Unit 7 Vocabulary Choosing the Right Word

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According to cryptozoologists - people who search for proof that legendary creatures exist - Bigfoot might be a large prehistoric humanoid that is still (vociferous/extant).


At lunchtime, the room rang with the sound of (reprehensible/vociferous) debates between the fans of rival teams.


The time has come for us to (implicate/inter) our ancient disputes and go forward as a truly united people.


We can expect (chaos/martinets) later if we do not develop a realistic conservation policy now.


We sometimes forget that the great men who led our revolution were considered (renegades/buffets) by the British king.


I don't know which was more (reprehensible/somber) - making improper use of the money or lying about it later.


A compromise agreement reached in the judge's chambers would clearly (discern/obviate) the need for a long, costly lawsuit.


A lack of organizational skills can make a student's life (commodious/chaotic) right before a busy exam season.


Did you know that many soft drinks, especially colas, are so (corrosive/reprehensible) that they can erode tooth enamel over time?


Didn't it occur to them that by signing the letter "Sophomores of Central High," they would (implicate/waive) the entire class in the protest?


Even in his old age, Thomas Jefferson kept up a (voluminous/turbulent) correspondence with important people in America and abroad.


History gives us many examples of how the (vociferous/corrosive) effects of the religious hatred can weaken the entire social structure.


Hoping it was not too late to (amend/waive) their relationship, the young man purchased a lovely bouquet of roses.


I wouldn't say that I (inter/abhor) housework, but I must admit that I avoid it whenever I can.


I'm not so sure that I want to rent a bungalow so (squalid/commodious) that I'll have room for guests every weekend.


If you (obviate/abhor) blood, then you should probably not be a nurse.


If you examine the evidence carefully, you will soon (discern/amend) the contradictions in the witness's story.


In 1940, Winston Churchill conveyed to the British people the (somber/voluminous) truth that they were fighting for their national existence.


Instead of trying to help the people who had elected him, he became involved in a (squalid/extant) little quarrel about handing out jobs.


Some people prefer the (discernment/turbulence) of life in a big city to the more placid atmosphere of a small town.


The Founding Fathers set up a method of (amending/obviating) the Constitution that is neither too easy nor too difficult to use.


The Tech team was offside on the play; but since we had thrown them for an eight-yard loss, we (waived/abhorred) the five-yard penalty.


The custom by which a young man buys his bride through a payment to her father is still (commodious/extant) in some parts of the world.


When he accused me of playing fast and loose with the rules, I lost my temper and called him an officious (renegade/martinet).


Which great poet said that his head was "bloody but unbowed" under the (buffeting/chaos) of fate?

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