Vietnam War (French Perspective/AKA the French Indo-China War)

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The French had political and structural issues throughout the war. What were they?

-Political divisions in France after ww2 -Economic weakness -Dependence on Marshall Aid

What were the problems with the outposts?

-Poorly armed -Easy target Large outposts were less vulnerable

How did relationships between superpowers and colonies radically change after WWII?

-Pre-war colonizers attempted to reassert their control -Nationalist movements became assertive- Demanded independence (Vietnam doesn't understand how other countries were allowed to gain independence after WWII but they didn't)

French mistakes were costly at Dien Bien Phu. What were these mistakes? (5 points)

-Preparations were sloppy. A sound strategy, but poorly executed -Fortifications on the hills were not built strong -Viet Minh spotters easily identified important targets -Inadequate drainage turned French defenses into a soupy mess when rains come -Artillery was inadequate and poorly placed

Both sides learn from the Na San attack. What did Giap and the Viet Minh learn?

-Prepare the battlefield more thoroughly -Acquire more accurate intelligence re: French troop strength -Important to take the surrounding high ground (observation/placement) -Prepare for a long siege (patience)

Describe the Dong Quong (Popular Forces)

-Recruited a based in small local villages. -Used as porters (people who carry stuff), maintained transportation routes, provided intelligence. -Conducted small force ambushes, sabotaged transport, set traps

Describe how French forces suffered chronic shortage of manpower too

-Sizeable number of the army committed to French Zone occupation in Germany -Conscripts were legally forbidden from serving in colonial theatres of war. The fighting force that did fight in Vietnam was cobbled together (Only 42% of these forces were born in France)

For the battle of Dien Bien Phu, why did the French General Navarre pick a remote base at Dien Bien?

-Strategy followed precedent - a strong base, resupplied by air -Could be used to stage large-scale sorties into nearby jungle -Could deter any intentions by Giap to invade neighboring Laos

The 3 battles provide important lessons for Giap. What was this lesson?

-Suggest that his forces were not ready for a "final phase" -Reinforced his understanding that French airpower ruled closer to urban centers.

How did Giap methodically prepare the battlefield so well at Dien Bien Phu?

-Supply lines depended on 1,000 trucks and ~250,000 porters (Food & ammunition) -Hundreds of thousands of artillery, mortar and rocket shells -Camouflaging supply lines hid movements of the Viet Minh

Describe the political divisions france faced?

-The Fourth Republic (French government (1946-58) created after WWII) was weak -Among several parties within government, one was the Communist Party

Both sides learn from the Na San attack. What does the French learn?

-The French learn that the new scheme (large posts supplied by air) worked -De Latte's forces liberated from crude & dangerous road system

How did the defeat of Japan impact Southeast Asia?

-The US abruptly ends WWII vs. Japan- Hiroshima and Nagasaki -Japanese soldiers remained in territories Japan had controlled. -No plan for transfer of power

When the war began, what did the Viet Minh do?

-The Viet Minh retreated from French-controlled urban areas (Hanoi) -Retreated to the wilderness (base in Viet Bac)

With the victory of the The Battle of Route Coloniale 4 (RC4), what do Ho Chi Minh and Giap believe?

believe the last phase of the war could be executed. Prepares to launch the "great counteroffensive"

Some large outposts used to do what?

interrupt supply lines from China to the Viet Minh

What is Napalm?

jellied petrolium which ignited everything in its path.

What was the ratio of Viet Minh soldiers to French soldier at The Battle of Dien Bien Phu?

Vietminh outnumbered the French 5:1

Ho Chi Minh and who else devised a detailed strategy for the War?

Vo Nguyen Giap (a military commander)

What were the result of propaganda and indoctrination by the Viet Minh?

a deeply motivated fighting force

French troops did hold one advantage. What was it?

air power

Describe the full time guerilla forces?

- If you could distinguish yourself in the Dan Quong, you could serve at this level. -Organized regionally, better equipped. and operated battalions. -From 1946 to 1950, they were responsible for most of the military operations -Used "traditional" guerilla hit-and-run tactics"

What did the French Program of Westernization emphasize?

- Western education - Importance of the Roman Catholic Church -A general assimilation

Describe The Battle of Route Coloniale 4 (RC4)

-1950 - Viet Minh commander Gap began major operation centered on RC4 -Targets French outposts that guarded approaches from China -Began shelling the outpost at Dong Khe in September -Unleashed wave after wave of infantry assaults. (outnumbered French 8:1)

What kind of equipment did the French Aqquire?

-275 artillery pieces/ 250 mobile artillery -After 1950- Steady supply of armored personnel carriers and tanks (did not do good in vietnam's environment) -Amphibious units & M29C armed amphibious vehicles (Weasels) made in the U.S

What were the Short Term causes of the French Indo-China War?

-After WWII, relationships between colonies and superpowers radically changed. -The French reoccupation of Vietnam, and France never ratifying the agreement.

Every strategic move by Giap surprised the French. In what ways did Giap's forces surprise the French ?

-Amassing large amounts of artillery on the hillside overlooking their opponents -Easily supported/ supplied his guns for weeks concealing the guns effectively. -Concentrating attacks on the outlying posts before assaulting the main camp -Having sufficient anti- aircraft guns -Engineering capability (tunnel & trench) close to French positions

How did China support the Vietminh during phase 1?

-August, 1950 - 80 commanders of the PLA (China) went south to advice the Viet Minh -China also delivered artillery, ammunition, small arms, and anti-aircraft guns -This support helped the Viet Minh move to phase 2

Describe France's airpower

-Bearcat and Hellcat fighter bombers were quick - could strafe and drop -Small Morane aircraft were used for spotting enemy artillery -Larger level-flight bombers were also used - but hindered by weather -One of the most terrifying weapons used by air services was napalm.

French commander De Lattre sought to restrict Viet Minh movement. How did he do this?

-Built a line of pillboxes, blockhouses and strong points-the De Lattre Line -Tries to tempt Giap into battle (fails to do so) 1952, Giap had 110,000 regular forces; increasing amounts of modern weapons from China

What were paratroop drops?

-C47's could drop troops into combat situations, but couldn't extract them. -Condemned troops to grueling and dangerous situations.

China offered more than just material to the Vietminh. What else did they offer?

-China's military had 27 years of experience of constant warfair. --1951: China sent 70 officers with planning and logistics. -Increased training of Vietminh officers --1952-53: 10,000 viet Minh officers & 40,000 soldiers trained in China

Troop strength of the French stats

-Early: 115,000 -Later: 175,000 (French, African, Asian, & Foreign Legion) 55,000 local auxiliary 150,000 VNA troops

What was Ho Chi Minh's and Vo Nguyen Giap's strategy for the war?

-Envisioned a long war -Plan based on writings of Mao Zedong -Victory using two forms of force - 1. non-military and 2. military

De Lattre tries to break Viet Minh control of the countryside. How does he try to do this?

-Establish a strong base at Na San; 10,000 troops, artillery, ring of outer defense -Built an air strip

Why did France's military approach not work?

-Failed to win local Support -France viewed the war as an attempt to regain control...and little else (Whereas the Viet Minh saw it as a political, economic, and social struggle)

What did the outpost strategy ultimately do?

-France controlled large cities and strong outposts -Vietminh controlled the country -Smaller posts vulnerable at night

Two days into the battle of Dien Bien Phu, what happened to France?

-France lost 2 of 3 artillery positions -French artillery commander committed suicide The French simply underestimated their opponent.

In 1949 the French briefly break from their strategy. Describe what they did?

-French commander general Alessandri used a different strategy. -Deprive the Viet Minh of local support. -Essential to the enemy for rice, recruits, and taxes.

How did the French react at the The Battle of Route Coloniale 4 (RC4)?

-French send large column up RC4 to evacuate troops from one of the outposts -However, the road is dominated by the enemy --French soldiers at the outpost flee through the jungle -The column on RC4 attempt to link with soldiers in the jungle -With French troops isolated, the Viet Minh hunt & destroy them -Result: 600 survivors emerge from the jungle. 4,800 dead or missing

What problems did the French face at Dien Bien Phu?

-French supplies depended on air link w/ Hanoi -The french airstrip at Dien Bien Phu was an easy target for Viet Minh artillery -Without the airstrip, supplies had to be dropped in by parachute -Wounded could not be evacuated either

What happens in January 1951

-Giap and De Lattre clash at _Vinh Yen -France rely on air power to repulse wave assaults by the Viet Minh -Giap's forces retreat; 5,000 casualties -Giap attempts to take the Delta again in March -France uses naval bombardment and air support to stop the Viet Minh -Viet Minh retreat; 1,500 casualties

In May, the Viet Minh attempt another assault. Describe how this lays out?

-Giap's forceas attack at several points along the Day River -Rainy weather favored the French - 3 weeks of fighting -Viet Minh retire from the battle; 9,000 casualties

Who did Ho Chi Minh choose to let occupy Vietnam? Why?

-He chose France as the "lesser of two evils." (He let France reoccupy) -He did this because he wanted to choose the evil he was most familiar with.

What did Ho Chi Minh do throughout WW2?

-He led his guerilla forces, the nationalist Vietminh -They faced the Vichy French (the puppet forces that took over France by Hitter) and the Japanese Directly.

In exchange for letting France reoccupy, what did he want? Did France accept the exchange?

-He wants recognition of an independent Vietnam "Within the French Union" -France never ratifies the agreement

What kind of war was the French Indo-China war?

-It involved lots of Guerilla war Elements but it wasn't strictly a guerilla war.

Describe the equipment the Vietminh had

-Mixed assortment of small arms (French, Japanese, Chzech and American Rifles) -1946: 60,000 rifles, few thousand machine guns, mortars, grenades, 6 small artillery pieces -After 1950: Each month larger shipments of weapons provided from China -1952: 250,000 tons of munitions and supplies reach Vietminh base of operations, Viet Bach

What was the biggest problem for French forces? How did they answer this?

-Mobility. -To answer this, helicopters were used, but they had limited quantity and capability. Reserved for medical evacuations (1949-54) -Another option concerning air mobility - paratroop drops

What is the reaction to the Geneva Conference (1954)

-Nearly one million flee from the north following Geneva -Many Viet Minh in the South returned home in the north (some remained in the South) -Planned elections in the South never occur. -Ngo Dinh Diem regime proves corrupt -The United States helps establish the South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) -The French dismantle their administration quickly.

Describe the Regular force (of the Viet Minh)

-Organized into divisions to conduct large-scale operations -Intelligence, artillery, supply, and eventually armor and air supplies. -Sub-divided into regiments and battalions

Alessandri's strategy was divided up into two phases. Describe the two phases.

-Phase 1- of the strategy French troops force the Vietminh out of a small areas. -Phase 2- used local French recruits to destroy Vietminh infrastructure and support.

One strategic difference making France susceptible was what? What did this do?

-The rescue of trapped/isolated units. -Such strategies ensured a drawn out war of attrition. -France cannot sustain a protracted war — Strains a country domestically politically economically socially

How did the design of the Vietminh forces illustrate the mixed guerilla/ traditional war style of the French Indo-China war?

-They could conduct local, small-scale guerilla operations -But, they maintained a large unit organization with combat capability

How successful was Alessandri's new strategy?

-This new strategy worked but the French lacked resources to hold these areas -In quick time, the Viet Minh would re-infiltrate the region (they always knew what the French were doing)

Military Force plan- Phase 3 What was it?

-This was Giap's plan for a general offensive -Vietminh would engage in a conventional battle w/ French -This phase is most related to the campaign at Dien Bein Phu

What is the result of France never ratifying the agreement to recognize Vietnam as independent?

-Ticks Ho Chi Minh off -His frustration leads to an escalation of violence. -The Vietminh retreat to the Viet Bac Stronghold -Begins a 9 year struggle vs. France

What was the primary objective of this non-military aspect of the plan? Through what methods?

-To gain support of the local population. Through: -Using propaganda, (pamphlets/brochures promoting -Communism and nationalism) -Indoctrination (literacy programs) -Intimidation

As France waited to engage the Viet Minh, they had to govern (in places in vietnam). How was this done?

-Using blockhouses and observation posts throughout the country -Maned with local recruits But every time they leave a place the Vietminh take it back over.

Describe Operation Lea (Oct. 1947)

-Vehicles made sluggish progress on roads (constant ambush & sabotage) -Rivers were not navigable - amphibious units had to journey by foot -This left paratroopers isolated fighting for survival

What was the problem for the french in Operation Lea

-Vehicles made sluggish progress on roads (constant ambush & sabotage) -Rivers were not navigable - amphibious units had to journey by foot -This left paratroopers isolated fighting for survival

Describe what happened at the Geneva Conference (1954)

-Vietnam would be divided at the 17th parallel, creating North and South Vietnam -The South placed under control of Ngo Dinh Diem & the Emperor Bao Dai -The North became a communist state under Ho Chi Minh

What did Ho Chi Minh achieve in negotiations at Geneva

-achieved leverage -However, he did not get an independent and united vietnam.

Military Force plan- Phase 1 What did it assume? What was its main objective? What kind of actions were involved in it? What was an important aspect of this phase?

-assumed the Viet Minh were weaker than the French -Main objective: to avoid direct, large-scale confrontation with the French -Perform small actions: ambushes, assassinations, traps (basically make life miserable for the French) -Stockpile weapons and food in Viet Bac -One important part of phase 1 was the support of China!!!

Describe France's initial acquisition of materials

-initially struggled acquiring materials -Military equipment varied (American, British, German, and Japanese) -The U.S. begun funding the French too after 1950 ($3 billion) -Despite some shortages, France had the advantage in acquiring materials.

What was the French Foreign Legion and what did they do?

-provided some professional muscle in Vietnam -Locally led auxiliaries (local tribesman) were also available -Local Vietnamese were also recruited into the Vietnamese National Army (VNA) -Poorly led, poorly equipped, did little to help the war

The French employ a new commander. Who is the new commander?

General Jean de Lattre de Tassigny

Describe the French Colonization of Vietnam which became a long term cause of the French Indo-China War?

-since 1885, Vietnam had been under French control. -Throughout the Period nationalist groups had staged armed resistance. -France introduced a program of Westernization -This attempt was an insult to Vietnamese culture — it agitated nationalists further -Meanwhile Vietnamese resources were being used to enrich France -Significant uprisings occurred in the 19th century, but failed to achieve anything. -Ho Chi Minh would continue the tradition of resistance.

The Vietminh command structure was run by what?

A commander in chief

What was the long term cause of the French Indo-China war?

French Colonization of Vietnam

Casualty statistics of the French Indo-China war

French forces: 80,000 killed; 200,000 wounded Viet Minh Forces: 300,000 killed

What would gaining support of the local population ensure for the Viet Minh

Gaining support ensured the Viet Minh a supply of recruits, food, information, and taxes

In months after WWII, Ho Chi Minh faced a dilema. What was the dilema?

He had to juggle: -Competing interest of his Vietminh party -The Chinese Nationalist troops occupying the North. -The French Occupying the South

When Japan withdrew from WW2, what did Ho Chi Minh do?

His forces seized Hanoi and issued a declaration of independence

The vietminh command was structured using what kind of system? Describe what this system is.

Interzone System- System of administrative zones/territories -Each zone has a central committee that managed all aspects of the conflict -- Elections, assassinations, taxation, recruiting, propaganda, and supply

What was the non-military force?

Involved political, diplomatic, economic, psychological, and social influence on: - the enemy - Vietnamese population - enemy civilian population

1949 - French General Alessandri tried to do what?

Limit the enemy food supply

Giap attacks _____ in November- but is ____.

Na San, repelled

On May 7, 1954 the french forces surrender. The following day what happens?

Negotiations at geneva commenced.

After the Viet Minh retreated, what did the French do?

Operation Lea (Oct. 1947)

What effect did the Victory of Vietnam have on France?

Reduced their colonial holding to North Africa -Tunisia and Morocco quickly gained independence after the conflict. -Algeria would be inspired by the events of the War.

Describe the structure of the Vietminh Forces?

Structured into three components: -Bottom Level: The Dong Quong (or Popular Forces) were local, part-time guerilla forces -Middle level: The Full Time Guerilla Forces -Highest levels: Regular forces

When did The Battle of Dien Bien Phu begin?

The Battle of Dien Bien Phu began March 13, 1954

In 1950, who won the Battle of Route Coloniale 4 (RC4)?

The Vietminh

Military Force plan- Phase 2 What did it involve? What did it seek to do?

mobile war phase -mixed guerilla actions with conventional large-units -Sought to drag French forces along - lengthening supply lines - isolating Hem -Use Gap's ability to move units and supplies to their advantage

Military units had Commisars. What were they?

political officers who promoted these values too. Made sure that infighting didn't occur, and that everyone was on the same page.

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