US History Unit 7

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Alexander Graham Bell


Cyrus W. Field

trans-Atlantic cable

internal combustion

A heat engine in which the fuel burns inside the engine itself.

prevent european interference in north and south america

A main provision of the Monroe Doctrine was to:


A national policy that promotes a powerful military position, a large standing army, and constant preparation for war.


A policy of noninvolvement in world affairs.


A proposition following so obviously from another that it requires little or no proof; a natural consequence of an existing policy.


A relation of protection and partial control by a strong nation over a weaker power.


A worker's independence and creativity were stifled by the

restore order rebuild the country get rid of yellow fever set up a republican government

After the Spanish-American War, the United States helped Cuba in what four ways?


Against a permanent combination of businesses, now illegal, for the purpose of controlling the production or price of some good.


An example of military readiness that was followed by other nations was found in:


Anything gained or acquired.

it tried to keep English inventions and methods to itself

As Great Britain reaped the benefits of its Industrial Revolution

lumber food products textile

By 1914, America's four major industries included

Mid-Atlantic North Central

By the early 1900s, what were the two leading industrial regions in the United States?


Colonization of smaller countries by industrial nations for raw materials.

japanese-american relations

Commodore Perry was sent to Japan to improve

set up a naval base intervene to preserve their independence intervene to maintain government

Cuba allowed the United States to take what three actions?

directly affected the country

During the 1800s, the United States only became involved with European affairs when they


During the 1870's and 1880's the United States followed the Monroe Doctrine by paying little attention to _______ affairs


Factory safety and sanitary conditions were usually

Harriman Hill Rockefeller Carnegie Morgan

Five corporate tycoons included:

the trans-Atlantic cable the telephone postal delivery electricity transcontinental telegraph

Five improvements in communication included:

more workers employed lower prices better quality products a chance to invest savings

Four advantages to the United States brought about by corporations included

monopolies stifling of competition selling inferior products controlling working and living conditions

Four dangers to the consumer brought about by the corporate trend included

France England USA Germany

Four major nations building up their navies included:

variety of land and climates iron and oil deposits forests rivers and streams

Four natural resources in the United States included:

lubrication producing steam operating internal combustion engines lighting kerosene lamps

Four uses for oil included

reserve supplies conscription general staff reserve troops

Four ways Prussia set a military example included:

increase of modern weapons increased military budgets build-up of navies fortification of boundaries

Four ways that European nations had military build-ups included:

improved working conditions for women and children set working hours minimum wages unemployment and accident protection

Four worker benefits that passed through government legislation included:


Hours, wages, and working conditions were problem areas for the factory

He invented the first practical power loom.

How did Francis Lowell affect the clothing industry?

He successfully used the assembly line to produce the Model T.

How did Henry Ford affect American industry?

adopted the monroe doctrine

How did the United States deal with the threat of European colonization in the Western Hemisphere?

it increased the demand for raw materials

How did the second Industrial Revolution affect the United States?

Costs were decreased.

How did the textile industry profit from the agricultural revolution?


Imperialism was motivated by the growth and demands of


In 1866, the first attempt in the United States at a union for workers was called the

Guam Philippines Puerto Rico

In the peace treaty after the Spanish-American War, the United States received possession of what three areas?

The added possessions meant new responsibilities for the United States. The United States navy increased in size. The United States involvement in international affairs increased. Agriculture increased in the United States following the war.

In what four ways did the United States change after the end of the Spanish-American War?

Henry Ford

Model T

collective bargaining

Negotiation between organized workers and employers on wages, hours, conditions, and benefits.


People who lived in the cities were forced to rely on others for

strengthen national defense supply more raw materials

Some Americans thought the United States needed additional possessions in the Caribbean and Pacific for the following two reasons:

world leaders

Strong nationalism often hindered negotiations between

boxer rebellion

The Russian-Japanese War was caused by Russian troops remaining in Manchuria after the

cotton steam power

The South had all the necessary ingredients for industry after the Civil War including:

cuban businesses

The United States was concerned about uprisings in Cuba because Cuba was close to the U.S., and the U.S. had invested money in


The act of arming or equipping for war.


The city became a trap for some former farmers because they sold all that they had to move there, then became economically _________ on the factory with no money to return home


The drafting of men into the military is called


The enrollment of individuals for military or naval service; a draft.


The exclusive control of a commodity or production by a business.


The loyalty and devotion of a people toward their country.


The mass movement of rural people to the urban areas of the country.


The merging of businesses into one large organization.


The protection and partial control of a strong nation over a weaker nation is called a(n)


Theodore Roosevelt greatly influenced America's change from

laws controlling monopolies the Clayton Antitrust Act the Federal Trade Commission

Three government checks on big business included

raw materials workers capital

Three requirements for industrial growth include:

the light bulb powered communications systems powered machines

Three uses of electricity included

strikes collective bargaining support of labor legislation

Three ways that unions made their opinions known were through:

standardized parts

Uniform parts that can be substituted interchangeably.

The U.S. policy of not being involved in world affairs.

What best defines isolationism?

Germany threatened to invade Mexicans revolted against their government Pancho Villa led raids into the United States

What three events resulted in United States forces intervening in Latin American governments?

managers and laborers

What two groups of people worked in the factory?

Business moved out of homes to the factory.

What was the effect of the change from hand power to machine power in industry?

both led to militarism

What was the outcome of nationalism and imperialism?

textile industry

Which industry employed more workers than any other manufacturing industry?

The discovery of gold brought many settlers to the region. It is a land with rich oil deposits.

Which of the following statements describes the importance of the Alaskan Purchase?

James Watt

Who developed a practical steam engine?

william seward

Who negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia?

they could be paid lower wages

Why did factories readily employ women and children?

unemployment insurance was not available

Why did factory workers dread unemployment?


Women and children were victims of abuse in the


a policy of noninvolvement in world affairs


a proposition following so obviously from another that it requires little or no proof

knights of labor

admitted all workers regardless of skill, race, or position

Wright brothers


Pancho Villa

bandit who killed settlers in New Mexico


curb of inflation and create eight hour work days

Duryea brothers

developed a successful automobile

Eli Whitney

developed system of interchangeable parts; increased production

steam power

enabled building of factory away from rivers; powered machines


enforced antitrust laws, protecting small businesses; restrained power of big corporations

Theodore Roosevelt

enforced laws, thus checking corporate power

Spanish-American War

for Cuban independence

General Leonard Wood

headed up the project of ridding Cuba of the yellow fever carrying mosquitoes

social darwinism

implies a "survival of the fittest."


invested the capital needed by corporations; chose directors

Thomas A. Edison

light bulb

business specialists

made management and organization of workers and materials more efficient and productive

assembly line

made putting together of goods piece by piece; increased production greatly

Edwin Drake


Clayton Antitrust Act

outlawed certain methods used by corporations to crush their competitors

Big Stick policy

policy of soft talk but an efficient navy to keep the terms of Monroe Doctrine

coal fields oil deposits rivers and streams

potential sources of power for United States industry?


provided a tough, efficient building material for industrial purposes

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