US History Chapter 10-18 Final Study Guide

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Who were the Tuskegee Airmen?

African American fighter squadron

What kind of ships survived the attack on Pearl Harbor untouched?

Aircraft carriers

What was George S. Patton, Jr.'s role in World War II?

American general and tank commander

What was the attitude of the country after the attack on Pearl Harbor, and what did virtually all citizens do to help the United States support the Allies?

Americans accepted the call for service and joined organizations

What group did Nazi ideology consider superior to other people?


What city had the worst incident of racial violence due to wartime migration?

Detroit, Michigan

Who was the commander of the United States Army forces in Asia?

Douglas MacArthur

What was Germany's goal in the Battle of the Bulge?

Drive a ledge between British and American forces

How did Executive Order 8802 contribute to civil rights reform?

It required fair hiring practices in industries that provided public goods

How did the Nye Committee influence public opinion in the United States?

It suggested that bankers and arms manufacturers pulled America into World War 1

Who was J. Robert Oppenheimer?

Key leader of the Manhattan Project

What is "blitzkrieg"?

Lightning war

How did wartime pressures create a change from the past for women in the workplace?

Many women took jobs that fell outside the traditional realm of women's work

Why did the Allies adopt a "Europe First" strategy?

Only Germany was considered a serious long-term threat

What is appeasement?

Policy of granting concessions to a potential enemy in the hope that it will maintain peace

What happened to America's industries after the United States declared war on Japan and Germany?

Production increased peace time war industries

What was the bracero program?

Program in which laborers were brought from Mexico to work on American farms

What was the "Europe First" strategy?

Strategy to focus on Hitler first then the pacific second because Hitler was a greater threat

What was the name of the program to develop the atomic bomb?

The Manhattan Project

How did the attack on Pearl Harbor change the political divisions between the isolationists and interventionists?

The attack ended political divisions between interventionists and isolationists

Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor?

To destroy ships and plans that threatened their expansion efforts

Why did Stalin want Britain and the United States to open a second front in France?

To force Germany to fight on 2 fronts

Who signed a letter to President Roosevelt explaining the importance of atomic development?

Albert Einstein

What is the name for Germany's peaceful union with Austria?


What is the term for prejudice against Jewish people?


What document strengthened the alliance between the United States and Britain?

Atlantic Charter

What did Hitler's economic persecution of Jews in Germany involve?

Barring Jews from working in civil service.

What was the term used to describe the long-distance relocation of American and Filipino prisoners by Japanese prisoners?

Bataan Death March

What social cause did many African Americans fight for during World War II?

Civil rights (fight against discrimination and for equality)

How was the Lend-Lease Act perceived by the Axis Powers?

Economic declaration of the war

Who were the Axis Powers?

Germany, Italy, Japan [and other nations that fought together during World War II]

What did FDR's Office of Price Administration (OPA) do?

It had the authority to control wages and set maximum prices

How did the allied bombing of Germany in 1942 change the war?

It helped pave the way for a later all-out offensive

What happened to America's economy after the United States declared war?

It improved

What was the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and what did they do?

Japanese American combat team and helped counter the notion that Japanese Americans were not loyal citizens

What Act passed in 1941 caused America to take another step toward war?

Lend-Lease Act

What did interventionists claim the United States could do to avoid war?

Sent aid to Britain

What was rationing during World War II?

System that limits the amount of certain goods people can buy

What countries appeared to be winning the war in Europe at the end of 1940?

The Axis Powers - Germany, Italy and (less relevantly) Japan

What battle on the Russian Front ended Hitler's plans for dominating all of Europe?

The Battle of Stalingrad

Why did the United States initially follow a policy of appeasement toward Germany?

The United States wanted to focus on its own economic troubles

What did American leaders learn at Kasserine Pass in North Africa?

They needed aggressive officers and troops better trained for desert fighting

What did Japan do in an attempt to recover from the Great Depression?

They seized control of resources in other nations

What role did the Office of War Mobilization (OWM) play during the war?

They supervised the use of industry resources

What goal did President Roosevelt hope to achieve when he enacted the embargo on naval and aviation supplies in 1940?

To stop Japanese expansion

What was the name of the formal alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan?

Tripartite Pact

What is the term for accepting defeat in war without any concessions?

Unconditional surrender

Who was the British leader who said that Nazi aggression threatened all democracies?

Winston Churchill

What reason did interventionists give for getting involved in World War II?

Access regressions were wrong which threatened American interests

Who was the dictator who wanted to unite all Germanic people into one state?

Adolf Hitler

Who was A. Philip Randolph?

African American labor leader

What was the group called that included Britain, France and eventually many other nations, including the Soviet Union, the United States, and China?


Why was the Battle of Coral Sea a turning point in the war?

America stopped Japan from advancing to Australia, showing that America isn't going to get pushed over

What was the Neutrality Act of 1939?

American law that allowed nations at war to buy U.S. arms if they paid cash and carried them away on their own ships

Why were Italy and Japan dissatisfied with the peace settlements provided for the Treaty of Versailles?

Both countries were expected more territory in exchange for their sacrifices in World War I

What countries benefited from the Neutrality Act of 1939?

Britain which aided the allies

What position did Chester Nimitz hold during World War II?

Commander in chief

What is strategic bombing?

Dropping bombs on key targets to destroy the enemy's capacity to make war

What is saturation bombing?

Dropping massive amounts of bombs to inflict maximum damage

As American forces approached Japan, what did Japanese forces do?

Fought to the end, preferring to kill themselves rather than surrender

What effect did the D-Day invasion have on Germany's situation in the war?

Germany lost the lands it had once dominated and the natural resources it had once plundered

Who made the decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan?

Harry S. Truman

How did Adolf Hitler explain the problems facing Germany in his book Mein Kampf?

He blamed the problems on the Jewish people and the great threat they caused Germany

What did Dwight Eisenhower do during World War II?

He commanded the Allied invasion of North Africa

How did Mussolini maintain his power over Italy?

He outlawed political parties, took over the press, created a secret police, organized youth groups to indoctrinate the young, and suppressed strikes

Why did Roosevelt deliver his "Four Freedoms" speech to Congress in January 1941?

He wanted to show his support for Britain since the "four freedoms" were threatened by Nazi and Japanese militarism

Who was the general and prime minister who staged a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor?

Hideki Tojo

What was President Truman's main reason for using the atomic bomb against Japan?

His chief priority was to save American lives

How did the Great Depression eventually cause Germany to believe in the leadership of Adolf Hitler?

Hitler's economic policies, including rearmament and massive public-works projects, had ended the great depression

What is the term for the temporary imprisonment of a specific group of people?


What was the name of the strategy used for the Americans' capturing of strategic Pacific locations?

Island hopping

What effect did the Allies' victory in the Battle of the Bulge have on German troops?

It crippled Germany by using its reserves, demoralizing its troops, and shortened the time Hitler had left

Why did Executive Order 9066 affect civil liberties in the United States?

It designated war zones, and anybody kicked out

What impact did the appeasement policy of the United States, Britain, and France have on German aggression?

It encouraged more aggression

What happened following the Battle of Stalingrad?

It ended any realistic plans Hitler had of dominating Europe and Nazi armies were forced to retreat westward back toward Germany

What happened as a result of the Battle of Midway?

It ended the seemingly unstoppable Japanese advance, Japan was on the defensive, and Japan coil never again dominate the Pacific

Why did The League of Nations not prevent German and Italian aggression against other nations?

It had no standing arming and no real power to enforce its decrees

Why was the country of Japan virtually defenseless by April 1945?

Japanese pilots and aircraft were scattered throughout the pacific

What was a kamikaze?

Japanese pilots who deliberately crashed their planes into American ships

Who took over as the leader of the Soviet Union after Vladimir Lenin?

Joseph Stalin

What did interventionists believe that providing aid to Britain would do?

Keep the United States out of war

What party did Mussolini lead?

National Fascist Party

What was the holocaust?

Nazi attempt to kill Jews and others considered "undesirable"

What political party rose to power in Germany during the 1930s?

Nazi party

How was Japan's leader different from the leaders of Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union?

No charismatic leader like Stalin or Hitler emerged, but Japan continued as a constitutional monarchy headed by a mainly aloof emperor

What area across from Europe saw a military campaign involving the Americans against the Germans in desert fighting?

North Africa

What impact did World War II have on women's jobs?

Once industry exhausted the available men, many women found jobs, especially in heavy industry

Why did Americans fight in North Africa before going to battle in France?

Required less planning and fewer supplies

How did support for the Allies change following Roosevelt's reelection in 1940?

Support increases and congress approved the Lend-Lease Act

What was the OWI, and what did they do?

The Office of War Information encouraged support of the war effort, and tried to spotlight common needs, minimize racial and economic divisions, downplay problems of poverty and crime

How did population shifts change American life during the war?

The Southwest became a growing cultural, social, economic, and political force

What was decided in the Supreme Court Case Korematsu v. United States (1944)?

The Supreme Court upheld the government's wartime internment policy

What event led to the House and Senate voting to declare war?

The attack of Pearl Harbor

What is totalitarianism?

Theory of government in which a single party or leader controls the economic, social, and cultural lives of its people

Why did Japanese Americans face more restrictions than Italian or German Americans during the war?

They greatly outnumbered other immigrant groups

At the Tehran Conference, what did Roosevelt and Churchill agree to do?

To open a second front in France

What events happened at the Battle of Midway?

Torpedo planes and dive bombers sank 4 Japanese aircraft carriers, along with all 250 aircraft on board and many of Japan's most experienced pilots

What was the WAC?

Women's Army Corps; volunteer organization that provided clerical workers, truck drivers, instructors, and lab technicians for the army

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