UTT Unit 9

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Why do many Secular Humanists believe in interventionism?

Can't 100 % get away from socialism because "man is good" and they claim that something else goes wrong.

How does competition stifle mankind's sinful tendencies?

Competition requires meeting the needs of others better than anyone else. It promotes cooperation through the division of labor. Another benefit is the fact that it promotes the worth of each individual.

On what form of economics does almost every Humanist agree?

Every Humanist agree with some form of government interventionism and redistribution of wealth.

How do Secular Humanists propose that we achieve a more "equal" society?

Lamont, Dewey, Fromm, and Sellars all call for a redistribution of wealth in the form of a "guaranteed income" for every person.

What is the distinction between socialism and the free market system?

Socialism favors a group of central planners while the free market system promotes the economic freedom.

What is the relationship between freedom and the economic system a country employs?

Socialist systems require more bureaucracies and more powerful centralized governments to initiate its plan. In contrast, the capitalist system requires far less political power because the government is not needed to control incomes, prices, production, etc.

What economic system do Muslims favor?

Some sort of government intervention. For all the above to be worked out and to make sure that one's labor is correct, the state will have to play a very prominent and important role in the Islamic economy.

Why did most of Secular Humanism's earliest proponents favor socialism?

They all believed that the economics system of socialism was more moral than capitalism. Similarly, most of the earliest Humanists believed that capitalism was a failure highlighting that it breeds materialism, trips mankind of its humanity, and creates artificial scarcity.

What is the principle of comparative advantage?

every member of a free market society can produce valuable goods or services by specializing in areas where he or she enjoys the greatest advantage. Productive activities are directed toward meeting the needs of as many people as possible.

According to Karl Marx, what two flaws within capitalism cause it to be exploitative?

• "Surplus of labor." The bourgeoisie make their profits not by selling their product at a price above the cost of materials plus labor, but rather by paying the workers less than a fair amount for their labor. The second flaw of capitalism according to Marx is its chaotic nature. Under socialism the state can control every aspect of the economy, but under capitalism the economy is controlled by the free market. Marx claims that only planned economy could truly discover the best methods of production and distribution.

Why do a number of current leading Secular humanists favor capitalism?

• After they see history of socialism which had failed really badly, it becomes the time against humanity.

What similarities exist between the Islamic and Christian approaches to economics?

• Both Christians and Muslims believe that human beings are created by God, were delegated authority over creation, and will one day will give an accounting of how they have used the good resources God has provided.

Why are Cosmic Humanists vague when defining their ideal economic system?

• CH cannot be bounded by the limitations of any present-day economic system.

How do Cosmic Humanists encourage individuals to decide on a vacation?

• CHs are encouraged to ask what is my inner voice calling me to do? Since the inner voice is the voice of God, that call will lead to the proper vocation.

What do Marxists believe the benefits of communism will be?

• Communists will have most of the freedom, and no segregation. They will also have the right to work and live in a lawless society without any class limits.

Why must a transitional phase necessarily exist between capitalism and communism?

• Everyone should own some property first.

According to Cosmic Humanists, what does God desire for us?

• God wants us to be rich.

What is interventionism?

• Interventionism is not a totally state-planned economy nor a completely free market economy, but a combination of the two, where the state plays role in redistributing wealth created in a partially or mostly free market environment.

According to New Agers, why can the enlightened trust the world to bring them material possession?

• Our purpose on this world is to be happy and because we are God, we can control us to be happy.

Why do Postmodernists denounce capitalism? How do Postmodernists propose that we fix the problems inherent capitalism?

• Postmodernist view capitalism as a male dominated economic system that is one sided thinking. In other words, capitalism speaks primarily to heterosexual maleness and "oppresses" all others. • Since men will not willingly giver up their economic power over women, the poor, etc., the government must intervene to see the economic justice is available to all.

Why are Postmodernists hesitant to offer a positive economic theory?

• Postmodernists are hesitant because we are to argue that worldview shows the way forward and are content with conversations and encounters. Since there is no "truth" about the "real" world or the "nature" of mankind, it is hard to arrive at a "correct" view of economics.

Since all economic theories have problems, what do Postmodernists claim should be done?

• Postmodernists claim that we should keep trying new thing to find what works best for you.

What are two mistaken assumptions often made about the wealthy?

• Rich people get rich by taking it from the poor. • Free market is to encourage the wealthy to invest their wealth to make jobs and goods.

What is the difference between socialism and communism?

• Socialism is only the first step to communism. • Socialism means government controls everything. • Communism allows government owned everything and everything is equal. • The basic difference is best summed up by Moscow's Political Dictionary: The principle of socialism is" from each according to his abilities, to each according to his work... under communism the basic principle of society will be: from each according to his abilities, to each according to his need.

According to Cosmic Humanist, what is the best was to achieve a higher income?

• The best to achieve a higher income is to be more enlightened and listen to inner Godness.

According to Marxism, what will be the fate of capitalism?

• The fate of capitalism will simply exploit more and more people until virtually everyone becomes a member of poor, so poor will outnumber the rich, and they will create socialism.

What is the "decentered self" and why is it important to Postmodern economics?

• The goals of Postmodern economics are 1) to eliminate the oppressive distinction between men and women and 2) to elevate the economic realities of differently gendered subjects, such as women, homosexuals, bisexuals,

How does Islam treat inheritance? What is the Islamic view of charging interest?

• They respect the right to own property, but when they die, it distributed over 2 generations, with certain considerations made for the widowed husband or the widowed wide • Traditionally, it has been believed that to charge interest on loans to fellow Muslims is forbidden. However, this may be changing as more and more Muslims are interpreting the passages to mean unfair interest, or usury.

What are the four foundational principles of Islamic economics as described by Syed Hawab Haider Naqvi?

• Unity: Economic resoures must never be used contrary to the vision of the universal unity of the Muslim community. • Equilibrium: taking care of poor. • Freewill: Humans are responsible for their beliefs and actions. • Responsibility: responsibility corresponds to free will. By giving become better being.

What do the terms zakat and jizrah mean?

• Zakat: alms Muslims give to other poor Muslims only • Jizrah: taxes levied against unbelievers within the Islamic community.

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