Web Page Development Final Review 2
In the accompanying figure, what does Box A represent?
Input box
Which arithmetic operators have the highest precedence?
* / %
A comparison operator is used to compare two operands and determine if one numeric value is greater than another.
A default value need not be specified; the text area box can be left empty or the placeholder attribute can be used to provide a hint to users about what to enter into the text box.
The background-position property is only useful for non-tiled images because a tiled image fills the background and it usually doesn't matter where the tiling starts.
The _____ size parameter of the radial-gradient function makes a gradient extend to the nearest background corner.
A case label consists of the keyword case, followed by a literal value or variable name, followed by a ____.
colon (:)
Variables and literals contained in an expression are known as ____.
The AND operator is ____.
You access an array element's value just as you access the value of any other variable, except that you include the element index in brackets.
You can place script elements in either the document head or in the document body.
The ____ contains a set of data represented by a single variable name.
Unlike the while statement, the statements in a ____ statement always execute once, before a conditional expression is evaluated.
When using the console.log() method to trace bugs, it can be helpful to use a ____ program.
Some designers propose the use of _____ in which all measurements are expressed relative to the default font size using the em unit.
elastic layouts
Writing values directly to the console is known as ____.
Which of the following is a falsy value?
When two adjacent 1-pixel-wide borders are collapsed together, the width of the resulting border is _____.
1 pixel
All block elements, like the body element, have a default width of _____.
Which version of Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) is not backward compatible with HTML?
Hypertext Markup language (HTML) version _____ added support for style sheets to give web designers greater control over page layout and appearance.
A sectioning element that marks content related to a main article is _____.
Which of the following HTML elements is used to create a table title?
Identify a syntax that sets the data type of the registerDate field to "date".
<label for="register">Date of registration</label> <input name="registerDate" id="register" type="date" />
Which of the following HTML structures arranges text in multiple rows and columns?
The strict equal operator is ____.
By default, a browser places a table caption _____.
Above the table
Multiple lines of code that are not processed by browsers that are used to add notes about your code are called _____.
Block comments
Identify a grouping element containing content that is derived from another source, often with a citation and often indented on a page.
____ is the temporary suspension of program execution so you can monitor values and trace program execution.
Break mode
Which of the following is true of class in the table tag <table class=" ">?
Class is an attribute.
Which of the following JavaScript statements works like a breakpoint?
The console.log() debugging method results in messages ____.
Displayed in browser console
The window.alert() debugging method results in messages ____.
Displayed in dialog boxes
A break statement restarts a loop with a new iteration.
For url type data, the virtual keyboard includes a key that inserts the .com character string.
The post method is the default method that tells the browser to append the form data to the end of the URL specified in the action attribute.
There are predefined CSS styles to format the appearance of a placeholder.
A color value is an alphabetic expression that represents the intensity of the primary colors.
A comment in a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) file appears in the browser window when a page is displayed.
A one-sided tag contains an opening tag that tells the browser to turn a feature on and apply it to the content that follows, and a closing tag that turns off the feature.
A popular design element is the inline-block, which consists of an enlarged initial letter in a body of text that drops down into the text body.
By default, browsers place a background image in an element's bottom-left corner.
Each document on the World Wide Web is referred to as a web page and is stored on a list server.
Leading measures the amount of space between characters, while tracking refers to the amount of space between words.
Setting the display style to none hides an element but does not remove it from the page flow.
Slices of different widths or heights can be created by entering the size values in a comma-separated list.
The structural element, aside, is content placed at the bottom of the page.
The th element is used to mark the data cells.
One challenge of layout is that the document will be viewed on many different devices with the same screen resolution.
The most common type of decision-making statement is the____.
The largest wide area network (WAN) in existence is the _____.
Which of the following browsers supports the web font format "Embedded OpenType"?
Internet Explorer
Identify a true statement about the figcaption element.
It is placed either directly before or directly after a figure box content.
____ can turn static documents into applications such as games or calculators.
Oscar owns Oscar's Skateboard Shop. He wants to create a web form to allow users to specify the type of skateboards they would like to buy. This includes the make, model, type and color, and board options. Oscar's skateboards come in Children, Young Adult, and Adult sizes. Oscar's skateboards come in different colors, patterns, and themes. He has over 25 makes and models of skateboards. Which of the following can Oscar use to display a list of makes and models of skateboards?
Selection lists
In the given image, which of the following types of background property does figure 6 denote?
Each time a program calls a procedure, the procedure is added to the top of the call stack, and then removed after it finishes executing.
For each error encountered, a browser's console displays a line number and a description of the error.
Parentheses are used with expressions to change the associativity with which individual operations in an expression are evaluated.
The most common way of accepting user input is through a web form
To force a document to appear in a new window or tab, identify an attribute that should be added to <a> tag.
Wyona, the owner of Wyona's Hat Designs, desires to have a web site built for customers to order custom-made hats. They can pick from straw, leather, and other material hat collections. Customers can specify one of their existing patterns, which includes about 50 designs. They can also choose a custom pattern instead and then provide information about the pattern they want for Wyona to custom create. Which type of field should Wyona provide for the user to provide plenty of space for customers to enter the information for a custom pattern?
Text area boxes
Which of the following statements is true of adding adjacent borders, to a table, using CSS?
The border style with the highest priority is used if the two borders have the same width but different styles.
A markup language is a language that describes the content and structure of a document by identifying different elements in a document
A table has one row with four cells and another row with five. After mapping the cells, the table will have five columns.
A web table contains multiple table rows with each row consisting of one or more table cells.
Browser extensions are identified through the use of a vendor prefix, which indicates the browser vendor that created and supports the property.
Fixed layouts should only be used when one has more control over the devices that will display the page.
Header cells and data cells are types of table cells supported by web tables.
Many designers prefer to work with a "clean state" and not have any browser style rules creep into the final design of their website.
The content of a blockquote element is usually placed in quotation marks.
The default browser style for data cells is to display text as unformatted text and left-aligned within the cell.
There is no limit to the number of hotspots one can add to an image map.
When parameters of the radial-gradient function are omitted, they take their default values.
Writing a style rule on a single line saves space, but entering each style property on a separate line often makes a code easier to read and edit.
_____ are programs that test code to ensure that it contains no syntax errors.
Which of the following is an example of web safe font stacks?
You use a(n) ____ when you want to store a group or a list of related information in a single, easily managed location.
The ____ is a single statement that declares a variable and specifies array values as its content.
array literal
When you assign a value to a variable, you use an equal sign, which is also called a(n) __________ operator.
You can use the compound ____ to combine two strings.
assignment operator
Identify the option that specifies whether an image scrolls with the content or is fixed in the following background property: background: color url(url) position / size repeat attachment origin clip;
Identify the property that can be used to change the definition of an element's background.
background-clip: type;
Which of the following styles is used to specify the type of tiling to be applied to a background image, or even turn off tiling?
background-repeat: type;
A(n) ____ comment hides multiple lines of code.
Identify the style that can be used to create elongated or elliptical corners.
border-radius: horizontal/vertical;
Scott works for an online retailer and has to format the border around each element on their web page. He has to set the border design and the border color for each element. He needs to understand how the appearance and color of the border can be defined. Scott wishes to modify the combination of the borders used on an element. He wants to use a double line for the top/bottom borders and a single solid line for the left/right borders. Which of the following border styles should he use?
border-style: double solid;
Identify the property that is used to choose the layout model.
The ____ is the ordered list maintained by a JavaScript processor containing all the procedures that have been called but have not yet finished processing.
call stack
Terry is building a web site and wants to have three main links called Home, Product Info, and Contact Us. She will create a hierarchy of page elements and revise the style sheets. In this case, the Home page contains two _____ elements.
In a two-sided tag, a(n) _____ tag indicates the content's end.
A set of statements contained within a set of braces is known as a(n) ____ block.
A set of statements contained within a set of braces is called the ____.
command block
____ are lines of code that are not processed by browsers, which you use to add notes about your code.
Identify the default type for the box-sizing property.
Changing the order in which JavaScript code is executed is known as ____.
controlling flow
The ____ label contains statements that execute when the value returned by the switch statement expression does not match a case label.
A literal string can be assigned a zero-length string value called a(n) ____ string.
A(n) ____ tells the compiler or interpreter that the character that follows it has a special purpose.
escape character
When an event occurs, your script executes any code that responds to that specific event on that specific element. This code is known as the __________.
event handler
A value, variable, or combination that can be evaluated by a JavaScript interpreter to produce a result is a ______.
After you evaluate code for exceptions, you can use a ____ statement to perform cleanup or necessary tasks.
A _____ sets the width of page elements as a percent of the available screen width.
fluid layout
In JavaScript programming, you can write your own procedures, called ____, which refer to a related group of JavaScript statements that are executed as a single unit.
Which method do you use to reference an element on a web page in a script?
A ____ variable is one that is declared outside a function and is available to all parts of your program.
The two types of table cells supported by web tables are _____.
header cells and data cells
Terry is building a web site and wants to have three main links called Home, Product Info, and Contact Us. She will create a hierarchy of page elements and revise the style sheets. Terry has decided to display the text of all h1 headings found within the page header in green. The style rule applied should be _____.
header h1 {color: green;}
The _____ pseudo-class is to be used for a situation in which a user has moved the mouse pointer over a hypertext link prior to clicking the link.
Identify a grouping element that marks a thematic break such as a scene change or transition to a new topic.
Color values using the HSL model are described in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 3 using _____.
hsl (hue, saturation, lightness)
Identify a text-level element that indicates a span of text that expresses an alternative voice or mood.
Identify a pseudo-class for a check box or option button whose toggle states cannot be ascertained.
The _____ element is used to mark the form controls that are designed to receive user responses.
The check box control is created using the _____ element.
A(n) ____ is a positive or negative number with no decimal places.
Each repetition of a looping statement is called a(n) ____.
JavaScript source files that store especially useful generic scripts used on many different websites are known as __________.
A program's ____ is the order in which various parts of the program run, or execute.
The debugging tools built into modern browsers are especially useful in tracking down ____.
logic error
The procedures associated with an object are called ____.
Identify the default clear value that allows an element to be displayed alongside any floated objects.
Sending arguments to the parameters of a called function is called ____ arguments.
In a fixed layout, the size of the page and the size of the page elements are fixed using _____ as the unit of measure.
Data types that can be assigned only a single value are called ____ types.
An object is ____ that can be treated as an individual unit or component.
programming code and data
Inline styles are styles applied directly to specific elements using the style attribute <element style="property: value"> content </element> where element is the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) element and _____ define the styles that are applied directly to that element.
property: value
Identify the default type for the background-repeat style.
Special words that are part of the JavaScript language syntax and that can't be used as variable names are known as ____.
reserved words
The Yacht club has a web site that consists of a picture of the yacht club room along with the yacht club rules on the left. On the right side is a list of upcoming events, the company logo, and the yacht club teacher training dates. Sue, the web designer, needs some help with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to make sure the pages display correctly. Sue needs to create a _____ style sheet so that no unwanted styles can creep in from any browser's internal style sheet.
If the slices of a graphic image do not fill the sides with an integer number of tiles, identify the repeat option that can be used with the border-image property to rescale the slices until they do.
HTML supports the _____ attributes to set the text area size.
rows and cols
The display type value _____ is displayed as a block unless its next sibling is also a block, in which case, it is displayed in-line, essentially combining the two blocks into one.
In the accompanying figure, Box E represents a _____.
spin box
An additional factor in how an element is rendered is that properties are passed from a parent element to its children in a process known as _____.
style inheritance
The ____ statement controls program flow by executing a specific set of statements, depending on the value of an expression.
A(n) ____ compares the value of an expression to a value contained within a special statement called a case label.
switch statement
A ____ error occurs when the interpreter fails to recognize code.
The rules of a programming language are known as its ____.
Andy designed a web page for a product-oriented industry using CSS properties. He used several HTML tags to create the web page. He also used tables to ensure that the data is easily managed. Andy has created a table for product details where the names of the products and prices of the products are the headers of the table. Which of the following style rules should he add to place a border of 10-pixels around the table with a white background?
table {background: white; border: 10px;}
Data cells that do not function as headers for table rows or columns are marked using the _____ element.
Ken has built a website for his assignment. He has created a blue background image for each link to the chapters that appear on the site. Also, each link appears in green without underlines. Which of the following styles has Ken most likely used to remove the underline from links?
Tim is creating a web page to display his poker club's set of rules. He has main categories and subcategories along with about a paragraph or more of explanation for each. Tim wants to align the top of the element with the top of the font of the surrounding content. Which value of the vertical-align property should he use?
When a style for a table element is created by setting the font color to red, _____.
the caption text will be displayed in the same color as the previous table
You use a ____ statement within a try block to specify an error message.
A value a program stores in computer memory are commonly called ______.
Which of the following is a logical operator?
Identify a syntax of the option element that contains an attribute to make an option as default in a selection list.
<option value="value" selected>text</option>
Identify a rule that should be added to a style sheet to access and load a web font.