VID Final

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- Implementing decisions required a great deal of coronation across Locations. Governance refers to the processes and systems by which a society or organization is managed and controlled. It involves making and implementing decisions, as well as developing and implementing policies and plans. Good governance is characterized by transparency, accountability, participation, and inclusiveness, and it is essential for the effective functioning of any society or organization.

Fundamental rights

- few rights qualify as fundamental. Aspects of liberty that do not qualify as fundamental are subject to "rationality review", and require proof of "legitimate state interest". Laws that regulate industry to reduce risks to health or safety are easily justifiable under this test. They include freedom of speech and association, voting, freedom from arbitrary physical restraint and decisions about marriage, contraception, procreation, family relationships, child rearing, and education.

Issues and Challenges with the Third Stimulus

1,400 per person To qualify for the full $1,400, a single person must have an adjusted gross income of $75,000 or below. For heads of household, adjusted gross income must be $112,500 or below For married couples filing jointly, that number must be $150,000 or below. To be eligible for a payment, a person must have a SSN

Constitutional provision in Question

14th Amendment - due process clause (personal liberty)

Paid Leave in the US

16% offered paid maternity leave beyond what is covered by short-term disability 16% offered paid paternity leave 25% offered paid family leave 21% offered family leave above and beyond the required federal FMLA leave 18% offered family leave above and beyond their required state FMLA leave 16% offered paid adoption leave

Role and Shortcomings of FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act)

2 weeks/year unpaid leave from employment to certain workers for major life events. worker's own serious illness seriously ill parent, child, or spouse, birth of a baby, or adoption or foster placement of a child job-protected required to extend health insurance Signed into law in 1993 first piece of federal legislation to address the competing demands of work and family. Low wage workers not likely to quality for Medical Leave Doesn't even apply to small businesses or people in new jobs Roughly 50% of americans covered, 46% of women, and 20% of new mothers

Trust Gaps

55% of Black parents and 40% of Latino parents reported they were extremely or very concerned about schools in their community reopening too quickly, compared to 25% of white parents.

New Child Tax Credit

93% of families qualify $3,600 for children under 6 and 3,000 for those 6 and older. If 2-3 kids, around $10-11,000 in guaranteed income. Families would be getting between 250 and $300 a month per child "Guaranteed Income" for families (rather than child tax credit)

Role of Temporary Child Tax Credit

93% of families qualify $3,600 for children under 6 and 3,000 for those 6 and older. If 2-3 kids, around $10-11,000 in guaranteed income. Families would be getting between 250 and $300 a month per child "Guaranteed Income" for families (rather than child tax credit) Biden Plan and subsidizing child care. Paid family leave Universal PreK Childcare subsidies

Public-Private partnership

A partnership between the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Department of Defense (DOD)—aimed to help accelerate the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. Money through OWS allowed... Overlapping phases Production of vaccine doses prior to phase completion

Suggestions for pandemic preparedness

Ability to identify outbreaks as they emerge in frontline settings Information sharing with other institutions Preparedness of health-care providers to respond when pandemics do hit "Clear, well-drilled plans of action and secure access to vaccines and other essential medical supplies are crucial." Collaborate to make sure ALL nations have this capability

Racial Discrimination and Hate Crimes against Asian Americans in pandemic

As a result of the pandemic, there was an increase in racial discrimination and hate crimes against Asian Americans Asian Americans had already been facing discrimination, but this only highlighted the issue even more

Approaches for at-risk and minoritized populations

As with COVID-19 testing and vaccines, slots for MPX vaccines have been made available primarily online. We need vaccines in the arms of the most vulnerable, including Black and Latino MSM. They are negatively affected by social factors, such as access to technology and employment, which can challenge their vaccine uptake. Eligible people who do not have fast Internet access or the ability to leave work to get a vaccine have been left behind

Reasons and motivations for the discrimination of the AAPI community.

Asian Americans felt scapegoated and blamed for the COVID-19 pandemic President Trump regularly blamed China for spreading COVID-19

How to respond to conspiratorial thinking

Best path forward to mitigate CT beliefs may be to provide people with information and tools to enable them to be resilient in the face of uncertainty, and to amplify corrective information by co-partisans to dilute the power of partisan-motivated reasoning Common COVID Conspiracy Theories (Blaming 5G, Bill Gates as scapegoat, created in lab, deep state, etc.)

Other conspiracy theories

Bill Gates as scapegoat The virus escaped from a Chinese lab COVID was created as a biological weapon

The European approach; France vs. US response to unemployment.

European Allow workers to get paid even while staying home/working fewer hours Emphasis on maintaining employment relationship US Allow workers to lose their jobs, then given them expanded Unemployment Benefits Far more costly approach

Effective messaging

Recognize and acknowledge source of mistrust Acknowledge systemic racism (and how this leads to mistrust of science-based institutions) Avoid terms like "conspiracy beliefs"

What factors drive school re-opening decision

Case rates Number of deaths Vaccination rates The amount of infrastructure Public vs. Private schools 90% of children go to public schools

Tax Credits

Child Tax Credit will increase from $2,000 per child to $3,000 ($3,600 for children under 6) Earned Income Tax Credit for childless adults increased to $1,502

What drives conspiracy theories - long answer on this question

Conspiracy theories often arise when people are trying to make sense of complex or confusing events. They can be driven by a variety of factors, including the desire to find a simple explanation for a complex event, the need to feel in control of a chaotic world, and the tendency to blame outside groups for one's own problems. Additionally, conspiracy theories can be fueled by fear and mistrust of authority, the need to belong to a group, and a lack of access to accurate information.

7 Elements of conspiracy theories

Contradictory Overriding suspicion Nefarious intent Something must be wrong Persecuted victim Immune to evidence Re-interpreting randomness CONSPIR

Biden v Missouri

Court upheld rule mandating COVID-19 vaccination, absent a medical or religious exemption, for all health care workers in institutions that receive federal funding for patients enrolled in Medicare or Medicaid. Majority agreed that requiring healthcare workers in direct contact with patients to get vaccinated aligns with the medical profession's mission to "first, do no harm."

College students and mental health

Redefining what's "normal" De-stigmatization of mental health problems—and seeking therapy Shared experience of isolation

American Rescue Plan - Biden's COVID plan

Direct aid to state, local, and tribal governments ($362 billion). Extension of unemployment benefits ($203 billion). $300 per week through September 6, 2021.

What was the effect of COVID on the Caregiving crisis in the US?

Reduced infant care

COVID as a possible moment for great change

During pandemic we agreed to isolate ourselves for long stretches of time In a month, companies changed policies that would have normally taken the years to revise Covid gave us an opportunity to understand the deficiencies in our country and how to address them In some ways, the pandemic has caused many nations and individuals to turn inward and become selfish, but also has created possibility for optimism, change and reform

Call for Research and Development funding for future pandemics

Epidemics and pandemics can be prevented if research capacity is boosted for emerging infections between outbreaks, especially disease surveillance in low- and middle-income countries. There is no excuse for failure.


Federalism works by balancing the power of small regional governments (the states) against the power of a larger central government (the national government), with both having some authority. It is meant to divide government power so that a national government cannot have the final say over all issues everywhere.

CARES act of 2020 - know main components

Financial Assistance to Large Companies and Governments Economic support for small businesses ($380 billion). Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which allocated $349 billion in funding through the CARES Act to offer as loans to small businesses to help them avoid laying off their workers Direct payments to taxpayers ($290 billion) Taxpayers with annual incomes up to $75,000 (or $150,000 for married couples) received payments of $1,200 + $500 per child Further expansion of unemployment benefits ($270 billion). $600 per week More workers eligible Federal aid to hospital and healthcare providers ($150 billion). Various tax incentives.

FDA required efficacy

Had to be at least 50% efficacy Fastest development of vaccine in human history

Relationship between neighborhood/zip code and health

Health-like economic mobility-is deeply influenced by place. Zip code is more determinative of health outcomes than genetic code African Americans in St. Louis are 12x more likely than white residents to live in neighborhoods of concentrated poverty, which often contain environmental risks, including poor air or water quality, industrial toxins, and a failure of sanitary infrastructure

Legal Challenges to Mask Mandates, Bans, and Vaccine Mandates.

If PRIVATE EMPLOYERS made the mandate, legal challenges have generally been upheld If STATES made the mandate, legal challenges generally upheld

Pandemic preparedness

If another pandemic occurred today, would we be better prepared for it? (Long Answer)

Supreme Court rulings on STATE policies.

In general, COVID restrictions on gathering, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates at the state and city level have been upheld

Features of the American School System

It is important for schools to have the proper infrastructure in place when it comes to putting their kids back in school to ensure their safety. The American School system had to become very flexible regarding keeping the student body and family as safe as possible. They did not want to return until the schools passed the CDC guidelines.

Jacobson v. Massachusetts Basic facts of the case

Jacobson refuses smallpox vaccine based on past experiences with vaccines, against Massachusetts vaccine mandate. Gets fined $5 based on the law. Jacobson does not qualify for exemption, as he is a health adult over age 21.

COVID Zero protests

Large protests have broken out because people want to see more freedom and normal life. Police and other agencies have been pushing back to try to control the protest, but people are unhappy with how they still have to live like this almost three years later

Police power

Laws mandating vaccinations during an epidemic of legal disease and refusal of punishment. Vaccine must be approved by the FDA. Health laws of every description rests firmly within the police power that is an inherent artifact of the political sovereignty of every state.

Court's decision (overall summary)

Liberty secured by Constitution is NOT absolute State also must weigh the danger to the public Evidence of smallpox vaccine's effectiveness No clear evidence of Jacobson's claims Law falls within the state's broad "police powers" - for the legislature NOT the courts to decide This case involves the validity, under the const. Of the US, of certain provisions in the statues of Ma. relating to vaccination. The commonwealth provides a law that in the interest of public health and safety that the vaccination of all inhabitants is required and free. The Supreme Court argued that they could enforce vaccination because Jacobson's liberty interests are not absolute. Balance between private rights and public welfare. States have this authority when attempting to protect the public. Protects the collective liberty of citizens.

COVID outcomes for minoritized populations with an emphasis on Black and Hispanic/Latino Population, as well as secondary effects. (NOT just about the disease itself).

Life expectancy in North St. Louis is 18 years shorter than the national average Large "trust gap" for minoritized 77% increase in hate crimes against Asian people in the United States 60% of Asian Americans were blamed for the cause of pandemic spread

Contagion movie What similarities do you see in the film Contagion and the Covid-19 pandemic?

Local government officials were not convinced to close schools at first when members from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) came to Minnesota to tell them how serious this virus was. Uncertainty of response. Medical officials had no idea what the virus was that killed Matt Damons wife in the beginning (did not give a clear message) CDC and WHO (World Health Organization) are portrayed as being very precise in the movie, which is remarkably similar to real life, and how they did not want to spread fake news about the virus. Said the virus was from the combination of a bat and pig. COVID-19 was said to come from a bat in Wuhan.

How does the economic crisis caused by COVID-19 (and policies around it) affect low-income Americans and wealthier Americans differently?

Low levels of education and income are associated with 1.3 to 2 times higher risk of economic harm and 2 to 3 times greater physical harm. Education and income have a similar effect size to racial and ethnic disparities, with many Americans of color facing worse outcomes. Socioeconomic status is not related to preventative behavior like mask use, but is related to occupation-related exposure, which puts lower-socioeconomic-status households at risk.

Mental Health effects of COVID on kids

Mental health was a huge factor in Covid-19 since people could not socialize like they had been used to and do the extracurricular activities that bring them stress relief. The depression rates had increased significantly from 36-45%. There was a major mental health crisis during covid. The suicide rate increased dramatically but returned to normal after the lockdowns ended. 39% more likely to be depressed 35% more likely to have anxiety Suicide was leading death cause of kids from ages 10-14

Misinformation vs. Disinformation

Misinformation - wrong False information, not necessarily with intent to mislead Disinformation - intentionally wrong Strategically and deliberately spreading false information

Medical mistrust

More than lack of trust; suspicion of ill-intent (2776) Driven by inequality and historical wrongs

Role of Gender

Most cultures and societies assign women primary responsibility for reproductive labor, an arrangement that changed little even as women entered the paid labor force in massive numbers and gained formal, legal equality Gendered norms constitute a major explanation for women's lower pay, lower status, and their small numbers relative to men as CEOS, top surgeons, elected politicians, and other demanding professions

Lessons not learned from COVID

Need for timely—and detailed—surveillance "disaggregated" data - by sex, race/ethnicity, HIV status, location Need for free/affordable testing Including at locations the community trusts Prioritization of most at-risk populations Overcoming multiple structural barriers

Another New Pandemic?

No the federalist system makes it harder for string clear and enforcement, yes vaccine operation warpspeed if properly funded develop vaccine very quickly, go remotely quickly for jobs

Government Accountability

OWS selected vaccine candidates that use different mechanisms to stimulate an immune response Vaccine companies also took steps, such as starting large-scale manufacturing during clinical trials and combining clinical trial phases or running them concurrently.

Shanghai lockdown

People in Shanghai still face strict lockdown policies, cannot leave their homes, and must close their businesses and shops. People are mentally and physically exhausted from everything they deal with. Large protests have broken out because people want to see more freedom and a normal life. Police and other agencies have been pushing back to try to control the protest, but people are unhappy with how they still live like this almost three years later.


Polarization or being polarizing to withhold information to the public on what is happening within the system. To not pass on data, for example, the number of Covid deaths, cases, supplies, etc.

Relationship between Trump's social media activity and behavior and the rise of COVID-motivated hate crimes.

President Trump linked Asian Americans to the virus during the pandemic Due to this, Asian Americans began reporting a surge in harassment and hate crimes When elites engage in discriminatory behavior, the mass public tends to follow Trump made derogatory comments such as the "Chinese virus" in response to the pandemic and it increased the use of this term among the public

Miller (Read back through)

Psychological (and situational) underpinnings of conspiracy beliefs People who tend to explain events as a result of a conspiracy are more likely to endorse specific CT's than their counterparts Partisan dimension of conspiracy beliefs Democrats/liberals are more likely to endorse CTs that make Republicans/conservatives look bad, and vice vers

What has changed since Jacobson v. Massachusetts?

Public Health Individual liberties respected Protection of individual labor choices regulated

How did COVID disproportionately impact women?

School closures had a substantial effect on working mothers' ability to fulfill work obligations. Family caregiving responsibilities before and after the pandemic have largely fallen on women. One in ten women report quitting a job due to the pando. Many women did not feel safe at their workplace Mothers were more likely than fathers to miss work due to school and daycare closures. Nearly half of employed women have worked outside their home during the pandemic. Due to many women taking on new responsibilities such as homeschooling and caregiving, it has placed additional burdens on their work and resulted in having to leave the workforce entirely. Furthermore, as businesses reopen, women's roles in the workplace will not be restored at the same pace. Due to downsizing, many jobs will not be available anymore while women lose out on career advancement opportunities. Weak Safety net for women

Statistics relating to race and class and likelihood of contracting COVID 19, and the repercussions due to COVID.

Since lower-income families live in more Urban Areas, the Spread of Covid was much higher, with the lack of infrastructure in these low-income areas, it was hard to control the spread of the virus. 18% and 22% of respective black and Latino parents prefer to send their kids to in-person learning environments 40% of white parents wanted in-person learning

Role of social media

Social media has created a world in which any individual can potentially reach as many people as mainstream media. The lack of traditional gate-keeps is one reason misinformation spreads farther and faster online than true information Consumers of conspiracy theories have been found to be more to "like" and share conspiracist posts on Facebook

Pandemic Inequalities

Some women get more support from their employers, such as paid parental leave, than other women A great deal of data shows that Black, Hispanic-Latina, Native American, and Native Hawaiian-Pacific Islander women suffered disproportionately during the pandemic Pandemic-related economic shocks increased women's unemployment overall, and women made up a majority of some of the economic sectors that were experiencing the greatest amount of job loss

Authoritarianism and COVID in China

Southwest China and Ruili specifically are suffering immensely. They are one of the strictest with Corona Virus in the World. They have a Zero Covid policy, with only one case shutting down the whole city. They have had many hardships, and China is only raining more people over citizens. The CCP is powerful and can control where people go and what they can and cannot do.

Racial Covenants and Redlining

St. Louis realtors, developers, and homeowners turned to the use of racial restrictions written into property deed - "covenants" that bound neighborhoods and new subdivisions to whiteness "Uniform restriction agreement" Sought to "preserve the character of said neighborhood as a desirable place of residence for persons of the Caucasian race...could not sell, convey, or rent to a negro or negroes"

What are the long-term political implications of the racialization of COVID?

Staggering increase of anti-Asian hate crimes Democrats favored toward minorities

AIDS epidemic comparison

State sanctioned conspiracy theories influence prevention and treatment efforts

National Federation of Independent Business v. Department of Labor

Struck down a Biden administration mandate that large businesses require their employees to either be vaccinated or tested once a week for the coronavirus.

School Unions and Strikes

Teacher Unions vs. Mayor's office. With the conflict of teachers not wanting to go back and being older and having a higher risk, many teachers would not return. With some schools, half the teachers and administration would not return.

What is the effect of COVID on schools? Is it the same for all school districts?

Teachers Unions vs. Major. Alot of schools ended up closing nationwide and, as a result, had to go online to continue their education. Some schools opened sooner than others, depending on what the local officials deemed fit. 74% of school districts are remote Some schools were in more rural vs. Urban areas

Pandemic Journaling Project

The Project really aims to get a voice out from people about what they are doing through the pandemic so that people can know that they are not alone in this. It helps people communicate on the same level and update the group weekly. Some people post more than others, but the whole point is to connect with others who are going through challenging times and to help each other.

Roots of Racial Disparities/Structural Racism

The ability to live a long and healthy life is predicated on access to a range of social and economic resources systematically denied African American families and communities African Americans must spend hours of their day just getting to work In St. Louis, African Americans are more than twice as likely as whites to be uninsured

Cost of Child Care in the US.

The average annual cost of full-time childcare for an infant in a center ranged from $4,600 in Mississippi to $15,000 in Massachusetts. Average cost for center-based infant care exceeded $10,000 a year in 19 states and the District of Columbia. The average annual cost of full-time childcare for a 4-year-old in a center ranged from about $3,900 in Mississippi to $11,700 in Massachusetts. The average annual cost of infant care in a center exceeded 10 percent of the median household income for a two-parent family. [graph pg. 24]

Policy Response.

The bipartisan COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act was enacted in May 2021 to improve hate crime reporting, response, and prevention It provides resources for the DOJ to help state and local enforcement more accurately identify and report hate crimes to the FBI More education in schools about hate crimes, dedicated research, and funding, and eliminating bias in Public Health Reporting

Correlation between education and income to economic and physical harm

The correlation is that income and families' health is very much related. With a higher income, you can afford a better health care provider and provide more to your family to overcome issues like food and other needed comedies.

Other Programs ($301 Billion Educational support ($170 billion).

The legislation also includes funding for small businesses, emergency rental assistance, mortgage assistance, and relief to prevent homelessness.

Vaccine Mandate in Courts

The state also has to weigh the danger to the public, proving that, in this case, the Small Pox vaccine is for the better of the public. So they can scope how far the state can go. It can deprive anyone of life, liberty, and property without a probable reason, and this vaccine does fall as fair or fit for the time.

Trust in schools (across different communities)

There is something called the "Trust Gap," which left some families not wanting to send their kids back to school to ensure their kids' safety. Some parents had to decide whether putting kids through online school was worth it. 30% of parents have little to no trust in school systems

Public opinion on school reopenings

There was a public opinion on when people felt it was okay to send their kids back to school. For white families, there were more in favor compared to black families.

Existing inequities in U.S Education

There were many inequalities across the country regarding sending their kids back to school. Of course, the more developed and stable areas could adapt much more quickly to keep the students and families safe. Only 59% of the administration would return when schools reopened, which was a crucial factor in keeping education consistent and effective. 62% of white families supported the idea of sending their kids back to school, compared to only 46% of black families. Many of the Black families found the government hard to believe when it came to vital information like when reopening schools which made it hard to coordinate a reopening. Also, adding to the inequity financially, families of a higher income were less likely to contract the disease, according to the polls.

COVID Zero policies and consequences

Zero Covid Policies are when there is even one case, and they will have a lockdown and halt everyone until everyone is tested and negative. People ended up staying in place for days until they were ready. On the App, they will have a countdown until they can leave their area. People who do not abide by the police will have to face other forms of disciple and cannot go into places.

Public health versus social control

When it comes to public health, there is only so much China can do to keep the cases low, and they have done the most to ensure the best outcome. But adversely, people are starting to become increasingly depressed and need change. This has led to multiple outbreaks of protesting and wanting for change. The Government (CCP) is doing the most it can to keep people under its full control and to have people stay put and continue the lockdowns.

Education and Income for Americans of color

With the higher income, the school systems in the more developed areas could have proper tools faster and more effectively to accommodate a student body. Also, parents of color had fallen into the trust gap, not wanting to send their kids back to school due to the lack of trust in the government. According to a poll form in class, 60% of white parents are for sending their kids back to in-person classes, and only 46% of black families felt this would be appropriate.

Caregiving crisis exacerbated by COVID

Women with resources have tended to pay other women to do much of their reproductive labor; there caregivers are often black and brown women who usually have dependents of their own to care for. Differing relationships to reproductive labor have been a source of division and have undermined solidarity among women

Blaming 5

conspiracy theories often link two things which at first might appear be correlated; in this case, the rapid rollout of 5G networks was taking place at the same time the pandemic hit. (World Health Organization (WHO) points out, that viruses cannot travel on mobile networks, and that COVID-19 is spreading rapidly in many countries that do not have 5G networks)


is viral zoonosis (an infection transmitted to humans from animals) with symptoms like those seen in people with smallpox, a phylogenetically related virus.

Health-specific measures ($174 billion).

vaccine distribution, COVID-19 testing, contact tracing, and other public health measures Increased subsidies for healthcare premiums

Zoonotic viruses

viruses the jump from animals to humans

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