U.S. HIST I - Test #1

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Explain the factors that caused Englishmen to immigrate in the 16th and 17th centuries.

- Population growth- competition for land and food - Lucrative employment and religious freedom sent people to Holland - Pilgrims, who separated from the Church of England at first destined to go to Leyden - Some wanted to institute a purer form of worship, some dreamed of owning land and improving their social position. - Some went to the New World to escape bad marriages, jail, poverty

Discuss the "Great Migration" and the Puritan experience of building "a City on Hill" in the New World.

- Puritans wanted to purify the church and wanted institutional changes within the church. They worked with the church of England to eliminate remaining parts of Catholicism. John Winthrop led puritan group to Massachusetts with charter giving them power to make decisions without direction from England. - Settlers usually came as family units. -Rapid population growth due to long life expectancy - generally healthy area Success as part of covenant with God "A City on a Hill" built peace and prosperity Church membership voluntary but membership required to vote.

Describe the foundation and society of the settlement in Georgia.

- Strategic purpose: buffer between Carolinas and Spanish Florida. - Charitable purpose: refuge for imprisioned debtors from England. Originally rum and slaves prohibited, settlers wanted slaves in order to compete with south Carolina. -1751 Georgia is given to King

Discuss the meaning and consequences of mercantilism in relationship to colonialism.

-"Mercantilism" One country's gain is another country's loss -Countries gain by control of world's scarce resources (gold and silver) -One country controls trade of another - favorable balance of trade (one nation's success is another nation's loss) -English trade regulations more ad hoc responses to particular problems than coherent mercantilist policy

Discuss the history of the slave trade during this period including the cultures and political systems in Africa and where most slaves were taken.

-15th century Portuguese charted sea lanes from Europe to Saharan Africa. -Native rulers sold prisoners of war and other things to Portuguese as slaves from slave castles and factories. -During 17th and 18th centuries most slaves went to Brazil and West Indies

Discuss the settlement of Maryland, including its role for Catholics.

-1632—Second Lord Baltimore gained charter for Maryland, a refuge for Catholics -Required toleration among Catholics and Protestants -Lord Baltimore wanted to create feudal system but failed

Explain the reasons behind the phenomenal population growth of the colonies between 1700 and 1770.

-1700-1750—colonial population rose from 250,000 to over two million -Young population, many under 16 years -Most growth through natural increase -Large influx of non-English Europeans -Colonists prospered during this period

Discuss the causes of the Salem witchcraft hysteria in the 1690s and how historians are not sure about the real cause.

-4 girls started acting unusual and people. accused a women of possessing the girls and practicing witchcraft. -Charges of witchcraft common -Accused witches thought to have made a compact with the devil -Salem panic of 1691 much larger in scope than previous accusations -Twenty victims dead before trials halted in late summer of 1692 - 19 victims hung -Ministers outside Salem condemned practice of using "Spectral Evidence" (dreams and visions) in trials -Increase Mather and other leading ministers urged caution and restraint -Speculation on causes but no one knows for sure what caused this - still a debate among historians

Explain the major source of Anglo-French conflict in the colonies.

-Britain's conflicts with continental rivals like France spilled over to colonies -France extended its presence from Canada into Louisiana -British saw French expansion as encirclement - conflict over -Mississippi river and Ohio Valley -1754 - France has 75,000 in New World while England has 1.2 million

Discuss the reasons for the growth of slavery and the slave trade in the English colonies of North America.

-Bulk of slaves brought to America by British Company (Royal African Company) -Economic decision after 1670s for slaves - by 1700 slavery was based on skin color -Life expectancy in Chesapeake improved

Explain the rise of the colonial assemblies and the governing problems they faced.

-Colonial assemblies felt obligation to preserve colonial liberties and prevent encroachments on people's rights -Assemblies controlled colony's finances -Conflict with the King's governors - sometimes hostile toward governors -Rise of assemblies shaped American culture -All colonies experience similar problems

Explain the role the Powhatan Indians played in the settlement of the Chesapeake area.

-Conflict with Powhattan Indians -Powhattan loosely controlled empire of 30 tribes -Contributed to "starving time" -1622—natives attempted to drive out English - they kill 350 out of 1250 settlers -1644—second attempt to drive out English - they killed 400 out of 4000 settlers - Powhattan empire destroyed

Account for the similarities and differences in development between the New England and Chesapeake colonies.

-Despite similarities in background and timing with New England, Chesapeake settlements were very different -Most important reason: high mortality rate -Life expectancy for Chesapeake population much lower than in New England

Define the "Middle Ground" as it relates to Native Americans during this period.

-Disease and European agricultural practices made it difficult for Europeans and Natives to coexist - increasing conflict between them -By 1700s, many eastern Indians moved to "middle ground" between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River -A "middle ground" where Indians and whites could interact on an approximately equal basis -No intention to isolate themselves - want independent trade and respect

Describe the economic, political, social, and religious factors of the Spanish colonial system.

-Economic: Encomienda System depended upon forced labor (Indians) -Political: The system rewarded and controlled Conquistadors -Large land grants -Indian inhabitants provided labor or tribute -Religious: Catholic Church -Protected Indian rights -Performed mass conversions -Social: By 1650, half million Spaniards in New World Unmarried males intermarried - more racially tolerant than English Mixed-blood population emerged More tolerant of Indians than English

Explain the historical significance of colonial uprisings in the seventeenth century.

-English colonies experienced unrest at the end of the seventeenth century -Unrest not social revolution but a contest between gentry "ins" and "outs" -Winners gained legitimacy for their rule -Discontent with Governor Berkeley's rule -Green Spring faction controlled lucrative economic activity -Frontier population felt that Berkeley did not protect them from Native Americans -Nathaniel Bacon united this discontent and led rebellion against perceived corrupt government into rebellion in 1676 -Rebels burned capital, caused great disorder -Governor William Berkeley regained control, but was recalled to England -Rebellion collapsed after Bacon's death -Gentry recovered positions and united over next decades to oppose royal governors

Discuss the English colonization in the New World during the late sixteenth century and explain how the protestant reformation influenced colonization.

-English late in competition for New World because of political and religious turmoil in England -1517, Protestant Reformation (Martin Luther) split and challenged the Catholic Church -During Protestant Reformation Henry VIII left Catholic church to marry new wife -Before the split everyone was Christian but split caused killings over religious disputes -Protestant Reformation had a major role in England seeing Spain a threat -Reformation pitted European Protestants against Catholics

Explain British commercial policy toward the American colonies prior to 1660.

-English leaders ignored colonies until 1650s -Restored monarchy of Charles II recognized value of colonial trade -Navigation Acts passed to remove Dutch as a commercial competitor -Navigation Acts regulated colonial trade -England based their colonial commercial policies on the theory of Mercantilism

Explain the balance of trade between Great Britain and the American colonies.

-English mass-production of consumer goods stimulated rise in colonial imports -English produced products more efficiently and more cheaply and on credit -Americans built up large debts to English -Trade between colonies increased - allowed Americans to learn about one another

Discuss the English attitude toward the colonies after the French and Indian War.

-Expanded horizons of colonists - more aware of their land -Created trained officer corps that knew British vulnerabilities -Colonists saw themselves as "junior partners" to British -Forced colonists to cooperate with each other -England felt colonists ungrateful and not willing to share the burden of the war

Discuss factors that united the colonies during this period.

-Forced colonists to cooperate with each other -Most Americans bound to England in 1763 -Ties included: -British culture -British consumer goods/trade -British evangelists -British military victories -British law

Discuss the motives, elements, and problems of the french colonial empire in North America.

-French explorers seeking Northwest Passage to China explored Canada -French empire eventually included St. Lawrence River, Great Lakes, Mississippi Valley and Canada -French crown(The King) makes little effort to foster settlement

Explain the differences between the Scotch-Irish and German settlement.

-Germans were more accepted than the Scots-Irish were -Some British thought that the Scots-Irish didn't deserve the land so British captured the Scottish to "upgrade" them by forcing them to marry Irish.

Describe the early labor force in the colony of Virginia including indentured servants and the headright system.

-Indentured servants ensured Jamestown's prosperity(for example, planting tobacco) -The headright system granted 50 acre lots to each colonist who paid his own transportation or for each servant brought into the colony. -Majority of immigrants are indentured servants. they were mainly young single men who work off price of passage to New World.

Show the similarity between the British treatment of the Irish in the later part of the sixteenth century and treatment of Native Americans during the Colonial Era.

-Irish: -English experiences in Ireland shaped how they would conquer the New World -The Irish were considered a rehearsal for American settlement -To the English, the Irish were wild and barbaric -They would view Native Americans the same way

Discuss the significance of the 1620 Mayflower Compact and the settlement of Plymouth.

-It established a civil government and maintained order. -William Bradford and Squanto ensured colony survived -1691—absorbed into Massachusetts Bay

Discuss the settlement of Jamestown and the role of John Smith.

-Jamestown settled for economic reasons -Colony's location in a swamp for defensive purposes but turned out to be unhealthy -Competition from expansive Powhattan Colonists did not work for common good -John Smith imposed order and saved colony from failure. He was very good with the Indians.

Explain the concept of the joint-stock company and explain why it was used to establish Jamestown.

-Joint-Stock companies were organized in England to provide financing and allow for more investors to colonize in Chesapeake area of N. America. -English stockholders in Virginia Company expected instant profits from Jamestown.

Explain the reasons for the growth and social stability of the New England colonies.

-Longevity resulted in invention of grandparents - multigenerational families strengthened social stability -Most New Englanders married neighbors with similar values - towns were collections of interrelated household -Households produced their own needs and surpluses

Discuss the distribution of African slaves taken to the Americas.

-Most of 11 million slaves were taken to Brazil or the Carribean -Virginia's population mostly consisted of slaves, indentured servants and some free people -Slaves were brought to Chesapeake/Virginia area by Royal African Company/British Company

Review the various Native American cultures present in North and South America upon the arrival of the Europeans and their relationship concerning trade.

-Native Americans were eager for European manufactured goods - it determined their relationship with Europeans -They became dependent on, and indebted to, Europeans -Commerce also influenced warfare patterns

List the requirements of the Navigation Act of 1660.

-Navigation Act of 1660 regulated colonial trade -Crown wanted money from trade -Parliament wanted a stronger navy -England wanted a favorable balance of trade -Ships engaged in English colonial trade -Must be made in England (or America) -Must carry a crew at least 75% English -Enumerated goods only to English ports or colonial ports -1660 list included tobacco, sugar, cotton, indigo, dyes, ginger -1704-1705 molasses, rice, naval stores also

Discuss the Anglo-Dutch rivalry on the Hudson and the settling of New York by the Dutch and how it was taken by force by the British.

-New York first settled by Dutch - Dutch West India Co - fur trade -New Netherlands—two settlements Fort Orange on Hudson (Albany) -New Amsterdam on Manhattan Island -New Amsterdam very diverse group of workers: eighteen different languages in use by 1644 -No loyalty to Dutch -1664—Dutch took colony, then lost it to English by force

Explain Christopher Columbus motivation and accomplishments.

-Obsessed with reaching China for the fame, glory, and wealth. He also wanted to spread Christianity. -Accomplishment = discover new world.

Discuss the responsibilities of royal governors in colonial America.

-Powers of the colonial governor: -Veto legislation (more power than King) -Dismiss judges -Command provincial military -Appoint colonial officials -NO TAX OR DISMISS ELECTED OFFICIALS

Discuss the conditions of Quakers(William Penn) in England in the 17th century.

-Quakers believed no need for formal ministry; each person's interpretation of scripture is equally valid. -"Quaker" a derogatory term for those who "tremble at the word of the lord" - They believed in "inner light" [ rejected predestination; anyone could be saved] - Emphasized values of humility, simplicity, and pacifism. -practiced humility, wore simple clothing, pacifists, all equal in sight of lord

Describe the most important historical developments that prepared the Europeans for the New World exploration.

-Rise of nation states - new monarchs forge nations from scattered provinces - gain power and money -Renaissance - new technologies for sailing (lateen sail, compass, maps) -General prosperity - new middle class - new source of revenue/taxes -Population growth after 1450

Discuss the different conditions for slaves in the American colonies and the factors that contributed to a distinctive African American culture.

-Rising black population in Virginia after 1672 prompted stricter slave laws -By late 1600s lawmakers create strict salve codes - slavery based on skin color -Africans defined as slaves for life -Slave status passed on to children -White masters possessed total control of slave life and labor -Mixing of races not tolerated -60% of South Carolina's population black Nearly half of Virginia's population black -Blacks much less numerous in New England and the Middle Colonies -Blacks most able to preserve African culture in South Carolina rice plantation -Widespread resentment among slaves -Armed resistance such as South Carolina's Stono Rebellion of 1739 a threat - most serious rebellion during colonial time -Black mariners linked African American communities and brought news of outside world to American slaves

Discuss the Roanoke experiments in the late 16th century.

-Sir Walter Raleigh established Roanoke colony in 1584 -He named the region Virginia after the Virgin Queen -The colony failed and Raleigh tried again in 1587 -The colonists disappeared without a trace and their fate remains a mystery -Failed because of poor planning, England's war with Spain and hostilities with Native Americans

Explain the nature of and problems relating to the Spanish North American Empire and list the Spanish lands.

-Spain occupied a large part of America north of Mexico from Florida to California -Spanish exploited Indian labor - many Indian villages reduced to servitude -Spanish outposts grew slowly - harsh environment for Native Americans -St. Augustine, Florida first permanent settlement -California difficult to reach

Explain the purpose of the Spanish Armada.

-Spanish hostility made Queen Elizabeth the symbol of English, Protestant nationhood -English "Sea Dogs" seize Spanish treasure for Queen and become heroes -1588, Spanish Armada created to take Spanish ships and armies to destroy England - Spanish Armada defeated by British

Define the Great Awakening and explain its influence upon the colonies.

-The Great Awakening -Spontaneous, evangelical revivals -People began to re-think basic assumptions about church and state, institutions and society -Religion had lost its vitality - looked backward with nostalgia -Movement occurred among many denominations in different places at different times over several decades -Jonathan Edwards sparked it as reminder of Puritan ideas - predestination -Evangelical part of Great Awakening - George Whitefield preached informal outdoor sermons to thousands in nearly all colonies -Split established churches into "new lights" and "old lights"

Explain the intent of the Navigation Act of 1663.

-The Staple Act Goods shipped to English colonies must pass through England -Increased price paid by colonial consumers -Navigation Acts meant to remove Dutch role in English commerce and monopolize American trade

Discuss reasons for colonial economic expansion and patterns of settlement.

-Traveled to back country to obtain land -800 miles along Appalachian Range from western Pennsylvania to western Georgia -Frontier complex, fluid, and violent mixture of Europeans, Native Americans and African Americans

Evaluate the beginnings and results of the Seven Year's War for Britain and the colonies.

1756—England declared war on France - War fought in Europe and colonies England shifted strategy to focus on North America Captured Louisbourg and cut off French supply line to forts Fort Duquesne (Pittsburgh) abandoned, Quebec captured, last French forces surrendered The British won. -Peace of Paris 1763: France lost -British got land east of the Mississippi and Canada -French lost Louisiana to Spain -French kicked out of North America - kept Caribbean sugar island -War left Great Britain with huge debt

Describe the type of society William Penn tried to create in his "Holy Experiment" in Pennsylvania.

A society run on Quaker principles. -it promoted religious toleration. It is the balance of power between rich and poor. -Political structure failed because it was too cumbersome. -Dispute between Quakers and Non-Quakers because non quakers didn't share quaker ideals- greed vs. religion

Discuss the impact of the agricultural revolution upon the culture of Native Americans in North and South America.

Agricultural revolution revoluntionalized Native American cultures. -Crops included maize,squash, and beans -Shift from nomadic hunting and gathering to permanent villages or large cities -explains difference in Indian cultures in New World. -Indian people gained greater control over their food supply

Discuss the impact of European diseases on the Native Americans.

Contact brought population decline among American Indians and disrupted cultures. Diseases was the greatest factor in destruction of Native Americans: Lack of resistance to epidemic disease. - Smallpox - Measles - Influenza

Describe the participants and results of the Treaty of Tordesillas.

Divided world between Spain and Portugal. In result, Portugal got Brazil.

Discuss the three major European players in the early settlement of the New World.

Economy, Religion, Glory OR God, Gold, Glory

Explain the Enlightenment and Benjamin Franklin's contributions.

Enlightenment: Intellectual revolution that swept Europe with new, radical ideas -Age of Reason - man can find perfection through reason -The Enlightenment's basic assumptions -Optimistic view of human nature -God gave humans the power of reason -Human suffering - losing touch with reason -Most Americans focus on practical knowledge and apply to social and political problems Ben Franklin: -Franklin (1706-1790) regarded as only American -Enlightenment thinker by Europeans -Focus on search for useful knowledge, ideas, inventions to improve human life -Started as apprentice printer and became printer and achieved wealth through printing business -Curiosity lead Franklin to important scientific discoveries and inventions

Explain the protestant reformation and its impact upon England's settlement in the New World.

It had a major role in England's settlement of the New World. - Reformation pitted European protestants against Catholics.

List the leaders of the Great Awakening and define the difference between "Old Lights" and "New Lights".

Leaders: George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards "New Lights"- Wanted change, formed colleges Princeton, Dartmouth, Brown, and Rutgers. "Old Lights"- Didn't want change, embraced the old-fashioned, traditional church ways

List what the Portuguese were searching for in west Africa.

Portuguese came for slaves and gold.

Describe the first European settlers in North America.

Scandinavian seafarers known as Vikings established settlements in North America, but it took a thousand years for them to receive recognition. Medieval Kingdom's were organized and ignorance and disease discouraged travel far from the center.

List the largest group of white, non-English immigrants to the colonies.

Scots-Irish(Maybe Test ?)

Discuss the problems of dissent in the Massachusetts Bay Colonies.

Roger Wlliams: -Puritans did not tolerate religious dissent -Williams wanted to separate from Church -Questioned validity of colony's charter -Advocated toleration of religious beliefs -Expelled to Rhode Island, 1636 Anne Hutchinson: -Claimed personal revelation and direct divine inspiration by the Holy Spirit -Suggested most Puritan ministers were no better than those of Church of England -Her views called the established church into question -Banished to Rhode Island in 1637

Discuss the main supplier of slaves to the English colonies.

Royal African Company/ British Company (same thing)

Describe the settlement of the Carolinas and the Barbadian connection.

The carolinas tried to recruit settlers from established American colonies. Reliance on slave labor. -Anthon Ashley Cooper encouraged settlement by planters from Barbados - an overpopulated sugar island -Barbadian Connection: By 1680 half of settlers came and settled around Charles Town -They created plantation system -Rice eventually became the staple crop -Eventually problems between Barbadians and other settlers -1729 - king takes over and splits the colony

CH1. Explain how ice age hunters crossed the Bering Straits and discuss the significance of global warming in the settlement of North and South America.

The ice age hunters crossed Beringia(a land bridge) and global warming allowed for the ice to melt which made it easier to cross and allowed for the Paleo Indians to move further.

Explain how the government of Virginia changed in 1624.

The king transformed Virginia into a royal colony, he appointed a governor and council.

Discuss the origins and life styles of the first settlers of North America.

The real first settlers of North America were Native Americans. They originated from the Paleo-Indians, who were the first human beings to set foot on the continent. Each group focused on their own survival. They were nomadic, isolated people, who for an unknown reason stopped hosting a number of communicative diseases.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the British American colonists and the French in the wars for control of the North American continent.

The war was fought between the colonies of British America and New France, with both sides supported by military units from their parent countries of Great Britain and France, as well as Native American allies. The war fought for control of eastern North America between Britain and France and their Indian allies from 1754-1763. The British won the war.

Explain why the first three years of Jamestown were known for terrible hardship and suffering.

They had conflict with Powhatan. - Contributed to "starving time" - Natives attempted to drive out English twice ( They killed 350 out of 1250 settlers then killed 400 out of 4000 settlers.)

Discuss the importance of tobacco plantations in the social, economic, and political life of the colony of Virginia.

Tobacco was introduced by John Rolfe and ensured Jamestown's prosperity.

Describe the foundation and society of Rhode Island.

Under Roger Williams, it accepted dissenters from Massachusetts. Toleration, but much infighting. -In 1663, king granted a charter

Discuss the consequences of the Seven Years' War for the colonies and Great Britain.

War left Great Britain with huge debt

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