Unit 5

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Called to our side.

What does the word Para-caletto mean in Greek?

You shall be my witnesses

What were Jesus's last words

We are not only talking to someone about Jesus, but leading them across the line to Jesus.

How are we like a map to Jesus?

one, all

1.Read James 2:10 and fill in the blanks: "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just ___________ point is guilty of breaking ________ of it."

.A. One B.One C.Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

10.A. How many entrances were there to the Tabernacle court yard? B.How many entrances were there to the Tabernacle itself? C. Write out John 14:6.

When the tabernacle was set up, a special cloud covered it and stayed there. In the evening the cloud looked like a pillar of fire. Whenever the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle, the Israelites moved out. As long as the cloud did not move, the people remained in camp. Whenever the people saw the cloud, they knew that their God was there with them.

11.How did the people of Israel know that their God was present with them when they were in the wilderness? (See Numbers 9:15-23.)

.A. They would see the altar of sacrifice. B.For two reasons: (1) This taught the people that they needed to offer a blood sacrifice for their sins because they could not enter the presence of God without being cleansed from their sin. (2) The altar reminded them that God was willing to forgive their sins on the basis of a sacrifice which would one day be offered on their behalf.

12.A. What was the first thing people would see when they entered the courtyard of the Tabernacle? B.Why was this significant?

.A. A heavy curtain or veil .B.The veil taught them that they did not yet have full and free access to God as long as a "fully satisfactory" sacrifice for sin had not yet been made. C.The barrier was removed when Christ died on the cross for our sins, making the perfect sacrifice that was required. The visible indication of this was the miraculous tearing of the veil from top to bottom when Jesus died.

14.A. What separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place? B.What was the significance of this barrier? C.When was the barrier removed?


15.Which of the following statements is/are true? Choose A or B or C .A.Since the people were commanded to continue offering sacrifices, this showed that the people were continually in need of forgiveness. B.Since the people were commanded to continue offering sacrifices, this showed that the blood of bulls and goats could not really take away sins. C.Both A and B.

.A. "In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." B.Blood sacrifices were no longer required after Jesus provided the perfect sacrifice for our sins on the cross. C.Hebrews 10:18. "And where these [sins and lawless acts] have been forgiven, there is no longer any sacrifice for sin." Hebrews 9:12. "[Jesus] . . . entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption."

16.A. Write out Hebrews 9:22. B. When were blood sacrifices no longer necessary? B.Write out a Bible passage which supports your answer to "B."

.Jesus Christ was the perfect, sinless Lamb of God who died for the sins of the world. The Old Testament animals that pointed forward to Him therefore had to be as "perfect" as possible. Any animal with an observable blemish of any kind could not be used as a sacrifice.

17.Why did God require the Israelites to offer only "perfect" or "unblemished" animals in their sacrifices?

.A. The High Priest offered a sacrifice on the altar for his own sins and those of his family and another sacrifice for the sins of the people. He also made atonement for the altar itself to cleanse it from the uncleanness of the Israelites. He sprinkled the blood of the sacrifices on the Mercy Seat in the Most Holy Place. B.The High Priest selected another animal, placed his hands on the head of this goat to represent the "transfer" of the sins of the people to the goat, and then sent this goat out into the wilderness where it would never be seen again. This was symbolic of the fact that God removes our sins from us and remembers them no more. (See Psalm 103:12.)

18.What two major things did the High Priest do on the Day of Atonement?

.A. False B.True C.False D.False

19.Which of the following statements is true? Write True or False for each statement. A.The High Priest did not have to offer sacrifices for his own sins, since he was holier than the rest of the people. B.If the High Priest did not come with blood into the Most Holy Place, he would die. C.The High Priest was elected by the people to be their representative before God. D. The first High Priest in the Old Testament was Moses.

All people are conceived and born in sin

2.What does Psalm 51:5 teach?

.A. This statement is not true. B.The teaching of salvation "by grace alone" may be spelled out more clearly in specific texts in the New Testament, but the doctrine of salvation by grace alone is clearly taught in the Old Testament as well as in the New. There is no one in either the Old or the New Testament that could claim to be saved by obeying the law. Many were blessed because of their obedience, but no one merited or earned salvation from the power and penalty of sin through anything they themselves did or could do. The continual offering of sacrifices for sin in Old Testament times clearly demonstrated that salvation was a gift of God's grace for those who repented of their sins and trusted Him for forgiveness. Salvation was always obtained by God's grace alone.

20.A. Would you agree or disagree with the following statement? "The teaching that salvation is by grace and not by works is much less important in the Old Testament than it is in the New Testament." B. Please give the reason(s) for your answer.

.The laver served as a reminder that every believer needed to be washed and cleansed spiritually when coming into the presence of the Lord. Cleansing from the impurity of sin was of great importance for everyone who desired to be at peace with God

3.What was the significance of the Laver or Basin for Washing that was in the Courtyard?


3.Which of the following statements is most correct? Choose A or B or C. A.People who offered all the required sacrifices would be saved and forgiven on the basis of their obedience. B.People who offered the required sacrifices which God commanded would be saved and forgiven because these sacrifices showed how sorry they were for their sins.. C.People who offered the required sacrifices would be saved and forgiven because their sacrifices demonstrated their trust in God's grace to forgive them as He promised.

A. False B.Hebrews 10:4 "It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins."

4. A. Is the following statement true or false? "Even if Jesus had never been born and had never died on the cross, the Old Testament sacrifices would have been sufficient for the forgiveness of sins." B.Write out a Biblical text which supports you answer.


5.Which of the following statements is NOT true. Choose A or B or C or D. A.Only the High Priest might enter the Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle. B.The people of Israel were permitted to enter the outer court of the Tabernacle but might not enter the Tabernacle itself. C.The High Priest was permitted to enter the Most Holy Place whenever he chose to do so IF he wore the proper garments and washed from head to foot before entering it. D.The priests were permitted to enter the Holy Place but not the Most Holy Place.

.A. (1) A golden altar where the priests burned incense. (2)A table on which fresh loaves of bread were placed each Sabbath day. (3)A solid gold oil-fed candelabra which provided light for the tabernacle. C.The ark of the covenant containing Aaron's rod that budded, the Ten Commandments, and some manna.

6.A. What three items were found in the Holy Place in the Tabernacle? B. What one item was found in the Most Holy Place?

A. "Mercy Seat" was the name given to the top cover of the ark. B.It was given this name since the mercy seat was covered with the blood of a sacrificial lamb. Whenever the High Priest entered the Most Holy Place, he sprinkled blood on the top of the ark. When God "looked down" from heaven, he would "see" the blood which was interposed between Himself and the laws which He had given. This was symbolic of the fact that God sees us who believe in Jesus as covered by his blood that was shed on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins.

7.A. What was the "Mercy Seat"? (*Also called the Atonement Cover in some Bible versions.) B.Why do you think it was given this name? C.

"tabernacled" John 1:14 would then read, "The Word became flesh and tabernacled among us."

8.In John 1:14, we read that "The Word [Jesus] became flesh and made his dwelling among us." What is the literal meaning of the Greek word translated "made his dwelling"?

.A. John 1:29 B.John 8:12 C.John 6:35

9.A. Which New Testament passage refers to Jesus as the "Lamb of God"? B. Which New Testament passage refers to Jesus as the "light of the world"? C.Which New Testament passage refers to Jesus as the "Bread of life"?

(1) They needed to offer a blood sacrifice because of their sins, and (2) God was willing to forgive their sins on the basis of an appropriate sacrifice which would some day be offered on their behalf. (See Levit

The first thing people would see when entering the Tabernacle grounds was the altar where all the sacrifices were offered. This altar taught the people two very important truths:

"dwelled" or "lived."

The word "tabernacled" is the literal meaning of the Greek word usually translated as what?

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