W3Schools PHP Quiz
4. All variables in PHP start with which symbol?
14. PHP allows you to send emails directly from a script
12. What is the correct way to create a function in PHP?
function myFunction()
23. How do you create an array in PHP?
$cars = array("Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota");
5. What is the correct way to end a PHP statement?
10. Include files must have the file extension ".inc"
1. What does PHP stand for?
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
18. PHP can be run on Microsoft Windows IIS(Internet Information Server):
19. The die() and exit() functions do the exact same thing.
7. How do you get information from a form that is submitted using the "get" method?
15. Which superglobal variable holds information about headers, paths, and script locations?
16. What is the correct way to add 1 to the $count variable?
20. Which one of these variables has an illegal name?
17. What is a correct way to add a comment in PHP?
11. What is the correct way to include the file "time.inc" ?
<?php include "time.inc"; ?>
2. PHP server scripts are surrounded by delimiters, which?
25. Which operator is used to check if two values are equal and of same data type?
22. In PHP, the only way to output text is with echo.
8. When using the POST method, variables are displayed in the URL:
6. The PHP syntax is most similar to:
Perl and C
21. The setcookie() function must appear BEFORE the <html> tag.
24. The if statement is used to execute some code only if a specified condition is true
9. In PHP you can use both single quotes ( ' ' ) and double quotes ( " " ) for strings:
3. How do you write "Hello World" in PHP?
echo "Hello World";
13. What is the correct way to open the file "time.txt" as readable?