro the given definition useful


when you are considering primary and secondary sources for argumentative persuasive text, you need to take into account how _______________ and ________________ they are

valid reliable


well-integrated; unified

if an analytical essay says an expository text has a constant theme, absorbing text, and organization, a reader might deduce that the author has good

writing skills

the organization of a writing project includes a(n) _________, __________, and a(n) ____________

beginning middle end

the middle of a writing project is the _________ that contains the _________ and ____________ that support the thesis statement

body facts details

match the term with its definition surrender


select the correct term fro the given definition doubting; not gullible



slow; late; overdue; delayed



similar to the role of Sacajawea in her travels with Lewis & Clark Expedition, a thesis statement can serve as a(n) _________ as you write.


a disadvantage of both engaging in discussions and conducting interviews is

an increased potential for error

place the correct term in the corresponding blank ways to ensure ____________ in a writing project is to utilize synonyms of key words, repeat key words, restate ideas with fewer words, use pronouns, and include transitional phrases and words


choose the correct term for the given definition complete; total; supremely good


different types of writing, such as illustrative, analytical, and expository, determine the __________ of a thesis statement


another name for thesis statement is ________ but you should not confuse it with the one in the paragraph

controlling idea

to choose a genre, you should use _________

critical thinking

answer true or false vague details and ambiguous words help achieve specificity


writing is a(n) _________ skill


the thesis statement of an expository research paper will state the main _________, the topics, ___________, and the angle the writer is taking towards the topic

subjects boundaries

a good thesis statement aligns well with the ___________ contained in the body

supporting ideas




complete; total; supremely good

the end of a writing project is the _______________

concluding paragraph

when you proofread a draft, you should use _____________ marks


when you edit a draft, you need to make sure it achieves specific _________________

rhetorical patters



number the following steps for developing a thesis statement with 1 indicating the first step

1. ask the question 2. determine the contents 3. include the purpose 4. create a working thesis 5. choose the correct location, form, parameter, and wording 6. refine the working thesis statement 7. answer the question


departs; swerves away

select the correct term fro the given definition departs; swerves away


you will obtain more viewpoints if you take part in __________ than if you conduct __________

discussions interviews

match the term with its definition having joints or connections separated


select the correct term for the given definition checking a writing project's grammar and organization


a thesis statement for an analytical essay might declare causes and __________


two strategies for choosing a topic that include the advantage of adding subjectivity are

engaging in discussions and conducting interviews

one method of drafting an introduction is including a(n) ____________ that sparked your interest in a subject


answer true or false a thesis statement is the same thing as a topic sentence..


answer true or false an advantage of engaging in discussions is that you only have one viewpoint


answer true or false if you are unsure about the spelling of a word in a draft, you should just leave it as it is


answer true or false performing background reading in the library can give you few sources


answer true or false you can only present the facts and details in your middle section in one way


two advantages to mining personal interests are

familiarity and enjoying learning

the thesis statement will delineate the subjects and the report's ___________ in an informative report



found everywhere; omnipresent

if you are assigned a writing project whose topic is nuclear disarmament, the best method of choosing the ____________ is to pose questions to yourself and eliminate possibilities depending upon the answers



having character of synonyms or a synonym; equivalent in meaning; expressing or implying the same idea


having the joints or connections separated; disconnected; incoherent

usually, the thesis statement is the __________________ sentence in the introductory paragraph


place the correct term in the corresponding blank many sources for background reading are available at your local and school _____________


identify the following with the correct term the display of __________ might help readers who are trying to learn the steps pf a process or the characteristics of an object


visual elements of a writing project that create a conclusive approach are _____ and _____

lists graphic organizers

if a draft has sentences out of chronological order, you would edit it so it maintains _________________

logical organization


logically connected; consistent


mixed up in a confused or bungling manner; jumbled

engaging in discussions and conducting interviews as ways to determine appropriate topics is an advantage because they give you

multiple viewpoints

a thesis statement in expository text should contain a(n) ________ and a(n) _______

opinion topic

_________________ a(n) organizational method for the beginning, the middle, and the end of a writing project


when you proofread, you are basically looking for _____________; when you edit, you are basically seeking _________________ or ______________ errors

spelling grammatical organizational

learning how to write is easier if you divide the project into a(n) __________

step-by-step process

answer true or false as you perform the writing process while completing a project, you may refine your working thesis statement


answer true or false during an interview, it is good to utilize a tape recorder


answer true or false you can obtain professional or expert opinions when you conduct interviews


match the term with its definition found everywhere


to check upon the spelling in a draft, you need to ____________ ; to check the grammar and organization in a draft, you need to ______________

proofread edit

answer true or false in the concluding paragraph, the writer states her belief that she proved the thesis statement


answer true or false mining your personal interests is probably the easiest strategy to use to pick an appropriate topic


answer true or false obtaining information from Internet sources sometimes requires money


answer true or false to ensure adequacy in a writing project, the writer should answer questions he imagines the reader might pose


methods of ensuring coherence in a writing project include: incorporating transitional words and phrases, __________ key words, utilizing ______________ of key words. rehashing _______________ with fewer words, and using pronouns

repeating synonyms ideas

when you commence proofreading and editing a document, you can do them separately or ___________


___________ means doubting; not gullible


place the correct term in the corresponding blank to determine appropriate topics, you can mine your personal __________, performs background reading, conduct interviews, and engage in discussions


match the term with its definition friendly


ways to ensure __________ in a writing project is to utilize synonyms of key words, repeat key words, restate ideas with fewer words, use pronouns, and include transitional phrases and words


when a writing project is ___________________, it is logically connected or consistent


in a(n) _____________ expository essay, the thesis statement will announce the things that will be stacked up against each other

compare and contrast

when drafting the conclusion, a writer can ______________ the body, ________ the thesis statement or provide insight about it, or reference ideas in the introduction

condense rewrite

additionally, you need to edit a draft to ensure that it sets a(n) _____________

consistent tone

____________ means departs; swerves away



doubting; not gullible

answer true or false one supporting idea is enough to prove a good thesis statement


answer true or false when a writer outlines a writing project, there is only one way he can organize the body


to ensure that a writing project is adequately developed, a draft's body should contain plentiful supporting ________________, answer ______________ readers might ask, give ample information, and create ________________ via particular details and precise language

ideas questions specificity

to determine appropriate topics, you can mine your personal


four steps are necessary to developing a draft: drafting and evaluating your thesis statement, drafting the ______________, drafting the body, and drafting the ___________

introduction conclusion

at the beginning of a writing project is the __________ paragraph


identify the following with the correct term ______________ a(n) activity that helps writers fill in the gaps or correct mistakes


disjointed information such as broken links is a disadvantage of

performing background reading on the Internet

the process of writing demands ___________ and __________

practice patience

choose the correct term for the given definition slow; late; overdue; delayed


asking yourself "What idea and I trying to prove with this text?" is a good method of developing a clear ___________ statement


place the correct term in the corresponding blank asking yourself "What idea am I trying to prove with this text?" is a good method of developing a clear _____________ statement



to have reference or relation; relate

answer true of false a final draft will be better if you spend as much time as you can proofing and editing your initial draft


answer true or false four methods can help you structure ideas to create a conclusive approach: constructing an outline, taking notes, utilizing graphic organizers, and using lists


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