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. _________ was unoccupied area between the two enemy trenches.

"No man's land" --The series of trenches along the Western Front were separated by an area known as "no man's land"


"information that is spread by some form of media with the intent of promoting support for a cause." --Propaganda became a powerful weapon in the effort to maintain public approval of the war.In both Allied and Central Powers countries, propaganda was used to justify involvement in the war. Both sides presented the other as evil and a threat to good. For example, one German propaganda poster pictured Jesus blessing the German troops as they went off to war.

Theoretical race of ancient people believed to be superior to other races.

Aryan race

This single event led to the outbreak of WWI.

Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand --The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, by a Slavic resistance group.

The assassination of the heir to the throne of _________ by a Slavic resistance group led to the outbreak of WWI.

Austria-Hungary --The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, by Slavic resistance group.

Special unit of Mussolini's political party, composed of former soldiers and peasants, committed to fighting communism and socialism in Italy.

Black Shirts

_______ was known as the day when peaceful protestors were massacred.

Bloody Sunday --In 1905 peaceful protestors were gunned down by the secret police. It is remembered as "Bloody Sunday."

The massacre of peaceful protestors by Czar's soldiers prior to World War I was known as _______

Bloody Sunday --In 1905 peaceful protestors were gunned down by the secret police. It was remembered as "Bloody Sunday."

Czar Nicholas II and his family were executed by ____________

Bolshevik soldiers --Czar Nicholas II and his family were executed by Bolshevik soldiers to ensure that Russia could never return to a monarch state.

These communists believed that revolution in Russia could only be achieved by violent means.

Bolsheviks --Bolsheviks believed that revolution must be achieved by violent means.

The __________ was/were communists that believed a revolution in Russia was to be achieved only by violent means.

Bolsheviks --The Bolsheviks believed that revolution must be achieved by violent means

What country was the first to sign an armistice?

Bulgaria --On September 29, 1918, Bulgaria was the first to sign an armistice.

How did communists interpret the Great Depression?

Capitalism was doomed to fail --Communists believed that capitalism with its rule by self-serving capitalists was doomed to fail; therefore, the Great Depression was the logical result of capitalism.

During WWI, the _________ included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire.

Central Powers --The alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire was known as the Central Powers.

Secret Police agency established by Lenin.


The _________ was the secret police force of the Communist Party in Russia.

Cheka --Secret Police agency established by Lenin.

The ___________ controlled communist Russia.

Council of People's Commissars --Russia was to be run by a special group of Marxist leaders known as Council of People Commissars.

Who or what actually controlled communist Russia?

Council of People's Commissars --Russia was to be run by a special group of Marxist leaders known as the Council of People's Commissars.

__________ was the Prime Minister of Great Britain at the end of WWI.

David Lloyd George --David Lloyd George was the Prime Minister of Great Britain at the end of WWI; he also signed the Treaty of Versailles.

Which of the following provided a plan for the economic recovery of Germany following WWI?

Dawes Plan --In August of 1924, a new plan of repayment was outlined

By Russia and Germany signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Russia gave up control of ______________. Select all that apply.

Estonia Latvia Ukraine Poland Finland --The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk made Russia give up Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, and the Ukraine to Germany. In turn Germany agreed to stop attacking Russia.

Followers of Mussolini's totalitarianism form of government.


Stalin's plan to create Russia into an industrial super power was called the ____________

Five-Year Plan --The Five-Year Plan demanded a drastic increase in the production of resources and materials for industry.

The Triple Entente was a political alliance formed between which countries? Select all that apply

France Great Britain Russia --The Triple Entente was formed in 1907 with Great Britain, Russia, and France, then in May of 1915 Italy joined.

This person not only signed the Treaty of Versailles but was the Prime Minister of Great Britain at the end of WWI

George --David Lloyd George was the Prime Minister of Great Britain at the end of WWI; he also signed the Treaty of Versailles.

According to the articles of the Treaty of Versailles, which nation was blamed for WWI?

Germany --Germany was blamed for the war in the articles of the Treaty of Versailles and had to pay reparations after the war.

The Triple Alliance was a political alliance formed between which countries? Select all that apply

Germany Italy Austria-Hungary --The Triple Alliance was formed in 1882 and consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.

The articles of the Treaty of Versailles stipulated that ____________. Select all that apply

Germany accept blame for the war --Germany accepted the blame for the war, they also were responsible for war reparations to Allied countries, restricted their military buildup and established the League of Nations.

Period of economic difficulty that began in the 1930s.

Great Depression

Duma, the Russian Parliament, was established under Czarist/ _________ Russia.

Imperialist --Russian parliament established under Czarist/Imperialist Russia.

LESSON 5 On October 24, 1929, U.S. stocks took a sharp downward plunge in value

In the United States, President Franklin D. Roosevelt formulated a plan to help the U.S. economy, known as the New Deal. Begun in 1933, it sought to bring "relief, recovery and reform."

What was the Dawes Plan?

It reduced German reparations, required the French to withdraw from the Ruhr region, and granted $800 million in foreign loans. --In August of 1924, a new plan of repayment was outlined called the Dawes Plan.

These countries were put under British control after WWI. Select all that apply.

Jordan, Iraq and Northern Israel --The League of Nations granted British rule of Jordan, Iraq, and Northern Israel.

Brought about an increased amount of civil liberty for the Russian people.


These countries were put under French control after WWI. Select all that apply.

Lebanon Syria Northern Iraq ---The League of Nations granted France the rule of Syria, Lebanon, and Northern Iraq.

__________ was the leader of the communist revolution in Russia.

Lenin --V.I. Lenin was leader of the communist revolution in Russia and the first leader of communist Russia.

Semi-autobiography of Adolf Hitler, which made popular the ideas of the Nazi Party.

Mein Kampf

How did the "dagger in the back" conspiracy theory contribute to the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany?

They weren't Germans and therefore caused Germany to lose WWI. --As non-Germans the Jews were believed to have contributed to Germany's defeat in WWI and consequently their shame; therefore, Jews were considered enemies of the Nazi Party.

What was the main reason for the military buildup prior to WWI?

Threat of invasion --The threat of invasion, made real by Napoleon's empire building, had provided the necessity for large standing armies

_______ refers to the complete mobilization of a nation's resources in the event of a war.

Total war --Total war is total mobilization of a nation's resources in the event of a war.

_________ involves the total mobilization of a nation's resources during wartime.

Total war --Total war is total mobilization of a nation's resources in the event of a war.

Political system in which every part of public and private life is regulated by the state.


Prior to the outbreak of WWI, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy formed the _______

Triple Alliance --The Triple Alliance was formed in 1882, consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy

The _________________ was a political alliance formed between Great Britain, Russia, and France.

Triple Entente --The Triple Entente was formed in 1907 with Great Britain Russia and France, then in May of 1915 Italy joined

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.


Economic term for less than expected purchasing of goods by consumers.


This country offered the most financial aid to Germany after the war.

United States --Of all the world's great powers, it was the United States alone that possessed the ability to grant loans after the war.

The first leader of communist Russia was ____________

V.I. Lenin --V.I. Lenin was leader of the communist revolution in Russia and the first leader of communist Russia.

The _________ consisted of trenches which stretched from Switzerland to the English Channel.

Western Front --The series of trenches along the Western Front were separated by an area known as "no man's land."

lesson 3

armistice - ceasefire cease of fighting to determine peace terms As head of the Council of People's Commissars, Lenin entered into negotiations with Germany to bring about an armistice. In early March 1918, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed by Lenin. The peace agreement was costly for Russia. It lost control of Finland, Lativa, Estonia, Poland and Ukraine.

. What single event led to the outbreak of WWI?

assassination of Archduke Ferdinand --The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, by slavic resistance group led to the outbreak of WWI.

Which decision by Germany brought about American involvement in WWI which changed the outcome in favor of the Triple Entente?

attacks on civilians --Germany used unrestricted submarine warfare. They attacked all Allied ships going to and from the U.S. including those carrying civilians.

The stalemate on the Western Front led to a limiting of combat tactics to physical wear which is called __________.

attrition --Attrition means physical wear.

lesson 2

attrition - wearing down physically conscription - forced labor or military service propaganda - information that is spread to promote support for a cause stalemate - situation in which no movement can be made by either completing side

An armistice is a __________

cease-fire --On September 29, 1918, the Central Powers began to collapse. Bulgaria was the first to sign an armistice (cease-fire agreement)

Americans were forced by _________ to fight in the war.

conscription --People were forced by conscription to offer their lives to the war effort.

Some Americans voluntarily enlisted in the military to fight in WWI while others were forced to join through _________

conscription --Some Americans voluntarily enlisted in the military to fight in WWI while others were forced to join through conscription

What was the leading cause of the Great Depression?

crash of U.S. stock market --The crash of the U.S. stock market affected not just the U.S. but the world as well.

The purpose of the Great Purges under Stalin was to ________

eliminate all opposed to Stalin's rule --The purpose of the Great Purges was eliminate any and all opposition to Stalin's rule.

How did governments during WWI control the hording of food by civilians?

food rationing --Government food rationing allowed only a certain amount of essential goods such as meats and sugars to be purchased by families or individuals in a limited period of time.

The main purpose of airplanes and Zeppelins during WWI were ______

for spying --To allow pilots to fly over enemy lines to spy and gather information about enemy activity, which was otherwise unattainable.

Russian peasants reacted to collectivization of farms by ______

killing livestock --Most opposed it, killing livestock in order to keep the government from unfairly benefiting from their hard work.

After the war, the League of Nations divided the Ottoman Empire into European-controlled ______

mandates ---The Ottoman Empire was partitioned into the country of Turkey and Allied controlled mandates.

The Arab territories, which had been unified under Ottoman rule but had come under the control of the League of Nations, were partitioned into ____________.

mandates --The Ottoman Empire was partitioned into the country of Turkey and Allied controlled mandates.

Stalemate means _________.

no movement by either side --The lack of movement, or stalemate, was frustrating to military commanders.

War reparations is/are __________

payments made for damages done during war --War reparations are payments made to an injured or damaged party after a war.

A Soviet was a(n) _______.

political council --Following the formation of the Petrograd Soviet, hundreds of smaller soviets (councils) formed all over Russia.

Opponent information that is spread by some form of media with the intent of promoting support for a cause is known as _______

propaganda --Propaganda became a powerful weapon in the effort to maintain public approval of the war.

Aspects of infrastructure include ______________. Select all that apply.

public buildings streets homes public works --Aspects of infrastructure include public buildings, streets, public works, homes, railroads, etc. France had 20 billion dollars worth of damages to their infrastructure.

During WWI, the U.S. limited the consumption of goods through __________ to prevent hoarding of resources and economic collapse

rationing --Government food rationing allowed only a certain amount of essential goods such as meats and sugars to be purchased by families or individuals in a limited period or time.

Which group of Russians supported the White Army during Russia's Civil War? Select all that apply.

republicans all opposed to communist Russia czar supporters socialists --The White Army was supported by many groups such as socialists, republicans, czar supporters, and all opposed to communism.

How did German tactics change to involve the United States in WWI? Select all that apply.

sinking of Allied ships unrestricted submarine warfare sinking of ships that carried civilians --Germany used unrestricted submarine warfare. They attacked all Allied ships going to and from the U.S. including those carrying civilians.

What was the main purpose of the use of aircraft during WWI?

spying --To allow pilots to fly over enemy lines to spy and gather information about enemy activity, which was otherwise unattainable.

Mussolini dealt with the Roman Catholic Church's opposition to fascism by _______. Select all that apply.

supporting Roman Catholics keeping the pope out of political affairs making a deal with the pope recognizing Roman Catholicism as the main religion --He made a deal with the pope; the Roman Catholic Church was recognized and supported as the religion of Italy, and the pope agreed to stay out of political affairs.

The Central Powers consisted of _________. Select all that apply.

the Ottoman Empire Austria-Hungary Germany --The alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire was known as the Central Powers.

Lenin's promise to remove Russia from involvement in WWI was very popular with people because _____________. Select all that apply

the Russians suffered a defeat in the war the Russians were ill-equipped to fight Russian involvement seemed futile --Lenin's promise was very popular because Russia had suffered a defeat in the war and were not equipped to fight, also involvement seemed futile.

Following WWI, ______ provided the largest amount of financial aid to Germany.

the United States --Of all the worlds great powers, it was the U.S. alone that possessed the ability to grant loans after the war.

What was the purpose of Lenin's economic plan called the NEP?

to enable economic recovery and transition into a fully socialistic state --The NEP (New Economic Plan) was to enable economic recovery and transition Russia into a fully socialistic state.

Where was "no man's land" located?

unoccupied area between the two lines of trenches on the Western Front --The series of trenches along the Western Front were separated by an area known as "no man's land."

Propaganda was used by many countries during WWI to promote a positive public opinion of __________

war --Propaganda became a powerful weapon in the effort to maintain public approval of the war.

Which promise of V.I. Lenin prior to Russia's withdrawal from WWI brought him a great deal of popularity with the Russian people?

Russian withdrawal from the war --Lenin's promise to remove Russian involvement in WWI brought him a great deal of popularity.

Many European leaders during WWI believed that war was the natural outworking of the idea of _______, or the "survival of the fittest."

Social Darwinism --Many European leaders believe that political and economic competition was a matter of the "survival of the fittest" or social Darwinism.

. The ____________ was/were a form of political council.

Soviets --Following formation of the Petro grad soviet, hundreds of smaller soviets (councils) formed all over Russia.

The Western Front was the front line of the battle consisting of trenches stretching from the English Channel to ___________

Switzerland --By the end of 1914, the Western Front line of trenches reached from the English Channel to Switzerland. Made to invade france

The French controlled which countries after WWI?

Syria, Lebanon, and Northern Iraq --The League of Nations granted to France the rule of Syria, Lebanon, and Northern Iraq.

Economic recovery plan for the U.S. established by President Roosevelt

New Deal

The ______ established new federal government agencies in the U.S. to help the poor during the Great Depression.

New Deal --The New Deal cost the U.S. billions of dollars and increased the control of the federal government.

The ________ cost the U.S. billions of dollars and increased the control of the federal government.

New Deal --The New Deal cost the U.S. billions of dollars and increased the control of the federal government.

___________ was executed by the Bolsheviks in order to secure the success of communist Russia.

Nicholas II --Czar Nicholas II and his family were executed to ensure that Russia could never return to a monarch state

The British took control of these countries after the war. Select all that apply

Northern Israel Iraq Jordan

Leading governing committee of Communist Party.


The leading governing committee of the Communist Party was called the _____

Politburo --The leading governing committee of Communist Party was called the Politburo.

"Faith healer"/monk that was allowed to control Russia for a time.


_____________ was viewed as a great friend and "savior" by the Czar Nicholas II and his wife.

Rasputin --Rasputin was a "faith healer"/monk that was allowed to control Russia for a time

Leon Trotsky was a leader during the revolution and appointed commander of the _________________ and its secret police agency

Red Army --To guard against the chance of counter-revolution the commissars organized the Red Army with Leon Trotsky as its Chief Commander.

The Allied Powers consisted of ___________. Select all that apply

Russia Great Britain Italy France --The alliance of Great Britain, Russia, France, and Italy was known as the Allied Powers.

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