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they combined deep personal devotion to Islam with tolerance for regional culture

Islam quickly expanded through military means but why were Sufi missionaries so successful later on?

Persian and Arab

Since Indian Ocean trade was generally divided into two separate spheres, what was the primary ethnic identity of the sailors in the western half of the ocean?


Since the classical era, which African region most accurately fits the description "gateway to the Middle East"?


The important trading city of Melaka is located in modern-day:

The appointment of church officials by imperial authorities

The investiture contest centered on

the feudalism system of Europe during the Middle Ages

"13. Of the offense of striking (or beating) a person...if the offender be a samurai, his fief shall be confiscated; if he has no fief, he shall be [banished]; persons of lower rank, servants, pages, and under, shall be placed in confinement."

Chinese cities included prosperous merchants and vibrant trade

"In the nine markets [in Chang'an] they set up bazaars, Their wares separated by type, their shop rows distinctly divided. There was no room for people to turn their heads, Or for chariots to wheel about. People crammed into the city, spilled into the suburbs, Everywhere streaming into the hundreds of shops." - Ban Gu (32 C - 92 CE), Chinese poet Which statement about Chinese merchants is best supported by the poem?

the cosmopolitan society that developed in Muslim-controlled areas

. . . Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived together in peace. Because several Christian and Jewish prophets, including Adam, Abraham, and Moses, are named in the Qur'an and because the Jewish Torah and Christian gospels are recognized as revelations from Allah, the Muslim rulers called Christians and Jews "people of the Book" and permitted them much religious and personal freedom. Jews, especially, enjoyed many liberties, and many Jews distinguished themselves in science, the arts, and government. Convivencia, a Spanish word meaning "living together," helped make tenth-century al-Andalus the most civilized country in Europe. . . .—Lawrence Houghteling, "Al-Andalus: Islamic Spain," Calliope, Nov.-Dec. 1995This passage expresses


According to Procopius, two sixth century Christian monks undertook an elaborate smuggling operation to provide Byzantium with the expertise to produce


After the fall of the western portion of the Roman Empire, the official tongue in Constantinople shifted from Latin to which of the following?

the re-establishment of centralized, imperial rule

All of the following were achievements of the early middle ages in Europe EXCEPT: -the re-establishment of centralized, imperial rule -a restoration of political order through a feudal system -the creation of an institutional framework for the Christian Church based in Rome -economic recovery

the portable mechanical clock

All of the following were significant innovations that led to the growth of interregional trade in luxury goods between 600 and 1450 except: -the portable mechanical clock -more sophisticated caravan organization -astrolable -compass

The Spanish had established their first sugar plantation in Cuba

As the Latin West folded into themselves and experienced the Middle Ages, which of the following was NOT happening elsewhere?


Based on the map, what would be the best time for a trader to sail down the Swahili Coast?

These women are devoted muslims

Based on the passage below, why is Ibn Battuta surprised at the social behavior of the Sub-Saharan African women? "Their women are of surpassing beauty, and are shown more respect than the men. The state of affairs amongst these people is indeed extraordinary. Their men show no signs of jealousy whatever; no one claims descent from his father, but on the contrary from his mother's brother. A person's heirs are his sister's sons, not his own sons. This is a thing which I have seen nowhere in the world except among the Indians of Malabar. But those are heathens; these people are Muslims, punctilious in observing the hours of prayer, studying books of law, and memorizing the Koran. Yet their women show no bashfulness before men and do not veil themselves, though they are assiduous in attending the prayers."

central location

India was a natural home of emporia in the Indian Ocean Basin because of its

inns offering food and lodging for traveling merchants

Caravanserais were

the fragmentation of central government units

Feudal states arose in both Europe and Japan directly as a result of

Mariners could use this knowledge to establish trade and sail safely t/o Indian Ocean Basin

How did knowledge of the monsoons facilitate trade?

The Muslim Abbasid Empire began to control many of these routes and trade increased.

How did road systems change in the period 600 to 1200 C.E.?

they all wrote extensively about their travels

I left Tangier, my birthplace. on Thursday, 2nd Rajah 725 [June 14, 1325], being at that time twenty-two years of age, with the intention of making the Pilgrimage to the Holy House and the Tomb of the Prophet... On leaving Zayla we sailed for fifteen days and came to Mogadishu, which is an enormous town. Its inhabitants are merchants and have many camels, of which they slaughter hundreds every day [for food]. When a vessel reaches the port, it is met by sumbuqs, which are small boats. ...We came to Mombasa], a large island two days' journey by sea from the Swahili country. It possesses no territory on the mainland. They have fruit trees on the island, but no cereals, which have to be brought to them from the Swahil. Their food consists chiefly of bananas and fish. The inhabitants are pious, honorable, and upright, and they have well-built wooden mosques. How is the experience of Ibn Battuta like that of Marco Polo and Zheng He?

A deepening and widening of networks of human interactions within and across regions contributed to cultural diffusion within and between various societies

I left Tangier, my birthplace. on Thursday, 2nd Rajah 725 [June 14, 1325], being at that time twenty-two years of age, with the intention of making the Pilgrimage to the Holy House and the Tomb of the Prophet... On leaving Zayla we sailed for fifteen days and came to Mogadishu, which is an enormous town. Its inhabitants are merchants and have many camels, of which they slaughter hundreds every day [for food]. When a vessel reaches the port, it is met by sumbuqs, which are small boats. ...We came to Mombasa], a large island two days' journey by sea from the Swahili country. It possesses no territory on the mainland. They have fruit trees on the island, but no cereals, which have to be brought to them from the Swahil. Their food consists chiefly of bananas and fish. The inhabitants are pious, honorable, and upright, and they have well-built wooden mosques. Which of the following concepts most closely describes the regional developments that Ibn Battuta witnessed?

Filial Piety

In the spirit of this passage, which of the following is a major element of Chinese culture that did not integrate well with Buddhism?

introduction of a heavier plow

One of the biggest reasons for the increased European agricultural production in the medieval period was the

the domestication of the camel

One of the central factors in the establishment of trans-Saharan trade was

increased agricultural yield

Population growth in the High Middle Ages was enormous due to

semi free individuals who owed obligations to the lord who's land they cultivated

Serfs were

when it was overrun by the nomadic Mongols

The Abbasid dynasty finally came to an end in 1258

an association of trading cities of northern Europe

The Hanseastic League was

It did not restore imperial unity to Western Europe

The Holy Roman Empire was "neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire" because

dominated trade along the east African coast

The Swahili-city-states

role of trade routes in bringing goods to new parts of the world

The diffusion of crops to more populated areas, such as the spread of bananas to Africa, was caused by the

Mali and Ghana

The map below demonstrates trade routes that made which of the following empires wealthy and powerful?

the Crusades

The passage below is most likely about which of the following events? "And Satan - the Pope of evil Rome - also came and proclaimed to all the nations believing in that stock of adultery that they should assemble and ascend to Jerusalem so as to conquer the city and journey at the tomb of the superstition whom they call their God. Satan came and mingled with the nations, and they gathered as one man to fulfill the command, coming in great numbers like the grains of sand upon the seashore, the noise of them clamorous as a whirlwind and a storm. When the drops of the bucket had assembled, they looked in anger at us....they said (about us): "Why should we concern ourselves with going to war against the Ishmaelites dwelling about Jerusalem, when here, in the midst, is a people who disrespect our god - indeed, their ancestors are those who crucified him. Why should we let them live and tolerate their dwelling among us?" (they asked)...this is the persecution of our community.

the caste system

The people of the five parts of India are proud of their own purity and excellence. But high refinement, literary elegance, propriety, moderation, ceremonies of welcoming and parting, the delicious taste of food, and the richness of benevolence and righteousness are found in China only, and no other country can excel her. The points of difference from the West are: (1) not preserving the purity of food; (2) not washing after having been to the urinal; (3) not chewing the tooth-wood.* There are some also who do not consider it wrong to wear an unlawful garment. They quote a passage from an abridged teaching which reads as follows: "If anything which is considered to be impure in one country is considered pure in another, it can be practiced there without incurring any guilt." But this passage was misunderstood by some translators. The real meaning is not like the above, as I have fully explained elsewhere. Based on the passage and your knowledge of world history, which of the following aspects of Indian culture BEST relates to the strengths of the Indian people according to the author above?

Mongol invasion of Mesopotamia

Which of the following dealt the most devastating blow to the Abbasid caliphate in particular and Islamic civilization in general?


The people of the five parts of India are proud of their own purity and excellence. But high refinement, literary elegance, propriety, moderation, ceremonies of welcoming and parting, the delicious taste of food, and the richness of benevolence and righteousness are found in China only, and no other country can excel her. The points of difference from the West are: (1) not preserving the purity of food; (2) not washing after having been to the urinal; (3) not chewing the tooth-wood.* There are some also who do not consider it wrong to wear an unlawful garment. They quote a passage from an abridged teaching which reads as follows: "If anything which is considered to be impure in one country is considered pure in another, it can be practiced there without incurring any guilt." But this passage was misunderstood by some translators. The real meaning is not like the above, as I have fully explained elsewhere. The travelers chronicled in the passage above practiced which of the following religions?

Spread of religion along trade routes.

The photograph below of a mosque (first erected in the 14th century) in the modern-day West African country of Mali best exemplifies which of the following historical processes?

The spread of Buddhism to East and Southeast Asia

These two sources are BEST understood in the context of which of the following?

Pastoralists served as agents in the transfer of technologies and knowledge through trade.

What conclusion BEST describes the importance of pastoral groups in North Africa?

The development of a fast-growing variety of rice known as champa increased food production and led to food surpluses throughout China.

What development most aided the growth in the labor supply necessary for the increasing production of porcelain and other manufactured goods?

paper manufacture

What new industry, transmitted to the Islamic world from China, was introduced during the Abbasid period?

large imperial states and construction of roads and bridges

What two developments c. 100-500 CE spurred the development of long-distance trade?

Camels facilitated trade across the hard terrain, allowing large caravans to traverse the flourishing new trade routes.

What was a direct result of camel use in North Africa?


Which African society held on most fiercely to Christianity in the period of Islam's expansion in Africa?

Large amounts of Roman coins found in Chang'an market

Which artifact would be most useful for a historian trying to determine the volume of trade between Europe and China along the Silk Roads?

Islamic, Indian, Chinese

Which choice best describes the points of origin of goods one might find in a Swahili coast market?


Which does not belong in this list of Sudanic states? -Ghana -Mali -Songhai -Congo -Hausa

pastoral peoples

Which of the following best describes the societies that lived along the trade routes of the Silk Roads?

Peaceful contact by missionaries and merchants along Asian trade routes

Which of the following contributed MOST to the diffusion of Buddhism throughout Asia from circa 600-1450 C.E.?

Peasants in China shifted from the cultivation of crops to the production of silk, porcelain, and iron tools

Which of the following describes how the preference for luxury items in the Silk Road trade affected ordinary people?

The production of maize-based agriculture by network communities.

Which of the following represents a change when comparing this trade network to previous ones in the region, namely the Hopewell and Adena networks of the Ohio River Valley from 1000 B.C.E. to 700 C.E.?

Buddhism experienced syncretism as it adapted to local religions, including Confucianism and Daoism.

Which of the following was the MOST important change that Buddhism underwent from 600-1450 C.E. as it continued to spread throughout Asia?

minerals and finished luxury goods

Which of these best describes the nature of the goods traded throughout this trade network?

The Berbers

Which pastoral group was responsible for facilitating trans-Saharan trade?

The large production of trade goods in India gave South Asia a central role in Indian Ocean trade

Which statement about the role of South Asia in Indian Ocean trade from 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E. is MOST accurate?

Mecca and Medina

Which two Muslim cities retain the greatest symbolic or religious significance in Islam to this day?

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