Using the Internet as a Source of Information

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Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. If this appears at the start of a URL in the address bar, it shows that the website is secure. There may also be a padlock symbol o the address bar


Save webpages visited on a regular basis. Saves time typing in website address or using a search engine

Web Browser

Software application that allows you to access, retrieve and view information from the Internet e.g. Chrome


Text or a graphic that when clicked takes the user to a part of a website or to another file. When you move the mouse over the hyperlink, it usual changes from an arrow to a hand.

Search Engine

Webpage that allows you to type in keywords to describe the information you are interested in. A list of pages that contain related content will then be displayed


A network of connected computers over a large geographical area (the world!)


Allows the communication of thoughts and opinions on a particular topic


An internal network of computers used to share information within an organisation e.g. GLOW


Audio and video files that can be downloaded via the Internet to a handheld device such as a PDA or iPod and listened to at the individual's convenience

Address Bar

Enter the URL of the webpage you want to visit e.g.

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