US History Unit 5 Lesson 8

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Against War with Mexico

- Many Whigs accused Polk of aggressive empirebuilding. -Whigs and other Americans believed that the war was an attempt to spread slavery in the United States.

For War against Mexico

-President Polk believed that war was necessary in consideration of what? the long-continued and unredressed wrongs and injuries committed by the Mexican Government on citizens of the United States in their persons and property -Polk, like many Americans, hoped to acquire which territory from Mexico? California, New Mexico, and some of the other northern Provinces of Mexico -Polk and many Americans, especially those living in Texas, wanted a secure border with Mexico.

The Texas Congress votes to accept America's offer of annexation


Polk orders U.S. soldiers to cross the Nueces River to guard against a possible attack from Mexico.


Polk orders General Taylor to claim the disputed area between the Rio Grande and Nueces rivers.


Mexican troops cross the Rio Grande and engage U.S. forces.


Polk requests a declaration of war from the U.S. Congress.


What happened in California shortly before General Taylor went on the offensive in Mexico?

American settlers declared California independent of Mexico and set up the Bear Flag Republic

August 1848 - The Oregon Territory was organized. It included the present-day states of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, plus northwestern Montana and western Wyoming. Does either map show the Oregon Territory as described here?


After the war with Mexico, the United States had a lot of new territory, and settlers continued to go west in large numbers. What problem did this pose for the United States?

Congress now had to determine how to make new states out of its acquired territories. Slavery was also an issue—would new states be admitted as slave states or free states?

December 1845 - The Republic of Texas was admitted to the Union as the 28th state. Although it was annexed by the United States in March of 1845, It did not agree to join until later in the year. It consisted of present-day Texas and parts of Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Wyoming. Does either map show the state of Texas as annexed in 1845?


Although Polk's stated goal for a war against Mexico was to secure the U.S. border with that country, what did most Americans believe the real reason was?

Most Americans believed that the real reason the United States went to war against Mexico was to gain more territory for its westward expansion.

Which Democrat was elected president in 1844 and had his eyes set on territorial expansion?

James K. Polk

In 1844, what country owned present-day California, Nevada, and Utah; and parts of present-day Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Wyoming?


February 1848 - The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the Mexican-American War. It granted a large area of land-consisting of all present-day California, Nevada, and Utah, most of Arizona, and parts of Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming-to the United States. Does either map show the results of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?


July 1838 - The lowa Territory was separated from the Wisconsin Territory. It consisted of present-day lowa, western Minnesota, and eastern North and South Dakota. Wisconsin Territory was left with northeastern Minnesota and present-day Wisconsin. Does either map show the separation of the Wisconsin and lowa territories?


In 1828, the United States could only claim about two-thirds of the land between the Atlantic and Pacific, and between the Rio Grande and present-day Canada. By the end of 1853, after war with Mexico and the discovery of gold in California, the country had fulfilled what many people saw as its manifest destiny.


The Grand Canyon is located in territory gained as a result of the Mexican War.


Cause of the California Gold Rush

What? gold was discovered When? January 24, 1848 Where? saw mill construction site in Colomo, California Who? James Marshall

March 1845 - The Florida Territory became the 27th state admitted to the Union. Does either map show the Florida Territory?

Yes - Map 1 ( 1828)

December 1853 - The Gadsden Purchase between the United States and Mexico added some land to the New Mexico Territory. Today this land is part of southern Arizona and New Mexico. Does either map show the area that was part of the Gadsden Purchase?

Yes - Map 2 (1853)

June 1836 - The borders of the Arkansas Territory were chenged slightly and the territory was admitted to the Union. Does either map show this?

Yes - Map 2 (1853)

June 1846 - The Oregon Treaty established the 49th parallel as the continential border. Does either map show the continental border established by the Oregon Treaty?

Yes - Map 2 (1853)

March 1837 - The Platte Purchase added some land to the state of Missouri, giving it its current boundries. Does either map show the current boundries of Missouri?

Yes - Map 2 (1853)

March 1853 - The Oregon and Washington territories split. The Washington Territory consisted of present-day Washington, northern Idaho, and the western tip of Montana. The Oregon Territory consisted of present-day Oregon, southern Idaho, and part of Wyoming. Does either map show both the Washington and Oregon territories as described here?

Yes - Map 2 (1853)

May 1836 - The Republic of Texas achieved independence from Mexico. A large portion of the territory was disputed. The republic included present-day Texas, plus parts of Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, and Wyoming. Does either map show the Republic of Texas?

Yes - Map 2 (1853)

September 1850 - The Mexican Cession was divided as part of the Compromise of 1850. California was admitted as the 31st state. The rest became the organized territories of Utah and New Mexico. A small strip of land north of Texas was not assigned to any territory or state. It became the panhandle of present-day Oklahoma. Does either map show these divisions?

Yes - Map 2 (1853)

November 1842 - The Webster-Ashburton treaty between the United States and Great Britain settled several border issues between the United States and Canada. It also ended a dispute over the northeastern border of Minnesota and the border between Maine and New Brunswick. Does either map show the results of the Webster-Asburton treaty?

Yes-Map 2 ( 1853)

Effects of the California Gold Rush

• More than 250,000 people came to California. • San Francisco grew quickly. • California's population became diverse. • Most people did not strike it rich, but just broke even. • Blue jeans were invented.

Outcomes of the Mexican War

• The United States gained all of California and New Mexico. • The Rio Grande was established as the southernmost border of Texas. • The United States agreed to pay the Mexican government $15 million and to assume responsibility for millions of dollars in debts owed by Mexico to American citizens. • The United States gained additional territory, including present-day Arizona, Utah, and Nevada, and parts of present-day Colorado and Wyoming. • More than 12,000 American soldiers and sailors died. • Roughly $100 million was spent. • Questions arose over whether the additional territory would be slave or free.

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