Using Sources

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Integrating evidence from a source is the same as relating the source to the writer's argument.


True or False: The order of the information in this citation is incorrect: Beer, David and Roger Burrows. "Sociology and, of, and in Web 2.0: Some Initial Considerations." Sociological Research Online, vol. 12, issue 5, September 2007, n.p.


Which citation has the year of publication in the correct position?

Bolter, Jay David & Richard Grusin. Remediation: Understanding New Media. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999.

Integrating statistics from the National Institutes of Health about the high teenage pregnancy rate into a paragraph arguing for greater access to birth control is an example of:

Evidence adding to the argument's persuasiveness

Which citation mistakenly lists the database an article was found in instead of the journal?

Robbins, Michael. "Paul Muldoon's Covert Operations." Academic Search Premier, vol. 109, no. 2, 2011, pp. 266-99

Which citation lists unnecessary, time-sensitive information that could make a citation incorrect at a later date?

Starr, Virginia. (University of Mississippi). "Saving the Nation: A research study of rural outreach programs." Journal of Philanthropy in the American South, vol. 15, no. 1, 1977. pp. 41-67.

What is the best advice you could offer your classmate for paraphrasing the following quote? "There are surprisingly few methods of causing something to move. With a couple of exceptions, everything starts out going around and around, and then that circular motion gets turned into some other path as needed. That being said, there is often some other thing you might want your robot to do that isn't, strictly speaking, movement related, and all that goes into actuation" (Geiger).

Start by putting the thesis into your own words; then list out the main idea from the quote. Use quotation marks and cite the source if you borrow any phrasing. Expect your paraphrase to be about as long as the original.

Although most people are confident that they could not be fooled by a fake news article, research shows evidence to the contrary. Economists Hunt Allcott and Matthew Gentzkow conducted an experiment to see if people believed fake articles that the researchers had created themselves. They called these articles "placebo" fake news articles. They surveyed people and asked them if they could recall seeing the article in question reported or discussed prior to the election. The researchers found that some participants claimed they had heard the "placebo" articles mentioned during the election season. However, the study also indicated that "most widely circulated hoaxes were seen by only a small fraction of Americans" (Crawford). Despite the narrow viewership of fake news articles, they do have the power to influence at least some readers' beliefs and possibly influence those readers' actions. Consider the following passage and determine what role it plays: "Despite the narrow viewership of fake news articles, they do have the power to influence at least some readers' beliefs and possibly influence those readers' actions."

The passage explains the relevance of the source to the writer's thesis

Read the following passage and choose from the options below: According to Seife, this mental decay leaves us with some opinions "as firm as bedrock, and just as difficult to remove" (290).

This is an example of direct quotation

As an example of this phenomenon, Seife describes how, in the 1950s, psychologist Leon Festinger sought to research the point at which this crisis occurs. He contacted a woman by the name of Dorothy Martin who was the leader of a small cult in Chicago. Martin believed that she was writing letters under the command of Clarion, a distant planet. She had concrete belief that Chicago would be wiped out and that the United States would be submerged under water from a great flood on the morning of December 21, 1955. Her salvation? A spaceman, assumed to be a Clarion, would visit Dorothy and her followers hours before the disaster, whisking them away on a spaceship to safety. This bizarre and radical belief was only strengthened when the calamity never arose. The cult members convinced themselves that the Clarions managed to stop the destruction from happening (Seife, 290-91).

This is an example of paraphrase

In the article, "The Loneliness of the Interconnected", Charles Seife argues that people are becoming more and more isolated in our increasingly interconnected world and, furthermore, that bits and pieces of our delicate mental structure are withered away as we increasingly rely on the internet as our source of information.

This is an example of summary

A signal phrase differs from evidence because it introduces the evidence and highlights the source's reputation and qualifications.


One way effective integration of source material builds credibility is by including a signal phrase.


One way effective integration of source material builds credibility is by providing evidence to support the writer's argument.


Which of the following is not an appropriate use of summary?

You are assigned to write an argument about the cultural impact of a short story. You write a paper simply condensing the story to its main ideas and removing extra details without making a new claim

Although most people are confident that they could not be fooled by a fake news article, research shows evidence to the contrary. Economists Hunt Allcott and Matthew Gentzkow conducted an experiment to see if people believed fake articles that the researchers had created themselves. They called these articles "placebo" fake news articles. They surveyed people and asked them if they could recall seeing the article in question reported or discussed prior to the election. The researchers found that some participants claimed they had heard the "placebo" articles mentioned during the election season. However, the study also indicated that "most widely circulated hoaxes were seen by only a small fraction of Americans" (Crawford). Despite the narrow viewership of fake news articles, they do have the power to influence at least some readers' beliefs and possibly influence those readers' actions. Consider the first sentence: "Although most people are confident that they could not be fooled by a fake news article, research shows evidence to the contrary." This sentence serves as a(n)

transition and introduction to the source

Which citation of a journal article has the required components?

van Dijck, Jose."Users like you? Theorizing agency in user-generated content." Media, Culture, and Society, Vol. 31, 2009, pp. 41-58.

Which of the following is a good paraphrase of the following passage? "The third feature that distinguishes mathematical from ordinary language, one which causes enormous difficulties for students, is its precision. Ordinary speech is full of ambiguities, innuendoes, hidden agendas, and unspoken cultural assumptions" (Jameson 47)."

{Students have a hard time with the precision of math articles. They are used to talking in slang, while as math is supposed to boring and dry.}

Although most people are confident that they could not be fooled by a fake news article, research shows evidence to the contrary. Economists Hunt Allcott and Matthew Gentzkow conducted an experiment to see if people believed fake articles that the researchers had created themselves. They called these articles "placebo" fake news articles. They surveyed people and asked them if they could recall seeing the article in question reported or discussed prior to the election. The researchers found that some participants claimed they had heard the "placebo" articles mentioned during the election season. However, the study also indicated that "most widely circulated hoaxes were seen by only a small fraction of Americans" (Crawford). Despite the narrow viewership of fake news articles, they do have the power to influence at least some readers' beliefs and possibly influence those readers' actions. The phrase "the study also indicated that" is an example of

{a transition}

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