US History B Unit 8

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Lesson 13 Who's Who

1)C 2)A 3)E 4)B 5)D

Lesson 12 Who's Who

1)D 2)F 3)C 4)H 5)A 6)B 7)I 8)E 9)G

Lesson 11 Who's Who

1)E 2)F 3)G 4)A 5)C 6)D 7H 8)B

Lesson 14 Who's Who

1)I 2)C 3)B 4)F 5)E 6)A 7)H 8)G 9)D 10)K 11)J

Turn what year did North Korea make the farthest advance into South Korea?


When did the construction of the Berlin wall begin?


Page 15 Worksheet

2)Created department of health, education, and welfare 3)created NASA 4)send troops to Little Rock to enforce equality laws 5)entered arms race 6) attempted a test-ban treaty on nuclear weapons 7)was exposed for spying on Soviet Union 8)CIA watched over foreign countries

Look at the map on page 642. What lines of latitude is the armistice line cross?

38th parallel

Look at the "meet the president" chart on page 661. How old was John F. Kennedy when he was elected president?


In What ways did the Cold War intensify during Eisenhowers administration?

A US spy plane was caught in Russia and it was discovered that the US had been photographing Russian territory since 1956

Approximately how large was it increase in funds from 1959 to 1965?

About $1 billion

Who assured attorney general Robert Kennedy that no offensive missiles will be placed in Cuba?

Anatoly Dobrynin

What do the arrows swooping downward represent?

Axis of North Korean attacks

When the Kennedy administration first learned of the shipments of missiles, what kind of missiles did they believe were being sent?

Ballistic nuclear missiles

How did televised debates affect the presidential election of 1960?

Based off of their appearances, voters chose who they thought would make a better president

What happened in April of 1961 and October of 1962?

Bay of Pigs invasion fails and Cuban missile crisis occurs

Where was Martin Luther King Junior arrested?

Birmingham Alabama

How did the Soviet union get missiles into Cuba without the US finding out?

By ships that the US did not notice

Lesson 11 Vocab

Cold War Iron Curtain Satellite Containment Refugee

Why do you think efforts to create a test-ban treaty to stop the testing of nuclear weapons were unsuccessful?

Due to their immense power and the US's history of doing what they want to anyways

Lesson 12 Vocab

Exile Guerrilla War Quarantine

The way it's known as the NATO included the United States Canada and the countries of Asia.

False, it included the US and most of Western Europe

After the communist takeover in China, the nationalists fled to the Philippine islands, where they formed their own government.

False, it was Taiwan

As part of the Yalta agreement, all of Germany was given to the Soviet Union.

False, it was a conference discussing reorganization after the war

Look at the map on page 662. Where was the CIA base for training Cuban exiles located?


Which presidents are serving during the timeline?

Harry S Truman and Dwight D Eisenhower

Who are the candidates for president in 1948?

Harry Truman and Thomas E Dewey

What cities are represented on the map?


What contribution to Jackie Robinson make toward equality in the United States?

He proved a person of color could do good by making rookie of the year his first season and paving the way for future athletes

Read the "meet the president" box on page 646. What unusual activity did Eisenhower perform on the White House lawn?

He would play golf on the White House lawn

Look at the chart on page 635. Which UN agency would most likely help to settle legal disputes between countries?

International Court of Justice

How did competition with the Soviet union affect the US space program?

It gave it more recognition and funding

In what ways did the Marshall Plan encourage European recovery?

It lent out $13 billion to 17 countries in order to aid the people in need

How did Kennedy's assassination affect the country?

It sent them into shock and saddened them

How did television affect civil rights protest in Birmingham and other cities?

It was able to broadcast that people cared and we're doing things to fight for justice

How did the 1960 election different from earlier elections?

It was the closest election in US history

What happened in November 1963?

JFK assassinated and the South Vietnamese leader is also assassinated

What steps towards equal rights for African-Americans were taken during the timeline?

Jackie Robinson signs onto a professional team, schools are desegregated, and the Alabama bus boycott began

What changes occurred in the Middle East after World War II?

Jews fled to Palastine which angered Palestinians

Which presidents are serving during the timeline?

John F Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson

Who became the first American to orbit the earth? How long after the first cosmonaut went to space did this happen?

John Glenn 10 months after

What events happened in 1950?

Joseph McCarthy claims US government was communist and the Korean war began

What was the effect of the Peace Corps?

Just put developing countries and build them hospitals and schools

October 16, 1962

Kennedy is alerted over breakfast and quickly took charge of the situation

October 17, 1962

Kennedy kept secrecy by following his planned schedule and had people fill him in

What geographic characteristics do most of the nonmember nations in Europe share?

Most of them are coastal nations

What organization was formed in 1949?


Lesson 14 Vocab

New Frontier Peace Corps

Where did the United States confront communism?

North Vietnam

What did the Warren commission determine?

Oswald acted alone

Look at the map closely. What do ROK and NK represent?

Republic of Korea and North Korea

What did the Supreme Court rule in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka?

Segregation on Alabama buses was declared unconstitutional

Read the box about Rosa Parks on page 648. What ways was Parks a symbol of the civil rights movement?

She is the one who started it when she refused to give up her seat

What military resources were used during the attack on Cuba?

Ships, planes, and troops

Lesson 14 Vocab pt2

Sit-in Freedom Ride Integrate

What are some methods of civil rights protesters used to battle segregation?

Sit-ins or protests that got in the way to gain attention

Why do you think the North Koreans attacked the middle instead of going around the sides?

So that they could push the border back and that they would have been cornered if they went around

Look at the map on page 637. Which countries belong to the Warsaw Pact?

Soviet union, east Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania

Lesson 12 Vocab

Space Race Summit Meeting

Lesson 12 Vocab pt2

Suburb Baby boom Generation gap

Lesson 11 Vocab pt2

Superpower Demilitarized Zone Perjury McCarthyism

What discovery set off the cuban missile crisis in 1962?

The Soviet Union had secretly sent nuclear warheads to Cuba that could destroy much of the US East Coast

Which country has the capability of striking the other for their homeland, the US for the Soviet union?

The Soviet union

Why did Khrushchev and Kennedy agreed to do to settle the Cuban missile crisis?

The Soviet union would withdraw their missiles if the US did the same and turkey and didn't invade Cuba

What do you think the dotted line represents?

The border

What were some achievements of the Eisenhower administration?

The creation of the department of health, education, and welfare

What were two important events in the fight for civil rights?

The desegregation of schools and the televised event of Little Rock

What was the arms race?

The development of weaponry by each side

What US actions lead Fidel Castro to believe he was in danger of being invaded or ousted?

The failed Bay of Pigs invasion and the mock invasion the US had practiced

Look at the chart on page 669. What event marked the beginning of the increase in spending on the space program?

The launch of Sputnik

Which came first, the Soviet union launching sputnik or Congress establishing NASA?

The launch of Sputnik

What event did the march on Washington celebrate?

The one hundredth anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation

What was the Cold War?

The political tension between the US and the Soviet Union

Look at the picture on page 647. What does the reaction of the crowd tell you about the situation?

The racist white people did not want a person of color in their school

Look at the picture on page 668. How does the friendship 7 differ from the space vehicles used today?

They are now larger and have rockets on them with lights and windows

What changes occurred in Asia after World War II?

They became communist and made some of their citizens flee to Taiwan

What charges to the Alabama clergy make against King and the demonstrations?

They claim they are unwise and untimely

While pollsters expect President Truman to lose the election in 1948?

They felt he didn't do enough to support Roosevelt's new deal

Why did the Soviet union decide to send missiles to Cuba?

They felt it would be fair since the US had so many close to them in Turkey

Why does King believe that African-Americans cannot wait for equal rights?

They had waited more than 340 years to be treated right

What does the picture on page 641 say about the progress of the United States?

They have taken a few steps from the slave days

How did many Americans change their ways of living in the 1950s?

They moved to suburbs close to cities

How did the Supreme Court expand the rights of individuals?

They said schools couldn't force a student to Pray, a person accused of crimes have the right to a lawyer, and regulated votes to be equal

How did the Korean war end?

They signed a peace treaty becoming North and South Korea

Why did many Americans moved to the suburbs in the 1950s?

They wanted their own homes and to be close to major cities

What does the Economic and Social Council do?

They work with members of nations to improve the overall standards of living

What is one way television influenced Americans?

They would watch for news, to watch sports, or just entertainment

Why did the Soviet Union order the building of the Berlin wall?

To contain the communist East Germany

What was the main goal of the United Nations?

To find peaceful ways to end conflict between nations

What was President Kennedy's goal in funding the space program?

To get a man to the moon and back

Why did Americans vote overwhelmingly for Eisenhower?

To most Americans Eisenhower had represented firmness, friendliness, and honesty

What was the goal of sit ins and freedom rides?

To raise awareness and protest the acts of inequality

In response to NATO, the Soviet union organized a military alliance with its Eastern European satellites known as the Warsaw Pact.


Many Jewish survivors of the Holocaust moved to Palastine after World War II.


The Iron Curtain separated Soviet controlled nations from the rest of Europe.


How did NATO and the Warsaw Pact divide Europe?

Western Europe formed NATO and Eastern Europe formed the Warsaw Pact causing a massive split down the middle of Europe

Why did President Truman oppose an attack on China?

When Joseph McCarthy accused people of being communists

What wars are represented on the timeline?

World War II and the Korean War

Do you feel Kings reply to the clergy answers their charges and give us a good defense of his actions? Explain your answer.

Yes, he defenses of properly with great points and covers the importance of his actions

Look at the picture of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg on page 643? What are your initial impressions? They look like spies? Why or why not?

You look like average citizens from that time period, not much like spies just a married couple

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