Vocabulary Unit 11 Level F

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(adj.) poorly dressed, shabby; lacking smartness and good taste synonyms: frumpy, tacky, frowsy, drab antonyms: chic, stylish, elegant, fashionable


(n.) an inhabitant, resident; one who frequents a place synonyms: resident, dweller, habitue antonyms: alien, outsider, stranger, foreigner


(n.) an opinion different from accepted belief; the denial of an idea that is generally held sacred synonyms: unorthodox belief, heterodoxy antonyms: orthodoxy


(v.) to confirm, make more cetain, bolster, stubstantiate, verify antonyms: (adj.) refute, contradict, undermine, discredit


(v.) to impose by fraud; to pass off as worthy or genuine; to bring about by stealth, dishonesty, or coercion synonyms: pass off, palm off, fob off


(v.) to impress on the mind by repetition, teach persistently and earnestly synonyms: instill, implant, infuse, ingrain, imbue antonyms: efface, extirpate, root out


(v.) to make or become dry and withered; to char or scorch the surface of; to harden or make unfeeling; to patch, dessicate, singe.


(v.) to satisfy completely; to fill to excess; (adj.) full, satisfied synonyms: (v.) gratify, cloy, surfeit, gorge antonyms: (v.) starve, deprive entirely of


(v.) to scatter or spread widely synonyms: disperse, publicize, broadcast, circulate antonyms: bring together, concentrate, muster, conceal, hide


(adj.) extremely harmful; deadly, fatal synonyms: injurious, deleterious, baleful, noxious antonyms: harmless, innocuous, salutary, salubrious


(adj.) having sympathetic insight or understanding, capable of keen appreciation synonyms: insightful, discerning, observant antonyms: dense, thick, obtuse, dim-witted


(adj.) leaping, jumping, or springing forth; prominent, standing out conspicuous; (n.) a projection or buldge, a land form that projects upward or outward. synonyms: (adj.) striking, notable, protrusive, obvious antonyms: (adj.) inconspicuous, recessive


(adj.) passing aimlessly from one place or subject to another, rambling, roving, nomadic synonyms: digressive, diffuse, wandering, episodic antonyms: short and to the point, succinct


(adj.) likely but not certain to happen, possible; dependent on uncertain events or conditions; happening by chance; (n.) a representative group forming part of a larger body synonyms: (adj.) conditional, dependent; (n.) a detachment antonyms: (adj.) independent of, unconnected with, certain


(adj.) deceptive, apparently good or valid but lacking real merit synonyms: deceptively, plausible, sophistic, casuistic antonyms: valid, sound, solid, genuine


(adj) awkward, lacking in social graces, tactless, clumsy synonyms: inept, uncouth, maladroit antonyms: adroit, tactful, diplomatic, politic


(adj) capable of being touched or felt; easily seen, heard, or recognized synonyms: tangible, plain, obvious, manifest antonyms: intangible, insubstantial, incorporeal


(adj) highly colored, reddish; excessively ornate, showy synonyms: flushed, ruddy, flowery, frilly, flamboyant antonyms: pale, ashen, pallid, sallow, austere, stark


(adj.) deserving of blame or correction synonyms: blameworthy, discreditable, reprehensible antonyms: commendable, laudable, meritorious


(adj.) moderate, sparing (as in eating and drinking); characterized by abstinence and self-discipline synonyms: temperate, sober, moderate antonyms: indulgent, immoderate, intemperate

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