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As a result of Japan's show of strength in the Russo-Japanese War:

Americans began to doubt the security of the Philippines.

Josiah Strong and John Fiske justified American imperialism by stressing

Anglo-Saxon superiority.

Of the four presidential candidates in 1912, the one most likely to advocate government ownership of big business was:

Eugene Debs.

By 1920, both Puerto Rico and the Philippines had gained complete independence from the United States.


Cuba was France's oldest colony in the Americas.


In 1887, the United States bought Alaska from Britain for $7.2 million.


In an act of terrorism, Spaniards in Cuba blew up the battleship Maine.


Progressives generally believed government should not interfere with big business.


The Open Door policy described America's approach to Cuba after 1900.


The United States purchased Alaska from Great Britain.


Theodore Roosevelt fought in Cuba as a commissioned officer in the regular U.S. Army.


Theodore Roosevelt led troops into battle in the Philippines.


William H. Taft achieved the most significant tariff reduction of any progressive president.


Woodrow Wilson was elected president in 1908.

False (1913)

The commission plan of city government was first adopted in:

Galveston, Texas.

Why did Wilson travel around the country giving speeches in 1919?

He wanted to drum up support for his version of the war treaty.

What is "yellow journalism"?

It refers to sensationalist news coverage that was designed to sell papers and manipulate public opinion.

Which of the following pairs consists of two countries that were NOT members of the Triple Entente?

Italy and Austria-Hungary

Who wrote articles for the best-selling McClure's magazine?

Lincoln Steffens

All of the following were locations of campaigns during the Spanish-American War EXCEPT:


An early and major American victory in the Spanish-American War occurred at

Manila Bay.

The major forces behind the social gospel movement were:

Protestants and Catholics

"Seward's folly" involved

Purchase of Alaska

Who once said that warfare was the best way to promote "the clear instinct for race selfishness"?


The Treaty of Portsmouth resulted from American intervention in the

Russo-Japanese War.

In the 1890s, anti-imperialists included

Samuel Gompers, Andrew Carnegie, and William James.

Who was president when the United States acquired the right to build a canal across Panama?

Theodore Roosevelt

Big-Stick diplomacy refers to

Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy

Alfred Thayer Mahan was a leading advocate of American sea power and imperialism.


At the beginning of the Cuban War for Independence, Grover Cleveland tried to protect American businesses while avoiding direct military involvement.


During World War I, popular prejudice associated anything German with disloyalty.


Emilio Aguinaldo at first aided George Dewey against the Spanish in the Philippines.


Even before the Spanish-American War, the Cubans traded more with the United States than with Spain.


In the Spanish-American War, Commodore George Dewey won a major victory against Spain in the Philippines.


In the Spanish-American War, more American armed forces personnel died from disease than in combat.


Many immigrant groups in the United States supported the Central Powers in the European war.


Many of the most prominent progressives endorsed Roosevelt's bid to be the first president representing a third party, the "Bull Moose" Progressive party.


The Hawaiian revolution was encouraged by American planters for economic reasons.


The Republican candidate for president in 1916 was Charles Evans Hughes.


The Teller Amendment denied interest in annexing Cuba.


The United States built the Panama Canal on land that had previously belonged to Colombia.


The popular election of senators required a constitutional amendment.


The purchase of Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million proved to be a huge bargain.


Theodore Roosevelt helped lead the Rough Riders in the Cuban campaign of the Spanish-American War.


Under the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, the United States assumed the right to intervene in Latin America.


Woodrow Wilson was a minister's son who grew up in the South.


The most important of all the mobilization agencies was the:

War Industries Board.

What was the major cause of the Chicago riot in 1919?

Whites were angered by the influx of southern blacks into their communities.

During the 1912 presidential campaign, who said, "There are so many people in the country who don't like me"?

William H. Taft

Who became chief justice of the Supreme Court after serving as president?

William Howard Taft

The Spanish-American War occurred during the presidency of

William McKinley.

Theodore Roosevelt became president as a result of the death of

William McKinley.

When news of the European war first reached the United States:

Wilson sought to ensure that the United States could provide Great Britain and France as much financial assistance and supplies as possible.

The event that triggered World War I in Europe was:

a Serb's assassination of the Austrian archduke.

President McKinley called the Hawaiian Islands:

a place "we need."

The United States entered the war with Spain largely because of

a public aroused by the yellow press.

The latest evidence suggests the sinking of the Maine was caused by

an accidental explosion and fire on the ship.

Alfred Thayer Mahan:

argued that sea power was essential to national greatness.

The Seventeenth Amendment:

authorized the popular election of U.S. senators.

"Yellow journalism" was the term applied to the popular newspapers that

carried sensational stories about events in Cuba.

Woodrow Wilson was:

college president

The Red Scare of 1919-1920 was directed against:


Put the following events in the correct chronological order.

de Lôme letter, sinking of the Maine, Teller Amendment, battles around Santiago

The Teller Amendment:

disavowed any American designs on Cuban territory.

As a result of the Spanish-American War, the United States:

emerged as an imperial power.

During the early twentieth century, the nation's century-long isolation from European conflicts:


The Adamson Act of 1916:

established an 8-hour work day in railroads for workers

The battleship Maine:

exploded in Havana Harbor and fueled calls for war with Spain.

In negotiating with the Big Four over many postwar territorial issues, President Wilson:

had to compromise his principle of self-determination.

The Philippine-American War became known for:

its brutality and the atrocities committed by both sides

Despite the fact that the Great War generated many changes in female employment, these changes were:

limited and brief.

The Underwood-Simmons Tariff:

lowered the average tariff and hence was supported by Wilson.

By the end of the Spanish-American War:

more American soldiers died from disease than battle

Between 1914 and 1918, World War I was directly responsible for the deaths of:

more than 20 million military personnel and civilians.

For all of his accomplishments and abilities, Woodrow Wilson had:

no experience or expertise in international relations before he was elected president.

Queen Liliuokalani:

opposed the Americanization of Hawaii.

The Platt Amendment

placed restrictions on the Cuban government's independence.

Both government and industry recruited women to work in:

port cities' loading docks and on railway crews.

Jane Addams, founder of the settlement house movement, stated:

progressive reformers reflected their "yearning sense of justice and compassion."

The National Defense Act of 1916:

provided for the expansion of the U.S. Army.

Which of the following best describes the method used by most progressives to solve the problem of economic power and its abuses?

regulate big business

Roosevelt's "Gentlemen's Agreement":

stopped the flow of Japanese immigrants to America.

A major factor in Woodrow Wilson's victory in the 1912 presidential campaign was the fact that:

the Republican party had split in two.

When the United States and Colombia could not agree on a price for the Canal Zone:

the United States lent support to a separatist rebellion in the Colombian province of Panama.

The first place in the United States to extend equal voting to women was:

the Wyoming Territory.

Albert J. Beveridge, Henry Cabot Lodge, and Theodore Roosevelt agreed on

the benefits of obtaining overseas possessions.

Western imperialism in the late nineteenth century was stimulated by all of the following EXCEPT:

the fear that Bolshevik ideas might advance around the globe

A major reason that the United States annexed the Philippines despite anti-imperialist opposition in the United States was because:

the islands were located very close to China and China's potential markets.

One reason the United States went to war against Spain was that:

there was strong support among the American people for going to war.

The Zimmerman telegram:

urged the Mexican government to invade the United States.

In the area of conservation, Theodore Roosevelt:

used the Forest Reserve Act to protect over 170 million acres of forest.

John Fiske:

was a historian and lecturer who stressed the superior character of Anglo-Saxon peoples and institutions.

Frederick W. Taylor:

was an efficiency expert.

The construction of the Panama Canal

was controversial with the United States.

The Food Administration:

was intended to increase agricultural production while reducing civilian food consumption.

The Treaty of Versailles:

was not agreeable to the Germans.

Emilio Aguinaldo:

was the Filipino rebel leader.

During the presidential election of 1912, William Howard Taft:

was the Republican candidate

President Taft's domestic policies generated a storm of controversy:

within his own party

At the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in 1911:

workers died as a result of a fire.

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