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Which letter on this map marks the Louisiana Purchase? A) B) C) D)

A) Letter "A" marks the area that the U.S. received from France in the Louisiana Purchase. Its purchase doubled the U.S.'s size, and was made possible when France needed to sell the area following the revolution in its home country and a slave rebellion in Haiti.

Which letter on the map is CLOSEST to the area which the U.S. acquired in 1853, effectively completing its Manifest Destiny? A) A B) B C) C D) D

A) A Letter A represents the general area of the Gadsden Purchase. This area, which is now part of southern Arizona and New Mexico, was acquired in 1853 and represented the last significant American land claim in what is considered the "mainland" United States.

The cotton gin, new farmlands in the west, and the demand for cotton in northern and European textile factories led to A) An increase in demand for slaves in the years leading up to the Civil War. B) A decrease in demand for slaves in the years leading up to the Civil War. C) The development of an industrialized southern economy. D) The Missouri Compromise and the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

A) An increase in demand for slaves in the years leading up to the Civil War. The cotton gin, new farmlands in the west, and the demand for cotton in northern and European textile factories led to an increase in demand for slaves in the years leading up to the Civil War. As a result, the South became even more dependent on plantations and slavery, making plantation agriculture the largest sector of the Southern economy.

"This emigration should be voluntary, for it would be as cruel as unjust to compel the aborigines to abandon the graves of their fathers and seek a home in a distant land. But they should be distinctly informed that if they remain within the limits of the States they must be subject to their laws. In return for their obedience as individuals they will without doubt be protected in the enjoyment of those possessions which they have improved by their industry." - 1829 Which president was speaking about Indian removal in this inaugural address? A) Andrew Jackson B) James Buchanan C) Thomas Jefferson D) Martin van Buren

A) Andrew Jackson In his inaugural address from 1829, Andrew Jackson discussed the subject of Indian removal. Jackson's treatment of the Indians would become the most controversial aspect of his terms as U.S. president.

"And that claim is by the right of our manifest destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and federated self-government entrusted to us." --John L. O'Sullivan, New York Morning News, 1845. O'Sullivan argued that American expansion and imperialism was justified because? A) Gaining new territory would allow democracy to spread throughout the continent. B) America needed to seize territory to prevent future conflicts with foreign powers. C) It would help lessen the tensions between white settlers and the Native Americans. D) The vast number of new immigrants entering the country necessitated such expansion.

A) Gaining new territory would allow democracy to spread throughout the continent. When John L. O'Sullivan spoke of "Manifest Destiny", he justified American expansion and imperialism by pointing out that gaining new territory would allow democracy to spread throughout the continent. He first used the phrase in support of America's annexation of Texas and Oregon.

Which is TRUE about the Monroe Doctrine? A) It gave Europe the message that the Western Hemisphere was no longer open for colonization. B) It called for an embargo of any European nation competing for colonies in Africa and Southeast Asia. C) It led to a government policy of non-intervention and non-interference in the domestic affairs of Latin America. D) It called for immediate military intervention in any Latin American country experiencing unrest or political instability.

A) It gave Europe the message that the Western Hemisphere was no longer open for colonization. The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 gave Europe the message that the Western Hemisphere was no longer open for colonization. It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land in South America would be viewed as acts of aggression, requiring U.S. intervention.

· The Second Bank of the United States expires · Expansion of Suffrage · Manifest Destiny · Spoils System All of these are MOST associated with which era of U.S. History? A) Jacksonian Democracy B) Jeffersonian Democracy C) The Era of Good Feelings D) The Reconstruction Period

A) Jacksonian Democracy All of the issues in the prompt deal with the era of Jacksonian Democracy, named after President Andrew "Old Hickory" Jackson. During this part of the early 19th century, the 2nd Bank of the U.S. was allowed to expire (Pres. Jackson thought it was unconstitutional), more people were allowed to vote (no more property requirements), the U.S. increased its territorial acquisitions (Manifest Destiny), and more people got involved in government based on their support of winning politicians ("Spoils System").

Whose message to Congress on May 11, 1846, stated that "Mexico has passed the boundary of the United States, has invaded our territory and shed American blood upon American soil"? A) President James K. Polk B) President Andrew Jackson C) President John Quincy Adams D) President Theodore Roosevelt

A) President James K. Polk When James K. Polk spoke before Congress on May 11, 1846, he was asking Congress to declare war on Mexico because of a cavalry attack that killed 11 U.S. soldiers north of the Rio Grande river, which was then the disputed border between the two nations.

Which was NOT an accomplishment under Monroe's presidency? A) The Louisiana Purchase B) The Missouri Compromise C) The "Era of Good Feelings" D) The issuing of the Monroe Doctrine

A) The Louisiana Purchase The Louisiana Purchase was NOT an accomplishment under Monroe's presidency. The Louisiana Purchase was made under President Jefferson. Monroe is responsible for signing the Missouri Compromise, also known as the Compromise of 1820, stating the Monroe Doctrine and ushering in more national unity in his presidency. His presidency is often referred to as the "Era of Good Feelings".

- Manufacturing - Mining -Urban Growth -Increased Immigration In what region were these factors prevalent in the years leading up to the Civil War? A) The North B) The South C) The Frontier D) The Great Plains

A) The North In the years leading up to the Civil War, the economy of the North was characterized by manufacturing, mining, urban growth, and increased immigration. The Southern economy, on the other hand, was characterized by agriculture, the plantation system, and slave labor.

Which president initiated conflict with both Great Britain AND Mexico, successfully negotiating treaties with both? A) John Tyler B) James K. Polk C) Zachary Taylor D) William Henry Harrison

B) James K. Polk James K. Polk initiated conflict with both Mexico and Great Britain. With the British, he argued for territorial gains in the northwest and with Mexico he successfully fought a war gaining the Mexican Cession.

The relative absence of enterprises engaged in manufacturing and finance prior to the Civil War in the Southern states is MOST LIKELY due to? A) The dependence on cotton farming in the South. B) The lack of cities with high populations in the South. C) The South's refusal to use technology developed in the Industrial Revolution. D) The South's inability to raise financial capital to engage in manufacturing activities.

A) The dependence on cotton farming in the South. The relative absence of enterprises engaged in manufacturing and finance prior to the Civil War in the Southern states is MOST LIKELY due to the dependence on cotton farming in the South. The invention of Whitney's cotton gin increased the South's dependency on cotton farming, and wealth flowed into the hands of the elite.

According to this map, the Oregon territory? A) Was acquired from Britain. B) Remained in foreign control. C) Was purchased because of the Mexican War. D) Was part of the Texas Annexation of 1846.

A) Was acquired from Britain. The legend in the bottom left of the map shows the answer to this question: the Oregon territory was acquired from Britain.. The treaty that gave this to the U.S. was negotiated 2 years prior to the Mexican War, which had no effect on Oregon. All of these demonstrate the country's "Manifest Destiny" to settle the entire continent.

- Protective tariff - Creation of a National Bank - Profitable home markets and strong economy - Construct better roads and canals What is being described? A) War of 1812 B) American System C) Election of 1824 D) Federal Reserve System

B) American System The American System is the correct description. Henry Clay developed a plan for profitable home markets called the American System in 1824. The American System created a protective tariff to American Markets and the call for a national bank. It also used the tariff to build road and canal for better transportation.

Which of these would have been MOST likely to take the Oregon Trail? A) Native Americans migrating from the east B) Americans trying to settle on the west coast C) People riding on the Transcontinental Railroads D) Escaped slaves trying to reach freedom in the North

B) Americans trying to settle on the west coast. The Oregon Trail operated during most of the 19th century, though it saw its greatest use in the middle of the century. This was primarily used by Americans trying to settle on the west coast in the days before the relative ease of the Transcontinental Railroad. This was part of the nation's "Manifest Destiny," the philosophy that guided the expansion of the country.

Manifest Destiny advanced the belief that? A) New territory would lead to more slavery. B) God was on the side of American expansion. C) Slavery should be abolished in the United States. D) The Democratic Party would elect the next President.

B) God was on the side of American expansion. Manifest Destiny advanced the belief that God was on the side of American expansion. This was used to justify the westward growth of the United States and the destruction of Native American cultures.

Andrew Jackson appealed to many "common" Americans in the early 19th century because A) He represented the aristocratic ideal they wished to attain. B) He had once been poor and was distrustful of elite politicians. C) People wanted a President who was neither Democrat nor Republican. D) Industrialists believed his economic plan would boost American businesses.

B) He had once been poor and was distrustful of elite politicians. Andrew Jackson appealed to many "common" Americans in the early 19th century because he had once been poor and was distrustful of elite politicians.

One lasting political impact of the Mexican-American War was A) The dramatic increase in taxes in order to pay for the war. B) Increased tension between northern and southern states in the U.S. C) Slavery becoming legal in new western territories entering the U.S. D) A loss of American lands to the Mexican government in modern New Mexico.

B) Increased tension between northern and southern states in the U.S. One lasting political impact of the Mexican-American War was increased tension between northern and southern states. Growing sectionalism between pro-slavery and anti-slavery states created tension over whether or not new states to the Union should legalize slavery.

Which best describes the main purpose of the Monroe Doctrine? A) It established the border between the U.S. and Canada after the war of 1812. B) It served as a warning to European nations to not try and re-colonize Latin America because the U.S. would intervene. C) It stated that the U.S. would not support the revolution efforts of Latin American countries against Spain or Great Britain. D) It stated that the U.S. had a right to seize Florida from Spain because of the Native American attacks along the Florida/Georgia border.

B) It served as a warning to European nations to not try and re-colonize Latin America because the U.S. would intervene. The best description of the main purpose of the Monroe Doctrine was that it served as a warning to European nations to not try and re-colonize Latin America because the U.S. would intervene. Many see this as the U.S. asserting more influence on Latin America and acting as a protectorate of the Western hemisphere.

During which era did the "common man" make the most gains toward achieving the "American Dream" of individual rights, equal protection under the law, and due process? A) The Federalist Era B) Jacksonian Democracy C) Jeffersonian Democracy D) The Era of Good Feelings

B) Jacksonian Democracy Although Andrew Jackson has been criticized for his support of slavery and his role in Indian Removal, he is also well-known for opposing the aristocracy and protecting popular democracy and individual liberties for American citizens. Therefore, Jacksonian Democracy is the era most closely associated with the "common man" making progress toward achieving the "American Dream."

Whose Presidency was MOST concerned with fulfilling the country's Manifest Destiny? A) John Adams B) James K. Polk C) Andrew Johnson D) Abraham Lincoln

B) James K. Polk James K. Polk is closely associated with Manifest Destiny. During his presidency the United States added the Oregon Territory (which also included what would become Washington, Oregon, and Idaho) and most of the American southwest (from the Mexican War).

The main idea behind the settling of western lands by Americans in the early-1800's was known as? A) Women's Suffrage. B) Manifest Destiny. C) The Industrial Age. D) The Abolition Movement

B) Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny was the driving idea behind the push to settle all of what is now the continental United States. The term, coined by John O'Sullivan in 1939, represented the belief that God had preordained the U.S. to settle the whole continent and spread its influence and culture there.

The policy of the US government toward the Indians in the period immediately prior to the Civil War was to? A) Drive them out of the country and into Canada. B) Move the Indian population on to reservations. C) Grant citizenship and voting rights to Indians. D) Require the education of Indian children in public schools.

B) Move the Indian population on to reservations. The policy of the US government toward the Indians in the period just prior to the Civil War was to move the Indian population on to reservations. The forced migration of the Cherokee from the American southeast, called "The Trail of Tears," was during this era, in 1831.

Henry Clay's "American System" included federal subsidies for projects such as the Erie Canal and National Road in order to bind which sections of the country together? A) North and the South B) North and the Midwest C) Midwest and the South D) North and the Mississippi River Valley

B) North and the Midwest Henry Clay's American system included federal subsidies for projects such as the Erie Canal and National road in order to bind the North and the West together. He wanted to create a more unified national economy.

James K. Polk initiated a war with Mexico in order to? A) Win independence for Texas. B) Obtain the California territory. C) Add a new slave state to the Union. D) Gain access to the Mississippi River.

B) Obtain the California territory. Polk had already offered $30 million dollars to the Mexican government to obtain the California territory, but had been refused, so initiated a war with Mexico in order to obtain California.

In the early 1800's, many people in the United States migrated westwards because? A) Of the growing timber industry. B) Of the availability of farmland. C) Transportation was easy thanks to the Transcontinental Railroad. D) They wanted to escape slavery, which was illegal in western territories.

B) Of the availability of farmland. Though the journey west was dangerous and long, many people went. Farmland in the east was scarce an expensive: relatively few people owned most of it. The lure of the availability of farmland out west was attractive to a still predominantly agrarian population. The settling of western lands was part of the U.S.'s "Manifest Destiny."

In the early 19th century, the area in brown (1) was known as the? A) Gadsden Purchase. B) Oregon Territory. C) Louisiana Purchase. D) Northwest Ordinance

B) Oregon Territory. Area "1" in brown above was known as the Oregon Territory. It was first organized by the U.S. in 1848. The Gadsden Purchase was located far to the south, along the southern border of Arizona & New Mexico.

In what region of antebellum America would a scene like this MOST likely have been found? A) The West B) The North C) The South D) The Great Plains

B) The North This image shows new technology and transportation methods (the telegraph, the locomotive, and the steamboat) which were characteristic of the North in the years leading up to the Civil War. The Northern states were the epicenter of America's "industrial revolution" of the early 1800's. The South remained primarily agricultural during this era; and the locomotive and telegraph would have a significant impact on the West and the Great Plains after the Civil War.

- Agriculture -Plantation System -Slave Labor In what region were these factors prevalent in the years leading up to the Civil War? A) The North B) The South C) The Frontier D) The Great Plains

B) The South In the years leading up to the Civil War, the economy of the South was characterized by agriculture, the plantation system, and slave labor. The Northern economy, on the other hand, was characterized by manufacturing, mining, urban growth, and increased immigration.

The red path on the map from Tennessee to Oklahoma is most likely showing what aspect of American history? A) The Erie Canal B) The Trail of Tears. C) Transcontinental Railroad. D) 'Sherman's March' during the Civil War.

B) The Trail of Tears. The Trail of Tears saw many Native Americans (Creek, Cherokee, Chickasaw, and many others) forcibly removed from their homeland in Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Alabama and placed on reservations in Oklahoma. That is what this map is showing. The Transcontinental Railroad would start in Missouri and head to California.

Two of the MOST important effects of the American victory in the War with Mexico were? A) The acquisition of Texas and Arizona. B) The acquisition of California and New Mexico. C) The death of General Santa Anna and the Mexican defeat at the Alamo in Texas. D) The end of guerrilla attacks on Texas settlers and the removal of Mexican settlers there.

B) The acquisition of California and New Mexico. In the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848, the United States was awarded California and New Mexico from the Mexican government. In addition, the Rio Grande became the boundary between Texas and Mexico, and Mexico never again claimed ownership of Texas.

Which technological development led to an increased demand for slaves in the United States during the early- to mid-1800's? A) The steel plow B) The cotton gin C) The mechanical reaper D) The combine harvester

B) The cotton gin The technological breakthrough that led to an increased demand for slaves in the early to mid 1800's was the cotton gin. Since the gin quickly and easily separated the cotton fibers from the seeds, plantation owners were able to increase their rate of production which resulted in greater demand for slaves to work in the fields.

The people who traveled on the majority of the trails seen here were PRIMARILY? A) Seeking gold. B) Seeking religious freedoms. C) Seeking new lands at low prices. D) Indians removed from reservations.

C) Seeking new lands at low prices. The trail seen above was primarily used by those seeking new lands at low prices. While people towards the west did occasionally find gold, that was not the primary purpose of these trails.

"Jacksonian Democracy" is associated with which of these characteristics? A) Suffrage for all people in the United States B) Voting rights extended to all adult, white males C) A nation governed by upper and middle class educated property owners D) Laws promising full political equality regardless of race, sex, or wealth

B) Voting rights extended to all adult, white males. Of these choices, "Jacksonian Democracy" is associated with voting rights extended to all adult white males. This is not the American ideal, but it did, for the first time, mean that one did not need to own property to be able to vote. It was a start toward universal suffrage.

Which area on the map was purchased from France in 1803? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

C) 3 Area 3 was the Louisiana Territory. Jefferson negotiated it purchase, doubling the size of the country.

Which event is the BEST example of a conflict over states' rights? A) Trail of Tears B) The War of 1812 C) Nullification Crisis D) Election of Andrew Jackson

C) Nullification Crisis From the choices provided, the Nullification Crisis is the best example of a conflict over states' rights. Southerners were impacted negatively by the protective tariffs while the North benefited economically. John C. Calhoun's nullification theory questioned the legality of applying some federal laws in sovereign states. South Carolina nullified the tariff and threatened to secede from the Union.

How did protective tariffs benefit American manufacturers in the early-1800s? A) Southerners and Northerners were both getting equally richer. B) U.S. manufacturers could not compete with British manufacturers. C) American-made goods were less expensive than similar imported goods. D) Chinese-made goods were much more expensive than similar imported goods.

C) American-made goods were less expensive than similar imported goods. One way that the protective tariffs benefited American manufacturers was that domestic sales increased since American-made goods were less expensive than similar imported goods. However, the American-made goods were more expensive than they would had been if no tariffs were in place. The Southerners felt they had to pay more than necessary for Northern goods and that the North was getting rich at their expense.

Which answer BEST completes the diagram? A) Results of the Civil War B) Causes of the German Migration C) Components of the American System D) Features of the Kansas-Nebraska Act

C) Components of the American System Protectionist tariffs, a national bank, and road construction were components of the American System. The American System was an economic plan introduced by Senator Henry Clay in order to help improve the young nation's economy. Clay believed that protecting Northern manufacturing businesses would protect the United States against the economic might of the British.

Historically, the map shown is relevant because it shows? A) The effect of the "Northwest Ordinance." B) Trails used in the relocation of Native Americans. C) How the United States completed its "Manifest Destiny." D) The migration of people out of the California territory.

C) How the United States completed its "Manifest Destiny." This map helps show how the United States completed its 'Manifest Destiny'. The various trails out west helped to make that belief come true.

How did the Missouri Compromise deal with the issue of slavery? A) It required all territories to abolish slavery before becoming states. B) It made the Mississippi River the dividing line between slave states and free states. C) It prohibited slavery in most of the former Louisiana Territory except for Missouri. D) It stated that all future states would be required to be slave states except for Missouri.

C) It prohibited slavery in most of the former Louisiana Territory except for Missouri. The Missouri Compromise (1820) prohibited slavery in most of the former Louisiana Territory except for Missouri. Specifically, it prohibited slavery above 36°30'N. This was meant to prevent slavery from being an issue as new states was added, but this would not be the case.

Of these land acquisitions, which one doubled the size of the United States? A) Oregon Territory B) Gadsden Purchase C) Louisiana Purchase D) Land Ordinance of 1787

C) Louisiana Purchase When the United States made the Louisiana Purchase it doubled in size. This western US purchase from France included land from Louisiana to Idaho.

-American Progress, John Gast, 1872 This painting BEST relates what social philosophy? A) Gilded Age B) Great Awakening C) Manifest Destiny D) Women's Suffrage

C) Manifest Destiny This painting is a graphic representation of the philosophy of Manifest Destiny. The belief that the American people were preordained by God to spread civilization across North America is represented by "Columbia" taking literacy (the book) and communication (the telegraph wire) into the frontier. Behind her are great cities and railroads, while in front of her open spaces and Native Americans on horseback.

"Our policy in regard to Europe... remains the same, which is, not to interfere in the internal concerns of any of its powers;... to cultivate friendly relations with it, and to preserve those relations by a frank, firm, and manly policy.... It is impossible that the allied powers should extend their political system to any portion of either continent without endangering our peace and happiness; nor can anyone believe that our southern brethren, if left to themselves, would adopt it of their own accord.... If we look to the comparative strength and resources of Spain and those new Governments, and their distance from each other, it must be obvious that she can never subdue them. It is still the true policy of the United States to leave the parties to themselves, in hope that other powers will pursue the same course...." President James Monroe, December 2, 1823 Which of these would Monroe MOST LIKELY be referring to with the phrase "our southern brethren?" A) Cuba B) Texas C) Mexico D) Georgia

C) Mexico While the Monroe Doctrine was written with the entire hemisphere in mind, Mexico is the most correct choice here. It had just recently won its independence from Spain, so Monroe was warning European states- mainly Spain- not to try to retake the former colonies. Cuba was still a Spanish colony at the time, and would remain so until 1898.

Which compromise did President Monroe approve that provided balance between slave and non-slave holding states by restricting slavery north of the 36°30" line? A) Great Compromise B) Compromise of 1850 C) Missouri Compromise D) Three Fifths Compromise

C) Missouri Compromise Missouri Compromise is the compromise that President Monroe approved that provided balance between slave and non-slave holding states by restricting slavery north of the 36/30 line. Missouri came in as a slave state and Maine entered the union as a non-slave state which helped the U.S. achieve balance and prevent a possible civil war. States above the 36/30 line would enter as a non-slave state. This compromise held off tensions until the Mexican-American War when a new compromise would have to be drafted.

"I consider the tariff act as the occasion, rather than the real cause of the present unhappy state of things. The truth can no longer be disguised, that the peculiar domestic institution of the Southern States and the consequent direction which that and her soil have given to her industry, has placed them in regard to taxation and appropriations in opposite relation to the majority of the Union, against the danger of which, if there be no protective power in the reserved rights of the states they must in the end be forced to rebel, or, submit to have their paramount interests sacrificed, their domestic institutions subordinated by Colonization and other schemes, and themselves and children reduced to wretchedness." --John C. Calhoun, 1830 Calhoun's opinions regarding the Tariff of 1828 reflect the political philosophy behind the ___ movement. A) Abolitionist B) Anti-Federalist C) Nullification D) Unionist

C) Nullification Calhoun's opinions regarding the Tariff of 1828 reflect the political philosophy behind the Nullification movement of the Antebellum period. Because the tariff was especially harmful to the southern economy, Calhoun urged southern states to "nullify" or ignore the federal law on the grounds that it was unconstitutional.

Which of these caused the United States to grow the most? A) Land won from the Mexican War B) The annexation of Alaska C) The Louisiana Purchase D) The Gadsden Purchase

C) The Louisiana Purchase Though the land won in the Mexican War was vast, the Louisiana Purchase was by far the greatest land deal in the history of the United States, with land being purchase for pennies an acre.

Why was the North able to develop a huge industrial base while the South remained agricultural? A) The North decided to build industry for jobs while the South used slave labor for industrial jobs. B) The North was not able to grow sustaining agricultural crops, as in the South, so they built up industries. C) The North used capital gained from shipping to develop industry while the South used capital to invest in slaves. D) The South attracted immigrants to work on the farms while the North continued to rely shipping and fishing for capital.

C) The North used capital gained from shipping to develop industry while the South used capital to invest in slaves. The North used capital gained from shipping to develop industry while the South used capital to invest in slaves. The North attracted immigrants, especially Germans and Irish, to work in the factories in growing towns and cities while the South continued to rely on slave labor.

Which BEST describes the ways the United States' tariff policies between 1816 and 1860 contributed to the South's secession and the Civil War? A) The United States' tariff policies caused Northern states to become jealous of Southern states' manufacturing power. B) The United States' tariff policies created a positive relationship between the American South and Britain. C) The United States' tariff policies favored Northern manufacturers and harmed Southern farmers. D) The United States' tariff policies made slavery illegal in the Southern states in the Union.

C) The United States' tariff policies favored Northern manufacturers and harmed Southern farmers. South Carolina seceded from the Union following the Nullification Crisis, which occurred because Southerners believed tariff policies benefited Northern manufacturers. Because the United States' tariff policies favored Northern manufacturers and harmed Southern farmers, they directly contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War.

How did the Mexican-American War lead to greater sectionalism within the United States government? A) Tensions rose over cotton and tobacco production in Texas and how these goods would be distributed in the U.S. markets. B) Many Republicans did not support the war with Mexico, creating tension in the House and Senate as James K. Polk promoted the war. C) There was great tension between pro-slavery and anti-slavery representatives over how new territories won would handle the issue of slavery. D) Many American settlers in the West did not support the war because they wanted to be exempt from paying taxes to the United States government.

C) There was great tension between pro-slavery and anti-slavery representatives over how new territories won would handle the issue of slavery. The Mexican-American War led to greater sectionalism within the United States legislature because there was great tension between pro-slavery and anti-slavery representatives over how new territories won would handle the issue of slavery.

What did the Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1850, and "Bleeding Kansas" have in common? A) They were all vetoed by President Abraham Lincoln. B) They helped Abraham Lincoln win the Election of 1860. C) They all dealt with the expansion of slavery into the western territories. D) They were permanent solutions to the conflict between the North and South.

C) They all dealt with the expansion of slavery into the western territories. The Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1850, and "Bleeding Kansas" all dealt with the expansion of slavery into the western territories. Each of them involved the balance of "free" and "slave" states in the Union.

Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton organized a national meeting at Seneca Falls in 1848. The primary purpose of this convention was to organize the? A) Abolition movement. B) Temperance movement. C) Women's suffrage movement. D) Native American assistance movement.

C) Women's suffrage movement. While they did have decidedly anti-slavery opinions, Mott and Stanton were key figures in the women's suffrage movement.. The Seneca Falls Convention was meant to unify the women's movement, and though this was successful it would take roughly another seventy years to accomplish their ultimate goal of women's suffrage.

The Louisiana Purchase of 1803? A) Was a major cause of the Spanish-American War. B) Pushed the Spanish below the Rio Grande in North America. C) Resulted in increased conflict between the U.S. and France. D) Almost doubled the area of the U.S. and gave it control of the Mississippi River.

D) Almost doubled the area of the U.S. and gave it control of the Mississippi River. The Louisiana Purchase almost doubled the area of the US and gave it control of the Mississippi River. It had nothing to do with foreign policy involving the British, the Spanish, or the French.

When Native Americans were forced off of their land and onto the "Trail of Tears," they left territory that was closest to which of these features? A) Rocky Mountains. B) Ozark Mountains. C) Adirondack Mountains. D) Appalachian Mountains.

D) Appalachian Mountains. The origination point of the Trail of Tears (noted in red) is in eastern Tennessee. The ridge of mountains directly to the east of that point represents the Appalachian Mountains.

The Monroe Doctrine can be viewed as a moral opposition to? A) Racism. B) Slavery. C) Communism. D) Colonialism.

D) Colonialism. The Monroe Doctrine pledged the U.S.'s support to help keep the newly independent nations of South America free. Since President Monroe pledged to help defend any country threatened by European power, it can easily be viewed as an opposition to colonialism.

The period of "Jacksonian Democracy" can be characterized by? A) Greater influence of land-owning citizens. B) Elimination of the Spoils System in government. C) A decrease in the power of the Executive Branch. D) Increasing the right to vote in the United States.

D) Increasing the right to vote in the United States. Among many other things, a key element in Jacksonian Democracy was increasing the right to vote in the United States. While this was still limited by gender and race, property ownership was soon dropped as part of voting requirements. The other choices in the list are the exact opposite of Jacksonian Democracy.

What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise? A) It was an attempt to annex new territories from Mexico. B) It was an attempt to abolish slavery in the United States. C) It was passed to force South Carolina to secede from the Union. D) It was an attempt to balance political power between "free" and "slave" states.

D) It was an attempt to balance political power between "free" and "slave" states. The purpose of the Missouri Compromise was to attempt to balance political power between "free" and "slave" states. Passed in 1820, the Compromise admitted Missouri to the Union as a "slave" and Maine as a "free" state, preventing one side from gaining a political advantage over the other in the conflict surrounding slavery and states' rights.

Which is the BEST explanation for why the Northern economy was based on industry during the antebellum period? A) The Tariff of 1832 prohibited the growth of factories in the South and resulted in increased investment in agriculture. B) The geography of the Southern states made it best suited for an economy based on agriculture, the plantation system, and slave labor. C) The economy of the North was more agricultural than industrial; the Southern economy was based on manufacturing and textile production. D) The geography of the north was better suited for factories than for farming, and the region had a steady supply of labor due to the vast number of immigrants drawn to Northern cities.

D) The geography of the north was better suited for factories than for farming, and the region had a steady supply of labor due to the vast number of immigrants drawn to Northern cities. The BEST explanation for why the Northern economy was based on industry during the antebellum period is that the geography of the North was better suited for factories than for farming, and the region had a steady supply of labor due to the vast number of immigrants drawn to northern cities. While answer choice B may be true, it does not explain WHY the North emerged as the center of the nation's industrial output.

Which treaty ended the United States' war with Mexico in 1848? A) Treaty of Paris B) Treaty of Vera Cruz C) Treaty of Versailles D) Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

D) Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848) ended the Mexican-American War. The treaty resulted in the United States getting rights to most of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and California.

"Our policy in regard to Europe... remains the same, which is, not to interfere in the internal concerns of any of its powers; to consider the government de facto as the legitimate government for us; to cultivate friendly relations with it, and to preserve those relations by a frank, firm, and manly policy, meeting in all instances the just claims of every power, submitting to injuries from none. It is impossible that the allied powers should extend their political system to any portion of either continent without endangering our peace and happiness; nor can anyone believe that our southern brethren, if left to themselves, would adopt it of their own accord.... If we look to the comparative strength and resources of Spain and those new Governments, and their distance from each other, it must be obvious that she can never subdue them. It is still the true policy of the United States to leave the parties to themselves, in hope that other powers will pursue the same course. . . ." -President James Monroe, December 2, 1823 Which statement BEST explains the point of this passage by President Monroe? A) The United States will declare war on Spain. B) Mexico will soon be part of the United States. C) The United States would be defeated in a war with Spain. D) Latin America should not be retaken by European countries.

D) Latin America should not be retaken by European countries. Monroe is very gently warning Spain- and everyone else- that Latin America should not be retaken by European countries. He notes that "our southern brethren" -meaning the newly independent countries of Latin America- should be left alone by the powers that lost them, and that the distance between Europe and the Western Hemisphere proves that "it must be obvious that she (Spain) can never subdue them." The Monroe Doctrine set the U.S. as the main power in the hemisphere, and eventually opened to our influence throughout it.

Which segment of the American population would have been MOST supportive of the Tariff of 1828? A) The Freedmen, who were hurt by high rates of unemployment due to the tariff. B) Southerners who were forced to pay higher prices on goods the region did not produce C) Western settlers who saw the threat that the tariff posed to their efforts at industrialization. D) Northerners who would experience increased industrial growth because of a decrease in British imports.

D) Northerners who would experience increased industrial growth because of a decrease in British imports. Because of the Tariff of 1828, the British reduced their imports of cotton from the United States, which hurt the South. The tariff forced the South to buy manufactured goods from U.S. manufacturers, mainly in the North, at a higher price, while southern states also faced a reduced income from sales of raw materials. Thus, the segment of the American population that would have been MOST supportive of the Tariff of 1828 would be Northerners who would experience increased industrial growth because of a decrease in British imports.

Which of these was a result of the Missouri Compromise? A) John Calhoun called for an immediate secession of South Carolina. B) For every free state a slave state would have to be admitted into the Union. C) All new territory including land acquired by the Louisiana Purchase would be determined by popular sovereignty. D) One free state and one slave state would be admitted and the slavery would be abolished North of 36/30 line to preserve the balance.

D) One free state and one slave state would be admitted and the slavery would be abolished North of 36/30 line to preserve the balance. As a result of the Missouri Compromise, one free state and one slave state would be admitted and the slavery would be abolished North of 36/30 line to preserve the balance. Maine was added as a free state and Missouri would be admitted as a slave state. Slavery would be prohibited into territory North of 36/30 latitude line. This Compromise lasted until the 1850 when new territory from the Mexican-American war, including California were to be admitted into the Union. The Missouri Compromise simply delayed tensions between the North and South by preserving the balance in Congress.

· Frederick Douglass · William Lloyd Garrison · Sojourner Truth All of these were prominent names were figures in WHICH social movement? A) Abolition B) Prohibition C) States rights D) Prison reform

D) Prison reform Since "Manifest Destiny" was the belief that the U.S. was ordained by God to spread to the Pacific Ocean, the annexation of Mexican territory is the best answer here. The other issues deal with slavery or slavery in the territories of the United States.

Which BEST describes the social and political philosophy of the Underground Railroad "conductor" Harriet Tubman? A) Slavery should be tolerated until legal abolition. B) Slavery should only be allowed in states with economic need. C) Slaves should be given the opportunity to purchase their own freedom. D) Slaves should escape slavery using whatever means were available to them.

D) Slaves should escape slavery using whatever means were available to them. Harriet Tubman was a conductor on the Underground Railroad, which means that she thought slaves should escape slavery using whatever means were available to them. She helped more than seventy African Americans escape slavery using the same rural pathways and chain of hiding places that she herself had used to escape to the North.

The period immediately after the War of 1812 was known as A) The Gilded Age. B) Jacksonian Democracy. C) Jeffersonian Democracy. D) The Era of Good Feelings.

D) The Era of Good Feelings. The period immediately after the War of 1812 was known as the Era of Good Feelings. Despite the fact that the United States did not technically win the war, they did not lose it, either. It was the first test to the country's independence and it succeeded in keeping it. For roughly the next decade there was a feeling of cooperation and unity, all under the presidency of James Monroe.

Which is an example of the concept of Manifest Destiny in action? A) The Compromise of 1850 B) The Missouri Compromise C) The Transatlantic Slave Trade D) The annexation of Mexican territory

D) The annexation of Mexican territory. Since "Manifest Destiny" was the belief that the U.S. was ordained by God to spread to the Pacific Ocean, the annexation of Mexican territory is the best answer here. The other issues deal with slavery or slavery in the territories of the United States.

This image reflects the American spirit during? A) The Civil War. B) The Railroad Wars. C) The Prohibition era. D) The era of Westward expansion

D) The era of Westward expansion. This image reflects the American spirit during Westward expansion. During that time, railroad expansion caused an increase in population in the west and the eventual near-distinction of the buffalo.

Which of these was the largest and most constant issue facing the United States during the era of "Manifest Destiny?" A) Whether labor unions would be allowed to form B) Whether states would allow women the right to vote C) Whether Indians would be relocated to North Carolina D) Whether slavery would spread across the United States

D) Whether slavery would spread across the United States. The U.S.'s quest to achieve its "Manifest Destiny" was plagued by the reality of whether or not slavery would spread across the United States. This issue had torn at the country since 1776 and would not be settled until the Civil War in the 1860s.

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