US Constitution

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2 Ways amendments can be proposed

1) 2/3 house can propose. 2) legislators of 2/3 of states can call a convention for proposing amendments

2 Ways amendments can be ratified

1) 3/4 of state legislators has to approve of the amendment within seven years of being submitted to Congress. 2) 3/4 states has to approve of the ratification.

Amendment 6

An accused person has the right to have a speedy trial and the right to confront witnesses against him.

Amendment 8

An accused person shall not have to suffer a cruel and unusual punishment, not have to pay any extensive fines for their act.

Who has power to declare war


Who has power to ratify treaties

Congress and two-thirds of the votes

Powers of Congress

Congress can declare war on another country and create rules for expanding the United States on land or water. Also Congress can make rules for the government, land, and naval forces.

Article V

Describes how Congress has the power to propose amendments and the series of events to create new amendments.

Article I

Establishes one of the three branches of the government, the Legislature branch. Congress has certain powers between the two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives, and has specific limits as well.

Article II

Establishes the Executive branch in the government. The offices of the President and the Vice-President are created in this article along with the creation of a four year term and their duties.

Amendment 7

Everyone has the right to be tried for a crime by a jury

Article VI

Explains that the United States would accept all debts and relationships that it has. Also it explains that people working for the government must take an oath and proclaim their commitment to the United States.

Supremacy Clause

Explains the power of the laws in the constitution and the federal laws over laws of each state.

Amendment 1

Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, the right to assemble peacefully, and the right to petition the government.

Has power to impeach the president

House of representatives.

Article III

In Article III, the Judiciary branch in the government is formed. It also describes the types of cases that the Supreme Court will hear and defines what treason is.

Article IV

In Article III, the Judiciary branch in the government is formed. It also describes the types of cases that the Supreme Court will hear and defines what treason is.

Amendment 3

No providing soldiers with housing without consent of the owner unless prescribed by the law.

Amendment 5

People have the right to a fair trial before being accused guilty of a crime.

Amendment 2

People have the right to posses weapons and states have the right to form militias for state security.

Amendment 9

People should not be denied certain rights.

In area of war Congress gave the President this power

Power to be Commander and Chief of the Navy and Army

13, 14, 15 Amendments

Protect the rights of African Americans

19th Amendment

Protects the rights of women

Amendment 4

Security against unreasonable searches in people's homes allowing people to remain secure in their persons and house.

Who has the power to override a Presidential veto

Senate and House of Representatives. Needs Two-thirds to veto.

Has power to remove the president

Senate and two-thirds votes

Has power to accept/reject the presidents nominations to Supreme Court

Senate, Two-Thirds

Article VII

States that nine of the original thirteen states had to accept the Constitution before it could go into effect and effect the other states as well.

Before 17th amendment

The US Senators were chosen by votes of the state legislators

A power that the executive branch holds over the judicial branch

The executive branch can appoint members of the Supreme Court and federal officers.

A power that the executive branch has over the legislative branch

The executive branch can veto bills that the legislative branch has proposed. Also the executive branch can call sessions of Congress. This can be found in what article/section of the Constitution: Article II, Section 2.

A power that the judicial branch holds over the legislative branch

The judicial branch can determine legislation that is said to be unconstitutional and mandate remedies

A power that the judicial branch holds over the executive branch

The judicial branch can review court cases involving the ambassadors and the other public officers.

Amendment 10

The laws not given to the United States by the Constitution are given to the states or the people of the United States.

A power that the legislative branch holds over the judicial branch

The legislative branch has the power to create smaller courts and have jurisdiction over those courts.

A power that the legislative branch holds over the executive branch

The legislative branch has the power to overrule any bills the President vetoes and can approve treaties. Also the legislative branch can remove the President with impeachment.

Eligibility Requirements for members of the House

are that they have to be at least 25 years old, have been a citizen of the United States for at least 7 years, and has to be living in the state he is elected.

Constitution requires are 3/4 majority for what

ratifying amendments.

Eligibility Requirements for members of the Senate

that a Senator has to be at least 30 years old, been a citizen of the United States for 9 years, and has to live in the state where he has been elected.

Eligibility Requirements for the President

the President are that the he or she must be a natural born citizen, at least 35 years old, and have lived in the United States for at least 14 years.

Powers of President

the president are to be the Commander and Chief of the Military, and be able to appoint ambassadors, judges, and other people who work for the United States.

Powers of the Vice President

the vice president can vote in the Senate when there is a tie and assumes the President's position when the President dies, or resigns.

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