Uppers, Downers, All Arounders seventh edition

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- most performance-enhancing drugs fall into two categories: anabolics and stimulants. stimulants boost heart rate and other blood functiuons while anabolic steroids stimulate the growth of muscles

14. Performance-enchancing drugs function in which of the following ways

- Any substance that directly alters the normal functioning of the central nervous system

3. According to the authors of uppers, downers, and all arounders, a psychoactive drug is defined as:

- First stimulant the central and peripheral nervous systems and then relaxes the body (crash)

48. Regardless of their degree of strength, all stimulants affect the body in which of the following ways?

A smokeable form of cocaine known as "freebase" gave way to smokable crystal called "crack".

1. Name one of the nineteenth and twentieth-century developments that led to different ways of refining and using cocaine?

- about 4000 plants yield psychoactive substances, and the vast majority are not illegal.

1. Which of the following statements most accurately represents the use of plant-based psychoactive substances?

- 10 about 4000 plants yield psychoactive substances, and the vast majority are not illegal.

10. Which of the following statements most accurately represents the use of plant-based psychoactive substances?

- blood barrier - Alcohol affects first, the behavior causing it to become looser and less guarded. Hippocampus: This is the part of the brain that stores memory is effected next. -A psychoactive drug or psychotropic substance is a chemical substance that acts primarily upon the central nervous system where it alters brain function, resulting in temporary changes in perception, mood, consciousness and behavior.

15. Alcohol and other psychoactive drugs affect which parts of the brain?

- allostasis

16. When the human body is continually challenged by the use of drugs that alter the body's natural balance, a new "new normal" is created known as:

- amygdale

17. The emotional center of the brain that is activated when a person with an addiction sees a person, place, or thing that reminds him of their addiction (e.g., needle, slot machine, white powder) is called

- Serotonin, epinephrine, dopamine, norepinephrine

49. Stimulants force the release of which of the following neurotransmitters to infuse the body with lots of extra energy before the body needs it?

- Alcohol

5. which of the following is currently the most popular psychoactive substance worldwide?

- several reasons for compulsive use include: - to recapture the extreme intensity of the initial rush - cocaine changes the brain's neurochemical balance (allostasis), which makes one more vulnerable to cravings - to avoid the crash after the intense high - to control the symptoms of mental illness, especially depression

51. The compulsion to use cocaine is due to which of the following?

- Act on the nervous system to alter consciousness, modify perceptions and change moods

24. Psychoactive drugs have which of the following effects on the nervous system?

- the reward/ control pathways is hijacked by changes in brain chemistry altered by substance abuse - the go circuit becomes overactive and drive compulsive substance use - The stop circuit does not function properly and gets overridden by the "go switch" in the brain. - Drug cravings hijack survival mechanisms in the old brain and override rational actions of the new brain.

25. Which of the following describes changes in the brain of a person who is addicted to alcohol or other drugs

-Adjusting the dose of the drug to achieve the desired effect (increasing). The process of continuously regulate the amount of drug they are receiving. -A cigarette smoker regulates the blood-nicotine level depending on how often and how deeply they inhale tobacco smoke. -A cannabis (marijuana, hash) user regulates the effects of the drug by how frequently and how deeply they inhale cannabis smoke or vapors. -People who are addicted to caffeine regulate the amount of caffeine in their bloodstream by the frequency and amount of caffeinated beverages they consume. (e.g. coffee, tea, energy drinks)

26. Which of the following are examples of titrating the effects of a drug?

- Stress in the home, peer pressure to drink or use, lack of practice, malnutrition, and persuasive alcohol and tobacco marketing

28. Which of the following are examples of environmental factors that can make a person more liable to abuse a psychoactive substance?

1. The user develops tolerance and needs more of the drug to feel an effect. 2. The user develops tissue dependence and needs to use the drug just to feel normal. 3. After not using the drug for a period of time, the person experiences withdrawal symptoms

29. Which of the following physical and chemical changes in the body are signs that indicate that addiction to alcohol or other drugs?

- Up regulation and down regulation (where excessive drug use will lower the number of available receptors causing a dampening of message transmission) is a crucial mechanism in creating addiction.

30. The down regulation of a brain cell's receptors occurs when a person uses drugs and:

- Homeostasis is thrown off when the human body is continually challenged by stressful events. - The use of psychoactive drugs disrupts homeostasis

32 .Which of the following statements are true about alterations to the body's normal balance (homeostasis)?

- is the ability of the synapse to change in strength and function when a synaptic pathway is overused or underused, often due to constant stress or the use of psychoactive drugs. The brain is changed and some of the changes can be reversed through recovery and other stay the same.

33. Synaptic plasticity in response to psychoactive drugs can result in which of the following?

- There is a decreased effect of the drug due to biological adaptation

34. Pharmacodynamic tolerance includes which of the following?

- Increase the chemical and electrical activity in the central and peripheral nervous systems. - The major effects of stimulants result from the way they manipulate the brain's natural energy chemicals. They cause addiction because they activate the brain's survival pathway (reward/ control pathways).

35. On which part of the body does long-term use of stimulants (e.g., nicotine, cocaine, and methamphetamine) have the most significant impact?

- Smoking Cocaine (p. 3.11) - When absorbed through the lungs, it reaches the brain in only 5 to 8 seconds. This method leads to an extreme binge pattern of use.

36. Which form and method of using cocaine can produce, the most intense immediate high?

- cocaine is the only naturally occurring topical anesthetic with powerful vasoconstriction effects - It is used in aerosol form to numb the nasal passages when inserting breathing tubes in a patient, to numb the eye or throat during surgery, and to deaden the pain of chronic sores - once used to treat asthma, because cocaine receptors found on the bronchi and smooth muscles of the lungs become dilated with the use - today topical anesthetics (lidocaine, procaine, etc.) are used instead

37. Medical use of cocaine relies on its effects as a(n)

- 30 to 90 min.

38. How long will the high from smoking a typical dose of crack cocaine (1 rock) generally last?

- Amphetamine Congeners (used for ADHD and diet pills)

39. Stimulant drugs chemically dissimilar but pharmacologically related to amphetamines, producing many of the same effects but not as strong are called.

- Dispositional tolerance (liver) -Pharmacodynamic (tissue) tolerance (nervous system) - Behavioral (conditioned) tolerance: - Cross- tolerance: - Reverse tolerance: - Acute tolerance - Select tolerance - Inverse tolerance:

4. List the different types of tolerance.

- "uppers" for stimulants, - "downers" for depressants - "all arounders" for psychedelics

4. a practical way to classify psychoactive substances is the following: this book classifies drugs according to their effects:

- 42Prolong and intensify cocaine effects create violent tendencies.

42. Consuming alcohol when using cocaine results in which of the following?

- Cocaine: - Caffeine:

43. Which of the following is a plant-based stimulant?

- Prolong and intensify cocaine effects create violent tendencies. - Increases violence as well as cardiovascular dangers.

45. Drinking alcohol before using cocaine will do which of the following?

- Depletion of the body's energy resources - Cellular and organ damage - Paranoia

46. Prolonged use of strong stimulants (e.g., cocaine, methamphetamine) results in which of the following?

1. The user becomes exhausted. 2. Emotional depression sets in.

47. When a stimulant drug wears off and the body withdraws from the extra energy produced by the drug, which of the following occurs?

- A stimulant initially increases confidence and induce euphoria, but as use continues, talkativeness, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, and eventually, paranoia, aggression, and violence increase. High - dose or prolonged methamphetamine/cocaine use can cause drug- induced paranoia and psychosis by altering the level of dopamine in the brain. - The stronger stimulants can damage blood vessels, raise blood pressure, heart rate, and the risk of stroke.

50. Which of the following are physical reactions to stimulant use?

- Home based meth labs create huge amounts of toxic waste that can kill all vegetation in their proximity and can spoil water supplies - Criminal activity surrounding suppliers of amphetamine has rocked previously quiet towns and neighborhoods. Addicts who are high on amphetamine are more likely to be involved in violent crimes than people on other drugs. - The relatively low prices and easy availability of amphetamines increases the risk of experimentation and addiction among young people - As legitimate over-the-counter cold medications are diverted for creating meth, access to these drugs becomes more problematic for legitimate users - Amphetamine overdose claims thousands of lives each year

6. Discuss how the recent expansion of amphetamine use can affect a community (e.g., crime, environmental pollution, and school violence).

-re-balance irregular brain chemistry that has caused mental problems

7. Psychiatric medications, including antidepressant, antipsychotics, and anti-anxiety drugs, are prescribed to:

- a spiritual program that teaches 12 steps to recovery (was founded in 1934 by two alcoholics Bill wilson, Dr. Bob Smith)

8. which of the following statements is/ are true regarding 12 step programs?

- The ruling group (SES), goverment, business, and crimal organizations

9. which of the following group have been involved in growing, manufacturing, distributing, taxing, and prohibiting drugs?

- Men having sex with men account for 53% of all new aids patients, hepatitis C is prevalence among drug users who inject their drug at 85% to 90%

11. which of the following factors have contributed to the spread of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C

- LSD, marijuana

12. the Drug enforcement Administration (DEA) classifies drugs into five levels or schedules based on their potential medical benefits and their abuse/ addictions potential. Schedule I includes drugs the DEA has classified as having high abuse/addiction potential and no accepted medical use. The DEA includes which of the following drugs in the schedule I category?

- prohibits all drugs that are not medically prescribed. Islam's prohibition of drugs stems from two concerns: their intoxication effects, and their harm to the human body.

13. when it comes to alcohol and other psychoactive drugs, Islamic cultures have traditionally.

- dopamine

18. The most crucial neurotransmitters involved in behavioral addictions, drug use, and drug abuse is:

- reduction technique

19. Using drugs to replace, supplement or counterbalance the effects of a person's drug of choice is known as:

-As of May 2011, medical marijuana is legal in 16 states. There is a conflict between the state and federal laws that is unresolved. Because of the legalization of marijuana, a new form of marijuana that is made into a High -potency product. Which has increased the compulsive liability and the need for treatment greater.

2. Identify one drug problem that we face today that our ancestors did not have to face and why?

- Opium poppy: opium, morphine, codeine - Semisynthetic: Heroin, hydrocodone, Oxycontin - Synthetic: Fentanyl, methadone, Darvon, buprenorphine, Demerol -Opioid antagonists: naloxone (narcam)

2. Which one accurately represents the order in which drugs were discovered and used

- Inhaling, injecting, mucous membrane absorption, and oral ingestion.

20. There are several routes of administering drugs, and some reach the brain faster than others. which of the following sequence correctly lists the routes of administration from fastest

- 20 to 30 minutes

21. When drugs are taken orally, the effects are delayed for approximately how long?

the placenta is not an effective barrier so if the mother is usinf drugs, the baby is using also.

22. Which of the following statements is true regarding the use of alcohol and other drugs by women who is pregnant.

- responds to internal change and memories as well as to sensory inputs from extral influences from the environment

23. Which of the following are functions of the old brain

1. Rectal and vaginal suppositories 2. buccal (between the gums and cheek) 3. Sublingual (under the tongue) 4. Insufflation (snorting a drug into the nose)

27. Which of the following methods are used to absorb drugs through the mucosal membrane?

- Pharmacokinetics: the study of what the body does to drugs - Pharmacodynamics: is the study of what a drug does to the body

3. Define the difference between pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.

- as a person develops tolerance to one drug, a tolerance to similar drugs occurs. This can also occur between non- similar drugs.

31. Cross-tolerance is defined as:

- Negative drug reinforcement

40. Continued smoking to avoid the negative effects of nicotine withdrawal is known as.

- 37 hours

41. What is the half-life of caffeine

1. cocaine - coca shrub 2. nicotine - tobacco plant 3. cathinone - the khat bush 4. ephedrine - the ephedra bush 5. arecoline - the betel nut 6. caffeine - the coffee plant

43. Which of the following is not a plant-based stimulant?

- 4 to 6 hours

44. For how long does the high from amphetamine generally last

-alcohol, opium, substance abuse patterns, marijuana, peyote

6. which statement is true

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