Volleyball Basic Rules Test

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How and where was Volleyball created?

1895: originally called Mintonette, was created by William G. Morgan in Holyoke, Massachusetts.

A game must be won by ___ points

2 points

A game must be played to ______

25 points

Maximum of __ hits per side

3 hits

There shall be ___ players on each side

6 players


A block is a combination of one, two, or three players jumping up with the hands and arms reaching up and above the net of the opposing spiker. The purpose of the block is to prevent the opponents from hitting the ball into your court.

Serve must be returned by __ only

A bump; no setting or attacking a serve


A fault is a violation of the rules. The result of a fault is a point. Examples of playing faults are: teams hits the ball 4 times without returning it back over the net, a player contacts the ball two consecutive times, a player touches the net when blocking or attacking, a player catches and throws the ball.


A kill is a successful hit by an attacker's that results in a point for the attacking team. kills are executed by hitting the ball off a block or down into Thebes opponents floor.


A point is the result of a rally. Points are scored in various ways- by the players committing faults, ball landing in, ball landing out, etc.

Volleyball Rally

A rally is the time between the serve and the end of the play. In some volleyball terminology a rally is synonymous with volley.


A volley is keeping the ball in play and returning it to your opponent without committing any playing faults.

Volleyball Bump Pass

A volleyball bump is done by joining your forearms together to pass a ball. It's most common to pass the ball when it's coming from the other side of the net. However, some passers may decide to play the ball overhead instead of bump passing.


A volleyball game or set is played to a predetermined number of points. Games must be won by at least 2 points For example, if a game is being played to 25 points, if a 24-24 tie occurs, the game isn't over until and team leads by 2 points.

Volleyball spiker

A volleyball hitter is sometimes called a volleyball spiker or attacker. The spike isn't one of the most fun and atheistic plays in volleyball.

Overhead Pass/Volleyball "set"

And overhead pass is usually taken with the fingers, up overhead; this is referred to as "setting" the ball. A set is when a player tries to place the ball near the net to assist a spiker in killing the ball.

Rally scoring will _______

Be used

Servers must serve from ____________

Behind the restraining line (end line) u til after contact.

First game serve is determined by a what ?

By a volley, each subsequent game will be served by the previous game loser

Players will rotate in a ____ manner


Offense will score on a __ or __.

Defense miss (ball hitting ground) or out of bounds hit


Depending on the rules of play, players must be substituted in and out of the game.

There will be a point scored on ______

Every score of the ball

Several ball may _____ the net and _____ to the other side for point

Graze and drop

A _____ _____ is contact with the ball by a player body above and including the waist which does not allow the ball to visibly come to a rest

Legal hit


Matches are made up of games. Match play usually consists of competing until one team wins 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5 games.

Ball may be played ____the net during a volley and on serve


Denfense will score on a ______ or ______ or ______

Offensive hit ( ball hitting ground), out of bounds hit, serve into the net

Team will _ each time they win the serve.


What is the point of Volleyball?

The pint of the game is to make the volleyball touch the opponents court (surface) or force the other team to fail to volley the ball over the net after three touches.

A ball ____a boundary line is good


Ball may be served ______ or ______

Underhand and overhand

Ball must be clearly _________

Visible to opponents before serving

Volleyball Dig

Volleyball terminology for a dig is defined as passing a spiker or hard hit ball. Defensive players are often called diggers.

Sideout scoring

When a match is played with sideout scoring, a point is only scored by the team that is currently serving.

Rally scoring

When a match is played with the rule of side out scoring, every rally results in a point being scored, either by the team serving or the team receiving.

Side out

When the reeiving team wins the rally it is called a side out. The receiving team then must rotate positions. Now they are the serving team.

A player may NOT hit the ball _____ in succession.

twice ( a block is not co siseres a hit)

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