US History Exam 1

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After the Spanish-American War, the United States fought a much longer and deadlier war against the Filipinos in order to subdue the island for annexation. a. True b. False


Andrew Carnegie and John D Rockefeller: a. Faced no criticism for their business practices b. Led the way to social reform c. Advocated government regulation of business d. Built up giant corporations that dominated their respective markets e. Were both immigrants


At the end of the 19th Century, lynching was mainly used to intimidate whites. a. True b. False


Between 1890 and 91906, southern state government and white southerners eliminated black voting using all of the following EXCEPT: a. The grandfather clause b. Literacy and understanding tests c. Poll taxes d. Violence and intimidation e. Racial tests


Booker T Washington urged African Americans to try to combat segregation and become active in political affairs. a. True b. False


Both Democrats and Republicans embraced Progressive ideas and causes. a. True b. False


By 1875, American businessmen dominated the _______ trade on the Hawaiian Islands.


Electoral reform during the Progressive era: a. Expanded the electorate significantly b. Had little impact, especially in the cities c. Enfranchised African Americans d. Actually limited many American's right to vote e. Did away with all residency requirements for voting


In 1893, the United States gained control of the Hawaiian Islands by ousting its last monarch named ___________.


In 1913, the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the _____________ signified the reconciliation of North and South


In his Atlanta speech of 1895, Booker T Washington: a. Called for political equality b. Encouraged African Americans to adjust to segregation c. Opposed vocational education for African Americans d. Fought against segregation e. Continued the abolition political tradition


Jim Crow was a new form of segregation that occurred after the Civil War. a. True b. False


Nativism was a pervasive sentiment in the nineteenth century that strove for inclusion of all immigrants in the United States. a. True b. False


One significant economic impact of the second industrial revolution was: a. A more stable economy b. Frequent and prolonged economic depressions c. Higher prices d. A more equitable distribution of wealth e. The introduction of socialism


Plessy v. Ferguson a. Was a unanimous decision b. Sanctioned racial segregation c. Voided the thirteenth amendment d. Limited the hours that women could legally work e. Was fully supported by Booker T Washington

Individual emancipation, rationality, methodology, belief in progress

Progressive philosophy encompasses 4 defining attributes. What are they?


Race riots like the Wilmington Race Riot became tools of violence that whites used to regain control of government and establish white supremacy. a. True b. False


Rape and the protection of white women was often used as a pretext to lynch African Americans. a. True b. False


The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882: a. Led to an increase in civil rights for Chinese people and Chinese-Americans living in the United States b. Only barred immigration of Chinese women c. Led to the deportation of the 105,000 Chinese people living in the United States in 1882 d. Led to a decrease in discrimination and violence against the Chinese e. Was the first time race was used to exclude an entire group of people from entering the United States


The Fusionist movement was a coalition between: a. Democrats and republicans b. Republicans and populists c. Liberal republicans and the greenbackers


The Platt Amendment: a. Recognized Cuban autonomy b. Granted independence to Puerto Rico c. Limited the US presence in the Philippines d. Authorized the United States to intervene military in Cuba e. Declared Cuba a colony of the United States


The Populists united black and white farmers on a common political and economic program. a. True b. False

New Nationalism

The Progressive Party's philosophy was called _________.


The Roosevelt Corollary contributed to chronic unrest in Latin America. a. True b. False

Conservation of natural resources

The Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal focused on consumer safety, the regulation of corporations, and __________.


The gain access to land for a canal, Teddy Roosevelt created the conditions for an independence movement in which country? a. Bolivia b. Nicaragua c. Columbia d. Honduras

The Gold Standard

The number one concern of most farmers and workers at the end of the 19th century was ________ because it meant higher interest rates and fewer dollars to led.


Through a network of women's clubs, temperance associations, and social reform organizations, women exerted a growing influence on public affairs. a. True b. False


W.E.B. DuBois was a founder of ________. a. The Urban League b. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People c. The Anti-Lynching Association d. The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters

Progressive or Bull Moose

When Theodore Roosevelt failed to win the Republican nomination for president in 1912, he ran as the _________ Party candidate.


Which of the following was a "muckraker"? a. John D Rockefeller b. Henry Ford c. Theodore Roosevelt d. Upton Sinclair e. Samuel Gompers


Which statement about the Haymarket Affair is FALSE? a. The Knights of Labor were directly responsible for the violence that took place at Haymarket b. Employers took the opportunity to paint the labor movement as a dangerous and un-American force prone to violence and controlled by foreign-born radials c. Seven of the eight men accused of plotting the Haymarket bombing were foreign born. d. Laborers were gathered at Haymarket Square to demonstrate for an eight-hour day.


Whose diplomatic policy was embodied by the motto, "Speak Softy and Carry a Big Stick"? a. William McKinley b. Theodore Roosevelt c. William Howard Taft d. Woodrow Wilson


William Howard Taft was a Progressive Republican who believed in a less activist government. a. True b. False


Woodrow Wilson sent military forces into Guatemala to capture revolutionary Francisco "Pancho" Villa a. True b. False

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