USH Final

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Pushing System (Antebellum Period, mid 1800s)

Brutal labor practices that made enslaved people work harder through intimidation and abuse; made flourishing cotton industry possible

Haymarket Square Riot (1886)

A bombing at a labor protest after the police killing of two McCormick Harvesting Machine Company strikers; 8 labor leaders arrested despite lack of evidence; 7/8 sentenced to death; 3 surviving pardoned in 1893; 7/8 leaders foreign born sparking Red Scare

Letter From Annie Davis (August 25th, 1864)

A letter from an enslaved woman from Maryland to Pr. Lincoln asking whether or not the Emancipation Proclamation frees her

Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (Gilded Age(1890s))

A show made by William Frederick Cody which reenacted famous frontier events and life in the west; justified American cause to take territory; desputed battles performed around the world; used Sitting Bull

Redlining (started in 1930s)

Began as a New Deal Policy and expanded in the 50s with suburbanization; Majority POC communities deemed 'red areas' by national appraisal system which gave banks justification for denying mortages and kept property values down

1994 Crime Bill

Bill passed by President Bill Clinton; introduced including a "three strikes" mandatory life sentence for repeat offenders; militarized and expanded police; an expansion of death penalty-eligible offenses; encouraged states to pass more 'tough on crime' laws

Fred Hampton (1969)

Chair of BPP in IL; founded the Rainbow Coalition; identified as a threat by FBI and murdered by police in his apartment

Paper Sons (>1906)

Chinese immigrants claimed to be sons of Chinese American citizens by purchasing identification papers, papers couldn't be verified because of the San Francisco fire in 1906

Happiness Machines (1920s)

Commodification of emotions; popularized by advertisers during 1920s to increase consumerism and control the public; rather than channeling emotions into political resistance, people channeled it into consumption; concieved by Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmond Freud

California Land Act (1851)

Creates a board to validate legal ownership of Rancheros after US-Mexican war; many lost their land bc of legal fees, long trials; fight for Ranchero rights sparks Chicano movement

Truman Doctrine (1947)

Declaration of Pr. Truman that the US would fight communism anywhere in the world; sent $400mil in aid to Turkey and Greece against USSR and marks the start of the Cold War

Compromise of 1877

Ended Reconstruction. Republicans promise 1) Remove military from South, 2) Appoint Democrat to cabinet (David Key postmaster general), 3) Federal money for railroad construction and levees on Mississippi river

White Gold/Guano (1989)

Fertilizer found of the Navassa Islands; Black guano farmers revolt against white overseers and are taken to court; found not guilty bc Navassa was not part of the US;BUT when the case is taken to surpreme court farmers found guilty bc it's ruled that Navassa is part of the US and the US should expand overseas

Anthony Johnson (mid 1600s)

First prominent black land owner in Virginia, to colonies enslaved or as an indentured servant; gained freedom and became a landowner and enslaver; something that would become impossible in his lifetime

FDR's First 100 Days(1933)

Measures taken by FDR admin. to end the Great Depression; included: bank closure; created govt. jobs by creating national parks; repealed prohibition, enforced corporate transparency;

Shay's Rebellion (1786-87)

Rebellion of farmers in western Massachusetts, protesting mortgage foreclosures. It highlighted the need for a strong national government just as the call for the Constitutional Convention went out.

Munson Report (1941)

Report written by Curtis B. Munson, special representative of the state departmernt, clearing Japanese people of suspicions of espionage only a month before Pearl Harbor; Cited their identifiable appearance as inhibiting espionage; stated real threat to US was communists

the Southern Strategy (60s/70s)

Republican electoral strategy developed by Barry Goldwater and used by Richard Nixon to appeal to southern voters post-Civil Rights anxieties by using antiBlack dog whistles

Tunis Campbell (Reconstruction (1866-77))

Successful Black politician during Reconstruction; founded the Black community of St. Catherine's Island on the Georgia Coast and served as justice of peace; also served as Georgia state senator

Strange Fruit (1939)

Written/Composed by Abel Meeropol and Performed by Billie Holiday; expresses the horror of the lynching epidemic in the south

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