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How many sitting United States Presidents were assassinated before Abraham Lincoln?


Approximately how many American soldiers died per day during our involvement in the First World War?


How many engagements did the United States Army fight against Native Americans between 1865 and 1890?


Were the following issues primarily a problem for the Union, the Confederacy, or both?

A lack of production and industry Confederacy Inconsistent and uneven military leadership Union An inability to establish important international alliances Confederacy Struggles with disciplining army volunteers Both

The mascot for the Progressive Party was?

A moose

What sort of event sparked the First World War?

A political assassination

Which of the following individuals would have most likely benefitted from the adoption of the gold standard for U.S. currency?

A railroad executive in New York

Identify the following examples as "horizontal integration" or "vertical integration."

A railroad trust buys up factories that produce steel ties for tracks Vertical John Rockefeller acquires all other oil production facilities Horizontal Verizon merges with AT&T and Sprint Horizontal A film studio purchases a number of movie theatres and popcorn machines Vertical

President Harding's presidential platform advocated for:

A withdrawal from international affairs

Match each of the important 19th century figures to their position or occupation.

Alfred Thayer Mahan Historian John Hay Secretary of State William Magear Tweed New York Congressman Jacob Riis "Muckraking" journalist Veleriano Weyler Colonial governor

Which of the following traits were highly valued in the "producer ethos" that dominated American attitudes towards work in the 19th century?

All of the above

What did the "Resumptionists" want?

American money to only be based on gold

If you supported the Greenbackers, what did you want?

An increase in paper currency without precious metal backing

Which of the following did "Coxey's Army" demand?

An increase in the money supply and government-supported job creation

Under what kind of circumstances did the first fatalities of the Civil War occur

An unfortunate accident

Under what kind of circumstances did the first fatalities of the Civil War occur?

An unfortunate accident

Sort the following groups by how they would have been "ranked" on the ladder of Social Darwinism, from highest to lowest.

Andrew Carnegie A middle-class merchant An unskilled factory worker A severely mentally disabled person

Match the following "Barons" to the most appropriate corporations and/or sources of wealth.

Andrew Carnegie U.S. Steel J.P. Morgan Finance and Lending J. Edgar Thomson Pennsylvania Railroad Company John D. Rockefeller Standard Oil

Which of the following was not a component of the Crittenden Compromise?

Annexation of Cuba

Which of the following was not one of Teddy Roosevelt's accomplishments as President?

Annexing Hawaii and Puerto Rico

Arrange these events in proper sequence of occurrence.

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand The sinking of the Lusitania Germany sends the Zimmerman Note The surrender of Russia

The Committee on Public Information

Attempted to convince Americans to support the war effort

Where did the transcontinental railroad join?

Promontory Point, Utah

Wilson sought to handle the problem of trusts by doing which of the following?

Prosecuting big business aggressively Establishing the Federal Trade Commission

On which issue did Progressives demonstrate their greatest limitations?

Race relations

In which arena was Warren G. Harding actually more "progressive" than his predecessor, Woodrow Wilson?

Race relations Workers' rights

Which of the following social reforms enjoyed the least amount of support among early 20th century Progressives?

Racial desegregation

What did participants to the Washington Naval Conference agree to do?

Reduce the number of warships in their respective fleets.

Which of the following factors contributed to the mistrust between Americans and recent immigrants

Religion Race Language Jobs

Which of the following did freedmen not seek after slavery ended?

Revenge against their former masters

Click on the nation with which President Teddy Roosevelt reached a "Gentlemen's Agreement" on immigration issues.

Right Upper one

Click on the image in the figure above that symbolized the central issue of William Jennings Bryan's Presidential campaign.

Right middle

Locate on the map where the Haymarket Riots took place.

Right upper corner Illinois

Which of the following was not a muckraker during the Progressive Era?

Robert La Follette

Which of the following concepts served to justify the projection of American imperial power?

Roosevelt Corollary Open Door Policy Manifest Destiny Mahanism

At the peace talks in France, which of the following countries were not considered one of the "big four"?

Russia and Germany

Who is ultimately responsible for the end of Reconstruction in the South?

Rutherford B. Hayes

In 1864, Colorado militiamen attacked a band of peaceful Cheyenne and murdered over 100 men, women, and children, in what was known as the _______________ Massacre.

Sand Creek

What city did Sherman present to Lincoln as a Christmas present?


Which of the following terms refers to workers used to break labor disputes?


Southerners who sympathized with Republicans in the South after the Civil War were called what?


At what battle was General Johnston wounded?

Seven Pines

Which of the following concepts is not related to "Social Darwinism"?

Seward's Folly

Click on the state where Fort Sumter is located.

South Carolina

Click on South Carolina.

South Caroline

Click on the state where William T. Sherman undertook his "forty acres and a mule" project

South Caroline

Who were "Scalawags"?

Southern Born Republicans

What were Pogroms?

State-sanctioned attacks against Jewish communities in Russia

Which of the following metals was the desired end product of the Bessemer process?


What issues did the 14 Points not cover?

Strengthening of trade barriers

Americans went to the polls in the midterm elections of 1866 with differing visions to support. Which did they choose?

Strengthening the Republican Party's control of Congress

What two forts did the federal government in the South hold after secession?

Sumter and Pickens Fort Sumter and Fort Pickens

Match the following gold or silver strike with the state or territory in which it took place.

Sutter's Mill California Comstock Lode Nevada Black Hills South Dakota

Which of the following groups was not explicitly "nativist" in their politics?

Tammany Hall

Which of the following was not a Border State during the Civil War?


Click on the final state to secede from the Union.


Which of these states seceded from the Union after Fort Sumter?


Sort the following imperial acquisitions made by the United States from most to least expensive.

Territory around Panama Canal Philippines/Guam/Puerto Rico Alaska Hawaii

Match the Reconstruction-era Congressman to their profile.

Thaddeus Stevens Radical Republican from Pennsylvania Christian Schurz First German-born American to be elected to the Senate Charles Sumner Radical Republican from Massachusetts Hiram Rhodes Revels First African American to be elected to the Congress

The development of what process revolutionized the industrial side of railroads and aided the growth of the American steel industry?

The Bessemer Process

Why immigrant groups faced the most struggles in the United States in the late 1800s?

The Chinese

What was the first act passed by Congress dealing with slaves during the Civil War?

The Confiscation Acts

The demonetizing of silver as a basis for American currency was sometimes referred to as what?

The Crime of 1873

What 1887 law ended collective tribal ownership of Native American land?

The Dawes Severalty Act

Which of the following pieces of legislation was passed during the Roosevelt administration?

The Elkins Act

Arrange these events in proper sequence of occurrence.

The Filipino Insurrection The Spanish American War The Boxer Rebellion The Russo-Japanese War

Which of the following parties first advocated an inflationary monetary policy?

The Greenback Labor Party

Sharecroppers in the American South after 1865 usually kept a third of their harvest. Another third went to the source of their farming equipment, mules, seeds, and fertilizer. To whom did the final third go?

The Land Owner

Which act divided ten former Confederate states into five military districts supervised by the United States Army?

The Military Reconstruction Act of 1867

The Farmers Alliance had strength in all of the following regions of the country except

The Northeast

Put the following events in the proper chronological order.

The People's Party Convention in Omaha William McKinley's defeat of William Jennings Bryan Roosevelt's intervention in Pennsylvania's anthracite coal miners' strike Theodore Roosevelt's third party challenge against Taft Woodrow Wilson's segregation of federal government offices

The final conflicts between Native American tribes and the United States government took place in which area of North America?

The Southwest

Match the following historical terms:

The Sussex Pledge German vow to stop sinking civilian ships Treaty of Versailles Ended the first World War The Zimmerman Note German plot to involve Mexico in World War I The Sedition Act Federal law criminalizing criticism of the government Unrestricted submarine warfare German wartime strategy Naval blockade British wartime strategy The Espionage Act Federal law passed to prevent sabotage Four minute men Used to spread propaganda Victory gardens Encouraged by the Food Administration The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Resulted in loss of Russian territory

What ultimately ended slavery throughout the United States?

The Thirteenth Amendment

During Reconstruction, which organization protected civil rights for African Americans in the states of the former Confederacy?

The U.S. Army

All of the following occurred during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt except the following.

The U.S. annexed the Philippines

Why did so many Americans oppose the United States joining the League of Nations?

The U.S. would be expected to provide the League with troops during times of crisis

Which of the following contemporary international organizations most closely resembles the League of Nations?

The United Nations

Which region of the country was the first to support women's suffrage?

The West

The term "Social Darwinism," drawn from Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species, referred to what divisive social belief?

The belief that social and financial success evinced an innate strength and ability of an individual to adapt the modernizing world. Conversely, poverty suggested a natural weakness and inability to adapt to the modern world

Sort the following locations from east to west.

The city that was the focus of Jacob Riis' most famous photographic survey The city where the Farmers' Alliance held its 1890 convention The city where the first Hull House was established The city where the People's Party was founded The state that first allowed American women the right to vote

Which of the following was a challenge for farmers on the Great Plains?

The climate Owing money to banks Lack of control over the prices they received for their crops

The "Crime of 1873" refers to which of the following?

The discontinuation of using silver as a basis for the American dollar

What role did President Wilson envision for the United States on the international stage?

The head of an international group dedicated to peace.

The Great Migration refers to

The movement of African Americans to the North in order to seek better jobs

Match the part of Teddy Roosevelt's policy agenda to the enemies that he made from implementing it.

Trust-busting The railroad industry Labor rights The mining industry Conservationism The logging industry Consumer protections The meat-packing industry

Sort the following German U-boat attacks by the number of American casualties incurred, from fewest to most.

U-boat attack on the SS Arabic U-boat attack on the RMS Lusitania U-boat attack on the SS Sussex

Which U.S. President supported the use of schools to foster the assimilation of Native Americans into mainstream society?

Ulysses S. Grant

Click on the image in the map that symbolized the Union army

Under Lousiana

What did the "convoy system" entail?

Using warships to protect merchant vessels

The business strategy of acquiring control of every level of production, from, in the case of railroads, the mining of iron to the forging and transportation of rails, was called

Vertical Integration

Click on the region that became the epicenter of America's steel industry in the late 19th century.

Very Left

Locate on the map where Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives was photographed.

Very Right

Click on the only head of state in the photograph below whose nation never joined the League of Nations.

Very Right one

Click on the country where the Panama Canal is located.

Very down

Click on the region of the country where the Populist movement had the least amount of support.

Very top

Please click on the location of "Seward's Folly."

Very up one

Which of the following political positions did Jefferson Davis never hold?

Vice President of the United States

What state did McClellan help bring into the Union as part of his first campaign of the Civil War?

West Virginia

Sort the following groups by the degree of their inclusion in 19th century social reform movements, from highest to lowest.

White Protestants Black Protestants First-generation Catholic immigrants Homosexuals

The popular election of U.S. Senators had the support of all of the following, except which of the following?

William McKinley

Which of the following Presidents was assassinated?

William McKinley

Socialism found enormous success within the ranks of trade unions, winning many active followers and serving as the political foundation of nearly every working class organization in the country.


The "Black Codes" generally served to preserve and protect the rights of African American citizens.


The United States was a founding member of the League of Nations.


The so-called "Robber Barons" were remarkably in touch with the plights of workers, especially those below them in the social hierarchies and those employed by their many companies.


Which of the following occupations experienced the least economic prosperity in the 1920s?


Why were Congress and the American people reluctant to embrace radical forms of Reconstruction in order to protect African Americans?

Fear of expanding federal power at the expense of the states Lack of resources at the state level - especially in the South A commitment to Laissez Faire

Which of the following was not one of the "direct democracy" measures advocated by the Progressives in the early 20th century?

Federal Reserve System

What did the Confederacy name the first major battle of the Civil War?

Fort Manassas

Match the famous 19th century intellectual to their vocation.

Frederick Law Olmstead Urban planner Henry Bessemer Inventor Jane Addams Social activist Jacob Riis Journalist Karl Marx Philosopher

Match the following leaders with their countries:

Georges Clemenceau Prime Minister of France Vittorio Orlando Prime Minister of Italy David Lloyd George Prime Minister of England Woodrow Wilson President of the United States

Which immigrant group was most closely connected with radical politics (like anarchism and socialism) in late 19th century America?


Which nation was the target of this American propaganda poster?


Which nations were part of the Central Powers?

Germany Austria-Hungary The Ottomans

Categorize each of the following Native American responses to white conquest.

Ghost Dance Religious escapism Geronimo Armed resistance Zitkala-Sa Acculturation Black Kettle Accommodation

Name the 1862 battle that ended serious Confederate resistance in Indian Territory.

Glorieta Pass

What type of precious metals were used to "back" American currency before the mid-20th century?

Gold and Silver

The Patrons of Husbandry were more commonly known as


Which of the following encouraged the United States to think increasingly of becoming an imperial nation?

Greater missionary activity Opportunities to sell more American goods abroad The chance to allow young men to prove their masculinity

Match the late 19th century groups to the "type" of monetary policy that they supported

Greenback-Labor Party Flat money (hint: money not convertible by law to any other thing) "Resumptionists Representative money (gold) People's Party Representative money (silver)

Who was Lincoln's Vice-President during his first term in office?

Hannibal Hamlin

Which of the following events ultimately caused the decline of the Knights of Labor?

Haymarket Riot

Match the following historical figures with their wartime roles.

Henry Cabot Lodge Republican senator John Pershing U.S. Army general George Creel Head of the CPI Herbert Hoover Head of the Food Administration

Match the WW1-era figure to their occupation.

Herbert Hoover Head of the Food Administration J. Edgar Hoover Lieutenant in Attorney General's Office Bernard Baruch Head of War Industries Board Charlie Chaplin Actor Emma Goldman Writer and Activist

Which 1862 Congressional act provided for the allocation of 160 acres of federal land to qualified individuals willing to live on and develop the property?

Homestead Act

The 1890 book, ____________, provided the first public exposé on how the working poor lived in New York City, highlighting the miserable conditions and hopeless of outlooks of boardinghouses and tenements.

How the Other Half Lives

Match the following muckraker with their corresponding issue.

Ida B. Wells Lynchings Ida Tarbell Standard Oil Upton Sinclair Immigrant workers in the meatpacking business Jacob Riis Urban poverty Lincoln Steffens Political corruption Frank Norris Railroad dominance

Match the "muckraker" to the social issue for which they are best known.

Ida B. Wells Racial violence Lincoln Steffens Political corruption Upton Sinclair Industrial workers' welfare

Which of the following characteristics distinguished Populists from the reformers that followed?

In contrast to future Progressives, Populists spoke first and foremost on behalf of rural Americans.

Where could tenement housing typically be found?

In urban areas close to factories

Which of the following did the Populist platform in 1892 not support?

Increased immigration to the United States

The attitude of white middle class reformers towards the plight of African Americans can best be described as


Which of the following concepts best describes President Wilson's approach to foreign policy, particularly during his final years in office?


Which of the following nations were not allied during the First World War?

Italy and Germany

Who aided the federal government when the treasury's gold reserves dropped to dangerously low levels?

J.P. Morgan

_______and Ellen Starr created_________ in a working class neighborhood of Chicago. It became the best known settlement house in the nation.

Jane Addams Hull House

On what date did the Emancipation Proclamation take effect?

January 1, 1863

Theodore Roosevelt helped end a military conflict between which warring nations?

Japan and Russia

Which of the following immigrants would have been least likely to be accepted after the Emergency Immigration Act passed in 1921?

Japanese surgeon

Who was the "fighting" general who replaced Johnston during the Atlanta Campaign?

John Bell Hood

Which of the following most strongly advocated for the preservation of parts of the nation's wilderness?

John Muir

Who commanded the Union forces at the Second Battle of Bull Run?

John Pope

Who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln?

John Wilkes Booth

The Treaty of Versailles obligated Germany to do all of the following except:

Join the League of Nations

When did Lincoln first write the Emancipation Proclamation?

July 1862

Click on the state that was the most common final destination for whose participating in the "Exoduster Movement".


Sort the following states by their admission into the Union, from earliest to latest.

Kansas West Virginia Nevada Nebraska

Which of the following contributed to postwar instability?

Labor strikes Race riots An influenza pandemic

Which of the practices would have represented a "distortion of the natural order" for Social Darwinists?

Labor unions Charities Workplace safety laws

Nativist groups resisted immigrants entering the United States from all of the following regions except

Latin America

What U.S. Army rank was re-opened for Grant after his victories at Vicksburg and Chattanooga?

Lieutenant General

Please click on the five states with the largest African American populations in 1890.

Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina

Click on the state where the Mississippi River enters the Gulf of Mexico.


American consumer activity changed during the 1920s as a result of all of the following except:

Lower pay for American workers

In what became known as the _______ local officers and state militiamen opened fire on striking miners, killing 14 people in Colorado.

Ludlow Massacre

Who was the only Southerner executed for war crimes following the Civil War?

Major Henry Wirtz

The race riots of 1919 were due in large part to:

Many African Americans relocating to northern cities during the First World War

Which of the following individuals was born outside of the United States?

Marcus Daly

Which of the following civil rights activists was least optimistic about the possibility for racial harmony in American society?

Marcus Garvey

Sort the following Union generals in the order that they commanded the Army of the Potomac.

McClellan Burnside Hooker Meade

What general was McClellan brought east early in the war to replace?


This president led the nation during the Spanish American War.


Choose the group most likely to find favor in the theory of Social Darwinism.

Members of upper classes

Southern state laws passed soon after the Civil War and aimed at suppressing the political and economic rights of African Americans were called what?

Black Codes

The explosion aboard the USS Maine provided a convenient excuse for the United States to enter into a war with Spain. In what other conflict did the U.S. government similarly instigate a war under dubious pretences?

Mexican-American War

Choose the area least impacted by American immigration restrictions in the 1920s.


In a desperate attempt to prevent America's involvement in World War I, the German government sent the Zimmerman Note to this Latin American nation:


In which of the following Latin American nations did President Wilson intervene militarily during his time in office?

Mexico Haiti Guatemala Honduras

The ___________, an economic depression that lasted six years, actually served as the unlikely boost to Andrew Carnegie's career, allowing him to outlast his competition and emerge stronger than before.

Panic of 1873

Which of the following emerged alongside the urban middle class, adding to the leisurely image of middle class life?


Sort the following American populist/progressive organizations chronologically by the date of their founding.

Patrons of Husbandry National Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Union People's Party Progressive Party

Place the following events and organizations in order of occurrence and/or founding

Pennsylvania Railroad Company Knights of Labor Woman's Christian Temperance Union Haymarket Riot

Match the following people, places, or corporations to their description.

Phelps Dodge Mining company Stand Watie Native American Confederate General Honey Springs Location of Civil War battle Henry Sibley Euro-American Confederate General

Jacob Riis used which medium to inform the public of the plight of urban slum dwellers?


The American Birth Control League, founded by Margaret Sanger in 1922, is the original name of which contemporary organization?

Planned Parenthood

The 1896 Supreme Court case ________ established the constitutionality of segregation when it ruled in favor of "separate but equal."

Plessy vs Ferguson

Supporters of the People's Party were most commonly known as the


What is the name of the Mexican leader whose government fell in 1911, sparking an era of political instability?

Porfirio Diaz

What prompted the Upper South states to secede from the Union?

President Lincoln's call for volunteers to suppress the rebellion

In 1912, which political party nominated Theodore Roosevelt as their presidential candidate?


Match the following historical figures with their claim to fame.

William Seward Arranged America's purchase of Alaska Alfred Thayer Mahan Encouraged U.S. naval expansion Theodore Roosevelt Commanded the Rough Riders William Howard Taft Colonial governor of the Philippines

Arrange these events in proper sequence of occurrence.

Wilson wins reelection The Russian Revolution begins The Battle of Cantigny The Spanish Influenza ends

Match the Union general to the phrase.

Winfield Scott Anaconda Plan George McClellan Army of the Potomac Ulysses S. Grant "Unconditional Surrender" William T. Sherman March to the Sea

Which of the following twentieth-century social movements were constitutionally supported by the 14th amendment?

Women's suffrage Reproductive rights Marriage equality Equal education opportunities

Switching to the gold standard delighted all of the following groups except

Working class laborers

Match the 19th century conflict with appropriate Native American tribe.

Wounded Knee Lakota Little Big Horn Sioux Marias River Blackfeet Sand Creek Cheyenne

Click on the battle that effectively ended Native American resistance on the Plains.

Wounded knee

The trial of Sacco and Vanzetti and the Emergency Immigration Act suggest that the 1920s were an era that fell prey to which irrational fear?


What is the name of the first national park in the world?


Reform measures such as the initiative, referendum, or recall were part of an effort of Progressives to create a more _______ democracy.


Roosevelt was an ardent believer that American men could only demonstrate manly citizenship if they lived a _______ life


Approximately how many Americans were killed during the Civil War?


By 1890, how many names filled the Knights of Labor membership rolls?


What was President Wilson's 1916 reelection slogan?

"He Kept Us Out of the War"

Match the political ideology to its most desired "end."

"Laissez-faire" capitalism End of governmental regulation of private business Socialism End of private control over means of production Anarchism End of the state Temperance End of alcohol sale and consumption

How many Americans are estimated to have died in the Civil War?


The Senate failed to convict President Johnson during his impeachment trial by how many votes?


Which three amendments to the United States Constitution dealt directly with the issue of slavery and civil liberty for African Americans?


By the end of the 1880s, how many members did the WCTU have on its rolls?


How did the South attempt to circumvent the following constitutional amendments?

13th Amendment Sharecropping and debt peonage 14th Amendment The Ku Klux Klan and Black Codes 15th Amendment Literacy tests and the grandfather clause

The Civil Rights Act of 1866 became the foundation for which constitutional amendment?


Which Civil War constitutional amendment defined citizenship and guaranteed all Americans the right to "due process"?

14th amendment

Which of the following constitutional amendments were originally part of the People's Party platform in 1892?

16 and 17

Approximately how many African Americans served in the Civil War?


In what year did John M. Chivington lead Colorado Militia in the massacre of Cheyenne villagers near Sand Creek?


In what year was the first transcontinental railroad in the United States completed?


Rank the following years by the miles of railroad that were laid, from most to least.

1871 1870 1869 1873

In what year did Congress create Yellowstone National Park?


In what year did Congress pass the General Mining Act?


In what year was Rutherford B. Hayes elected President?


What year is often used to mark the unofficial "end" of the period of Western frontier expansion?


In what year did Queen Liliuokalani become ruler of Hawaii?


In what year did the USS Maine explode?


When did the U.S. annex Hawaii?


In 1880, about how many U.S. citizens were there for every person serving in the U.S. Army?


When did the "Red Scare" occur?


In what year did Prohibition go into effect?


In what year was the Washington Naval Conference?


Using the data from the Infographic above, approximately what percentage of European immigrants who came to the United States between 1880 and 1919 were from Slavic nations?


Approximately what percentage of the total enlistees in the Union army died during the conflict?


Between 1877 and 1900, how many immigrants entered the United States?


Under the sharecropping system, if farm produced 900 bushels of wheat in a season, how much of it went to the sharecropper?


How many years made up a presidential term under the Confederate Constitution?


Who was the author of the failed "Crittenden Compromise"?

A Whig Senator from Kentucky

Rank the following mid-19th century Presidents by their commitment to black civil rights, from most to least supportive.

Abraham Lincoln U.S. Grant Andrew Johnson Franklin Pierce

The Exoduster Movement included the migration of more than 40,000 people to Kansas following the Civil War. Those people were:

African Americans

The Morrill Act set aside millions of acres of federal land for the establishment of what?

Agricultural schools

"Seward's Folly refers to


What precipitated the Panic of 1893?

Bankruptcy of two railroad companies

Identify the following battles as victories for the Union or Confederacy.

Battle of Gettysburg Union Victory Battle of Fredericksburg Confederate Victory Battle of Vicksburg Union Victory First Battle of Bull Run Confederate Victory

What First Bull Run general also commanded Confederate forces at Shiloh?


Why did Congress convert the United States to the gold standard in 1873?

Because new discoveries of silver threatened to upset the relative value of gold and silver and allow more paper currency to enter the market Because the gold standard would stabilize U.S. currency and encourage more international investors to pour their money into American businesses

Which of the following African American leaders in the early 20th century believed that the key to black advancement was through entrepreneurialism rather than social activism?

Booker T. Washington

Match each nation with the alliance to which it belonged at the start of World War I.

Britain Allied Powers France Allied Powers Russia Allied Powers Germany Central Powers Austria-Hungary Central Powers The Ottomans Central Powers

Whose famous Wild West Show popularized the American West as a land of gunfighters, cowboys, Indians, and exotic animals in the 19th century?

Buffalo Bill Cody

Which of the following groups or acts did not have for its central purpose the notion of "killing the Indian in order to save the man"?

Buffalo Soilders

The "yellow press" proved instrumental in which event.

Building public support for a war with Spain

Sort the following activities from least to most expensive:

Buying a gallon of milk every week for a year ($16.64) Paying your annual "Liberty Tax" on $7¸000 income Buying a Model T Ford touring Paying the fine for avoiding the draft

Which of the following statements are correct?

By 1890¸ the age of the cowboy had ended The invention of barbed wire helped close up the prairie lands and eliminated the need for cowboys

Please click on the state where anti-Chinese riots occurred in 1871 and 1877.


Which of the following did the Farmers' Alliance not do?

Call for a gold-based currency

Which of the following types of military technologies/techniques was not widely utilized during the First World War?

Carpet bombing

What derogatory term was used to describe northerners who migrated to the South during Reconstruction?


Which prominent figure from the temperance movement is most likely being portrayed here?

Carrie Nation

Match the following people with the most appropriate organization, practice, or movement.

Carrie Nation Hatchetations Frances Willard Woman's Christian Temperance Union Samuel Gompers American Federation of Labor Edward Bellamy Utopianism

What old battleground did the Battle of the Wilderness take place on?


Which of the following battles took place in the Western Theater of the Civil War?

Chattanooga and Vicksburg

With what country did the United States negotiate the Burlingame Treaty?


The federal land acquisition known as "Seward's Folly" would late prove important to American interests during which 20th century conflict?

Cold War

Match the 19th century businessperson to the industry that made them wealthy.

Collis Huntington Railroads Gustavus Swift Meatpacking Samuel Andrews Oil Madam C.J. Walker Consumer products

Click on the state where the first transcontinental railroad was officially completed.


Which country did Panama declare independence from with American assistance?


This government agency was responsible for creating wartime propaganda:

Committee on Public Information

Match the following people with the event they are most closely associated with.

Commodore Matthew Perry Opening of Japan to trade William H. Seward Purchase of Alaska from Russia Brigadier General Henry H. Sibley Battle of Glorieta Pass Amasa Leland Stanford Driving the golden spike into place at Promontory Summit in 1869

Americans after World War I grew increasingly fearful of this political ideology


In stark contrast to the middle class, who tended to focus on the strength and success of the individual, the American working class retained a strong dedication to the


Put the following events in the proper chronological order.

Congress passes the Coinage Act Greenback Labor Party wins over one million votes The Farmers' Alliance holds its convention at Ocala Florida

________ in New York Harbor opened in 1892 as an immigrant reception and processing center.

Ellis Island

German Gen. Arthur von Schlieffen came up with a plan that proposed what?

Defeat France swiftly before turning attention to Russia

Who usually reaps the most benefits from high tariffs on imported products?

Domestic producers

Radical Republicans pushed for the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson after he attempted to dismiss his Secretary of War. What was the Secretary of War's name?

Edwin M. Stanton

Match the following people with their role during Reconstruction.

Edwin Stanton Secretary of War Ulysses S. Grant General of the Army and President of the United States (1869-1877) Charles Sumner U.S. Senator from Massachusetts Thaddeus Stevens Congressman from Pennsylvania Richard Henry Dana An originator of the "grasp of war" concept Andrew Johnson President of the United States (1865-1869)

What did the plotters of the coup against Queen Liliuokalani hope to achieve?

Eliminate a U.S. tariff on Hawaiian sugar by encouraging annexation

Match the following individual with the reason for their fame:

Emilio Aguinaldo Leader of Filipino rebels against Spain and the U.S. Valeriano Wyler Spanish governor general of Cuba Alfred Thayer Mahan Naval officer in favor of U.S. imperialism Jose Marti Cuban revolutionary killed in 1895 John Hay Advocate for "Open Door" to China William Randolph Hearst Newspaper publisher in support of war with Spain

Place these events into chronological order

End of the Civil War Assassination of President Lincoln Passage of Freedman's Bureau Act Presidential Reconstruction Passage of Black Codes by Southern States Congressional Reconstruction Begins Passage (not ratification) of 14th Amendment Passage of Military Reconstruction Act

Sort these countries according to the number of immigrants they would have been allowed to send to the United States under the Emergency Immigration Act and Chinese Exclusion Act, from highest to lowest.

England Germany Poland Japan

Categorize each of the following attempts to shape the behavior of the American public during the First World War.

Espionage Act Legal "Liberty sausage" Linguistic The Kaiser¸ the Beast of Berlin Cinematic "Four minute men" Interpersonal

Scientist Francis Galton pioneered this theory.


Match the following historical terms:

Eugenics Helped to justify sterilization Chain migration Friends and family relocating to a new nation Nativism Resistance to immigration Social Darwinism Belief that the rich possess innate gifts The Treaty of Portsmouth Negotiated by President Theodore Roosevelt The Teller Amendment Pledged America would not make Cuba a colony Mahanism ideology emphasizing naval strength and imperialism The Platt Amendment Made Cuba an American protectorate Tenements low income urban dwellings

During the Great Migration, African Americans fleeing Jim Crow in the South generally found a more welcome and inclusive atmosphere in the cities of the North.


Every state where slavery was legal eventually seceded from the Union.


In the late 19th century, a "dandy" referred to a young women who embraced the fashion trends of the day.


Most Americans worshipped the "Robber Barons" as kings of the American national image and models of moral and financial perfection.


Match the following federal acts to their primary purpose.

Military Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871 To combat white supremacy in the South Tenure of Office Act To curb executive power in firing federal officials Military Reconstruction Act To enforce civil and voting rights of black citizens Freedman's Bureau Act To provide social services to black and white Southerners

Who was Attorney General at the time of the Red Scare?


Where was the first capital of the Confederacy located?


Match the following items, then click 'Submit':

Moral Diplomacy Woodrow Wilson Dollar Diplomacy William Howard Taft Monroe Doctrine James Monroe Theodore Roosevelt Roosevelt Corollary

How much of the U.S. Army policed the South in 1867?

More than one third

Which of the following statements about wartime mobilization is incorrect?

Most American soldiers were drafted into the armed forces as a result of the Selective Service Act.

Sort the following events of the Spanish-American War in chronological order.

Mysterious explosion of USS MaineMaine Passage of Teller Amendment Battle of San Juan Hill United States takes possession of the Philippines Passage of the Platt Amendment

Match the people below with the group they are most famously associated with.

Nathan Bedford Forrest Ku Klux Klan Thaddeus Stevens Radical Republicans Samuel Tilden Democratic Party

Woodrow Wilson's platform in the 1912 election was called

New Freedom

Please click on the state attacked by Pancho Villa.

New Mexico

Which of the following territories held the greatest sympathy for the Confederate cause?

New Mexico

"Boss" Tweed oversaw the political "machine" in which city?

New York

What was one of the primary avenues by which the mainstream temperance movement publicized its views in the 19th century?

Novels and literature

Click on the city where Standard Oil was founded.


Click on the only current state outlined on this map that was not actually a state at the beginning of the Civil War


At the start of the Civil War, most people believed which of the following statements to be true?

One quick and decisive battle would decide the outcome

What was George McClellan's greatest weakness as a field commander?


What crisis did the United States not face immediately after the war in 1918-1919?

Oversupply of products

Who was the Mexican leader who led a raid into the United States and was the target of an 11-month long military campaign?

Pancho Villa

Sort the following from largest to smallest.

The number of states that seceded before the attack on Fort Sumter The number of days between the end of the Civil War and Lincoln's assassination The number of commanders of the Army of the Potomac between 1862-63 The number of months between the passage of the 13th Amendment and the end of the Civil War

Sort the following from largest to smallest.

The percentage growth in imports to San Francisco between 1860 and 1890 The number of Blackfeet Indians killed at massacre of Marias River The amount of land (in acres) promised to settlers under the Homestead Act The percentage drop in the amount of money in circulation between 1865 and 1880

What ultimately led the United States to declare war on Germany?

The resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare

Arrange these events in proper sequence of occurrence

The sinking of the USS MaineMaine The Battle of Manila Bay The Battle of San Juan The assassination of President McKinley

Sort these events into chronological order.

The start of the American Civil War The Sand Creek Massacre The Battle of the Washita The Great Sioux War The Wounded Knee Massacre

Which of the following features of the American cowboy have been frequently misrepresented in contemporary popular culture?

Their racial composition The dangerousness of their work Their compensation

In which "theater" of the Spanish-American War were the following figures primarily involved?

Theodore Roosevelt Caribbean George Dewey Pacific John Shafer Caribbean Emilio Anguinaldo Pacific Jose Marti Caribbean

Categorize the following figures as supporters or critics of American imperial expansion.

Theodore Roosevelt Supporter Grover Cleveland Critic Queen Liliuokalani Critic William McKinley Supporter Emilio Aguinaldo Critic Alfred Thayer Mahan Supporter

What was the occupation of the man who assassinated President Lincoln?


Which of the following best explains why the agrarian Populist movement did not see any revivals in the twentieth century?

They lacked the proper leadership.

Why did farmers begin to organize politically in the 1870s?

They sought to improve their standing in the market economy

Which of the following best describes the attitudes of southern white Populists towards black sharecroppers and tenants?

They understood their common economic grievances despite their racial prejudices

Which of the following statements about late 19th century immigrants is false?

They were greeted with open arms by virtually all Americans

The collapse of the Populist Party in the late 19th century heralded the end of which founding father's dream for a nation of yeoman farmers?

Thomas Jefferson

Click on one of the figures in this political cartoon who would have benefitted most from a laissez-faire approach to economic policy.

Three men in the boat

What was the purpose of the Committee on Industrial Progress/the Council of National Defense?

To coordinate government and business actions in the event of war

What service did the Grange offer?

To store grains collectively and withhold them from the market

According to the middle class, contracts provided stood to protect workers and give them the "freedom of success," creating an ultimately fluid social order where work defined one's status


Seen as outsiders in the economic sphere, women, children, and African Americans rarely, if ever, received the same wages as white men. Indeed, in most cases, they received wages 70% below those of their adult white male counterparts.


William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of _______" speech assured him the nomination of the Democratic Party as well as that of the People's Party.


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