unit one test texas govt

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which agency is responsible for monitoring land crossing between texas and mexico

US border patrol

Provincialism is best defined as

a narrow view of the world

-------- is the unit of governemnt that performs a single servide in a limited geographic area

a special district

the constitution of 1869 created

a strong governors office

in texas, county governemts are responsible for which of the following tasks

administration of social services

why did texas need to create a new constitution in 1861

after texas joined the confederacy in february 1861, a new constituion was needed since texas was no longer apart of the us

traditionally, buisness leaders have played a prominent role in the political culture in texas. When thinking about the buisenss leaders and buisness concersns that infulence texas politics, we are referring to

any type of buisness concern that operates in the state, including state and local business but also national and international corporations

As More Women, Minorities, & LGBT Individuals Gain Influence In Politics

aspects of provincialism is being challeneged

In his landmark cases, Chief Justice John Marshall generally

supported the authority of the federla governemnt over that of the state government

the large growth in austins population in the second half of the twentieth centuaty was driven by

tech corportations moving into the area and diversifying the economey of the region

in texas, ______ create speical purposes districts

texas voters in the area will be covered

while new technologies such as horizontal drilling and fracking have allowed greater access to oil and natural gas in texas, these technologies also raise environmental concerns mostly due to

their need for substanital amounts of water

who made up the grange, and what effect did they have on the writing of the texas constition of 1876

they were an agricyltural group who wanted a govenment that would improve the plight of farmers

35 percent of the total population in texas is in the united states illegally


why do some constituiona amendments elections tend to have higher levels of turnout than others

when the issue being voted on is a high importance to a group of people, they will be highly motivated to turnout to vote in the election

which part of the us constitution requires the states to provide all individuals equila protection to the laws


Big Bend is found in what region of Texas?

Basin and Range Province

the us supreme court in texas v white et al (1869) ruled that texas did seced from the union


houston is found in which part of texas

gulf coastal plains

As the number of urban areas grew in the state in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the management of local affairs became such a growing burden on the state legislature that it passed the

home rule charter amendment in 1912

according to the supremeacy clause, found in articl V1 of the us constitution

in conlfict between federal and state laws, federal laws tale precedence and will overide state laws

one of the most imprtant social services provided by counties is

indigent health carw

according to article 5 of the texas constituion, how are judges selected

judges are elected by the peole

prior to the texas revolution, spanish, and mexican leaders relied on ______ to encourage people to move to texas

land grants

when we use the term sancutary cities what are we talking about

localities where sheriffs do not notify federal immigration authorities when undocumented immigrants are arrested

When drafting the Texas Constitution of 1876, the framers wanted to create a government based on which of the following principles?

the necessity of stronf limitations on the power of state government

the constituition of 1869 gave the governor expanded powers, including

the power to appoint judges

as of 2020 what was the status of the Defered action for Childhood Arrivalsd (DACA) program

the supreme court stopped the trump plan to end daca, but it did not rule our other plans that could end DACA later

the regulation of oil and energy in texas is performed by

the texas railroad commision

who is responsible for the state water plan

the texas water development board (twdb)

texas is often characterized as a "low tax, low social service" state. this is a result of

the traditional individualstic political culture in texas

why are texas counties imprtant

they provide the main form of government in rural areas

why were the university ststetms created in texas

to coordunate the activities of multiple colleges, universities, medical schools, and speicla agencies that are located in different locations across the state

state consitutions are designed to perform which of the following functions

to define the limits of power, delegate power to different institutions and individuals, and set up local governments

many of the political conflicts in the united states have been fought over the proper roles of the state veruss the national government


The first federal constitution that Texas operated under was the mexican constitution.


conservation plays a key role in the groundwater initatives since some of the states aquifers are being overused


constitutional amendment elections tend to have very low levels of voter turnout


county and municpial governments are established under the authority of a state consittution


fewer than 10 percent of eligibale voters cast ballots in special purpose district elections


lane miles is used as an estimate of road usage


many suburban areas in texas choose not to participate in the public transportation programs of central cities


san antioion and dallas both have council-manager forms of govenment


texas is currently on track to meet all goals of 60x30TX plan without further funding


the constituion of 1866 was written under the provisions of president andrew johnson "president reconstruction" plan


the primary sources of funding are for speicial purposes of districts are property taxes and user fees


the texas bill of rights guarentees the right to a repulican form of government


the texas constitution became a place where special interest could seek to promote and protect their owen agendas


the texas constitution lists reasons why judges can be impeached, including for "habitual drunknenees"


county governments are most important for administrating rulral areas thorughout texas


which of the following is used as an estimate of overall road usage

vehivle miles traveled

the texas constitution convention of 1974

was unable to reach an agreement on a proposed new constituion

preclerance requiree that either _______ or ____ would have to approve any changes that certain staes wanted to make to their voting laws

washingoton dc federal court, the us department of justice

the first publicly supported junior college in texas was established in


the total length of a road or a segment of a road is measured using

centerline miles

Under the New Deal, federalism is frequently described as

cooperative federalism

lesser criminal cases are generally prosecuted by _________, while the more serious criminal cases ten to be presecuted by _________

county attornemy, district attornrye

Texas Groundwater Act is responsible for

creating the system of water districts that manage the groundwater supply in texas

when we talk about american political culture, we tend to refer to which set of values

liberty, equality democracy

new federalism often used catergorical grants to help fund states fund programs


one of the problems with texas governments is that there are no regional councils that promote coordinated planning across local governments


the county commissioners court is responsible for prosecutuing violations of law that occur outside of the city law limits but within the county lines


which of the following allowed for the creation of the permanent university fund in the consitiution of 1876

the sale of certain public lands

why was the privatization of public property considered to be a vital task after texas entered into the union in 1845

at the time, texas was "land rich but money poor" and this was a way for the state to be able to raise funds that could be used for vital purposes such as funding elementary, secondary, and higher education

in the largest counties, the ______ prepares the county budget


governors and state officals would tend to favor which type of federal funding, since it provides felixibilty in terms of how the funds can be used

block grnats

taken together, the sprawling cities and what make it difficult to develop public transportation in most areas in texas

car centerd culture

which two metropolitan areas are national centers for the high tech industry

dallas and austin-san marcos

Since the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, the Border region, including El Paso, McAllen, and Brownsville, has remained politically a ________ bastion.

democratic party

one of the consequences of cars and trucks becoming more fuel efficent is that

drivers are buying less gas therby reducing the amount of money collected by the state in fuel taxes

one of the primary goals of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was to

eliminate or lower tariffs amoung mexican, the united states and canada

all cities in texas with pension funds have sufficient funding to meet their obligations to be able to pay retirees


alll large cities in texas have structures of government that give string exectutive powers to the mayor


are universities relying less on tuition and more on reveunue funding


commissioner governmetns are designed to run school districts and other special purpose districts thorugh the state


Cooperative Federalism

marble cake

texas is amoung several states to have decided to take which action in response to the affordable care act

refuse to expand access to medicaid

thinking about the constitutions of texas and the united states, both are based upon which funsamental idea

the best way to prevent tyranny is to givce each branch of government a little bit of control over the other branches through the process of check and balances

within the major population centers of the golf coastal plains region, the suburban areas are becoming more ______, while urban areas are becoming more

republic, democratic

the origins of ranching and the cattle industry extend back to the late

seventeeth centuary

which court case of 2013 struck down the formula for determinig the states covered under the section 5 precelearance requiement of the voting rights act of 1965

shelby county v holder

which of the following was a consequence of president reconstruction

since many of the people writing the constitution of 1866 were former secessionists, this document still reflected many of the same values of the constitution of 1861, such as denying freed slaves the right to vote or ability to hold office

which of the following groupd are starting to challenge buisness groups for infulence in texas politics

social conservatives

____ are as a source of funding designated to a university for things outside the regular appropriations process such as creating a new program

special items

political culture is a term used to describe

the broadlky shared values and beliefs about governments

in federlism , an individual citizen live under the direct authority of which of the folllowingq

the centeral government and regional government

one explantion for why laws and policies related to things like personal income taxes and alcohol sales are different in different states is

the impact of political culture

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