Us history multiple choice

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"Europe has a set of primary interests Which she was having none or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary changes of her politics or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or antagonisms" according to the passage, President Washington believe that the United States should A. Avoid involvement in the political disputes of Europe B.Seek financial aid from European nations


"I know too that it is a rule with us and I think it a wise one, not to entangle ourselves with the affairs of Europe" -Thomas Jefferson Which document most clearly reflects the advice given in the statement A. Washington's farewell address B. bill of rights


A major criticism of the electoral college is that it A. Allows the president to be elected without a majority of the popular vote B.Limit the influence of the two party political system


A major reason for purchasing the Louisiana territory was to A. Secure control of the port of New Orleans B. open the Rocky Mountains to miners


A primary goal of the Monroe doctrine was to A. Prevent the European intervention in Latin America B. protect the site of a canal across central America


A strict interpretation versus a loose interputation of the constitution was most evident in the debate over there A.Creation of the bank of the United States in 1791 B. Issue of the Monroe doctrine in 1823


Alexander Hamilton urged Congress to pass a protective tariff to encourage the growth of A. Manufacturing B.Slavery


Alexander Hamilton's argument that the government has the power to create a national bank is based on which part of the constitution A. The elastic clause B. The bill of rights


Alexander Hamilton's proposal to create a national bank and Thomas Jefferson's proposal to purchase the Louisiana territory were criticized because both actions would A. Require a loose interpretation of the Constitution B. Violate protections in the bill of rights


An example of a primary source of information about the war of 1812 would Be A. Battle plan for the attack on Fort McHenry B. Text book passage on the Naval engagements of the war


During the presidency of Andrew Jackson, the spoils system resulted in A. Elected officials rewarding their supporters with government jobs B. Federal laws being nullified by the state


George Washington pursued a foreign policy of neutrality during his administration primarily because he believes that A. United States needed time to gain economic and military strength B. United States should not expand by force


How did Alexander Hamiltons financial plan affect the economy of the United States during the 1790s? A. The newly created bank of the US helped stabilize the economy B. High tariffs increased foreign trade


In 1830 Congress passed the Indian removal act in which Andrew Jackson A. Did not feel that the natives could be civilized B. was against individual ownership of land


In Washington's reaction to the whiskey rebellion, he demonstrated A.That the national government would not allow violent resistance to the laws it enacted B.The national governments ability to except criticism


In his farewell address, President George Washington warned against establishing alliances with European countries because he was concerned primarily about A. United States involvement in foreign wars B. Restrictions on trade with latin America


Most tariffs in the 19th century were intended to A. Raise revenue and protect domestic manufacturing B. Limit American exports


On the issue of creating a national bank, secretary of state Thomas Jefferson and secretary of the treasury Alexander Hamilton differed on whether to A. Apply a strict or loose interpretation of the Constitution B. Issue loans to farmers


One factor that led to the formation of the first two political parties in the United States in the 1790s was the conflict over A. Distribution of power between the federal and state governments B. Spread of slavery into the western territories


One goal of Alexander Hamilton's financial plan was to establish a A. National Bank B. stock exchange


One reason James Madison and Thomas Jefferson objected to Alexander Hamilton's financial policies was that they believed A. The Stabley Schmidt of a national bank was unconstitutional B. the government should encourage industrial development


One result of the purchase of the Louisiana territory was that the United States A. Gained control of the port of New Orleans B. Acquired California from Spain


President Andrew Jackson used the spoil system to A. Provide jobs to political party supporters B. veto bills he disliked


President Andrew Jackson's policy toward native Americans was created to A. Force native American Indians to move west of the Mississippi River B. Grant citizenship to native American Indians


President George Washington pursued a foreign policy of neutrality because A.The United States needed time to gain economic and military strength B.The United States should not expand by force


Prior to 1850, what was the main reason the north developed an economy increasingly based on manufacturing while the south continue to rely on an economy based on agriculture A. Geographic conditions supported different types of economic activity B. Slavery in the north promoted rapid economic growth


The Cherokees were supported in their own successful battle against removal by the A. Supreme court B.congress


The Indian removal act was passed because the Indians were A. Occupying the lands wanted by white settlers B. a menace to white sellers


The Louisiana purchase initially Presented a dilemma for President Thomas Jefferson because he believed it would A. Violate his strict constructionist view of the constitution B. Bankruptcy for the new nation


The Louisiana purchase was a foreign policy success for the United States primarily because it A. Ended French control of the Mississippi River B. Ended British occupation of Forts on American soil


The Monroe doctrine established the United States foreign-policy that A. Opposed the creation of new colonies in Latin America B. Lead directly to the civil war


The Monroe doctrine was issued primarily because President James Monroe A. Wanted to warn European powers against intervention in Latin America B. Needed to establish a foothold in Panama for a future canal


The difference between Jackson's Indian policy in those of previous president was that Jackson A. Demanded a much speedier in the row removal of all eastern tribes to reservations located west of the Mississippi River B. Want to relocate the Indians to the land west of the Mississippi


The main purpose of the Monroe doctrine was to A. Limit European influence in the Americas B. establish full control over Canada


The war of 1812 has been called the second war for American independence primarily because the A. British government had never fully respect to the United States as a free nation B. United States continue to resist taxes imposed by great Britain


Thomas Jefferson opposed Alexander Hamiltons plan to create a national bank primarily because the plan would A.Depend on a loose interpretation of the Constitution B. Increase the national debt


Which geographic area was added to the United States by the Louisiana purchase A. Great plains B. Columbia River valley


The Indian removal act of 1830: A. Called for the relocation of all eastern tribes across the Mississippi River B. Lead to a mass movement of native Americans that was called the trail of tears C. Lead to the movement of the 5 civilized tribes D. All of the above


This French diplomat caused an uproar by making efforts to recruit Americans for the war effort against Great Britain

Edmund great

What does the cartoon of Jackson show

He's shown as a king as he's above the constitution and vetoed the most. He was too powerful and did whatever he wanted

What were negative's of Jackson's presidency

Invasion of Florida without permission Destroys financial bank by making the paper money worthless Put unqualified people in the government trail of tears

What are the positives of Andrew Jackson's presidency

Most white people could vote now Allowed more people to have experience in the government the voice of the common people Avoided the crisis against South Carolina Became a symbol for a national unity over sectional interests

What do the two cartoons have in common

Poor treatment of Native Americans in the Jackson era

this american diplomat negotiated a treaty in which Spain agreed to give up all claims to land east of the Mississippi and north of florida

Thomas pickney

these laws were intended to counter what the federalist perceived as a growing threat to the peace and safety of the Us

Virginia and Kentucky resolutions

this event angered americans and led to an undeclared naval war with france

XYZ Affair

Whiskey Rebellion was caused by the Pennsylvania farmers dissatisfaction with the federal governments a. tax on whiskey b. use of the military


an example of the unwritten Constitution is the a. selection of a cabinet by the president b. number of senators from each state


believed in a strong centeral government led by a prosperous, educated elite upper class citizens a. Hamilton b. jefferson


distrusted a strong centeral government and the rich a. Jefferson b. Hamilton


opposition to hamiltons economic plan came from a. republicans b. federalist


the constitutionality of the creation of a national bank a. was allowed by the necessary and proper clause according to Hamilton b. was argued by jefferson; supporting its creation


the events surrounding the whiskey rebellion were important because a. the government proved that it could enforce the laws it made b. farmers learned that they were exempt from taxes


the view of the Constitution favored by Hamilton was a. loose b. strict


the view of the Constitution favored by jefferson was a. strict b. loose


what were two key precedents established by Washington during his presidency a. foreign policy of neutrality and use of cabinet b. aid to farmers and end to the slave trade


outraged republicans called these laws a clear violation of freedom of speech under the 1st amendment

alien and sedition

southern states resented assumption of state debts by the federal government because a. they thought that they would be taxed to help pay the debts incurred by the north b. some southern states already paid off most their debts c. they didnt want to assume the debts of northern states d. all of the above


to raise revenue, Hamilton proposed a. excise tax on goods such as whiskey b. protective tariffs c. placing tax on imported goods d. all of the above


This American diplomat negotiated a treaty in which Britain agreed to evacuate its posts in the Northwest Territory.

john jay

this is the official attitude the US took in repsinse to the war between France and Britain, despite its 1778 treaty with France


this states that states have the right to consider void any act of congress they deem unconstitutional


this attitude shows the division in the US and the attitude of the US in 1796


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