Vocab 9-12

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imminent adj

about to happen

enigmatic adj


imbibe verb

(v.) to drink; to take in, absorb

impropriety noun

an improper act or expression

lurid adj

bright, striking, gaudy

prostrate verb

the act of lying face down in submission

expiation noun

the act of making amends or reparation for guilt or wrongdoing; atonement

pensive adj


languish verb

to become weak or feeble

stoical adj

(adj.) Seemingly unaffected by pleasure or pain; Unemotional; Impassive

lackadaisical adj

(adj.) lacking spirit or interest, halfhearted

surreptitious adj

(adj.) sly, sneaky and furtive

evince verb

(v.) to display clearly, to make evident, to provoke

timorous adj

Fearful, timid

pestiferous adj

breeding infectious disease; troublesome or annoying

probity noun

complete honesty and integrity

dissipation noun

debauchery, depravity, corruption

chagrin noun


malefactor noun

evildoer, criminal

penitent adj

expressing remorse for one's misdeeds

propitious adj

favorable; auspicious

affable adj


magnanimous adj

generous in forgiving

veneration noun

great respect; reverence

anchorite noun

hermit, recluse

insinuation noun

implication, veiled accusation

obtuse adj

lacking sharpness of intellect; not clear or precise in thought or expression

factious adj

marked by dissension

vehement adj

marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions

lugubrious adj.

mournful; gloomy

imperious adj

overbearing, domineering, bossy

sanctimonious adj

pretending to be righteous, smug

ignominy noun

public shame, disgrace, or dishonor

adroit adj

skillful, expert in the use of the hands or mind

calumny noun

slander, misrepresentation, lies

plaintive adj

sounding sad and mournful

espouse verb

support (a cause, belief, or way of life)

loquacious adj


insipid adj

tasteless, dull

subjugate verb

to conquer, make subservient

enjoin verb

to direct or order; to prescribe a course of action in an authoritative way; to prohibit

adjure verb

to enjoin, command

vociferate verb

to shout something out loudly; to make a noisy exclamation, demanding attention

efface verb

to wipe out; to erase

disquieting adj

troubling, distressing

veritable adj

true, genuine

inexorable adj

unrelenting; unavoidable

disconserted adj

unsettled, confused

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