Waste management potential test ??

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One benefit of solid waste disposal in landfills is that the methane produced from decomposition can be harnessed for energy. Based on the data in the graph, methane production from waste management most likely peaked during which of the following years?


Based on data in the graph, which of the following should be used to calculate the difference in LD50 for the two different species of mice?


Which of the following best describes the action of an endocrine disruptor?

An endocrine disruptor blocks the receptor protein binding site of a hormone so that the cell cannot receive a signal.

A biologist is studying a small food web in which phytoplankton are eaten by krill, krill are eaten by fish, and fish are eaten by seals. During their study of the ecosystem, the biologist discovers that PCBs are present in measurable levels in the water and wants to examine how PCBs could vary in different trophic levels. Which of the following best identifies a testable hypothesis for the study?

Biomagnification will cause the seals to have the highest amount of PCBs in their tissues.

Which of the following is most likely route for mercury to enter food web

Coal-burning emissions → deposition → ocean → plankton → fishes

Which of the following best describes why D D T is classified as a persistent organic pollutant?

Ddt is very stable, and as much as 50% of the original concentration can remain in the soil 15 years after the initial application.

Scientists are interested in studying the bioaccumulation of mercury in different species of dolphins exposed to the same concentration of mercury. The dolphins in the study will be of similar age and living in the same habitat. Which of the following best identifies a testable hypothesis for the study?

Different species of dolphins will have different levels of mercury in their fatty tissues depending on the species' ability to absorb and excrete mercury.

Based on the data in the graphs, which of the following strategies would best increase the total volume of municipal solid waste being recycled?

Enacting a single-stream recycling program and providing bins to residential homes

An ecologist examining several different ponds discovers that in one pond all frogs are female. Which of the following most likely led to all the female frogs?

Endocrine dispuptor

Which of the following best describes the action of endocrine disruptors in organisms?

Endocrine disruptors mimic naturally occurring hormones in animals, leading to developmental disorders.

Which of the following water quality tests would best indicate if sewage from the wastewater treatment plant has contaminated the Moose River?

Fecal coliform measured at site B

Mercury concentrations were measured in freshwater shrimp populations in two different ponds, one polluted with mercury and one unpolluted, with a similar food web in each pond. Which of the following best identifies the scientific question that would guide this investigation?

How much mercury accumulates in the tissues of freshwater shrimp living in a polluted pond?

Which of the following is the most likely consequence of runoff transporting chemicals that are endocrine disruptors to a pond?

Increased frequency of birth defects in fish populations in the pond

Based on the data in the graph, which of the following solutions most significantly contributed to the decrease in the amount of waste sent to landfills from 1990 to 2015 ?

Increased recycling of waste

Based on the data in the graphs, which of the following would result in the largest reduction in volume of municipal solid waste disposed of in landfills?

Introduce composting programs for yard trimmings and food waste

Of the following what is the most serious immediate problem associated with sanitary landfills?

Leachate contamination of groundwater

The use of which control agricultural insect pest is most likely to have a negative and persistent impact on an ecosystem?

Lindane, a chlorinated hydrocarbon

Water from which of the following locations on the map would best serve as a control group for the study?

Location A

Which of the following best describes why macroinvertebrate sampling can be used to asses overall health of stream?

Macroinvertebrates live in an aquatic ecosystem for a long enough time....

Poses a health risk to humans who eat large quantities of fish such as swordfish marine and tuna


If all four of the bacteria species shown in the graph are equally likely to contaminate agricultural products at a dose of in3 mr, regulating which of the following species would have the greatest effect in reducing the likelihood of illness in humans?

Newly discovered bacterium

A scientist is studying PCBs in tertiary consumers. She wants to determine if PCBs can be found in tertiary consumers even though these compounds were banned in the United States in the 1970s. Which of the following best identifies a testable hypothesis for the study?

PCBs are persistent organic compounds that are fat-soluble, so they should be found in the fatty tissues of tertiary consumers even though the compounds have been banned for decades.

Which of the following best explains why top predators can have up to 60 times as much of persistent organic pollutant (POP) as their prey and up to 600 times as much of the pollutant as producers?

POPs accumulate in the body fat of living organisms. POPs increase in concentration as they move up the food chain.

Which of the following best describes a way that persistent organic pollutants (POPs) cause harm in the environment?

Persistent organic pollutants are soluble in fat, so they accumulate in an organism's fatty tissues.

Which of the following correctly identifies an example of an endocrine disruptor and the effect it might have on the human body?

Phthalates in cosmetics and shampoos reduce fertility.

Based on the diagram, which of the following is the most likely reason that a community with good sanitation could still have individuals who contract cholera?

Runoff from a nearby agricultural field pollutes a reservoir used for drinking water.

Scientists are interested in determining if selenium, from a nearby mine, magnifies in the tissues of fish living in a lake. Which of the following best describes a testable hypothesis for the study?

Selenium will be at a higher concentration in fish tissue than in the tissue of fish prey.

Based on the diagram above, which of the following best describes why a population in an area that has poor sanitation can be particularly at risk for cholera outbreak?

The bacterium that causes cholera is spread through ingestion of contaminated water or food.

Glyphosates are herbicides that are often applied to genetically modified (GM) crops to kill weeds without harming the crop itself. Which of the following is the most likely explanation of how herbicides affects amphibians?

The herbicides act as endocrine disruptors.

The LD50 for arsenic in humans is 13 mg/kg . Which of the following approaches should be used to calculate the number of grams of arsenic it would take to reach the LD50 in a 140-pound person? [Note: 1 kg = 2.2 pounds ]

Where the things cross out and equal grams lol

Some toxic compounds are ingested and retained in the tissues. These pollutants pose special risks to humans and other organisms high on the food chain because of which process?


Researchers suspect that sewage leaked into the Moose River. Rates for which of the following diseases should be used to determine whether the human population using the river as a source of drinking water was exposed to sewage?


Alligators in a Florida lake polluted by high levels of dioxins (chlorinated hydrocarbons) had low testosterone levels and failed to reproduce. Scientists came to the conclusion that the dioxins were acting as which of the following?

endocrine disrupters

Endocrine disruptors directly affect which of the following in an organism?


Which method reduces the volume of waste but could release toxic emissions into the atmosphere


What is the primary method of waste disposal in the United States


although the use of DDT was banned in the unites state in 1972 a test of the body tissue of an average united states resident today would most likely reveal the presence of DDT because

other countries that export produce to the United State still use DDT

An advantage of recycling aluminum rather than disposing of it in landfills is that aluminum can be

produced from recycled metal using much less energy than is required for its production from aluminum ore

Information gathered by a scientist about the toxicity of chemical X and chemical Y showed that they had individual safe limits for fish at particular concentrations. But when they were used together at the safe concentrations, there were extensive fish kills. This is an example of


Incineration is one solution to reduce the volume of municipal solid waste. Municipal solid waste can be used to produce energy at waste-to-energy plants. Based on the data in the graphs, which of the following materials would be best suited for incineration to reduce total volume, produce energy, and have minimal release of air pollutants?


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