US History - 7th - Chapter 1 - Section 3 - North American Peoples

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What other structures did the Anasazi build?

dwellings in the walls of steep cliffs

What objects have archaeologists found in the mounds?

freshwater pearls, shells, cloth and copper - this shows that they had wide-spread trade

What took place at the temple on top of the greatest mound in Cahokia?

priests studied the movements of the sun and stars priest-ruler of Cahokia lived legend of the Natchez people gives hints that it was directly linked to Mexico

What were the mounds in Central North America used for?

some were burial chambers and others had temples at the top

What did the Iroquois League Council accomplish?

they created a constitution Constitution was written down after the Europeans arrived

Which animals from the Great Plains men hunt?

Antelope, deer and buffalo

Which other early American groups developed in the Southwest region in the 1500's?

Apache and Navajo

When were the mounds built?

Archaeologists believe that they were built about 1000 BC

When did the Anasazi live?

At the same time as the Hohokam - 1AD to 1300 AD

Where did the Hohokam get shells?

By trading with the coastal people

Which was the largest settlement of Mound Builders?


Where did the Pomo people live and what did they eat?

Central valley of California Acorns that they pounded to make flour

What were the Iroquois and Cherokee known for?

Complex political systems They had formal law codes Formed Federations

Why did the Anasazi abandon their larger villages?

Droughts that caused crops to die

What type of dwellings did the Nez Perce and Yakima have?

Earthen houses

Who did the Native Americans meet in the 1500's?

Europeans who had a different way of life, cultures, beliefs

Which food sources did the people living along the Northern California coast have?

Fished for fish

Where did the Anasazi live?

Four Corners - place where current day Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico meet

Where were the mounds built?

From present-day Pennsylvania to the Mississippi River Valley

What are Federations?

Governments that linked different groups

What was the most important structure in Cahokia?

Great pyramid-shaped mound, with a temple at the top

Who lived after the Adena?

Hopewell, who lived 200 BC to 500 AD They were farmers and traders. They built large burial mounds in the shape of birds, bears and snakes

Which civilizations were formed by the descendants of the Anasazi?

Hopi, Acoma and Zuni

Who were the Adena?

Hunters and Gatherers who lived in the Ohio Valley around 800 BC

What type of people were the Apache and Navajo?

Hunters and gatherers They hunted deer and other animals

What is another name for the Iroquois League?

Iroquois Confederacy

What does the pueblo bonito look like?

It is located in New Mexico It is a huge semicircular structure of stone and sun-dried earth. It resembles an apartment building It is 4 stories high and has hundreds of rooms

What does the finding of the road system linking Pueblo Bonito to other villages show?

It was an important trade or religious center for the Anasazi

What did the Anasazi build?

Large stone dwellings that the Spanish called "Pueblos", or villages.

What are droughts?

Long periods of time with little rainfall

What did the Navajo grow?

Maize and beans They also raised sheep

Which cultures existed in North America before the Europeans arrived?

Many, but the most advanced were the Hohokam and Anasazi of the Southwest and Mound Builders of the Ohio River Valley

Where did the Hohokam come from?

Maybe from Mexico at about 300 BC

Where is Cahokia located and who built it?

Modern day Illinois Built by people called the "Mississippians" Had about 16000 residents

Where did the Cherokee people live?

Mountains of Georgia and the Carolinas

Where did the Iroquois live?

Near Canada in modern day New York State

Which people lived in the plateau region?

Nez Perce and Yakima

What type of people were living in the Great Plains?

Nomadic Their villages were temporary, lasting only for one or two seasons

What is the Mesa Verde?

One of the largest and elaborate Cliff Dwelling of the Anasazi in Colorado. Held several thousand inhabitants

What is the "pueblo bonito"?

One of the most spectacular of the Anasazi pueblos

Who were the Inuit?

People who settled in the northernmost part of North America They are believed to be the last migrants who crossed the land bridge into North America

Where did the Hohokam people live?

Present-day Arizona

Which root was important to the Nez Perce people and Yakima?

Root of the camas plant, relative of the lily

What was the main food source for the Tlingit, Haida and Chinook?

Salmon They preserved it by smoking it over fires

What was the main food source for the people in the plateau region?

Salmon as well as deer, roots and berries

Where did the Hopi, Acoma and Zuni live?


Who were the earliest Mound Builders?

The Adena

Who tamed wild horses?

The Comache, the Dakotas and other Great Plains people

Which people lived in the Southwest region?

The Creek, Chickasaw and Cherokee

Which famous burial mound did the Hopewell build?

The Great Serpent Mount

Which people lived in the eastern North America?

The Iroquois and Cherokee

Which was the largest mount in Cahokia?

The Monks Mound - 100 feet in height

What were the people who built the mounds called?

The Mound Builders

Which people eventually settled into stationary communities in the Southwest area?

The Navajo

Who lived on the Northwestern Coast?

The Tlingit, Haida and Chinook

What is the plateau region?

The area between the Cascade Mountains and the Rocky Mountains?

Why did many groups live on the West Coast?

The climate was mild and there were dependable food sources

What did the Ute and Shoshone eat?

The dry climate made the soil too hard and rocky for farming so they traveled in search of food They ate small animals, pine nuts, juniper berries, roots and small insects They made temporary shelters since they traveled a lot

What were the Inuit known for?

Their skills to survive in the cold Arctic climate In the winter they built igloos They made clothes from furs and sealskins They were hunters and fishermen They burned seal oil in lamps

What did the people living in the more bare areas of California eat?

They collected roots and seeds

How did the Tlingit, Haida and Chinook survive?

They developed a way of life that used resources from the forest and sea They build wooden houses and made canoes, cloth and baskets from tree bark They used spears and traps to fish for salmon

What did the people of the Great Plains do with their homes when they moved from place to place?

They dragged their homes with them They had "teepees" - cone-shaped tents made of skins

Did the Iroquois nations get along?

They fought against each other until the late 1500's. Then they formed the Iroquois League

How were the women of the Iroquois League?

They held positions of power They chose 50 men to serve on the league council

Where did the Chickasaw people live?

They lived in Mississippi and farmed the river bottomlands

What was the food source of the Hopi, Acoma and Zuni?

They raised corn, or maize, as their basic food. They grew beans, squash, melons, pumpkins and fruit

Where did the Anasazi go when they began leaving the pueblos and cliff dwellings in 1300AD?

They settled in smaller communities

Which jobs did the Great Plains women do?

They tended plots of maize, squash and beans

Where did the Creek people live?

They were a loosely knit farming community who lived in present-day Georgia and Alabama.

What made the Cliff Dwellings important?

They were easy to defend Offered protection from winter weather

What were the houses of the Navajo people like?

They were square homes called "hogans"

Which people seem to have influenced those living in North America?

Those living in Mexico and Central America

What did the prehistoric Native Americans build in Central North America?

Thousands of mounds of earth that look much like stone pyramids of the Maya and Aztec

What was the objective of the Iroquois people?

To have peace

What did the people in the Southwest region participate in?

Trade network throughout the Southwest and into Mexico

Who lived in the Great Basin area between Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains?

Ute and Shoshone

What did the Great Plains people use horses for?


Which animals did the Inuit hunt?

Whales, seals and walruses Caribou, deer

Did Native Americans live in North America when the Europeans began to arrive?

Yes, North America was home to many different societies at that time

What did Cahokia loo like?

a great city in Mexico, eventhough it was about 2000 miles away

What linked Pueblo Bonito to other villages?

complex road system

What did the Creek people grow?

corn, squash, tobacco and other crops

What were the Hohokam experts in doing?

1. Getting water from sun-baked soil 2. Their way of life depended on the irrigation channels they dug to carry river water to their fields 3. They also left potter, carved stones and shells etched with acid

Which were the five Iroquois nations?

1. Onondaga 2. Seneca 3. Mohawk 4. Oneida 5. Cayuga

When did the Hohokam flourish?

300 AD to 1300 AD in an area bordered by the Gila and Salt River Valleys

What were the dwellings of the Hopi, Acoma and Zuni called?

Adobe - homes built from sun-dried brick

Who lived in present day California?

A large variety of cultures

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