web development Final

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<img> is an inline element than can float

The multiple Boolean attribute allows for multiple selections it is an attribute of the ____ element


specify tabular data in HTML

<table>s provide a way to


<td> cells can have padding and borders


A <section> can have a <header> and a <footer>


A <textarea> can have a set maxlength attribute that limits the number of accepted characters eg <textarea maxlength="250">


A ___ attribute is one that does not have a specified value. if it is needed it will be used without a value

an id attribute

A good way to label a <div> for styling is to use_____

liquid frozen

A layout that expands to fill the with of the window is called a ______ layout , while one that remains the same for any window size is called a _____ layout.

<input type="submit" value="Send Order">

A submit button can be labelled with "Send Order" by using


All computers have the same fonts avalible


All font formats are supported equally well by all browsers

Top to bottom a line break

Block elements are displayed from ______ with _____ each one.


Both class names and id names can begin with either a letter or a number


Both class names and id names can contain letters and numbers as well as the ____ character


Both padding and margins can be set in either pixels or percentages


Browsers can have different default sizes for the keywords thin, medium, and thick


CSS list-style-image can be used to change the type of marker used in a list to an image

color name, hex code, percent of red green and blue

CSS provides several ways to specify colors. Three of the possible ways are___

every element

CSS treats_____ as if it were represented by a box


Different styles can be applied to the <a> element based on its state this involves using ____


Hex codes use a numbering system that is based on _____ digits (0-F)

Use a media query in the <link> tag Use a media query in the CSS file

How would you choose a stylesheet based whether the device is a printer or based on screen size?


If a set of stylesheets has conflicting rules, the rule that is specified ____ will apply to the page


If one block element is nested inside another the elements margins will always combine only the larger margin will be used


If width and positioning of page elements needs to be flexible, they can be expressed by using precentages


If you have no data for a data cell in a <table> just skip that element <td> is only for cells that have something in them


If you need to place an image in certain position on your page so that it does not move when the page is scrolled or the window is resized which type of positioning would you use?

Set the sidth of the display area around the other elements place a border around the other elements style the area around the other elements

If you place your <p> elements and <img> elements inside a <div>, the <div> can be used to _____

<source> element

If you wanted to provide several different video files, each with its own format and let the browser choose which one it supports you would use the ____ necessary for cross browser compatibility


If you wanted to specify a font that is not common, you could deliver that font to your users with Web Fonts and the __ rule in CSS


In HTML an element can have two different classes


In HTML an element can have two different ids


In HTML one <table> can be nested inside of another one

surrounding elements

In the box model, margin separates the border from the ____

next to each other top to left to bottom right

Inline elements are flowed ____ from ______


Inline elements cannot have margins


Margins and padding can have their sides specified independently

transparent no color or text decoration

Padding is _____ and has _______ of its own


The @font-face rule should always be added at the __ of the file


The best HTML5 element to use for indicating a date, a time , now or tomorrow would be


The best HTML5 element to use for indicating a navigation menu is ___

transparent no color or text decoration

The margin is ____ and has ___ of its own

hex code

The most widely used method of specifying a color in CSS is to use a____


The new HTML5 elements allow for some amazing visual effects that were not previously possible


The orange section of the <table> below demonstrates the use of+++

<form method="post">

The two methods to send form data to the server are Post and Get which method should be used if the information in the form needs to be kept private

<form method="get">

The two methods to send form data to the server are Post and Get. which method should be used if the user needs to have the ability to bookmark the page that is created by the form submission

the content area only

The width property specifies the width of____

the CSS display property nested<div>s

To create a Table Display Layout for a web page, it is necessary to use


To prevent a floating element from overlapping with the <footer> the ____ property for the <footer> would need to be set in the CSS


Use the___ property to create rounded corners on an elements with a border

Monospace Family

Used for software code examples


Using font sizes that are relative to the body font size of your page can make your page easier to maintain


Using multiple custom fonts on a page can impact loading time


When a browser lays out a page, it starts at the top of the HTML file and follows the flow of elements from top to bottom


When creating a footer on a web page it is better to use _____ because it more specifically identifies the content


When deciding whether to use CSS font-style: italic; or <em> to italicize text, it is ____ to understand the structure of the web page and the intent of the italics

directly before

When floating an element, place its HTML_____ the element that you want it to float over

boundaries are respected

When inline content or an inline element encounters an element with the float property, the ____

the larger margin

When the browser places two block elements adjacent to each other, it uses_____ to separate the space between the two elements


When the browser submits a form it uses each name attribute and its matching value attribute to send data to the server

both margins

When the browsers places two inline elements next to each other it uses ____ to seperate the space between the two elements

Specific specific

When using CSS to style a unique element on your page it is a good idea to use the most_____ rule possible to style it. Using ____ selectors in your CSS prevents unintended styling


When using absolute positioning with an element , the clear property can be used to prevent it from covering up another element

z-index larger

When using absolutely positioned elements, the _____ prperty uses an imaginary z-axis which element is on top elements on top have a ____ index

numeric values between 0 and 255 percentages of red, green, and blue

When using rgb to define color, the amount of each color can be expressed using ________ or _______

the action attribute

Which <form> attribute: -holds teh URL of the web server -holds the folder that the script is in -holds the name of the server script that will process the <form> data


Which CSS is the most specific?


Which CSS property can be used to change the marker on the <ul> to a square> -rock -paper -scissors


Which CSS property is used to change the spacing between cells on a <table>?

border-collapse: collapse;

Which CSS property would you use to create a table where the cells had combined borders?


Which selector describes an <a> element that is in an unvisited state?

it is impossible to specify the width and height

Which statement is NOT true for the <textarea> element

other elements will flow around it

Which statement is not true for an element that uses absolute positioning? position: absolute;

Use the CSS table display layout

Which technique is often used to lay out forms on a page


a <form> element cannot contain a <p> element


a color picker pops up


a date picker pops up


a radio button can be selected by default by using the Boolean attribute called


an element that uses the float property must also have an assigned _____


automatically restarts the video after it finishes playing


button to submit the form


can produce a "browse " button

Fantasy Family

decorative fonts with a playful feel


displays a slider


displays an image to represent the video


divider of content between stuff on page


each row in a <table> contains one or more data cells that are defined with the ____ element

Sans-serif Family

easiest font to read on a computer screen; no decorative barbs

using the auto play attribbute in a <video> element is considered to be good etiquette because it saves the user the trouble of having to click play to watch the video


Serif Family

has decorative barbs; newspaper font; difficult to read on a computer screen

The CSS_____ property allows you to specify the amount of vertical space between each line of text


Cursive Family

looks hand written


mobile browser can produce a custom keyboard that includes the @ sign


mobile browsers can produce a custom keyborad that looks like a phone keypad


mobile browsers can produce a custome keybored that includes www.


restricts input to numeric only

Hex codes usually look like "#66B3B7 if you see a 3- digit hex code that looks like #6B7 it is _____

shorthand that can be used for some colors


space around border


space between border and content

content area

stuff inside border

Pseudo-classes provide a way to_____

style<a> elements based on their state style elements based on things that happened after the page loads


styling rules cannot be applied to <span> elements


tells the <video> element where to find the source file


tells the browser how to download the video


tells the browser to add its built in controls to the video display


tells the browser to start playing the video as soon as it has enough data


text box for one lie of text

divides the page into logical sections of block-level content

the <div> element____

shows a faint value example

the <input> element's placeholder attribute


the <input> elements required attribute is a boolean attribute that makes a field required


the <span> element logically groups _____ content

use the <caption> element after the opening <table > tag

the best way to add a caption to an HTML <table> is to+++


the content area has____ whitespace around it

a generic font family name

when generating a list for your font-family specification, always end the list with

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