US History Chapters 4,5, & 6

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the residents of the territory

Under popular sovereignty, who would decide whether slavery would be allowed in a territory?A) the Senate B) the president C) the residents of the territory D) the House of Representatives

either gold or silver

Bimetallism would allow for the exchange of paper currency for A) silver only. B) gold only. C) neither gold nor silver. D) either gold or silver

the development of the Chisholm Trail.

Demand for beef in the East contributed to A) the invention of the cowboy's way of life. B) the end of the long drives. C) the development of the Chisholm Trail. D) the decline of the railroads

military leadership

In which of the following areas did the South have an advantage over the North in the Civil War? A) food production B) civilian leadership C) industrial capacity D) military leadership

used guns to protect their herds.

Most American cowboys A) worked eight hours a day. B) spent a great deal of time fighting Native Americans. C) owned their own horses. D) used guns to protect their herds.

ignoring the restrictions.

Most Native Americans responded to restrictions placed upon them by the U.S. government by A) abiding by signed treaties. B) ignoring the restrictions. C) moving from their lands. D) seeking monetary compensation

white settlers

The Dawes Act was designed to benefit A) Native Americans. B) white settlers. C) both Native Americans and white settlers. D) neither Native Americans nor white settlers

support the banks.

The Grange did all of the following except A) support the banks. B) support political candidates. C) oppose the railroads. D) oppose the banks


The Mexican vaquero influenced the American cowboy in all of the following areas except A) politics. B) language. C) clothing. D) food


The education of Plains Indian children traditionally did not include A) myths. B) examples. C) books. D) games.

encourage white families to develop the West.

The intent of the Homestead Act was to A) prevent African Americans from settling in the West. B) settle Native Americans in farming communities. C) make money for the government. D) encourage white families to develop the West.

to restore the Union

When the Civil War began, what was Abraham Lincoln's main goal? A) to free the slaves B) to punish the South C) to restore the Union D) to bring an end to the war

Being in free territory did not make a slave free.

What did the Supreme Court declare in the Dred Scott decision? A) Being in free territory did not make a slave free. B) Being in free territory automatically made a slave free. C) Slave owners could not move into free territory with slaves. D) Slave owners could not travel through free territory with slaves.

The Southern economy depended on slavery, while the Northern economy did not.

What key difference between the North and the South ultimately led to the Civil War? A) The Southern climate was warm, while the Northern climate was cooler. B) The South was less densely populated than the North. C) The South was agricultural, while the North was more industrialized. D) The Southern economy depended on slavery, while the Northern economy did not.

to seize a federal arsenal and start a widespread slave uprising

What was John Brown's aim at Harpers Ferry? A) to keep pro-slavery settlers out of Kansas B) to help fugitive slaves reach freedom in the North C) to challenge Abraham Lincoln in a presidential debate D) to seize a federal arsenal and start a widespread slave uprising

It gave a moral purpose to the war. -Also freed northern slaves.

What was an important effect of the Emancipation Proclamation? A) It immediately freed Southern slaves. B) It gave a moral purpose to the war. C) It united the Republican Party. D) It kept Great Britain out of the war.

to break the Southern people's will to fight

What was the aim of "total war" as practiced by Union generals Grant and Sherman? A) to fight until the Confederacy had no army left B) to break the Southern people's will to fight C) to wage war in every part of the South D) to use the most lethal weapons availabl

He vetoed the Freedmen's Bureau Act and the Civil Rights Act of 1866.

Which action showed that President Andrew Johnson did not support greater rights for African Americans in the South? A) He allowed many high-ranking Confederates to vote without swearing allegiance to the United States. B) He vetoed the Freedmen's Bureau Act and the Civil Rights Act of 1866. C) He fired Secretary of War Edwin Stanton in 1868. D) He supported a Reconstruction plan similar to President Lincoln's plan.

California was admitted as a free state.

Which event was a direct result of the Compromise of 1850? A) Violence broke out in Kansas. B) The Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed. C) California was admitted as a free state. D) Slavery was ended in Washington, D.C.


Which group is an example of Northerners who wanted to keep slavery out of the territories but did not have positive feelings toward African Americans? A) Free-Soilers B) border ruffians C) Abolitionists D) Confederates


Which is the best word to describe Lincoln's original plan for Reconstruction, which Johnson largely followed? A) vindictive B) harsh C) lenient D) unfair

the Emancipation Proclamation

Which of the following abolished slavery in the North? A) the Gettysburg Address B) the Thirteenth Amendment C) the Compromise of 1850 D) the Emancipation Proclamation

a shrinking supply of farm land

Which of the following did not intensify the debts that Plains farmers had during the late 1800s? A) inflation B) falling prices C) a tight money supply D) a shrinking supply of farm land

the battle that cut the Confederacy in two

Which of the following does not describe the battle of Gettysburg? A) the only time the South invaded the North B) a battle with heavy casualties on both sides C) the battle that cut the Confederacy in two D) a devastating defeat for the Confederates

the Sand Creek Massacre

Which of the following events occurred first? A) the Treaty of Fort Laramie B) the death of Sitting Bull C) the Sand Creek Massacre D) the massacre at Wounded Knee

the election of William McKinley

Which of the following marked the collapse of Populism? A) the Panic of 1893 B) the founding of the Grange C) the "Cross of Gold" speech D) the election of William McKinley

the massacre at Wounded Knee

Which of the following marked the end of the wars between the federal government and the Plains Indians? A) the Treaty of Fort Laramie B) the death of Sitting Bull C) the Sand Creek Massacre D) the massacre at Wounded Knee

"The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here."

Which of the following quotations is from the Gettysburg Address? A) "We are not prepared for this suffrage. But we can learn." B) "All persons held as slaves . . . henceforward shall be free." C) "The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here." D) "You are rushing into war with one of the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical and determined people on earth-right at your doors

the railroad

Which of the following was most responsible for bringing an end to the era of the wide-open western frontier? A) the railroad B) barbed wire C) sheep ranching D) bonanza farming

All African-American families would receive 40 acres and a mule

Which of the following was not a provision of the Reconstruction Act of 1867? A) The South would be divided into military districts. B) Southern states had to pass the Fourteenth Amendment. C) Southern states had to give African Americans the right to vote. D) All African-American families would receive 40 acres and a mule

land ownership

Which of the following was not central to the life and culture of the Plains Indians in the 1800s? A) the horse B) the buffalo C) the extended family D) land ownership

Draft Freed Slaves to fight for the union

Which was not part of the Union's threepart plan to conquer the South? A) blockade Southern ports B) draft freed slaves to fight for the Union C) capture the Confederate capital D) split the Confederacy in two

former slaves from the South who settled on the Great Plains

Who were the exodusters? A) European immigrants who settled on the Great Plains B) Plains Indians forced onto reservations in the 1800s C) former slaves from the South who settled on the Great Plains D) cowboys who worked long drives in the summer and odd jobs in the winter

It would put more money in circulation.

Why did Plains farmers in the late 1800s tend to support bimetallism? A) It would put more money in circulation. B) It would make the nation's money supply safer. C) It would lower the prices of seed and farm machinery. D) It would allow them to profit from the mineral rights on their land.

Most of it was taken by people seeking profits.

Why did little of the free land offered by the Homestead Act end up being claimed by settlers? A) The land was too difficult to farm. B) Few settlers wanted to move West at the time. C) Most of it was taken by people seeking profits. D) The government put too many restrictions on its use

Many white Southerners refused to accept equal rights for blacks.

Why did new Republican governments in the South after the Civil War have difficulty? A) African Americans resented interference from Northern carpetbaggers. B) Slavery remained in force in several Southern states. C) Many white Southerners refused to accept equal rights for blacks. D) African Americans did not hold office at the state or local level.

to limit acts of violence and voter intimidation against African Americans

Why did the federal government eventually send troops into the South? A) to keep Confederate veterans from forming a new Southern army B) to limit acts of violence and voter intimidation against African Americans C) to protect the land farmed by African-American sharecroppers D) to put down riots caused by bank failures during the Panic of 1873

White settlers began wanting the land on the Plains

Why did the policy of treating the Great Plains as a huge reservation change? A) White settlers began wanting the land on the Plains. B) Native Americans refused to remain on the Plains. C) Native American populations decreased and needed less land. D) The Plains failed to meet the needs of Native American peoples

It made the South give up the idea of invading the North.

Why is the battle of Gettysburg considered a turning point in the Civil War? A) It made the South give up the idea of invading the North. B) It cut the Confederacy in two. C) It convinced the Confederacy to surrender. D) It marked the first Union victory on the battlefield

he had the support of the East and Midwest.

William McKinley won the election of 1896 because A) he campaigned harder than his opponent. B) he had the support of the East and Midwest. C) he delivered the "Cross of Gold" speech. D) he had the backing of the Populist Party

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