output frequency varies with engine speed.
124) "Frequency wild" in relation to a AC generation system means the generator :
Ram air scoops on the underside of the wing.
125) On a transport type aircraft the fuel tank system is vented through:
volume of the cylinder with the piston at bottom dead centre to that with the piston at top dead centre.
126) The compression ratio of a piston engine is the ratio of the:
dissipate static charge of the aircraft inflight thus avoiding radio interference as a result of static electricity.
127) The purpose of static wick dischargers is to :
jet engine oil cooling through thermal exchange with fuel flowing from tanks.
128) In a fuel system, the oil to fuel heat exchanger allows:
automatic adjustment of the torque on each generator rotor via the CSD unit.
129) Real load sharing in a parallel AC system is achieved by :
has the means to maintain cabin pressure higher than ambient pressure.
130) The term "pressure cabin" applies when an aeroplane :
pulling the RPM lever backwards.
132) In modern aircraft, a pilot can actuate the feather system by :
prevent any rotation of the oleo strut in the undercarriage shock absorber.
133) A scissor is a component found on landing gears. Its function is to :
134) The operations of an airline plan the operation of a pressurized aircraft at a 240 flight level on its whole route with 150 passengers on board. As concerns the regulatory requirements about oxygen: 1. each crew member will have available a quick fitting inhaler device. 2. the aircraft will be equipped with a warning system indicating that the cabin altitude is higher than 3 000 m. 3 . the quantity of oxygen on board will be sufficient for the supply of 100 % of the occupants during the whole flight time above the flight level 150 after an eventual depressurization. 4. the first aid quantity of oxygen will be sufficient for the supply of two passengers during the whole flight time when the cabin altitude is greater than 8 000 feet. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
switching the passenger oxygen ON.
135) The built-in passenger oxygen system be activated by :
Torque times RPM.
136) The power output of a piston engine can be calculated by :
it uses the exhaust gas energy which normally is lost.
137) One of the advantages of a turbosupercharger is that :
a Transformer Rectifier Unit.
138) On an aeroplane utilising AC as primary power supplies, the batteries are charged in flight from :
4 hand fire-extinguishers conveniently located in the passenger compartment.
140) An airplane whose maximum approved passenger seating configuration is 201 to 300 seats must be equipped with at least:
bleed air from the engines.
141) In jet aeroplanes the 'thermal anti-ice system' is primary supplied by
the oil supplies the damping function and the nitrogen supplies the spring function
142) The purposes of the oil and the nitrogen in an oleo- pneumatic strut are :
a warning light for each engine and a single alarm bell common to all engines
143) On a multi-engined aircraft a fire detection system includes :
feed every engine from any fuel tank.
144) The cross-feed fuel system is used to :
1, 3.
145) Shimmy occurs on the nosewheel landing gear during taxiing when: 1. the wheels tend to describe a sinusoidal motion on the ground 2. the wheels no longer respond to the pilot's actions This effect is overcome by means of: 3. the torque link 4. an accumulator associated with the steering cylinder The combination of correct statements is:
to withdraw it from the influence of wing turbulence
146) The advantage of mounting the tailplane on top of the vertical stabilizer is :
it reduces the density of air entering the carburettor, thus enriching the fuel/air mixture
147) Which statement is true concerning the effect of the application of carburettor heat?
crankshaft, connecting rods and pistons.
148) The crank assembly consists of
149) A radio signal looses strength as range from the transmitter increases, this is called :
maintain a constant frequency.
150) The main purpose of a Constant Speed Drive unit is to:
151) In an alternator rotor coil you can find :
the higher the octane rating is, the higher the possible compression ratio is
152) The octane rating of a fuel and compression ratio of a piston engine have which of the following relations?
All up to a defined reserve quantity.
153) The maximum quantity of fuel that can be dumped with the jettisoning system is:
To reduce the probability of a trim-runaway
154) The reason for the trim switch on a control column to consist of two separate switches is
a constant mass air flow is permitted through the cabin.
155) Assuming cabin differential pressure has attained the required value in normal flight conditions, if flight altitude is maintained:
the spars.
156) On a non-stressed skin type wing, the wing structure elements which take up the vertical bending moments Mx are:
delivers oxygen flow when inhaling.
157) A diluter demand oxygen regulator :
high manifold pressure and low RPM.
158) During a power change on an engine equipped with a constant speed propeller, a wrong combination of manifold pressure and RPM values results in excessive pressures in the cylinders. This is the case when one simultaneously selects a ...
Take-off and landing.
160) A pilot normally uses the propeller autofeather system during :
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
198) The detection of a feeder fault on a direct current circuit results in: 1. automatic disconnection of the generator from the aircraft AC busbar 2. opening of generator field current relay 3. opening of the main relay of the generator breaker 4. opening of balancing circuit connecting two generators 5. lighting of an indicator lamp The combination of correct statements is:
Restrict the fuel from flowing to the wing tips during abnormal manoeuvre (side slipping...).
244) The purpose of the baffles in an aircraft's integral fuel tank is to:
System pressure and volume flow.
249) Hydraulic power is a function of :
power supply to the faulty AC generators busbar.
250) In an aircraft electrical system where AC generators are not paralleled mounted, the changover relay allows :
low airspeeds with high power setting.
251) The 'slipstream effect' of a propeller is most prominent at:
a cabin pressure increase.
252) The cabin rate of descent is: