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enacted an income tax

the Underwood-Simmons tariff act

defeating the two established parties and passing many social reforms

the accomplishments of mayor Samuel "golden rule" Johnson in Toledo, Ohio, included:


Jane Addams supported in the 1912 election.

united working-class and middle-class women in one group

an accomplishment of the women's trade union league was that it:

quickly became friendly to business

the federal trade commission

Irish Protestants

the immigrants known as new immigrants included all of the following groups except:

organizing all types of workers from a wide variety of ethnic groups

the industrial workers of the world differed from the A.F.L. by:

raise the public's awareness of social problems

the main goal of the muckrakers was to:

gave women the right to vote

the nineteenth amendment:

eventually turned to militant tactics

the women's social and political union in Britain


the...act was designed to decrease child labor

W.E.B. Du Bois

this black activist joined blacks and whites together in the civil rights movement that became known as the Niagara Movement

William Howard Taft

this republican incumbent was defeated in 1912 when his party split into progressive and tradition factions

Robert La Follette

this republican progressive from Wisconsin, along with Theodore Roosevelt, began the progressive revolt within the party before the election of 1912

they viewed predominantly catholic and Jewish immigrants as threats to social stability

Americans of "old stock" sometimes disliked new immigrants because:

primarily represented skilled workers

the American federation of labor

women failed to follow-up on the cause she championed

all of the following statements about Margaret Sanger are true except:

the federal government expanded it's activities and responsibilities.

William Howard Taft's support for the 16th amendment opened a period when:

federal reserve act

Woodrow Wilson sought to reform banking primarily through the

regulated monopoly

Woodrow Wilson's new freedom rejected what he called Theodore Roosevelt's:

Lawrence Veiller

a leader of the housing reform movement and a worker at university settlement was:

Roosevelt was much more aggressive in his use of presidential powers

a major difference between Theodore Roosevelt and the presidents of the gilded era was:

John D. Rockefeller ordered that striking miners, and their families, be shot and burned.

a peak of anti-union violence occurred when:

feel that new measures were needed to promote social progress

after the depression of the mid-1890s, a majority of Americans began to:

industrialists refused to resort to the subdivision of labor

all of the following are true about working conditions in the early 1900s except:

supporters of the social gospel movement

all of the following groups or people opposed progressive social reforms except:

Jane Addams

Chicago reformer and one of the founders of Hull House, she was also active in the Niagara Movement and the movement to end the horrors of child labor

providing more autonomy for the factory

Frederick Taylor's scientific management emphasized all of the following ideas except:

in public education

John Dewey and Jacob Riis were activists in the move to make progressive reforms:

promoting an amendment to establish an income tax

Roosevelt's accomplishments as president included all of the following except:

the gospel of efficiency

Theodore Roosevelt's reform philosophy was closest to that of:

women's suffrage at the state level

as governor, Robert LaFollette successfully passed all of the following except:

adopting activist tactics such as rallies and political lobbying

changes in the strategy of suffrages in the early 1900s included:

because Brandeis was Jewish and had issues pro-labor opinions

conservatives opposed Wilson's nomination of Louis Brandeis to the Supreme Court:

Eugene Debs

creator and leader it the American socialist party, he got nearly 1 million votes in the presidential election of 1912

the Republican Party split into two factions

during the presidency of William Howard Taft:

a general belief that moderate reforms were needed to help end social disorder

the "progressive movement" was driven by:

firing of female New York teachers when they married

firing of female New York teachers when they married

far less effective than social reforms passed in Western Europe

in general, American reforms that addressed awful working and living conditions were:

Margaret Sanger

in outlets such as her magazine, Woman rebel, she argued that the use of contraception could be effective in te fight against poverty

was limited to small numbers of progressive activists

in the early 1900s, the involvement of white reformers in the black struggle for equality:

introduce religious ethics to industrialize relations

leaders of the social gospel movement sought to:

using subsidies to bolster the failing standard oil company

major focuses of Theodore Roosevelt's presidency included all of the following except:

provided for the direct popular election of U.S. senators

the 17th amendment:

they believed alcohol was a cause of poverty and many other social problems

many progressive reformers supported prohibition legislation laws because:

a worldwide revolution by the working class

most American socialists did not advocate:

middle-class women

most settlement houses were staffed by:

the move of progressives toward moderate reforms

one effect of socialists ideals being openly expressed was:

Washington Gladden

one of the first proponents of the social gospel movement, he proposed a move toward a profit-sharing economy rather than a wage-labor system.


progressive reformers looked gain ideas


prohibition went into effect in:

emphasizing a literal interpretation of the Old Testament

proponents of the social gospel believed all of the following ideas except:

young female workers died in the triangle shirtwaist company fire

public outrage against unsafe working conditions peaked when:

the right if voters to have privacy in the voting process

reformers who called for use of the Australian ballot succeeded in getting:

some poor parents who needed the extra income

reformers who focused in ending child labor faced resistance from big business and:

managing to stop rural people from being drawn to urbanization

reforms in rural areas during the early 1900s achieved all of the following aims except:


regarding how humans should deal with the natural world, Theodore Roosevelt can best be classified a/an

The Harrison act:

restricted the distribution and use of narcotics


suffragists won their first victories in the:

propose legislation directly to the electorate

use of the initiative allowed to reformers to:

made it clear that he would not use his influence in labor disputes

when mine owners refused to meet with coal workers at the White House, Roosevelt:

fewer working women were choosing to get married

which of the following statements about women in the early 1900s is not true?

he built upon Roosevelt's model of strong executive authority.

which statement best describes Woodrow Wilson's style as president?

Christianity and the social crisis

which work of literature was not authored by a muckraker?

William Jennings Bryan

who was not a candidate for president in 1912?

they felt he was far too flamboyant and ambitious

why were Mark Twain and other critics wary of Theodore Roosevelt's presidential style?

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